Chapter 36 Did th-the Kiss Mean Anything To You?

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Chapter 36: Did th- the kiss mean anything to you?

Lucas Crowell spent the rest of his day with a bloody nose. The teachers hadn't seen it, and the students weren't snitches. I, fortunately, got away with punching the brat. Lucas did give me glares and looks of hatred. I suppose getting punched wasn't something he was used to. But I had warned him. One either walks away or punches that...

"Nice punch, Cassie," Julian told me with a grin. The group had returned to the tents. Leonardo had helped set up the bonfire for everyone to enjoy. I sat next to Julian, replaying the scene of a shocked and amazed Lucas after getting punched.

"You saw it?"

"That might not happen again, so I had to see it," he shrugged. I gave him a small smile. "Mind you, Lucas is quite unhappy."

"I doubt anyone would be jumping in joy after getting punched," I told him flatly.

"True. And you could have hit him less hard." He had a serious look on his face.

"Yes, mother. Would you like me to go apologize now as well?"

"As splendid of an idea that is, I would suggest not," he said. "Also, you must keep yourself away from any more violent acts."

"But you gave me permission."

"Doesn't make it a non-violent act."

"You are a goody too shoes," I muttered.


"You are that person who always wants to do the right thing, always being too nice, always being so...good!" I explained.

"And that's a bad quality?" he asked leaning slightly closer.

"Not necessarily," I shrugged, not sure of what to reply to his question. "Can be annoying."

Julian didn't say anything, so we quietly sat there watching people. Some were loudly chattering, some whispering, and others seemed to be trying to figure out what to do. I saw Piper sitting there quietly, trying to roast a marshmallow. She wasn't even really paying attention to the marshmallow that was on fire. Her mind was obviously elsewhere.

"Cassie?" Julian's voice broke my thoughts.


"Can I ask you a question?"

I loked at him and grinned. "Even if I say no, you are still going to ask. So, go for it."

"Why are you holding so many grudges?" I gave him a confused look. "Cassie, Piper's your friend. How long will you stay angry at her for doing something accidental? The only thing that will happen is a loss of a good friendship."

"What do you want me to do, Julian?" I said tiredly.

"Forgive her. She has been here for you, hasn't she? Especially when no one else was," he said.

I gave him a look. "It's Piper. She stuck with me because no one else would listen to her continuous talking."

"But she still stayed."

"Point being?"

"Go accept her. Nothing is worse than losing a friend over a useless thing," he said, giving me a small push to get up.

I stood up with a defeated look. "I hate you for always being right," I told him.

"I suppose I better start being wrong, then," he grinned.

I just shook my head and walked over to Piper. Julian was just being weird.

Piper looked up at me surprised when I took a seat next to her. She was actually roasting the same marshmallow.

"If you want to burn something, try tree branches." She gave me a baffled look. "Don't mistreat food," I said pointing to her stick with the burned marshmallow.

"Oh." Immediately, she moved the stick away from the fire, put it down, and gave up on making s'mores. "Thanks."

"No problem."

We quietly sat for a couple of minutes. I saw Julian watching us with a look of disapproval. It was true that I was making no progress. When he saw me looking, he pointed to Piper. Furthermore, he gestured for me to put up a smile.

I gave him a frown and turned to Piper. "By the way, I'm not really mad at you anymore."

"What?" She was expectantly waiting for me to deny it.

"I am willing to forget the whole cell-phone-crying thing," I sighed.

A huge smile lit up her face as she crushed me into a hug. I groaned. People really didn't understand the whole don't-touch-me concept. Nevertheless, like the nice person I was, I didn't push her away. (The real reason was that Julian gave me a look when I attempted to push Piper away).

"I was worried you wouldn't!" Piper exclaimed as she finally let go off me. I could breathe, now. "Thanks!"

"I might change my mind if you hug me again. Ever."

"Of course," she said giving me a flat look.

"Glad we have that cleared up," I told her.

Piper didn't a chance to respond as Julian joined us. He took a seat on her other side, for some reason. Usually, he preferred annoying me. Oh well. Why should I even care about who he sat next to?

"Have you two made up, yet?" Julian asked.

Piper and I exchanged a glance, and then smiled at him. "Yes," we answered in unison. No matter how much Piper annoyed me, she was still a close friend.

"Fantastic." Julian seemed happy for us, too. "I was worried Cassie wasn't going to do anything."

"Thanks for the lack of support, Julian," I said giving him a flat look.

Piper chuckled. "We know you too well, Sandy." Julian nodded in agreement.

I said nothing but picked up Piper's stick and started roasting a new marshmallow. Both of them were teaming against me. We spent the next half hour making s'mores.

It was actually fun until Jenna came over to disturb us. She fidgeted with her hands and gave us a nervous looks. Julian, Piper, and I exchanged suspicious looks. "Hi."

"Hello," Julian said. Neither Piper nor I said anything to her.

"I was wondering if I could borrow Sandy for a moment," she said, looking at me, now.

Sighing, I stood up and said, "What is it?"

"Come on," she said taking a step forward. I looked at Piper and Julian who gave me nods. Even with that, I was still suspicious of her. Nonetheless, I followed the brunette to Lucas's group which was barely even eight or ten feet from Julian and Piper.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Lucas wanted to talk to you," Jenna said gesturing behind her. Lucas sat, looking at me with an expressionless face. He stood up and nodded Jenna to leave.

For some reason, I was getting a dangerous vibe. His face gave away nothing, so I couldn't tell what he was up to.

"What is it, Crowell?" I asked cautiously.

He stood a foot away from me. "Evans, first, thanks for the punch," he said with a bitter look.

"Anytime," I grinned.

"Uh huh. Second, my friends and I think it would be a good idea if I give my response to that punch," he said nodding to the side where his group sat. My smile faltered.

"So, you want to punch me?" I looked around for the teachers. They were in the teachers' tent. Not the best sign.

"I don't hit girls, Sandy, even if they deserve it," he said sourly.

Now, I looked at him confused. What was Lucas trying to get at? "Then what?"

"This." I didn't get a chance to back away in time. Lucas Damn Crowell smashed his lips against mine. His hands held my arms tightly, so I wouldn't push him off. But honestly, the first few seconds, I was completely still in surprise.

Lucas was kissing me. His lips were tightly pressed against mine, moving in anger than anything else. I didn't know what to do. My mind was absolutely confused for the first couple of seconds as I figured out why Lucas and I were even in this position.


Something didn't feel right. I had thought of having Lucas kiss me when I had a huge crush on him. It was supposed to be perfect, romantic, and filled with passion...not anger.

Not his plan of revenge.

I tried moving my arms that were held so tightly in his hands to my sides. Unable to break free from his lock, I brought my foot up and stomped on his foot. He took a couple of steps back with a cry of pain. Once he let go, I was ready to rip this throat out.

"You little son of a--"

"Sandy, oh gosh!" I heard Piper's scared voice behind me.

Lucas was shaking his head and holding his foot at the same time. Piper came to stand by my side and started nudging me. "Sandy, Sandy, Sandy! Are you okay?" she asked, waiting for my temper to break.

I looked up at her with a controlled face. "Oh I'm anything but okay. I don't think someone else is going to be okay either."

I lunged at Lucas. He had seen it coming, though, so he grabbed my arms. "Sandy, don't," he said in a warning tone.

I kicked his shin. I was trying to get in another kick when I was pulled away from him.

"Cassie, stop!" Julian's voice snapped next to my ear.

He held me back from Lucas who was fixing his shirt. "Julian, let go off me!" I screamed. Julian's grip around me tightened as he pulled me away from Lucas's group. My back was pressed against his chest, and his hands held mine against my belly button. I wanted the foreigner to let go off me. He was trying to play peacemaker again, but this time, violence was necessary.

"Stop it!" I heard the anger in Julian's tone as I tried to get him off me. Once we were further away--towards the back of the tents-- Julian kept a hold on my arms, but turned me around to face him. He already saw my angry words coming.

"Let go, damn it! He goddamn kissed me!" I shouted at Julian and shot daggers in Lucas's direction.

"I know. Everyone saw, Cassie," he said quietly.

"Well then, you know very well that Lucas deserves another hit! That was sexual harrassment!" I cried. Never had I once thought to use sexual harrassment for anything more than a hug from people I knew. Lucas really had the nerve to go further.

"Cassie, please calm down for your sake and mine," he said with a pleading look.

"Excuse me?" I said in disbelief. "You expect me to calm down after you saw what happened? You have got to be kidding me!"

"You punched him, and he kissed you. It was a bloody cheap way of getting revenge on his part." Julian's voice told me he was annoyed, too, but he didn't show it.

"I am ready to kill him for his 'cheap way of getting revenge,'" I told him, trying to keep my anger in control.

Julian slowly met my eyes. "Both of us do take forensics. I could potentially be of help." He appeared calmer than I was as he said those words. He was trying to make me laugh but no. My temper wasn't as easily settled as his.

"You're not funny. Imagine getting kissed by someone for a revenge! For a stupid revenge!" I cried.

"Didn't you have a crush on him?" Why the hell was he even bringing this up?

"Point being? I had a crush, but it is on the edge of disappearing forever! Lucas cannot just kiss me for revenge!"

I saw him sigh quietly and then ask, "Cassie, please don't be mad at this question." I narrowed my eyes at him and waited for him to proceed. "Did th- the kiss mean anything to you?"

I don't know why I felt my face heating up from his question. Was it anger or something else? I had no idea. Julian held my gaze and patiently waited for an answer. I blinked at him as I went over the answer in my head.

The kiss had me all confused. What was the point of it? Out of all things Lucas could have taken revenge, he chose a kiss. A goddamn kiss.

"I don't know, Julian. I haven't been so lost," I admitted.

Julian gave me a small nod and broke the eye contact we had. He rubbed the back of his head and said, "Well, it would be good to have it sorted out because, Cassie, you can't move on from Lucas when he still means something to you."

"He doesn't-" I started to deny.

"No. Listen to me, Cassie," he said firmly as he gave me a small pat on the arm. My eyes immediately went to his hand that was on my arm. A wave of awkwardness came across us. Julian shifted away, removing his hand. "I won't have you moving on until you're sure Lucas's chapter is over."

"Can't I just rip him out?" I asked tiredly. Why couldn't live in a peaceful world without any problems? Men just enjoyed causing stress and problems.

Julian gave me a small smile and shook his head. "I wish it was that easy." He took a couple of steps back. I watched him in confusion. "I'll leave you alone for now, Cassie. This is something I absolutely cannot...barge in. Your personal decisions are up to you."

"What happened to being there in the middle of night to talk to me?" I said pathetically.

"Not for this one, darling. Good night," he said with a serious look before he turned and headed off to the guys' tent.

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what was going on. Julian was acting strange. Now that I was asking for his help, he was leaving to make my own decision. Wasn't he the smart one in this stuff?

I walked inside the girls' tent. While Julian had ditched me to sort everything out by myself, Piper was still there for me.

There was no one else in there besides us for half an hour. She tried to her best to console me, but I knew one thing: Piper deserved the truth. In those thirty minutes, I told Piper everything about my history with Lucas. Soon, she understood a lot about my confusion...and my feelings towards Lucas--which weren't even clear to me.

"Piper, I don't know what to do," I told her afraid. This was a dilemma Piper had gone through multiple times, not me. I needed her experience and advice.

"Don't worry, Sandy," she said softly. "There is always an answer. We just need to do some work."

"Work?" Now, I was even more confused.

"Not you," she said quickly. "I'll help you out. As a part of the journalism staff, I will go on reporter mode. I need to know all your feelings and Lucas's feelings. Why the hell did he even take revenge by a kiss?"

"That, my friend, is the question I have been asking myself," I told her, running a hand through my hair.

"Weird, weird. By the way, what was Julian's advice?" she asked curiously.

"Figure it out by yourself, darling," I said as I bitterly imitated Julian.

For some reason, Piper seemed amused. "He really said that? Wait, he called you 'darling?'" she asked excitedly.

I gave her an annoyed look. "Yes and yes. Now, stop squeaking over nothing. Julian won't help me--that's the moral of the story."

"Aw, but I got your back. Sisters before misters," she grinned.

"Thank you." Even though Piper was a little crazy sometimes, she didn't give up on me. She was still there for me, for which I was always grateful.

"No problem. Now, tell me how good of a kisser Lucas is!"

"Oh boy."

》》》Julian's POV《《《

Wrong girl.

I fell for the wrong girl. The whole moving on was so that maybe I could have a chance with her. But she still had something for Lucas.

I sighed as I stared at nothing in particular. All chaps around me were heavily sleeping. I wasn't aware of Lucas's location, but he wasn't inside the tent. I had seen his face after I had left Cassie. Lucas seemed regretful, but what was done was done. If he had feelings for her, then he needed to clear it all up.

As much as I desired to be with Cassie, I had to be aware of where her heart was, as well.

If she still liked Lucas, then who was I interfere?

I hoped to be proven wrong.


Author's Note

Ooh, drama! Ew or yay Lucas kissed Sandy?

Poor Julian. Any advice for him? Give up or nah?

Think Lucas and Sandy like each other? Who will end up with Cassie?

Question! What name sounds better: Cassandra Evans, Cassandra Crowell, or Cassandra Aylmer?

Just curious, who is your favorite and least favorites character?

If you had the opportunity to kiss either Lucas or Julian, who would you pick? ;)

Anywho, keep



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