Chapter 35: I'll Be the Judge Of That, Darling.

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Chapter 35: I'll be the judge of that, darling.

Anger and pain still remained at the surface of my mood the next morning. Of course, another problem to add was my sneezing. Apparently, staying out in the rain was the best way to get a cold. For me only. Julian seemed fine.

Bright and happy as always.

Why couldn't I be like that?

The teachers called us all to get up at eight. We were going to visit some areas of the forest and look at native and non native plants. Also, we were going to look at different birds and animals. Plants were easier.

"Okay, everyone grab a partner! One environmental science student with a biology student!" Ms. Smith told the group of students. Piper shuffled next to me, but I glared at her and shook my head.

She was the one who had cried, "oh my Alex!" during revenge time. I was still pissed off at the female population. They had all tried apologizing, but I said nothing and ignored them all.

A small sneeze escaped me and I sniffled. Great.

Raising my hand, I waited for the environmental science teacher to call on me. "Can I work alone?" I asked her once she gave me a nod.

Ms. Smith and Ms. Kalesse exchanged glances. They knew about the revenge but chose to ignore it. No need to ruin the trip.

"Sorry, Sandy, but no," Ms. Kalesse, my biology teacher said.

I just blinked back at her with a blank look. "I don't think it would be a good idea-"

"I'll be her partner," Julian said interrupting me. I looked at him trying to remain calm.

"Great," Ms. Kalesse said quickly. She turned to the rest of the people and told them to hurry up. Everyone needed to get their backpacks with the necessary things. We were going on a hike.

Next to me, Julian stood with a happy smile. "Isn't it a brilliant day?" he asked me as if there was nothing wrong.

"No," I muttered and then sneezed. "I want to work alone, Julian. Please go find another-"

"I'm fine."

I gave him an irritated look. The group had started moving. Grabbing my backpack from the ground next to me, I put it on and followed the group.

Behind me, I heard Julian sigh, nevertheless follow me.

It was going to be a long day.


》》》Julian's POV《《《

Cassie stood in front of me, writing down the details of the non-native plant. Her face was red, eyes puffy, and body shivering slightly. It was most definitely from staying out in the rain last night. I had taken some medicine, but obviously, she hadn't.

"Why aren't you writing anything?" her voice broke my thoughts. Even her voice was different, showing she had a cold.

"Because I really don't care about plants," I replied with a grin. Frankly speaking, I hadn't any idea why the school put me in environmental science. The subject was interesting but only to a certain point.

"Well, don't you care about your grade?" She then sneezed and sniffled.

"Bless you." When I heard no reply, I continued, "Cassie, my focus is much more on learning about things I actually enjoy. No matter how hard I attempt, I simply cannot force myself to find interest in observing plants," I shrugged. Maybe interest in a person but definitely not plants.

What was I even thinking?

"Doesn't matter if you like it or not. It's still school," she complained.

I refrained from smiling. "Fair enough." She gave me a nod and sneezed. "Bless you, again. Have you taken any medicine?"

"Yeah," she mumbled. The group was moving to another plant. Slowly, we gathered our bags and followed them. "An hour ago."

"Cassie," I sighed, "Darling, you need rest rather than being here." I regretted the "darling" aspect, immediately. Of course, I got away with it earlier when Cassie was too depressed to care. Not at the moment.

She looked at me, mostly seeming irritated. "First, I am not anyone's 'darling.' Second, I couldn't care less about a cold."

"I disagree," I said firmly. Then, I called one of the teachers over to us. It was Ms. Kalesse, the more calm and understanding one.

"Need any help?" she asked us with a smile.

"Cassie has a severe cold, and I reckon it would be a good idea if she went to get some rest," I told her.

Cassie's look told me that she was not very happy.

Health always first.

Observing plants...always last.

Ms. Kalesse examined Cassie who claimed she was "fine." It took the teacher a lot of time of time to decide what was best for Cassie.

At the end, the teacher concluded, "Sandy, go back to the tent. No arguments. You definitely aren't well enough, and I can't negotiate with your health." Cassie threw me a glare and argued she was absolutely all right. Ms. Kalesse looked at me and said, "Julian, please escort her back to the tents. The group will be back in an hour or so. Just keep an eye on her. I would go, but we need the teachers here."

I grinned and nodded. "I have you covered. Come on, Cassie," I said and dragged Cassie by her jacket sleeve. She kept complaining and demanding about my tight grip.

We were at the tents in no time. I hesitated slightly before tugging her in the tent for the girls. It was as if I was entering a female loo or something of the sort for the first time. The inside was actually much better than I had expected. It was clean, organized, and smelled nice...unlike the male tent which was...not extremely healthy.

"Julian, let go!" Cassie tugged her sleeve out of my hand. I let go easily as seeing we were at our destination.

"Sure," I shrugged. "Now, I recommend getting some sleep. I doubt you got a decent amount of sleep last night."

She didn't meet my eyes rather she sniffled and went to-I am assuming-her own sleeping bag. "Don't tell anyone about anything," she muttered.

"Trust me, I won't." It wasn't my place to tell. "By the way, fancying someone isn't a crime," I added.

She looked at me with a serious look. "It is when Lucas is involved."

"He's only one person! You can most definitely find plenty of decent blokes!" She simply needed to move on from my cousin.

"I don't want anyone. Men are...not worth it, no offense." Brilliant.

"Find women, then," I couldn't help but say.

She gave me a death glare and said, "I prefer the opposite gender, Julian...just not at the moment...or well, as long as I have my senses."

Well, I suppose I'll be waiting long for this girl. "You have to move on, Cassie," I told her calmly.

"I have moved on," she replied quietly. "There are some things that I just can't let go."

I walked over and crouched down next to her. She refused to meet my eyes. "You're not strong then, Cassie," I shrugged. Immediately, her head turned in my direction, giving me the response I wanted. "Since eighth class you haven't been able to get past Lucas's words. Of course, his words were rude, disrespectful, and bloody insulting, however, you shouldn't still be stuck on what a young chap had said."

"I was twelve, dammit!" She sat up, her face visible with her anger. "You try moving past someone you crushed on four years, and have him tell you that you are worthless!" she nearly screamed at me.

It wasn't my intention to raise her anger. I only wanted her to get her buried feelings out. Taking one of her trembling (from anger) hands and looking her straight in the eye, I said, "You are anything but worthless. Don't get stuck on my idiot cousin's meaningless words."

She pulled her hand away and sniffled. Both of us sat there, mostly thinking about the conversation. I was disheartened by her lack of words and felt that I shouldn't have said what I had said. Cassie was definitely not going to outright be happy by me touching her hand or anything. She wasn't the type of person to easily feel better about everything.

Even now, I could tell that she was trying to regain herself and bury her emotions-a terrible habit.

"Julian, please leave," she said as calmly as I had ever heard her say. For some reason, her words raised my anger.

"For once, can't you get over your stubborness, Cassie?!" I asked frustrated.

She looked at me. "No, I can't."

"In that case, talk to me when you're ready to move on from your immature behavior. I am tired of you crying and whipping yourself over someone who doesn't even a damn about you!" I stood up trying to keep myself from getting too angry by her attitude. "

"Immature behavior? Fine!" she snapped. "Go leave! I might as well get used to everyone leaving."

Both of us realized her meaning at the same time. She was correct about the fact that everyone did leave her. But frankly speaking, she needed to get over many things. This behavior of hers needed to stop. As I much as I hated to do it, I left her alone.

She didn't look up as I glanced one last time in her direction before storming off.

Damn it, Cassie.

Why couldn't I fancy someone else?


》》》Cassie's POV《《《

I looked up as he left the tent with an angry look.

Laying down, I shut my eyes and sniffled. Life was complicated enough already.

Why was Julian doing this to me? I had told him every single damn thing about my life, yet he tells me to be more mature.

I was being mature...actually rational. He simply didn't want me to be stuck on Lucas.

Ignoring everything, I decided to give myself a break and take a nap. It didn't take sleep long to come and overtake me. Being sick had its benefits-extra sleep.

I did wake up to a headche and took some medicine. Laying back in my sleeping bag, I made up my mind about one thing:

I needed to move on from Lucas. Old wounds had to be healed.

Headaches, tantrums, and whining was too stressful for me. If Lucas didn't give a damn about Cassandra Evans, then why she should she still be stuck on him?

Julian had been always, and unfortunately, he was the only person who could help me with this.


"I need your help moving on." Self-pride aside, I needed to think about my future. If I was going to live long, then I might as well live...a better way.

Julian looked at me with a pleased smile. I rolled my eyes. "I honestly didn't expect you to change your mind so quickly," he said. Both of us sat around the bonfire with the rest of the students. Julian had been away from everyone else, but I had decided to sit next to him to get this all over with.

"I can still change my mind," I told him. "But honestly, I need to get everything over with." I was just tired and exhausted of all the stupid things dominating my brain.

"Alright. You need my help which I'm willing to offer. I only have one condition," he said seriously.

"And that is?" I couldn't expect anyone to help me without them benefitting, too.

"You will do as I say," he said simply.

Seemed easy enough. "Okay, fine."

"Brilliant. Now, the first thing we're going to do is show everyone how much happier you are after the fight with Lucas," he said in a lowered tone.

"I doubt it will be too hard," I commented.

"I'll be the judge of that, darling."

"Stop calling me that!" He just shrugged in response. "By the way, you skip over the 'r' in 'darling.' You make it sound like daah-ling." Julian looked at me with an amused expression.

"Anything else you have to point out about my accent?" he asked.


"Good. Now, the plan begins tomorrow."

"Can't wait."

Actually, I really could.


Day 1 of the stupid mission. (At least, my cold was better).

Everyone was going on another hiking trip. Like yesterday, Julian volunteered to be my partner. He was just doing that to make sure I wouldn't chicken out. I wasn't that easy of a quitter.

After taking notes on several different plant species and facts on them, Leonardo decided to take us somewhere else. It was a bright, sunny day, full of burning heat. I had mosquito bites all over my arms and some on my neck-stupid bugs.

Leonardo took us to this high ground where a tall tree stood. A rope hung over the tree and over the edge, we could see a lake.

"Who wants to jump in a lake?" Leonardo grinned and went to hold the rope.

"Who doesn't?" I muttered as I backed up a little. That didn't work out so well because I ran into Julian. He nudged me and I shifted a little forward. He seemed more worried about me running into the barbecue chips in his hands. Brat.

"Come on, Cassie, take a leap!" Julian said behind me.

"After you," I replied.

"Really?" His hopeful tone immediately altered my response.


"I'll go first," Leonardo said when no one spoke up. Everyone backed up and gave the guide enough room to take the rope and move back as far as he could. Then, he began running with the rope in his hand. He flew as far as he could above the lake before letting go.

There were a bunch of shouts, laughs, and chuckles. I rolled my eyes and saw Julian go over to take a seat on a tree branch. This tree was to the side, extremely small and fragile looking.

"What? No jumping?" I asked I walked over to him. Everyone else seemed ready to jump in the-most probably-dirty lake.

"I have been eating. I must wait at least twenty minutes," he shrugged. Then, pointing to his bag of chips, he said, "these crisps are amazing."

"Cool. Now, what am I supposed to be doing?" I asked him.

"Jumping in the lake. Having fun," he said as if it was an obvious answer. When I didn't respond, he sighed and kept from eating. "Cassie, you are not a little kid. You've been with these people almost all your life."

"I don't know them."

"You don't know me either."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

He grinned and went back to eating. "Go jump in the lake."

"Water's dirty."

"I don't care."

"People who jumped are spreading their germs."

"Get over it."

"I'm too short." This one earned me what-is-wrong-with-you look?

"That's not reasonable enough," he said.

Annoyed, I took a deep breath and released it. "I'm scared of water."

Now, he looked at me with realization. "Would you like a partner?" he asked jumping to the ground.


"Come on!" He put the bag of chips on his backpack that was on the ground. I groaned and threw my backpack on the ground.

"I am gonna die. Might as well get over with it, now," I said and followed Julian.

"Nothing's going to happen-aside from you making your first attempt at moving on," he said simply. We stood over the edge, looking at half of the students already in the water.

"Yeah, okay. Not happening," I said, turning back to go. One look at the water told me that it was deep. Deep to my standards, that is. "And what happened to eating and jumping in water?"

"More important things have taken over," he said. "Now, are you jumping alone or with me? Choose wisely."

"Neither." He did say to choose wisely.

"You promised to do whatever I said," he said taking a step in my direction.

"Where did it say I had to jump in water to move on?"

"Everything's fair in love and moving on, darling." He was grinning like an idiot. He held out his hand for me to take. I shook my head. "Maybe if you would stop running away from your problems it wouldn't be so difficult."

I gave him a long, narrow look. He just waited for my answer. Of course, that decision was soon made for me. Two of the idiot girls girls "accidentally" ran into us, thus, pushing Julian and I into the lake.

The worst feeling hit me when I broke into the surface of the water. I suddenly felt like I was going to die as my head went underwater. Water surrounded me, much of it went into my mouth. I flailed my arms and feet around to catch onto something. My eyes were closed from the fear. It was one thing when you were ready to face your fears...and surprise was another.

Never had I ever been fond of surprises.

When I nearly gave up, I was pulled out of the cold, dirty, terrible, horrible, nasty-you get the gist-water. I coughed and tried to open my eyes. Julian stood in front of me, with a hand on my arm, keeping me from going under the water again. That's when I remembered another thing.

"Yes! My contacts are still in!" Good thing, because I didn't have another back-up.

Julian gave me an odd look. " are absolutely fine. Something more to be concerned about."

I shook my head at him. My anger from the intended push returned to its surface. "I am anything but fine, Julian. How dare you?! I could have died!"

"What?" he was intentionally playing dumb.

I looked around to see people staring at us with weird looks. "Glad to know everyone finds interest in my anger," I told them in a calm tone.

Some rolled their eyes, but mostly they went back to what they were doing.

"Cassie, be a bit nicer," Julian said.

I turned back to meet his eyes. "First, help me out of this dirty water," I ordered.

"Be nicer."

"Get me out," I retorted.

He let go of my arm, and I was underwater again. After like three seconds, he pulled me back out. "I'll help you if are nicer."

"Julian, please, get me out of the damn water!"

"Sure, right after you repeat the sentence without including the word 'damn.'" He was actually serious about this. I was getting irritated and impatient.


I was underwater again but only for a second or two before he pulled me out.

"Please get me out of the water, Julian," I said trying to keep myself collected.

He nodded with a satisfied smile and dragged me out. "Was that too hard?" he asked once we were out. His light tone gave a nudge to my building temper.

I gave him one look and said, "Yes. And I might have to rethink about the help I asked you." He had no idea how much the jump and being in the lake had scared me. That aside, what he had done to get me be nicer was worse.

"Cassie, are you okay?" He took a step forward. Too late.

I wiped away the tears mixed with the water. "You think it's okay after you let me nearly drown?"

"You're overreacting-"

"Oh I'm sorry. Being thrown into a lake against my will isn't something I enjoy!"

"You seem to enjoy yelling and getting angry." He was being way too calm. "You didn't die, Cassie. Listen to this: now that you have jumped once, the hesitation you had before lessened."

I blinked at him. Of course, he was right, and both of us knew that. "You used the most ridiculous way to get me to face my fear!" My anger had calmed down. Not a single part of my body ached.

"Darling, haven't I mentioned? Everything's fair in love and moving on."

"Moving on from Lucas not my fears," I muttered.

"I want you to move on from things that bother you," he said seeming more relaxed, now. He was lucky that I was trying my best not to hit him.

Not that I would do that or anything.

"I know one thing that can aid in moving on," I blurted out. Julian gave me a skeptical look before nodding. "Hitting him." Julian rolled his eyes. "I am dead serious. It would really help me! Just one punch! I won't hit him hard enough to get suspended."

I didn't know why I was getting excited over this.

Julian gave me a look. My excitement disappeared as I figured what he was going to tell me. As always, he was going to be the peace keeper.

"Only one punch, Cassie."

I stared wide at Julian who had a small smile. "Seriously?" I mean this was Julian we were talking about. The same guy who had called Lucas rude for blackmailing people. The same guy who told me to be nice. The same guy who had been trying to help me out in everything.

"Go before I change my mind. I'll distract the teachers," he said and proceeded to find the teachers.

"Thanks so much. You're not that big of a good boy!" I said.

He gave me a narrow look. "We'll discuss that later. Now, go find Lucas."

"Aye aye Captain."


Lucas Crowell was the easiest idiot in Pennsylvania to find. He had been happily hanging around with his friends when I approached him. All of them were sitting at the edge of the lake. The teachers had decided to give us an hour by the lake to relax before we had to go back.

"Oh look, Sandy's here," Jenna said. She didn't seem mean or nice...more like she stating some fact.

Lucas looked up at me and then immediately turned away. "Lucas, can I talk to you?" I said as nicely as I could.

This caught his attention. "Go ahead," he said evenly.

"I don't prefer talking to people's back...even if I don't find their faces too pleasant."

As expected, everyone felt the tension. Jenna had a small smile as she moved away from Lucas slightly. Lucas looked at me and stood up. We were a little too far apart for me to punch him.

"What do you need, Evans? If you came here to apologize-"

"Whoa there, who said I was going to apologize?" I asked really taken aback by his statement.

"Then why are you here? Was Julian done babysitting you?" he asked. I could tell he was trying to hit a nerve.

"Nah, he was actually encouraging me to do something," I said with a smile. Lucas gave me a skeptical look. "I have actually been thinking about it since our fight." I took a step forward, his way. He didn't move or anything rather watched me.

"About what?" I looked around building my strength. Glancing around, I saw Julian talking to both of the teachers.


I didn't give Lucas a warning before I raised my hand and punched him right on his nose.

I had never felt such beautiful relief before.


Author's Note

Beautiful banner by yufannx.

Poor Lucas got punched :( I still love them all. No matter what anyone has done. Btw, who's happy he got punched and who's not? Though Lucas got punched, it does NOT imply that he is OVER. ANYTHING can happen. I control the game ;)

So any predictions? Any changed minds?

Btw, what did you think of Cassie's behavior?

Please keep



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