Chapter 3

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~1 week Later~

"Team to the mission room." Sounded through the intercoms. The current team consisting of; Aqualad, Miss Martian, Rocket, Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Wonder Girl, and Tigress, entered the mission room to face Batman, Black Canary and Red Tornado.

Tigress was originally the hero Artemis before she decided to change her name. Former member Kid Flash decided to retire given his job as a forensic scientist and wanted a break from the hero scene while he decides whether or not he wishes to continue it in the future. Arsenal and his clone Red Arrow both decided to walk away whether or not they are still out there working as vigilantes is undetermined.

As some of the members looked around, (cough M'gann cough), they noticed a member was missing and decided to point it out. The only response given was that Superboy had been moved to a new team. Nothing else was disclosed on the matter which greatly irked the Martian girl despite her understanding demeanor on the outside. 


Out in Blüdhaven, in Nightwing's safe house the new super-bat team were training. Wally, the former Kid Flash, who didn't have work, decided to join them since their team was an odd number and it also meant his fighting skills wouldn't get rusty. It was going well, until the pairings switched and Jason and Conner were suddenly paired together. It was fine really it was! Until they started talking at least....

"Is that all you got? Huh Abomination? That's what your name means right?" Jason asked smugly as he wiped at his now busted lip from Conner punching him too hard. This of course angered Conner, it hurt knowing that that's how people saw him. He didn't ask to be this way, he didn't ask to be made, he just was.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Jason taunted before being thrown onto the ground as Conner tackled him. Jason grinned maliciously as the two fought, he strangely enjoyed that it was so easy to anger the clone.

"Hey guys! That's enough! Guys stop it!" The others called out to them only for their words to fall on deaf ears.

"Shut up Zombie! At least I'm not supposed to be dead!" Conner snapped back at Jason as they continued to throw punches at the other. Now it was Jason's turn to be angry. He didn't ask to die, to be brutally beaten by a crowbar, to be blown up. He certainly didn't ask to be brought back to life. The dark part of him, the lazarus part of him flared in his chest increasing his anger making him see red.

This continued for what felt like forever for everyone. Tim cowered in the corner slightly at the fight before him of all the fights between Jason and Conner never was it this bad and it terrified him to see his best friend and his brother act this way. Barbara was tending to Dick who had been thrown to the side aggressively hitting the wall. Wally was nowhere to be seen as he had sped off to get Batman and Superman in hopes that they'll be able to break up the fight.

Wally, having had to interrupt a League meeting to get Superman and Batman, ran straight back to the safe house to check on Dick and the others. Thankfully Dick made it out with some minor bruising and a mild concussion, which is far better than it could have been had it been Conner who pushed him out of the way. Wally helped Dick get upstairs and into the small med room while Babs went to Tim who was frozen stiff and tried to get him upstairs as well. However, the young 15 year old was transfixed by the fight and wasn't willing to move, as though if he did he'd miss something important.

Batman, Superman, and surprisingly Black Canary showed up after another few minutes and Wally pointed them towards the basement which is where the training room was. Dick was lying down in the dark med room holding an ice pack to his head while Wally kept him awake. When the three justice leaguers went down they found the two arguing boys spouting insult after insult both covered in black and blue splotches and bleeding from a busted lip or a broken nose and a few other scratches they gained.

Batman quickly apprehended Jason from behind as Superman did the same to Kon, Black Canary went over to where Barbara was trying to comfort Tim. "Timothy, are you ok?" Dinah Lance, aka Black Canary, asked the boy soothingly. He nodded shakily before shaking his head no instead, "What happened?" She now turned to look at Barbara who seemed in better shape than her younger brother.

"I don't know exactly I wasn't close enough to hear them," She started as she looked over to see her adoptive father, Bruce Wayne aka Batman and Clark Kent aka Superman, separate the two boys. "We had just switched sparring partners, I was partnered with Wally, Tim with Dick, and Jason and Kon. I don't know what happened after that they must have said something to each other but I wasn't close enough to hear them, sorry." she continued looking back at Dinah.

"It's alright," she placed a gentle hand on the girl's shoulders before looking back at Tim, "Let's get him back upstairs, get him something warm to drink, hopefully that'll help calm him down, I'll talk to those two later, come on." She removed her hand from Babs shoulder, choosing to wrap it around Tim instead in a soft side hug as she tenderly guided the boy upstairs, Barbara following behind them. Tim looked over Dinah's shoulder to look at his brother and friend once more before they disappeared from sight as he recalled the entire fight in his mind.


A/N: real quick before we move on to the next chapter I apologize that there haven't been many JayKon scenes just yet and the ones that have happened have been a little vague. I promise they'll be more soon don't worry I'm just getting started ;) 

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