No time to talk

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*Lucy's P.O.V*

I looked over at Natsu, I didn't answer him though. I got up and started walking, leaving a dumbfounded boy. He run up to me and grabbed my wrist. 

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" Natsu asked with a hurt face. I shook my head and yanked my arm free, and started walking again.

*Natsu's P.O.V*

She yanked her arm free from my grasp and started walking away. I called to her 

"Hey.. you never did tell me your name." She didn't answer and kept walking. I frowned and started walking home when I heard a cheerful yell. 

"Hey Natsu!!" Called Lisanna. 

"Hey Lisanna" I said feeling all of my freedom slip away. 

"What's with the sad face?" I looked her with surprise 

"what do you mean... I'm fine." 

"OK .... well anyway I wanted to know if you would like to go to a movie with me this Friday?" I let it ponder in my mind for a bit before I chose my words carefully. 

 "Um... no thank you Lisanna,I actually have something to do Friday." I saw her facial expressions were filled with hurt and sadness.... 

"oh... I understand ..... how about another day?" Her face returning to her joyful smile. Natsu looked down at his watch to see that he was late to return home... sh*t I mentally cursed 

"sorry Lisanna I got to run... I'm late to return home... talk to you tomorrow" I stated running at full speed before she could answer.

*Lucy's P.O.V*

I finally made it home, the previous events replaying in my mind. That boy... why was he so curious to know my name? I thought some more until I snapped back to reality when I was being dragged into my estate . 

"Where have you been you worthless piece of sh*t!?" My drunk father questioned me. 

"Sorry father I got a little lost on my way back" I said lying to avoid a big punishment. I suddenly felt a sharp pain as u fall down to the ground. I had to wait a while to realize what had just happened , my father has punished me in my face. 

"Don't let that happen again... you got it?"my father yelled while continuously kicking me in my stomach, causing me to cough up blood and to loose my breath. 

"Now go to your room now you little b*tech! You don't get any dinner tonight!" Before I could answer he grabbed me by my hair and threw me up a few steps instantly bruising my ribs. I struggled to get up, but once I got to my shaky feet I ran to my bedroom and locked the door.

I walked slowly to my bed stand, I opened the drawer and pulled out a box full of blades. I slowly picked one up while my other hand rolled up my sleeves ... I didn't hesitate to have the blade make contact with my skin causing open wounds on my wrists going up my arm. Slowly my arm turned a dark crimson. I feel the stress and pain flouting away like beautiful butterflies. When I was satisfied I put the blade back in the box then went to my personal bathroom to wash my arms. I turned in the faucet and started splashing my arm feeling the stinging at the same time.

*Natsu's P.O.V*

I finally made it home huffing and puffing. I walked into the door to be welcomed by a punch in the gut.

 "Omff" I reacted while I fell to my knees in pain. 

"Why the hell are you late!?" 

"I'm sorry sir my friend wouldn't let me go." My father kicked me in the gut.

"what did I say about having friends? They get too nosy then they might report me I'd they find out.... dumb a$$" my father got mad and slammed his empty beer bottle on my head causing it to brake. I fell to the ground feeling dizzy. 

"Now go to your room,your dinner is in there too." I slowly walked up the stairs and closed my bedroom door behind me. I started puns hung the walls until my knuckles were bloody. I grumbles and went a crossed the hall to wash off my hands. 

"I'm so sick if this!! I just want it to end!" I started to think suicidal ... no I can't do that to my friends .. I walked over to my bed and I had a restless sleep.

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