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Jill's POV:
I awoke around 2:30 on the couch, Gerald was asleep near me and James was at the other end, with buddy on his lap. I smile and go get ready for work. During my shower I hear strange noises and voices, I peek out once in awhile but see no one and the voices stop, I'm starting to hate this house and wish these damn demons were gone already, I didn't know how to get rid of them I had tried already, I was too afraid to tell anyone about it because they'd just laugh at me. They'd just say 'Ghosts don't exist' when in reality they really freaking do exist! I finish up my shower and get dressed for work, light purple scrubs for NICU staff to tell us apart from the other nurses that wear the mint green or whatever color they are. I put my hair up in a bun and grab my phone off the sink, I look down at my stomach that was slowly growing, being 17 1/2 weeks was making me so anxious for the rest of this pregnancy to go by, I wanted to meet him already and we still have over 20 more weeks to go! I went downstairs,  walked into the living room, walked over to Gerald and kissed him on the cheek as I whispered,

"Babe I got to go to work, I'm taking the mustang if that's okay."

He wakes up smiling, he reaches in his pocket, "That is fine by me baby just leave me your keys."

I take the keys from him and place mine in his hand, "There you go I'll see you guys for lunch? Around 12?"

He nods, "Yes baby we'll meet you there and go out to lunch you have an hour today right?"

I nod, "Yeah I do."

"Okay I'll call you when you go on break and I'll see you then." Gerald says half awake.

I give him a kiss and we exchange goodbyes, he walks me to the door and shuts it after I've walked out and gotten into his mustang. I start it and drive to work, I was impressed that he let me and trusted me with his baby, his mustang. I park and get out once I arrive at work and lock the car as I walk away from it. I head into the hospital and go clock in, I head for the locker rooms and drop my stuff off, dropping my cell into one of my scrub top pockets, I walk towards the NICU, waving to my coworkers as we pass each other. I stop at the lounge and grab a coffee, I was allowed one cup a day, since caffeine wasn't great for the baby, I also drank one decafe cup a day at lunch time. I walk into the NICU and grab a tablet logging into the hospital database and pulling up all the NICU patients charts, there was a total of 5 babies in here today, usually there's only 1 or 2. The most we've had in here was 11, that was a nightmare though and we won't relive that day.

I wash my hands then glove up and go check on my first patient.


I'm sitting at the desk in the NICU when the phone rings, I pick it up,

"Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Jillian Fox Speaking."

I listen for a moment before responding to the parent on the other end, "Yes Molly is stable and you can come down and see her just use the hand sanitizer outside the door and I'll buzz you in."

"You're welcome Mr.Taylor."

We hung up and I got up to stretch as I waited for the father of Molly to arrive, the mother was in a coma after giving birth, the whole story is heartbreaking, I got to deliver the baby and then she just gave up, Molly has been fighting and fighting to stay alive since last week. Finally today after over a week of fighting she's stable enough to get some one on one time with her father, who I heard has been coming down EVERY day and spending time with her then he goes and spends time with his fiancée, I really hope she pulls through. I touch my stomach lightly as I hear the phone ring, I pick it up,

"Alright I'll buzz you through."

I walk over and hit the buzzer as I watch Mr. Taylor walk by the hand sanitizer, stopping to use it real quick before he walks to the NICU doors that slide open as he approaches.

"She's over there now," I point to the side of the room, closest to the desk.

He smiles, "Thank you Jill."

"You're welcome Mr. Taylor." I say and take a seat so he can have some time with his daughter.


Not much has happened over the last 6 hours, besides having to give all the babies there meds and get their stats, only 2 more of the parents showed up so far to visit their kids leaving 2 more that haven't gotten attention yet. I get up and clock out for my hour breaks as my cell rings and my replacement comes in.

I pick up my cell, "Hey babe! I'm working my way out of the NICU now."

"Perfect! We're out front waiting babe," Gerald says.

"Okay be there in a few minutes!" I say as we hang up.

I head for the locker room and grab my purse, I put it on my shoulder and head for the elevator. I press the button and wait for it to come up to the second floor, I get on and press the Lobby button, it brings me to the lobby, I step off and head for the front doors, passed security

"Have a nice lunch Jill!" Martin says smiling.

"Thanks Martin, you too!" I smile and wave to him as I walk by.

"Thanks girl!" He calls out.

I turn and call out, "You're welcome!"

I turn back around and head towards the truck, I get into the passenger seat and close the door placing my purse on the floor by my feet.

"How's work going baby?" Gerald asks leaning over to kiss me.

"Good!" I say kissing him back.

"Get a room!" James says laughing.

"Oh please!" I say laughing.

We head for lunch, we eat, laugh and talk about life, and what life might be like after Liam arrives. After that I get dropped back off at work and head inside.


Beeep beeep beeep beeep.....

Then a loud noise sounds from one of the newborns machines, I get up fast and run over to the premie baby, that flatlined,

"No no don't do this now," I mutter to myself.

I start infant cpr, I do everything right, and I save the newborn. I don't end up leaving work on time. My phone starts to ring as I'm clocking out,


"Hey! Gerald was getting worried you haven't been answering you okay?" James says

"Yeah I have a situation at 2 and it took us until now to get it taken care of, I'm on my way to get my stuff and leave," I say to James.

I can hear Gerald in the background then on the phone, "You scared me a little Jill I almost came down there to make sure you were still alive."

"Aww babe I'm fine! I was saving a life," I say.

"Good job! I knew you could do it!" He says.

I open the door to the locker room and go grab my stuff, after that I say,

"I'm on my way out the door now see you soon!"

We hang up and I head for the elevators, I get on and go down, as I pass my coworkers they are cheering me on, they all know that I'm just a nurse, but I should be more, I told them I just couldn't. I left the hospital got into Gerald's Mustang and headed home.

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