Bloody Mary

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Chapter 5: Bloody Mary

After adding a french beard to his chin, I proceeded to apply some curls to his head that was covered by a hat. Michael Jackson style. The curls escaped his hat in the self portrait. With the red sharpie, I added loads of hearts in the background and some blush to Gabe's cheeks in the image.

Gabe was going to kill me if he figured out it was me.

We never got along well for some reason.

I put the portrait back where it belonged. Then, I unzipped Piper's bag and took out a plastic plate along with the glass cage full of fainted chocolate covered grasshoppers. Good thing the grasshoppers were still passed out or . . . dead, maybe. I emptied the glass cage making the grasshoppers fall onto the plastic plate. Searching around for a bit, I was unable to find a proper location to put the plate. At the end, the plate full of small insect dessert sat on Gabe's disorganized bed.

Opening the bag again, I pulled out a huge container of Vaseline. I looked around and saw two doors attached to the room.

One of them revealed a walk in closet; definitely not something I was looking for. The other one was the right one: bathroom.

I was extremely surprised at how clean it was; spotless, which was disturbing. I always expected mens' bathrooms to look like trash. Shaking my head, I went to the sink where a plastic container held two toothbrushes. One of them was definitely Gabe's whereas the other one was most probably his roommate's. I didn't have time for "eenie meenie miny mo." Grabbing both toothbrushes, I put vaseline on them.

I worked as fast as I possibly could. The final product was a toilet seat and water taps covered with Vaseline. I didn't dare put any Vaseline around the bathtub. If he slipped near or around there, he could get a really serious injury.

No need to get sued.

I finished the last touches of Vaseline, and then, grabbed tartar sauce and dipped the toothbrushes in there.

His poor roommate.

Suddenly, another thought came to my mind. I fiddled around with Piper's bag and looked for any make up supplies. Piper was obsessed with make up. Sure enough, there was a partially melted, blood red lipstick on the bottom. I used it to write three words on the bathroom mirror: Happy Valentine's Day.

Now, it's actually happy.

After finishing in the bathroom, I went back into the room and pulled out the last thing. Rotten eggs in a zip lock bag. I looked around the room. There was a window that I could escape through. Quickly, I applied some Vaseline to the doorknob. Gabe would have a hard time getting out after he comes inside. I opened up the bag of rotten eggs and placed it in a spot where Gabe would most definitely step in when he enters his room. The repugnant odor of the eggs nearly killed me. I got away from it as much as possible.

My iPhone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out saw one new message from Piper.

Piper: Gabe's coming. Get out fast! Jenna's with him!


I didn't waste my time thinking about Jenna. Quickly, I shoved the sharpies, the Vaseline container, and the bright red lipstick in Piper's bag. I looked out of the window, and saw that the dark clouds had made an appearance. I could even hear the wind. Technically, it was the sound of the tree branches rubbing against one another from the wind, but I still called it wind noises. I needed to get out before the rain.

I fixed my hat and proceeded to put on my shades properly. They had been pulled up, so I could see better. I rubbed the corner of my eye because it was itchy and felt something soft slide out.

My contact lens. Damn it!

I was on my fours in no time looking for that stupid soft lens. I could only see clearly with one of my eyes. It was half foggy. Without my contact lens, the most I could see was up to two feet. It was depressing, but I was just so myopic. The lens was hard to find on the carpeted floor. It was even more difficult because it was a clear soft lens. I couldn't leave it either because this pair of lens was my last one and it was crime scene evidence.

I was such an idiot, sometimes. As I moved my hands around the carpet, I heard the doorknob jiggle. I didn't have time for escaping.

Just as the door opened, I dove under Gabe's bed. Slowly, I scooted Piper's bag close to me. Only one thought ran my mind: How am I going to get out of here?

"Holy mother of smell," I heard Gabe mutter loudly. The room smelled terrible from those eggs. I rolled my eyes at Gabe's diction. He never cursed out loud. At least that's what he told Piper and me a couple of months ago.

"Goodness, Gabe, did you fart or something?" I heard a familiar female's voice. Piper had mentioned about Jenna being with Gabe. I peeked from underneath Gabe's bed but unfortunately, I couldn't get a clear glimpse of the girl.

"Jenna, seriously? I came with yo--What the freakin' hell?! What is that!" Clearly, Gabe had stepped in the eggs. An evil smile came to my lips and went away just as quickly when I realized that Gabe called the girl by the name Jenna. There was only one Jenna in town. The girl that I went to school with since I was six. I shook my head, trying to clear away the memories that were endeavoring to return.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Mentally cursing the person who caused the vibration, I pulled the phone out of my pocket. Gabe and Jenna were talking loudly, so they didn't hear the vibration. At least, that's what I was hoping. I tapped the phone screen. Another message from Piper.

Piper: Did you get out, yet?

She was lucky she wasn't near me at the moment because I would've definitely thrown my shoe at her. I mean, if I had gotten out, I would most likely have responded back or been there with her. Some people never failed to amaze me.

The first thing I did was put my iPhone on silent. I wanted to text back, but the room had gotten silent. My tapping on the phone would easily be heard. I slid it back in my pocket.

"Jenna, wait in here, I'm going to clean up my shoe and foot. I'll be right back, okay?" Gabe said.

"Sure. I need to fix my makeup, anyways. You still have to draw a painting of me," she sighed as if she was doing him a favor by letting him paint a picture of her.

I hated her so much.

"Oh yes! I can't believe I almost forgot. Actually, let me spray some air freshener or perfume. How did the stupid, rotten eggs get here, anyways?" Gabe asked no one in particular.

I heard them both walk around. Jenna settled on the edge of the bed I was under with her feet touching the ground in front of me. Her sparkly, red Uggs were too much for my eyes. Immediately, I turned my face in the opposite direction. This was a smart choice in my case because I saw something very small near my left pinkie. I touched the soft object: my contact lens. I grabbed it and clenched my hand around it. There was nowhere to put it except in my hand. I couldn't put it in my eye because it was dirty, now. My eye could get infected.

But I was glad I had found it. Now, I just needed a plan to get out of Gabe's room.

I heard Gabe spray something around the room. I was met with an even worse smell labeled Axe. I would have rather tolerated the odor of rotten eggs.

"Hey, Gabe, did you draw your self-portrait?" Jenna asked and I heard the bed shift. Oh she was bright. Who else would paint Gabe's "self" portrait.

I smiled to myself when I saw Gabe's feet move up near the end of the bed and then, next to my face. "What happened to this?" I heard Gabe say. He was definitely surprised.

"How would I know? You don't think i--it was Bloody Mary?" Jenna said in a hushed tone.

This should be interesting.

"Jenna? Seriously? Just because I said Bloody Mary three times and you had your little make up mirror out does not make it come true. It's something old people made up. I bet those rotten eggs and my messed up painting was just a prank done by my roommate. Stop overthinking," Gabe said confidently just as the lights went out.

I could hear the fast wind movement even with the windows closed. Great, there was no electricity. Now, I was stuck in the ultimate dark with only one contact lens on.

"Oh no! It is Bloody Mary! I told you not to say it three times! Gabe, you're such an idiot!" Jenna screamed at him.

She was the idiot, to be honest. I mean, it was the twenty-first century. No one really believed in paranormal activity . . . or did they?

"Shut up, Jenna!" I heard Gabe sigh loudly. "Stay here, I'm going to clean myself up. I'll be back soon. Just relax," Gabe added gently.

I saw his shoes move towards the bathroom. An evil thought popped up in my head. Bloody Mary was going to get me out of here.

Slowly, I took off my hat and shades, and placed them in the backpack which was glowing for some reason. Apparently, it was a glow in the dark bag. Brilliant.

Once I heard the bathroom door close, I started making strange noises. First, I breathed loudly and took sharp breaths. Then, I made a loud, crying sound. I heard Jenna yelp and get off the bed, immediately. Her feet moved near the bathroom door.

"Gabe!" she yelled simultaneously with Gabe's girly scream from the bathroom.

I peeked from under the bed just slightly. Gabe came running out of the bathroom, seeming horrified.

"What happened?" they asked each other in unison.

"There was something wrong with the toilet seat and the water tap in the sink. They were both slippery! And the bathroom mirror had three words written in a blood red color. It said, 'Happy Valentine's Day,'" Gabe said a bit out of breath.

I felt so smart for writing those words with a lipstick.

"Oh no! It is Bloody Mary, Gabe! I just heard strange noises coming from underneath your bed," Jenna shrieked.

It was time for me to escape. I went into pushup position and slid the backpack underneath me. Then, I slid my arms through the straps. The back of the bag was against my chest while the glow in the dark side was out. I was going to have a glow in the dark belly. My hair was a wild mess. I didn't even bother with it.

"Something is glowing under there," Gabe said quietly. I heard the confusion in his voice.

"I'm not checking," Jenna whispered rather loudly.

I heard the wind making loud noises outside. It was time to put on a show. My hands were clenched. I checked one last time if I still had my contact lens--which it was--and proceeded to make strange noises.

Jenna screamed when she heard my deep breathing and then, crying.

"It's the same noises I heard a couple of minutes ago! It's Bloody Mary!" she shrieked. What an idiot.

I chuckled slightly before making my way out from under the bed. Slowly, I stood up with my hair falling in front of me hiding my face. I gave out an evil witch laugh.

Or attempted to.

Jenna and Gabe screamed when they saw me. They stood about ten feet away from me in the dark. I couldn't escape from the window. The entrance of the room was going to be my exit.

I started fake crying as I walked backwards towards the door.

"You will pay, you foolish children," I screamed at them in the deepest voice I could muster.

"Her torso is glowing!" Jenna cried. I laughed aloud, evilly.

Jenna buried her face in Gabe's shoulder. She was crying and muttering incoherent words.

"Bu--but what d--did we d--do?" Gabe stuttered.

I laughed loudly, jerking my head back and then, quickly pulled it back when my hair scooted away from my face.

I pointed in their direction. "You called my spirit on this treacherous, heartbreaking day. You shall never be forgiven," I screamed and laughed like a madwoman. There were lightening strikes right after my statement. I kept walking backwards until I felt the doorknob rub against my lumbar region.

Gabe appeared horrified. I couldn't believe that he believed me.

I put one hand behind me and turned the doorknob. My hand slipped and felt oily. Vaseline! I just had to hold the doorknob harder and turn it.

"But i--it wasn't o--on purpose," Gabe shouted at me.

I shook my head wildly as we heard thunder followed by a lightning strike a couple of seconds after.

"Nobody ever does anything on purpose, yet they still do it. I don't care about what you have to say. I am going to make you pay for everything wrong you have done in your life!" Technically, I had already taken my revenge.

The doorknob wouldn't turn at all. Jenna didn't dare take a glance at me. Gabe tried to hide his face from me as if I was going to hurt him through my eyes or something. This was fun.

Suddenly, the doorknob jiggled behind me, and the door opened. I stumbled a step forward.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got caught by the guys next door to--who is this?" The boy stared and pointed at me.

I couldn't make out a lot of features on the guy's face because of the dark. He did wear glasses and seemed to be extremely skinny and short. He was just as tall as me.

"Bloody Mary!" Gabe yelled at him.

This was my chance. I roared, "I will not spare any of you!" The nerd boy widened his eyes before dropping on the floor next to the zip lock with the rotten eggs.

He fainted!

I laughed as I proceeded to get out. I stopped at the door, looked over my shoulder at Gabe who was intently watching my every move, and said, "I'll come back to make you pay, Gabriel Porter for making me come here and for breaking someone's heart this day."

With that said, I was out. I used my foot to pull the door. It closed behind me with a loud thud.

The hallway wasn't as deserted as I had expected it to be. There were several males walking around with candles. Thankfully, I saw no flashlights. Someone had left a candle outside their room. I quickly grabbed it before anyone could see me.

Humming with the candle in front of me, I walked down the hallway. Everyone fell silent. Whispering started about a ghost. I was surprised at how stupid they were all being. I just walked down the hallway into the pitch dark next to the stairway, and blew out my borrowed candle. There were a couple of girly screams and shouting. I took it as my escape.

I opened the door and ran as fast as I possibly could.


It was pouring rain outside. Thunder and lightning took turns trying to scare me. I ignored them and looked for Piper's car. There was no way she would ditch me.

I walked to the street, quickly. Sure enough, Piper's car was there. I went and started knock--banging on the back seat's window. Julian and Piper jump in alarm when they heard me.

I heard the locks turn and I hurried into the seat and slammed the door shut.


Piper needn't be told twice.

We sped off in the pouring rain with only thunder and lightning as companions.



Anybody believe in ghosts?

I am so glad I didn't write this about midnight (when I usually write).

I can watch any paranormal, ghost movie, but when it comes to reading and writing about that, let's just say, its not my thing.


If you have contructive criticism, please don't hesitate telling me.

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