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*Lucy's P.O.V*
I woke up to a different feeling than when I went to sleep.
"Hey Luce, there is only one room. What should we do?" Natsu asked me a bit drowsy. "

I'll take the floor, you can sleep on the bed." I said setting up my place on the floor

"No Lucy why don't we just share the bed? There is more than enough room." I blushed at the thought of sharing a bed with him

"No just go to sleep, we have a long walk back to the city to get to school." He finally dropped the subject and he quickly fell asleep. So I flipped to a comfortable position, and after awhile I started to shiver but I wouldn't let that bug me. And sooner than later I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

*Natsu's P.O.V in the flashback*
I pretended to fall asleep and, I think Lucy bought it because she settled down into her heap of blankets, she calls a bed. When I was watching her waiting for her to fall asleep I saw her shiver, but I couldn't do anything about it. I felt a deep trench of sadness in my heart watching her battle the cold. Then all of a sudden she shivered more and I realized she has fallen asleep. I tip toed over to her, I bent down cradled her and picked her up. When I straightened my knees I shiver at Lucy's cold skin in contact with my warm flesh. I quickly carried her to the bed and set her down on the other side. I carefully crawled into the bed and pulled her close into a strong bear hug, in an intent to warm her up faster. Lucy moved closer to me and sighed with delight as I am her personal heater. I couldn't help but smile at her childish act. After watching her nestle into my chest, I was taken into a deep dreamless sleep.
*end of flashback*
Lucy's P.O.V
When I finally opened my eyes I can face to face with a beaming pink haired sweetheart. He must of carried me here after I fell asleep. Natsu is so kind, I never thought I would ever meet someone like this. I leaned in and kissed his cheek making him smile brighter and turn a bit. I wiggled out of his grip and worked my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. I opened the cabinets and fridge remembering that my dad has some staff stock the cabin with food every two months, in case we were to come here on short notice. I pulled out eggs, bread, bacon, and oranges. I started with squeezing the oranges to make orange juice, after squeezing quite a few into a bottle I put it in the fridge and started making the bacon, eggs, and the toast at the same time. I had some extra time so I decided to take the fresh berries out of the fridge and make home made jam. But the time I finished making break feast , the orange juice was cold so I walked to the bedroom to wake Natsu up. But I was surprised to see him up and about to open up the door. 

"Hey Luce, good morning" he said waving to me. 

"Good morning, I made breakfast." I saw Natsu's eyes light up 

"yay, I was starving." He ran to the kitchen , when he sat down he immediately began eating. But then he stopped suddenly when I was eating my piece of bacon. 

"Did you make all of this yourself?" He asked I nodded 

"everything from the orange juice to the jam." I smiled 

"it's delicious Luce, where did you learn to cook?" My smile slowly turned into a frown 

"my mother taught me." I saw him instantly turn sad and his eyes had tons of guilt in them. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I shook me hands in front of my self , in a way to signal no. 

"No it's fine, you couldn't of known." I smiled sadly and began eating again like nothing happened. After we finished eating we started walking to fairy tail academy, Natsu still looked really sad and full of guilt for bringing up my late mother. So I decided to cheer him up, I swooped my hand down and in a single swing grabbing his hand gently and intertwining our fingers. He looked down at me with utter shock. All I did in return was give him my brightest smile, which I haven't shown anyone in over ten hears since my mother died. We finally arrived at the school and we were circled with whispers about me and Natsu. They had their voices at such a level that it would be impossible not for us to hear it. 

"Ew look that ugly new girl is holding hands with our Natsu!" Exclaimed on girl while the other one agreed silently. I instantly let go of his hand and walked ahead oh Natsu, to stop the whispering. I headed off to class but I never really paid attention to the teacher . when school finally ended I made it quick to get to my locker and rush out of the school. I was scared to ruin Natsu's reputation so I ran off to the cabin instead of waiting for him. When I got back I went into the bathroom and found my dads unused shaving razor . I took the blades out and began dragging it a crossed my skin feeling the pain just drift away with each cut. I was starting on my other arm when I heard loud foot steps wonder around the cabin. I heard a worried voice call out to me , I stayed silent while the steps came closer and closer to the bathroom door. I forgot that the bathroom door didn't have a lock on it so I quickly tried to clean up my cuts before he could see them. But I was too late, Natsu opened up the door before I even could turn the water on. He instantly looked at my arms then looked in my eyes. What I saw was hurt, sadness, and anger. 

"Why?" I stayed silent and looked down at the ground 

"why" he asked again but this time getting louder and closer. 

"Look at me Lucy?!" He yelled at me, startled I looked him in the eye 

"why did you do it?" This time I thought carefully on what I was going to say. 

"I don't know, it takes my pain away." I answered honestly . he took a wash cloth , disinfectant , and gauze . he put some of the disinfectant on the cloth and held my arm , he gently cleaned my wounds. I cringed at the sudden stinging in my arms. Natsu looked at me and gave a sad frown but continued to clean me up. When he had finished he carefully wrapped my arms with the gauze. 

"Please" was all he said, it was do quiet I almost didn't hear him. 

"Please stop doing this to your self, it hurts me to see you in this much pain." He pulled me into a hug , I hugged back . we stayed like this for a long time, neither of us were too sad to eat, but then remembered we had a party to go to. We grabbed our bags and ran to Lisanna's house (which Natsu lead the way) , and by the time we got there we were just on time, surprisingly.

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