16 Weeks

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Jill's POV:
Today is the day we finally get to find out what we're having, I got in the shower as Gerald got out, he went to get ready, things have still been so quiet at home, I'm unsure if those demons are lingering or really gone now that I fought back harder than before.

"Jill?" Gerald asks before leaving the bathroom.

"Hmm?" I say sticking my head out of the shower.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Just wondering babe," I say.

I shrug and go back to my shower, once I'm done I get dressed in,

(Jill's bump is smaller 16 week belly I just liked this outfit)

I head downstairs, after grabbing my phone off the charger, I throw my hair up in a messy bun and head for the fridge, I grab a bottle of water and then go meet Gerald in the car, as I get in a place my cell in the cup holder and he starts the engine, This is my version of heartbreak by Conor Maynard begins, I smile and begin to sing as Gerald turns on the camera he put in his car,

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Four in the morning, staring at the ceiling
On my own, like I was last weekend
You left and I guess you had your reasons
Guess you had your reasons, yeah
I said things and I didn't really mean them
Kept going till I saw your heart bleeding
Ruining the only thing I ever believed in
Ever believed in, yeah

And even though you're gone
I'm gonna pretend there's nothing wrong
I'm fucking every girl that comes along
Anything is better than to face up to reality, oh oh

This is my version of heartbreak
This is how I get over you
I don't wanna feel
I don't wanna feel
This is my version of heartbreak
And it's all I know how to do
I don't wanna feel like this anymore
This is my version of a heartbreak

Clothes on the floor, yeah and the beds all mine
And staying out 'till the sun starts rising
Free as a bird but I'm still not flying
God, I'm trying, yeah

And even though you're gone
I'm telling everyone there's nothing wrong
Until I can believe you're not the one
Anything is better than to face up to reality, oh oh

This is my version of heartbreak
This is how I get over you
I don't wanna feel
I don't wanna feel
This is my version of heartbreak
And it's all I know how to do
I don't wanna feel like this anymore
This is my version of a heartbreak
This is my version of a heartbreak
This is my version of a heartbreak."

He stopped the camera as the next song came on he turned it back on as Now or Never by Halsey began I started singing along,

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I don't wanna fight right now
Know you always right, now
Know I need you 'round with me
But nobody waitin' 'round with me
Been through the ups
Yeah the ups and the downs with me
Got a whole lot of love
But you don't wanna spread it 'round with me, yeah
Never pick up, never call me
You know we're runnin' out of time
Never pick up when you want me
Now I gotta draw a line
Baby I done, done enough talking
Need to know that you're mine
Baby we done, done enough talking
Gotta be right now, right now
Baby gon' love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Now or never, hey, hey, hey
I want you to hold me down, down, down, down, down, down
Down forever, hey, hey, hey
Said you know I wanna keep you around
'Round forever, hey, hey, hey
I want you to love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Now or never
I'm turnin' off the light right now
I'm callin' it a night now
Wishin' you were 'round with me
But you're in a different town than me
We've been through it all
But you could never spit it out for me
Tryna talk to a wall
But you could never tear it down for me, yeah
Never pick up, never call me
You know we're runnin' out of time
Never pick up when you want me
Now I gotta draw a line
Baby I done, done enough talking
Need to know that you're mine
Baby we done, done enough talking
Gotta be right now, right now
Baby gon' love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Now or never, hey, hey, hey
I want you to hold me down, down, down, down, down, down
Down forever, hey, hey, hey
Said you know I wanna keep you around
'Round forever, hey, hey, hey
I want you to love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Now or never
Yeah, draw the line up
Don't take no more time up, yeah
Make your mind up
I need you to make your mind up, yeah
Draw the line up
Don't take no more time up, yeah
Baby you gotta decide something
Let me know
Baby gon' love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Now or never, hey, hey, hey
I want you to hold me down, down, down, down, down, down
Down forever, hey, hey, hey
Said you know I wanna keep you around
'Round forever, hey, hey, hey
I want you to love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Now or never."

As I finished the second song he turned off the camera since we were at a red lift and he smiles,

"You killed my ex's song."

I laugh and lean over and try to kiss his cheek, he turns his head and our lips connect, I smile in the kiss, I pull away as the light turns green, Gerald begins to drive again, we pull up to the doctors office. We get out and head inside, they do the normal check up after calling my name, then we head down to the X-ray floor to get an ultrasound done, we wait again to be called,

"Jillian Fox?"

We follow the nurse to a room,

"Lay down the ultrasound tech will be right in." She leaves.

I lay down and wait for the person, she arrives a few minutes later,

"Please lift your shirt, this is going to be a bit cold I'm sorry." She says.

I lift my shirt and Gerald takes my free hand as she squirts the cold gel onto my stomach, I gasp a little when it hits my skin, she takes the wand and begins moving it, until she finds the baby's heartbeat, I smile as I can hear it through the machine, she takes some pictures,

"You ready to find out the gender?"

Gerald and I both say, "Yes." Together at the same time.

She smiles and moves the wand around a bit until she finds the thing she's looking for, she turns the screen to us as says,

"Congratulations on your baby boy!"

I began tearing up, I was lost for words, I was going to have a son with G motherfucking Eazy, a mini him, a little boy who's going to look just like this damn heartbreak I love so much. He's going to be daddy's pride and joy I just know it, he'll be taking him to the studio with him to write and record, this baby will be into rap before he's even born, he might come out rapping and dancing like Gerald.

He leans down and kisses me breaking me out of my thoughts, I kiss back and we pull apart as the ultrasound tech says,

"Congratulations again! Here's some pictures I'll lead you guys back out."

She hands me a towel as Gerald helps me sit up, I wipe off the gel and pull my shirt down and get off the table, Gerald takes the pictures and smiles at me, he takes my hand and we follow the lady out of the room and back to the waiting room.

"Just go check out and get your next appointment, have a nice day."

"Thank you you too," I say as we head to the desks.

We get my next ultrasound appointment for 25 weeks, that's nearly another 10 weeks away, I had another doctor appointment at 20 weeks, things seemed like they were flying, but in reality they were dragging on and I was beginning to think something was going to happen before this baby gets here. Gerald and I decided to go do some baby shopping, we were also planning our baby shower, which we agreed to have at Gerald's mansion, we also were setting up a nursery there as well, we had a lot to do and we were going to run out of time if we didn't start things now.

Those are some clothes we got and the nursery for Gerald's Mansion.

Here's what I got myself,

I couldn't resist the shirt it was so pretty! We packed the car up and headed to Gerald's mansion to set up the room and we ended up leaving the clothes there, we headed home and ordered some pizza for all of us, James had his girlfriend Mila over, we were happy he found a girl, and we actually work together, she's one of my best coworkers, we like read each other minds or something since we can work together and not speak much, yet understand each other perfectly. She's been my rock since I started at the hospital, I'm glad she found a guy. I get up and walk past a picture,

(Pretend it's Geazy and Jill)

James took it after we found out, it was one of those rare moments Gerald was crying, he was so overwhelmed with happiness as was I. I'm excited but kind of ready now that I know it's going to be a boy. When pizza arrived, James paid for it and brought it to the living room with plates and napkins, he grabbed cups for drinks, then sat down next to Mila, we ate dinner and watched Z Nation, Mila was in love with the show, that's my girl! We all ended up falling asleep on each other, I was leaning on Gerald, James was leaning on me and Mila was leaning on James. It was a perfect Kodak moment, a picture people would probably retweet and repost with captions like, The Tired Bunch!, Aww Look At Them!, I wish G would let me lay on him... they go on and on the possibilities.

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