A Month Apart

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After spending most of the day with grandpa we finally headed back to the house, I was an emotional mess, I got a few pictures taken when my grandpa woke up again before we left. This was going to be a hard month for me and Fallon, we walk into the house and I take it in for a moment,

But my favorite place was the backyard,

I loved this place as a kid and I still do to this day, I was slowly processing everything that was going on, I look at the time on my cell it reads 8:03pm that's London time, California it's 12:03 pm. I was beginning to feel tired and jet lagged, I was fighting it but it was getting stronger and I haven't felt the first kicks just yet. I walk to my bedroom,

Go to my walk in closet to grab clothes,

Then head into the bathroom,

I shower then Change into pjs ,

Being nearly 18 weeks pregnant was slowly starting to effect me, my mood, my sleep,

I was slowly also growing a bigger baby bump, Liam was surely giving me grief lately I've had heartburn like crazy. In a few weeks I have a dr appointment in London, I was nervous for a different doctor to examine me and Gerald won't be here for this ultrasound which is heart breaking and I know he was upset when I told him before I left, he just didn't show it. I climb into bed and cover up, I grab the remote and hit the on button, then the Netflix button, I find grey's anatomy and start it. After less than a half hour of watching my show I was passed out, forgetting to call Gerald.

Gerald's POV:

I know it's about 8:30pm in London, I was getting worried since Jill hasn't called yet, I wasn't thrilled to be missing her appointments in a few weeks, but I couldn't do a thing about it, I was wrapped up in my music and she was dealing with slowly losing her grandpa, who I found out she is extremely close too, I saw the pictures from earlier, seeing that Jill was active about 20 minutes ago, I decide to call her phone, it rings twice before going to voicemail, I leave her one,

"Hey babe! Just checking on you, I saw you were active but you're not picking up...I really hope your okay and the demon hasn't bothered you yet, I love you call me back."

I hang up the phone and grab buddies leash, hooking it to his collar, I take him for a walk, on my way back my cell rings, I see Jill's face pop up, I immediately answer,

"Hey baby!"

"Sorry I fell asleep, I just woke up and saw you called, I didn't hear it ring." She says back.

"It's okay don't apologize baby girl, go back to sleep I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I say.

"I'm great baby, just jet lagged, I have a huge day tomorrow and a lot to plan, I love you, I'll call in the am." She says.

"Okay baby girl I love you too, goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight babe." She says.

We hang up after that and I continue my walk with buddy, James was out shopping for food, I was trying to get the demon to come out and give me info before I decided to give up and just walk the dog, after arriving back at the house with buddy, I walk inside and hear the sink running. I look around and spot James by the fridge putting food away,

"Yo bro!"

"Hey G!" James says.

"I talked to Jill finally she fell asleep before calling, jet lagged as fuck." I say laughing.

"Poor girl, pregnant and jet lagged that's no fun!" James says.

"Yeah true." I say, taking buddy off his leash and hanging it back up.

James and I cook some lunch, eat, then we try to get the demons to come out, without much luck, seeing how it's only like 1:30pm.

Jill's POV:
It's been a few days since I got to London, my days were filled with craziness, we ran around a lot and stocked the house up. The maids clean daily, and do laundry every other day. I'm trying to get on London schedule, it's taking me some time to get over the jet lag, but I'm slowly feeling better. Fallon said she has something planned for next weekend, it's killing me trying to rack my brain to figure it out. I've shopped a few times, taken grandpa to the mall, we did some site seeing together, I took a lot of pictures and I plan to take a lot more. I was starting to really miss Gerald though, and it was affecting my mood worse than the hormones. I texted him a lot and barely got replies back, it's almost as if he isn't getting most of them and I was beginning to think the demons were behind this bullshit.

I helped my sister bring in the light stuff from the store, I helped put the food and other items we bought away. I looked at the clock and it read 3pm, so it would be 7am in Cali, Gerald should be awake. I pull my cell out and dial Gerald's number, it rings and rings then goes to voicemail, so I text him,

Morning babe! I tried calling but got voicemail, I miss you! Xxxxx Jilly

I don't get a reply back so I put my cell down and help my sister pull out the fixings for tonight's dinner, it was going to take us a few hours to prep it all so we were going to start that now.

Gerald's POV:

My phone chimes with a few notifications, I pick it up, seeing them all from Jill,

"What the fuck?!"

I read her texts and notice no missed calls from her, I text her back,

Hey baby! Sorry it never rang :( I love you too!

She doesn't reply back, which pisses me off, I was starting to think something was going on and I was going to figure it out. I throw my cell phone across my room and it hits the wall hard, I'm pretty sure I just broke the screen and I honestly don't give a fuck, I was really missing Jill and I barely spoke to her the last few days, I was beginning to feel distant from my girl, the one I'm madly in love with. I go pick up my phone and leave the house heading to the studio, once I arrive I look at my phone, my screen is cracked badly, I sigh and put it down, I'd go get it replaced after my studio session, then hopefully I'll get Jill's calls and texts.

Jill's POV:

My phone chimes on the counter near my sister, I'm currently busy mixing meat together, which smells so badly to me, since my senses are heightened, I keep making faces causing Fallon to laugh, I say,

"Read that new text out loud."

"Are you sure? It seems personal..." Fallon trails off.

"It's fine! Please read it," I say looking up at her.

"Okay if you say so sis, 'Hey Jillian, I really hate you and I've been using you since day one, but this is over between us, goodbye Gerald.'" She says.

As she does my knees give out and I fall to the floor, he was leaving me? After everything he said he was truly done with me, I was nothing and Liam is nothing to Gerald, if that's how he wants it then he'll get bitch buttoned and blocked. I go blank and Fallon gets scared,

"Jill don't do that."

"Do what?" I ask as I look at her, emotionless.

"That! The thing where you go blank and robot on me! It's not good...." She trails off.

"I'm fine Fallon, he obviously lied and played me I'm an adult and this will be handled as such, I just don't need to answer any calls or texts back from him, I'll leave him alone and just stick this shit out without his lying ass." I say to her as I get up and wash my hands.

"Okay...." She says unconvinced.

We go back to making dinner silently, after finishing prepping we begin to cook, we stay silent and don't speak. My uncle Ron walks into the kitchen,

"Why is it so damn quiet? Everything okay girls?" Uncle Ron says looking between me and Fallon.

"Everything is great Uncle Ron," I say, flashing my best fake smile that is spot on and seems real.

"Okay!" He says before leaving the kitchen again.

We finish dinner and serve it, after dinner I head to bed without bothering to check my phone.

Gerald's POV:

I don't get any calls or texts from Jill the rest of the day, which concerns me. When it hits 10pm I decide to try to call her, but it goes right to voicemail. I was beginning to get worried now, I needed to know my girl and unborn son were okay. I try texting her again,

HEy babe, for some reason it's going to voicemail.....I hope your Okay.

3 hours later.....

Jill please answer me back! This isn't like you.....

I get nothing back and that causes me to self destruct, I grab a bottle of bourbon out of the freezer and open the bottle, James can sense something isn't right. I get wasted to no extent, not caring I get into my mustang and go for a nice drive, drunk as shit. I make it home fine, passing out on the couch.

Jill's POV:

It's been a week now since the text from Gerald came in, I was still emotionless, despite being so hormonal, Fallon was worried about the baby and me, my uncle Ron knew something was up, but I refused to tell anyone and Fallon won't open her mouth, because she's my sister and always keeps my secrets.

My grandpa didn't really notice a change in me, because I acted perfectly happy around him, being fake for this past week has got me believing I'm happy when deep down, I'm torn apart by Gerald's break up text, something didn't add up but I was too exhausted to figure it out. The next week flew by and my phone chimes a lot, mostly nasty texts from Gerald that I don't reply to. I was now 20 weeks.

Today I got up, got dressed and we headed to the doctors, I decided to text Gerald,

On my way to the doctors not like you care though

What do you mean I don't care?

The shit you've been saying and what you did to me last week!

Jill I have no idea what the fuck your talking about!

You broke up with me!

No I didn't!

I don't reply, I'm furious as it was and put my phone on silent as I got out off the car with Fallon and walked into the doctors office, I got checked out, then we headed to the hospital for the ultrasound, I got pictures printed (a few copies were made of the same pictures), then we headed home.

I went to my room when we got there and looked through my texts.

Gerald's POV:

When Jill texted me, I knew what was wrong, the demon was tearing us apart, he hacked into our phones and alternated texts, I'm furious now. He's got my girl thinking she's alone in this now, I want nothing more than to be there for her. It took me awhile to get in touch with the demons but I did and they spilled so much in such a little amount of time, their leader was the one that attached himself to Jill and plans something big when she returns from London, I needed to warn her somehow, but I didn't know how I could without the demon erasing it or alternating it. I wanted to send her words of love but instead they came out like hate....

Jill's POV:

Being 20 weeks was a blessing, I was carrying a unborn baby boy with the genes of Gerald Gillum, a famous rapper, yet I was alone in this now, he never wanted this and I should have just fled the moment I found out I was pregnant, he never loved me anyways so what does it matter now? After arriving back home from the appointment and visiting grandpa I locked myself in my room. I didn't want to be near anyone or anything, I wanted to just fade into nothing. As I was laying down I felt something strange, a flutter in my stomach. My eyes went wide when I realized, Liam kicked for the first time that I could feel, tears slid down my face as I placed my hand on my stomach and put greys anatomy on, he would kick once in a while. It made me cry every time. My phone chimes,

Come down here! Get dressed there's an outfit in your closet marked WEAR ME xoxo Fal

I get up and walk to my closet and open the bag, revealing a-pretty dress,

I change into it and head downstairs with my phone in my hand, as I come downstairs and enter the living room I hear,


Tears fall down my face, as I look around at the baby decorations. I feel Fallon take my phone from me, I smile at the fact that my family threw me a surprise shower, now I'm going to enjoy it.

Everything was amazing, little did I know Fallon was sending everything to Gerald and they were currently talking about things. I spent time with family I haven't seen in years and I had the time of my life tonight, this baby shower was unforgettable and I still had one to plan at home. My grandpa was getting worse and had a week left, I wasn't ready for this and I wasn't ready to lose my grandpa for good, these past 3 weeks have been unforgettable and I hope grandpa will die happy.

Gerald's POV:

I have been talking to Fallon for nearly a week now, I found out about the surprise baby shower and knew she was coming home with more than one luggage bag this time, I also learned how she was covering up her pain of our 'break up' Fallon already knew about the demon she said she had one attached to her as well, she was still fighting it off and needed time too, she said she was close to getting herself detached and would work on Jill next, she just wanted Jill to enjoy things before they go south and this demon would do just that. I scroll through the pictures and smile at them, a tear sliding down my face. One more week and I'd have my girl in my arms again.

2 days later.....
Today Jill lost her grandpa, she couldn't even talk on the phone, my heart hurt and I started to cry along with her, I wanted to hold her so badly, she still thinks I hate her and I don't and I never did.

3 days later..
Jill buried her grandpa and Fallon sent me the video of her speech at the funeral it was heartbreaking and breathtaking.

20 weeks pregnant

Jill's POV:

Today I was getting on a plane and heading home, I lost my grandpa 6 days ago and we buried him 2 days ago, I didn't know what to expect but Fallon was coming back to the states with me and she was moving in. I needed my sister and we talked a little about her demon problem, she was ready to help me even though hers wasn't gone yet. I was happy that my sister was there for me, we boarded the 11 hour flight back to California, I slept for the first 6 hours and the last 5 hours I listened to music.

I Don't Exist"

I've been doomed from the start
Everything around me falls apart
So quickly always end up with a broken heart
Even Tylenol can't fix me
Unless it's mixed with whiskey

I ain't even sad, I'm just bored
Nothing can excite me anymore like you used to
Hollywood has lost all its allure
Used to be so pretty
Now it's just a city

All of these people and all of their friends
Look so good together and I don't fit in
'Cause they're picture perfect
And I'm on the end
Crop me out the photo so they can pretend
Like I don't exist
Like I don't exist
Don't exist
Like I don't exist (no)
Like I don't exist

When I feel good it never lasts
That's why you can find me living in a past if you need me
Everybody says this shit will pass
I say it won't, they don't believe me
Just tell me to deep breathe

Falling apart
Don't know what to do, what to do
Looking for someone to save me, I don't know who
I don't know who

All of these people and all of their friends
Look so good together and I don't fit in
'Cause they're picture perfect
And I'm on the end
Crop me out the photo so they can pretend
Like I don't exist
Like I don't exist
Don't exist
Like I don't exist (no)
Like I don't exist

Am I even real?
Am I even real?
Am I even real?
Am I even real?
Am I even real?
Am I even real?
It's hard to tell when I can't feel a fucking thing

All of these people and all of their friends
Look so good together and I don't fit in
'Cause they're picture perfect
And I'm on the end
Crop me out the photo so they can pretend
Like I don't exist (no)
Like I don't exist
Don't exist
Like I don't exist (no)
Like I don't exist

Am I even real?

Fallon and I jammed to that alone in first class, the next song we decided to sing was Purpose by Justin Bieber,

Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept
I put my heart into your hands
Here's my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
You're not hard to reach
And you've blessed me with the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose
Yeah, you've given me purpose
Thinking my journey's come to an end, oh
Sending out a farewell to my friends
For inner peace
Ask you to forgive me for my sins
Oh would you please?
I'm more than grateful for the time we spent
My spirit's at ease
I put my heart into your hands
Learn the lessons you teach
No matter when, wherever I am
You're not hard to reach
And you've given me the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose everyday
You give me purpose in every way
Oh, you are my everything
Oh, you are my everything
I don't know if this is wrong
Because someone else is telling me that it's wrong
But I feel this so let me just like, try my best not to let this happen again
We weren't necessarily put in the best position to make the best decisions
You can't be hard on yourself for these were the cards that you were given
So you have to understand that these like
That's not who you are
You know you're trying to be the best you can be
But that's all you can do
If you don't give it all you got, you're only cheating yourself
Give it all you got
But if it ends up happening, it ends up happening
That's what it's that's what's happening with me
It's like, God I'm giving it all I got
Sometimes I'm weak and I'm gonna do it
And it's like I'm not giving myself grace
I'm just like understanding, that's just how it is

And our list goes on until they tell us to be seated and prepare for landing. I look out the window and see LA, I put my hand on my stomach and rub it whispering,

"We're home Liam."

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