Chapter 6

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For a little while things seemed to have settled down but the reality is that they were bottling up their hatred for one another. It was simmering on the backburner of their minds and it was getting ready to explode. When the two were alone in a room together or were with Canary for therapy they'd lash out as much as Canary would allow but once someone else was around they'd bottle it back up and brush it off as though it didn't happen.

Kon hated Jason because he was a bully, a monster created by the lazarus pit. At least, that's how he saw him and how Jason acted towards him, Tim even told him about how when Jason first came back to life he had tried to kill him. Kon had been created in a lab, a test tube, genomorphs in his head 24/7 teaching him, controlling him. Hel, even his ex-girlfriend got into his head, made him forget the fight they had as a desperate attempt to keep him from breaking up with her and then when he remembered she tried to do it for a second time.

During the Miracle Question exercise Jason essentially said that Kon wasn't supposed to exist, and Kon in turn reminded Jason that he was supposed to be dead. But something about the way Jason said, "I didn't ask to die." Stuck with the clone, it almost reminded him of- no it was nothing Kon shook the thought from his mind. But deep down he knew that it reminded him of the pain he felt when people reminded him, when he reminded himself, that he shouldn't exist.

Jason hated Kon, he was a failed clone that didn't even have all of superman's powers, he was the freaky, sick, twisted, secret love child of an alien and said alien's number 1 villain. He didn't understand how anyone could trust him. He was a Cadmus clone with genomorphs in his head, it was only a matter of time before the clone betrayed them the same way Roy's clone, Will, had done. Why can't anyone see that? But he couldn't help but think back to their first combined session.

Something about how Kon had said, "I didn't ask to be created." it reminded him of, well, him, and his response whenever someone reminded him that he died and he hated that. As the sessions with Canary went on and the combined sessions started feeling more and more like some sick, strange, couples therapy, his mind wandered. Jason won't always admit it but he was always a very literate child, a theater kid at heart, and as a secret bookworm with a love for the classics he knew how to look at people's differences, see their point of view on things. He hated it. To Jason it was both a blessing and a curse and right now he very much saw it as a curse, a curse that somehow kept getting worse every time he talked to Dinah Drake the Justice Leagues own personal therapist.

While Conner was trying to understand his annoying and confusing human emotions by bottling them up and ignoring them, choosing to focus on herowork and not getting the superbat team disbanded entirely. Jason was reflecting on them trying to figure them out but the more he thought about them the more angry he got. They were confusing to both of them and that was frustrating them equally but unlike Conner who compartmentalized, as Dinah had come to learn rather quickly, Jason got angry about them and would lash out which showed heavily in Red Hood's victims.

This however wouldn't do. Dinah had to come up with something different, new even, something that would spice things up a bit if you will. She just needed a little help and she knew exactly where to get it.


"What the Hel do you want?" Jason glared between his three siblings he had to call teammates who were all standing outside his bedroom door.

"An intervention" His younger sister, Stephanie, piped up dramatically from behind the three in the hallway. The four glared at her with differing amounts of annoyance. Rolling her eyes she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and walked away muttering a quiet "tough crowd" under her breath.

"Anyway" Tim drew out the word to get back his siblings attention, "We're going out for some team bonding."

"No." Jason quickly made to shut his door but Dick, the eldest, stopped him.

"Sorry Jaybird Bruce's orders. Everyone has to come, Conner's waiting for us downstairs."

"Why the Hel is that clone here?" Jason all but growled, fists clenching tightly.

Barbara, the second oldest and only female on their team, rolled her eyes, "What part of 'team bonding' and 'everyone has to go' do you not understand? Besides he came to drop off Jon for his playdate with Damian. Now can we hurry this up?"

Jason growled, glaring some more before rolling his eyes, giving in, "Fine, whatever, the sooner we go the sooner it's over." He turned around in his room to grab one of his numerous leather jackets and his combat boots out of his closet.

"Well actually," Dick started rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"What?" Jason glared suspiciously at the older bird.

"Bruce says we're not allowed back until 8... pm." Tim finished off staring down at his hands as he fiddled with the sleeves of his deep red sweater, occasionally tugging the sleeves over his hands.

Jason turned his glare towards Tim who almost seemed to curl in on himself more. While Jason wouldn't admit it out loud he hated that the boy was scared of him. Again. Before it was because Jason, who was fresh out of the lazarus pit, had tried to kill his 'replacement' on multiple occasions. But this time, this time it was because of what he did, what Kon did, their constant fights that had almost turned into death battles, and he hated himself for it. However, that dam superboy was also to blame. It wasn't just Jason's fault this time and that's how Jason coped, he placed most of the blame on Kon El the unwanted clone.

Jason gripped his leather jacket tighter in his hand and slammed his bedroom door shut, "Let's get this over with." He growled as he pushed past his siblings. And so the four bats made their way downstairs meeting up with Conner who was silently watching over his baby brother playing with the youngest, and more aggressive batchild. When he saw the others he gave a small nod to three of them and a glare to Jason who returned the glare with his own. The five quietly set off out the door, into Dick's car and left for the mall. 

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