The deal

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Chapter 5: The deal

After I finished telling my side of the story, I asked Piper and Julian for theirs.

"You should have been there, Sandy! Julian used so many of the stereotypical British slangs. He was like, 'Gabe, why are you wearing knickers in the middle of winter!' You should've seen Gabe's face! Oh, and Jenna was kind of surprised how we got together. I don't think she believed us," Piper explained.

"Eh. Who cares about Jenna? Tell me more!" I insisted.

"Oh okay. Julian also said some things in Spanish to Gabe. I couldn't really understand since he speaks Spanish from Spain," Piper said sadly. Piper really loved learning foreign languages, especially Spanish. In school, Spanish language focused mainly on the Spanish that was spoken in the Latin American countries. My poor friend.

"What did you say, Julian?" I asked the foreigner.

"That it wasn't very nice of him to break up with his long term girlfriend today. Also, it was impolite of him to cheat on her," Julian answered.

"Impolite? He was a lying and cheating bast--brat!" I was trying to stop any curses from escaping since Gabe wasn't worth it.

"That's not nice," Julian said. He sat in the passenger seat next to Piper.

"Since when did you start thinking I was nice?" I challenged.

Julian turned and looked past his shoulder, directly at me. "Ever since you told me you were going to help take revenge for your friend," he told me.

I stared right back at him. He had a point.

"Hey, can someone else please drive?" Piper said before I could say anything.

"Why?" I asked half-confused and half-worried. I couldn't see her face since I sat on the back seat.

"My head's aching, and I can't keep my eyes on the road due to the rain," she explained.

"I can't drive. I'm half-blind," I told her as I clutched the soft lens in my palm.

"Julian?" Piper asked hopefully.

"I'm going to be fully blind if we let him drive," I said horrified by the thought.

"You're so sweet, Cassie, but I know how to drive," he said with a smile.

"In another country! And no, you can't! You will go ahead and drive on the left side of the road!"

"How's that wrong?" he asked baffled.

Even Piper stared at him for a second before turning her eyes back on the road.

"Julian, we drive on the right side of the road. Right is right," I replied with a small sigh.

"Alright. I'll just drive on the wrong side," he muttered.

I just shook my head at the foreigner.

Piper pulled the car to the side and switched with Julian.

"Wait, who's that?" Piper asked from her seat. She was pointing straight ahead.

"I can't see very well," I said frustrated. I could see blinking lights, but nothing other than that. I wished I had perfect vision. But then again, it was raining pretty hard.

Julian slammed his hand on the steering wheel, and we heard a loud honk.

"What was that for?" I asked him, surprised.

"I think the person needs help. The blinkers are on. Maybe the car broke down or something," he explained nodding towards the lights.

"Who cares? Let's skedaddle. I need to get home. I still smell like Axe perfume!"

Neither Julian nor Piper bothered responding to me. I huffed and leaned against the back of the seat.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on Julian's window. I nearly jumped. Piper looked scared as she looked at me and then turned towards Julian's window.

Slowly, Julian lowered the window. A very familiar face appeared with a smile.

I groaned.

"Lucas?" Julian said bewildered.

"Julian?" Apparently, the two cousins didn't see that coming. Not to lie, neither did anyone else.

"Julian, start the car and hit the road," I whispered next to his ear. "Escape while we still have the chance."

Julian looked over his shoulder at me. I leaned back? I didn't like being close to people too much. My personal bubble was always with me. He shook his head at me.

"Hey, my car broke down. I really need a ride," Lucas pleaded. It was raining cats and dogs outside.

"Get in the car, Lucas," Piper told him. I saw Julian nod.

"Thanks." Lucas Crowell wasted no time in sliding on the seat next to me. He was totally soaked from the rain. Julian started the car and drove down the empty highway, cautiously.

"Not cool, Crowell," I mumbled disgusted as Lucas's side brushed against mine. I scooted as far away as possible from him.

"Evans? Why are you here?" he asked confused.

"Why do you care?" I demanded.

"I was just asking." He raised his hands in defeat. "And you smell like a guy," he added.

I said nothing and simply did what I did best: ignore the enemy.

"Piper, what are you all doing together?" Lucas asked my friend when I refused to talk to him.

"Er- well, we were . . . um--" Piper was at a loss for words.

"We were going out to dinner," Julian lied. He kept his focus on the road ahead. I was impressed that he was actually driving on the right side of the road. But I didn't appreciate the lie.

"Really? How did you convince Sandy?"

I frowned at Lucas. He gave me a crooked smile. Shaking my head, I averted my gaze from him to the front.Why couldn't he give me this much attention when I actually desired for it? Because now, it hurts.

I mentally slapped myself and went back to being me. Lucas Crowell doesn't deserve Cassandra Evans. This was my personal mantra.

"We have our ways," Piper responded smugly. I just shook my head at all of them.

"Cool. Which restaurant?" Lucas asked her.

Everyone was quiet.

"McDonald's," Piper blurted out.

I groaned. Fast food was disgusting. I didn't know how people survived off of that.

"You're going to out to dinner at McDonald's?" This time the question was directed at me.

"Why do you care?" I snapped.

"Maybe because I'm joining you," he replied with a grin.

"What?!" Julian, Piper, and I said simultaneously.

"What? I was going out to eat something, anyways. I'm starving," he said and pointed to his belly.

"Fatty," I muttered aloud, "you are not joining us." My gaze rested on the Crowell.

"First, I haven't eaten since lunch. Second, why you gotta be so rude?" Lucas scowled at me.

"Told you, Crowells aren't my cup of tea." I shrugged and leaned against the window.

Julian coughed. I couldn't tell whether it was intentional or not. "Is there a restaurant close by?" he asked.

"Yeah, we could go to Jake's Diner," Lucas replied with a nod. Jake's Dinner was a simple restaurant. One of the little ones close to our houses.

"Who died and made you boss?" I asked him outraged. He just barges in the car, interrogates us all, and then just decides to join us in something we don't want. Sheesh.

"Jesus, Sandy, chill. I thought you didn't like fast food which is why I recommended Jake's Diner," Lucas said exasperated.

"How did you know?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Stalker?

"Brandon," he whispered.

I ignored him and looked out the window.


We ended up at Jake's Diner at seven. The rain had stopped, but the electricity was still out.

The diner was lit up by candles. I wanted to go home, but no, Piper thought it would be a better idea to go along, so Lucas didn't get suspicious.

Apparently, she didn't understand the concept of me losing my lens. I was half blind.

We went inside and took seats at a small square table. I did almost run into the edge of the table if Julian hadn't caught me. But that was just me being clumsy.

Piper took the seat across from me. I assumed we would sit together but guess not. Julian sat down next to me while his cousin plopped down next to Piper.

I could barely see anything except for the candle in the candle holder in the middle of the table; it was pitch black. There were a few couples having candlelight dinner. I turned back to my table as Lucas called for the waiter.

A familiar man with dark hair and electric blue eyes came to us with a small candle that illuminated his face.

"Jason," I said. He was one of the older employees of the place. He often served me.

"Cassandra Evans?" he said surprised.

I nodded. "Jason, can I have pizza and fries?" I ordered since there were no menus.

"Sorry, Sandy, the electricity has been gone for a while. We can't serve you anything hot since the ovens aren't working. Sorry," Jason said sadly.

"Then, why are you guys still open?" Lucas asked confused.

"Lucas Crowell?" Again, the middle aged man was surprised. I didn't blame him. Crowells and Evans were never seen together. Just my luck.

"Yep. Now, do answer my question," Lucas ordered him. I scrutinized my eyes at the Crowell. Authority and demand ran in his blood.

We all looked at Jason who sighed loudly. "We can still serve anything that doesn't require heat. Salad, left over breadsticks, chips and dip, cold soup, donuts, tomato sandwiches, fruits, cold pasta, and lots of dessert. Oh, and water or Coke. Honestly, we remained open since today's Valentine's Day. Candelight dinner for everyone." He looked at all of us and grinned. "You're all on a date?"

I widened my eyes in surprise. "Oh heck no!"

"Cassie's just being shy," Julian said with a dimpled smile. He put his arm on the back of my chair.

I wasn't having this. I slammed my hand on his arm--not very hard--and gave him a glare. He retreated, fortunately, but with a disappointed look.

"Julian, don't assume things about me, first." He nodded and said nothing. I turned to Jason. "Second, I need food! Here is my order: breadsticks, pasta, and vanilla cake for dessert. For drinks, I just want plain water. Oh, and don't put any icing or frosting on the cake," I told Jason.

Jason and the rest of them just stared at me.

I shrugged and waited for my food.


Dinner was quiet. Lucas and Julian talked among themselves. They tried to include Piper and I but that didn't happen. Piper said she had a headache and didn't feel like talking. My excuse was that I didn't like them both.

Once we were all finished, I had to pay for it all. All of them had their credit cards with them. I was smart enough to have my little purse inside Piper's glow in the dark bag. I mostly carried cash because of my unusual obsession with the green papers.

To be honest, dinner was worth paying for. The looks on the Crowell cousins' faces was pleasing. Both were embarrassed and kept apologizing for letting a girl pay.

"I'm paying next time," Lucas told our group as we headed out.

"You think there's going to be a second time?" I said as I raised my eyebrows at him. "I like to learn from my mistakes."

"Why are you so mean?" Julian asked from behind Lucas.

"That's just who I am." He stared at me and I stared back. We had stopped outside the diner.

"It's Valentine's Day, Cassie. It's the day to show love not hate," Julian insisted.

Lucas burst out laughing. Piper was quiet.

"Sandy and love? You're funny, Julian," Lucas said still laughing.

"Huh?" Julian was clearly confused.

"I can't show something that doesn't exist," I said outraged.

Julian looked at me in disbelief. "What do you mean 'it doesn't exist?'"

"I meant exactly what I said, Julian." I proceeded to make my way to the car but that didn't happen. A strong hand gripped my elbow and pulled me back.

I sighed in frustration and looked at Julian's hand. He removed it very quickly. Piper was sitting down on a bench not paying any attention to us. Lucas was staring right at me with a blank look waiting for my next action.

"Sorry about that. It's . . . why wouldn't you believe in love?"

"Why would I?" Julian was a little quiet.

"Because it's all around you," Lucas added from the side.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Don't be ridiculous, Lucas." He stuck his tongue out at me. Guys my age were so immature.

"So, you don't believe in love at all?" Julian asked. How much more clear can I be?

"No, Julian," I said with a sigh.

"What if I help you realize that love does exist?" Julian said with a small, dimpled smile.

Lucas and I were both looking at him in surprise, now.

"Try all you must, but hate is all that is present. Maybe you'll end up taking back your words, Julian Aylmer," I said confidently.

I don't even know why people thought the term L-o-v-e existed.

L-o-v-e: something that only exists in books, movies, and television. But I choose to live in the real world and face the reality of the things. Heck, I have never said that word. It falls under the category of bad words, and we all know we shouldn't use bad words.

"Wow, hater alert," Lucas said playfully.

I narrowed my eyes at him and said, "Shut up."

He made a face at me, but said nothing. I turned back to Julian.

"It's a deal," he said as he stuck out his right hand for me to shake.

With a small grin, I stuck out my left hand.

"Lefty?" Julian asked surprised.

I nodded. Technically, I was ambidextrous, but my left hand was still my favorite. No offense to righty, of course.

Julian extended his left hand, and we shook the deal.

"Can we leave now?" Lucas whined like a little kid.

"Yes," Julian nodded. "By the way, Lucas, you are the witness. When I win, you must take my side," he added.

Lucas grinned and nodded.

"Same doesn't go for me, Crowell. If I win, you will stay as far away from me as possible," I said with a pointed look.

"As if I don't do that already," Lucas muttered as we started to leave. Piper was still sitting on the bench staring off at nothing.

I went to my friend. "Piper? Piper!" I nearly yelled in her ear. She jumped in surprise and rose to her feet.

"No need to shout, Sandy," she said, rubbing her right ear. I was pretty sure I hadn't shouted.

Shaking my head, I followed along with her. Julian and Lucas were standing and talking about something, still.

"Hey, chicos, let's go!" I yelled behind us. Julian grinned at me but said nothing. Him and Lucas started making their way. I turned my head to find Piper staring at something in the distance. I opened my eyes wide but couldn't see much. "What's up, Piper?" I finally asked.

"Um--Gabe and Jenna," she answered with her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

I looked at my clothes and hands. Only two thoughts popped up in my mind:

a) I dropped my contact lens somewhere again.

b) I am so done for.



Whatya guys think of the deal?

who is #TeamJulian/#TeamLove?

who is #TeamCassie/#TeamHate?

Winner(s) get(s) bragging rights!!

All votes and comments are greatly appreciated. Every single vote and comment means a lot to me. Most of you guys are fellow writers and understand what I mean.

Thank you for the support!

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