Chapter 2

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"Nightwing to Batgirl, do you copy?" Dick, aka Nightwing, called out through the comms.

"This is Batgirl, copy." was the response he got.

"What's your eta?" He asked, him and Jason, aka Red Hood, were waiting at the meet up point on top of a building in Blüdhaven. He didn't get a response when three figures appeared behind the two vigilantes. Red Hood pulled out his guns, lowering them when he saw his two other siblings, Tim aka Robin, and Barbara aka Batgirl. But he still held onto them as he glared at the Kryptonian clone, him and Nightwing taking note of his new suit. (A/N: pic above ^ and in ch. 1)

"Nice suit clone," Red Hood snarked. Nightwing smacked the back of his head hurting his hand slightly due to the bucke- I mean helmet he wore. 

"Ignore him," Nightwing stated glaring at his younger brother before turning back to face the other three, "It looks good, suits you, anyway, I'll show you around Batgirl and Robin will patrol the south and east sides of the city, Red Hood you'll-" He turned back to Jason only to find he had left while he wasn't looking, "You'll do your own thing.. Fine, whatever, let's go Superboy, we'll meet back here once we're done." 

During their patrol Nightwing showed Superboy the different areas of the city and explained which areas had more criminal activity, along with how to properly pronounce the city name. Superboy was also given a run down of Batman's rules for when patrolling both Gotham and Blüdhaven. Kon learned quickly and they stopped a few robberies, and a suicide. At one point they bumped into Red Hood. Literally. It took Dick a good 15 minutes to break up the fight that ensued.

"What was Batman thinking?" Batgirl asked as she and Robin watched the two fight from a neighboring rooftop.

"I don't know," Robin shrugged, "But I love it." He stuffed more popcorn in his mouth as he recorded the whole thing.

"Are you- Where'd you get popcorn?" Batgirl asked incredulously.

"The store over there," He pointed lazily down the street, "Want some?" He offered it to his older sister.

"Are you flipping serious right now?" she glared at the boy.

"What? It's worthy blackmail material." he stated simply, had he not had coffee before patrol he wouldn't be awake enough to record it all. Batgirl facepalmed exasperated, why did she have to be the only sensible one? She sighed frustrated before dragging Robin away from the scene by his cape. "Wha- Hey! I'm not done recording!"

"You are now!" she growled at the boy. He gulped, quickly ending the recording and running after her to continue their patrol. 


"Hey Gar where'd Conner go?" M'gann asked her younger brother as she came into the kitchen seeing him and Jaime eating chinese take-out, Garfield specifically avoiding meat.

"I dunno know," he shrugged as he stuffed more food in his mouth. Him and Jaime didn't notice the frown that appeared on her face at that answer. Instead she quickly smiled and left but not without saying good night to the two boys first. 'Where'd he go?' she thought sourly before going back to her room for the night. 


"Alright that's it for tonight," Nightwing said once everyone met back up again pointedly keeping Red Hood and Superboy as far away from each other as he could manage. "Tomorrow we'll be patrolling Gotham, understood?" he earned nods from everyone and a scoff from Jason who was glaring at Conner through his bu- helmet. Conner, who could somehow sense that Jason was glaring at him, glared back.

Even though they were done for the night no one moved from their spot, Nightwing was concerned that he'd have to break up another fight, Batgirl was annoyed at all of the boys and Robin, who had at some point gotten himself another cup of coffee just looked between the two secretly hoping something would happen so that he could officially have more blackmail on people than his brother Dick did.

Barbara, having had enough finally snapped, "Alright enough, we're done here so let's go!" She gripped onto Tim's cape and the back of Jason's jacket as she dragged them away. "I'll see you later, Nightwing!" she called out before the three disappeared into the night.

"Uh, ok... Well let's head over to the zeta-tubes and get you back to the mount-" He was cut off by Superboy speaking up.

"Actually," he started unsurely, "Could I stay with you? I don't feel like staying at the mountain anymore. It'll only be until I can find my ow-"

"I'm gonna stop you there," Dick interrupted, "Of course you can stay. It might be a bit of a mess right now because of KF but we have an extra room you can use." Dick rested his hand on Conner's shoulder as a sign of reassurance, "And if you need help finding your own place let me know, ok?" Conner looked at him silently before nodding a grateful smile on his face.

The two quietly ventured into the mountain to grab some clothes for Superboy for the night before sneaking into Dick's apartment through the window next to the fire escape. When they entered they found Wally, Dick's best friend and roommate, passed out on the couch a mess of chips, popcorn and other snack foods around him with the tv still on.

"Seriously?" Dick groaned at the sight before he crept up to the sleeping redhead and yelled in his ear, "WAKE UP!!"

"AAAHHH!!" the redhead screamed falling off the couch, "Owww!" he whined as he rubbed his head glaring at the younger boy, "You're a Dick."

"That's my name don't wear it out," he grinned in response, "We've got a new roommate!"

"Huh?" Wally questioned confused before noticing the black and red clad hero by the open window, "Wait.. Superboy?" He was confused, not used to seeing the clone in a new suit, let alone a domino mask.

"Yep!" Dick said, popping the 'p' before continuing, "I'm gonna show him to the guest room and when I get back here this room better be spotless, got it?" he glared at Wally and the mess he had made of their living room.

"Love you too," Wally grumbled quietly enough that only Conner heard it, as he and Dick exited the room. 'Were they dating?' the kryptonian thought confused before shaking away the thought and going to bed. But before he could fall asleep his mind decided to replay the fight that occurred between him and Red Hood 'Why'd he have to be on the team?' he questioned bitterly before sleep enveloped him for the night. 

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