Chapter 7

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"Why the mall?" Conner asked confusedly as the group of five got out of the car and stared up at the building before them.

"We couldn't really think of anything to do so we decided we'd start here and work our way elsewhere." Barbara shrugged as she took off in the direction of the doors where small groups of people were entering or exiting the large Gotham mall. Conner turned to look at Dick and Tim with a raised brow. Both boys just shrugged and followed their sister, Tim more quickly than Dick. The clone frowned knowing he did that, he scared his best friend so badly he barely even looks at him, barely talks to him. He hated himself for it. But it wasn't only his fault, Jason was to blame as well, it wasn't just Conner that scared the bird boy and he saw it in the way Tim acted around his older brother.

Tim was scared of both of them, of what they'd do to each other, of what they have done to each other. Tim saw the look Conner gave as he walked away to follow Barbara and he hated himself for acting like this but he couldn't help it no matter how much he tried to. Dick and Barbara had taken notice of the tense atmosphere between the three as well but were unsure how to help. That is until they got a call from Canary. Of course Bruce was also called and is forcing them to spend the whole day together but the two eldest bat children were hoping this could fix the team's relationship and maybe just maybe make them better friends as well.


"Dick I swear if you drag us into another store I'm stabbing myself. I have not had enough coffee for this." Tim complained as they exited yet another store Dick, and Bab's, had dragged them into. Jason and Conner voiced their agreements.

"How about we get some food then?" Bab's asked the boys.

"Not hungry." "No" and "It's not lunch yet" were the vocalized responses she got. Conner remained quiet as he had since they first arrived at the mall.

"How about a movie?" Dick suggested. The group gave more positive responses to this and so the group of five headed out of the mall, back to Dick's car and over to the local Megaplex Theatre. "So what are we watching?" Dick asked as they looked up at the screen showing what was being played at what times.

"Horror" Jason and Conner spoke at the same time, surprising not only themselves but the other three as well. The two boys looked at each other shocked before turning away to glare at something whether the floor or the wall or a screen. It didn't matter so long as they didn't have to look at each other.

"Horror it is then!" Dick smiled brightly at seeing the two finally agreeing on something. 'Maybe Dinah's therapy sessions are working after all' the eldest thought but that thought quickly disappeared once the two argued over what horror movie the group should watch and then they argued about what was the best horror movie.

"Alright enough!" Barbara snapped at the two older teens, her fists resting on her hips as she gave them a signature batglare. "Dick you and Tim pick the movie and get us seats and you two" her glare hardened, "You're going to help me get snacks, got it?" Her glare softened as she gave a tight lipped smile, the boys tried not to show it but her smile was more terrifying than her glare. And so off the group went to complete their designated tasks.

When they met back up Tim handed everyone their tickets before they all went to find the auditorium their chosen movie was being played in along with their seats. Coincidently Jason and Conner were sat next to each other much to their displeasure. They kept their complaints to low grumblings though as they helped Barbara pass out the buckets of popcorn and various amounts of candy they had bought for everyone to share. They then turned off their phones and the movie started.

As other audience members jumped, screamed and clung to the person next to them Jason and Conner complained and laughed about different things ranging from how obviously fake the dried blood was, how stabbing someone was harder than what was portrayed, they even made small bets on which characters would die first and how they would be killed. The rest of their team however who were actually watching the movie had mixed feelings about the situation happening next to them especially once the two started laughing and making jokes. They won't lie, they were happy to see the two finally getting along but they were watching a horror movie. The last thing they needed was someone thinking they're related to and friends with two teenage psychopaths.

The movie finally ended, the credits scrolling along the screen, people leaving the room and the two teenagers still laughing about a very dark joke they made while the other three members of the superbat team gave them concerned looks. As the two boys calmed down Conner noticed their staring, "What?" he asked, his head slightly tilted to the side with an eyebrow raised similar to that of a confused puppy.

He won't admit it but Jason stared at the clone finding his expression to be rather cute. Babs noticed. With a small smirk pointed at Jason and a slight shake of her head she responded, "It's nothing Kon, let's just get going I for one could use some actual food after all this sugar." She lifted up some of the empty candy boxes to prove her point, and as extra proof Tim's stomach grumbled causing his cheeks to flush in embarrassment.

"Alright, let's go get some lunch then shall we?" Dick chirped happily as he slung his arm over the youngests shoulder leading the group of five out of the megaplex and back to his car. 


A/N: here's the next chapter sorry for making you wait so long. Sorry if it sucks too I don't watch horror movies so I wasn't sure how to write it so I just decided to keep it vague and let you guys decide what movie Dick and Tim chose for them to watch. 

See you later my Faithful Thorns I'll try to update again soon!

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