Chapter 14.

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So sorry I've been hecka busy with mid terms


Zara's POV***

Things were definitely a blur at first. I was in Ryder's house, and we kissed, which was totally amazing, but after that I think I blacked out. 

My back was aching from its position, my arms were sore as well. My legs were pinned against something wooden. I wiggled around and noticed I was in a chair. Panick flared throughout my whole being. My eyes forcibly opened but all I welcomed was darkness. My wrists were tied behind me. I snorted, how typical. 

But how'd I get kidnapped? I mean, I doubt this was Ryder's house and he tied me up just for fun. My legs were tied to each chair leg, forcing my ankles in agitating positions. 

Immediately, I tried my best to wriggle out of the ropes that bound me in place. My wrist jerked in a painful way, causing me to whimper pathetically. I squirmed more and more, but to no avail the ropes stayed on.

Suddenly, a voice called out. "Don't struggle too much dear," A man said. Their voice was dark and deep, and had me racking in shivers. Who was this creep and what the hell did he want with me?

"Why'd you take me?! Who are you?" I hissed in anger. I was getting irritated, not being able to see anything.

"I don't really like answering to you. Instead, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself." The man with a grimy voice replied. I groaned. I was terrified and wanted nothing more than to go home.

I said nothing, which clearly pissed off the man. Something hard collided with the side of my jaw, and had my head whipping to the side. My left side was pounding and I let out a whimper of pain. He punched me! The thunderous pounding didn't subside and had me a little dizzy.

"You'll answer when spoken to. You're just like your mother. Useless and stupid." He growled out. I couldn't see this man, but I wish I could have so I could have ripped out his spleen and watch him scream in agony. His words cut deep. Sure I wasn't a huge fan of my mother, but not only was he insulting her, he was insulting me as well. I was nothing like her. I never will be.

"I'm nothing like my mother!" I shouted in protest. I heard a deep chuckle emit from the man's throat.

"Or so you think. Enough chatter, what do you know about Ryder?" The man asked once more. I was shocked, how did he know Ryder? Did they have some sort of quarrel? If so why the hell am I here?

"W-what about him?" I asked, trying not to sound scared but of course I epicly failed. 

"Just anything. I mean, you are his mate after all." He replied. Gosh I wish I could slap him. What the hell is a mate?

"What the hell is a mate?!" I screamed in frustration. My fear and panick were getting best of me. I could hear the man's evil laugh, but alas he said nothing.

Before I could process anything, a light was switched on which killed my eyes. Since being used to the dark I was surrounded in, I harshly blinked my eyes due to sensitivity. I slowly eased up allowed myself take in the surroundings. It was an all white room, and I could now see what I was strapped to. It was a twirly chair, all white like the cubicle we were in.

A dental bed lay across from me with a large lamp hanging over it. A bunch of surgeon tools were splayed out on a metal desk near the lamp. The situation I was in started to sink in. I was with some phsyco killer, with a plethora of killer tools. What if he wanted to perform freaky surgery on me?! Make me a mutant?!?! Discombobulate me?!?!?!?!?!?!

"Shut up, you're hyperventillating is distracting." The man now said. He wore a grubby white doctors uniform, and his back was turned to me. His brown hair shaggily stood out from his grossing hair net.

I didn't realize my pantings had become rougher. I closed my eyes and focused on my deep breaths. 





I swallowed and opened my eyes again. I didn't need to further piss off my serial killer.

"It seems, your pathetic mother didn't tell you about your boyfriend's heritage." He said whilst flicking a needle, like they did in cliche movies.

I panicked and started to squirm.

"That'll get you know my dear." 

"I"m NOT your dear!" I hissed angrily. The man only laughed deeply in his throat. I snorted, still tied up.

"I do suppose you wish to know why your here. Sadly, you are not the focus of my attention. I want Ryder at the moment. Oh but don't worry, you'll prove important in time. Well . . . to be honest, you are the focus of my attention, but at the moment I need Ryder, then we can return to you." He said, turning around so I could make out his features.

His nose was crooked and his beady eyes staired into mine. He was broody and pretty tall, so I knew I'd have no chance against him. Three slashes stayed scars across his left eye, leaving it half closed with the large claw like prints.

"What do you want with Ryder? What is this, a mafia fight or something?" I asked. Of course it was going to sound stupid, but hey, the question was in the back of my mind.

"Again like your mother with your sharp tongue, and dull brain. As for the mafia, you could say it's something like that. But, the more important question here is, what do I want with you?" He retorted sickly with a grim smile. I felt my stomach churn at his words. I don't even know this guy! What could I have possibly done wrong?!

I couldn't form any words.

"But since your boyfriend is taking a while to track you, I might as well have some fun, now shan't I?" He spoke, most to himself. I frowned at the word "shan't" although I was in a sticky situation, who uses that word?

The man was now looming over me, but in a familiar tone. "Do I know you?" I asked him. His smile widened.

"You wish you didn't." He replied before rolling the chair to the operating bed. I thrashed all around, and at a time I even tried to sink my teeth into his skin. I was now near the bed, scaring me more than anything. I was terrified. What is happening? Why is this happening to me?

It wasn't fair. You see, most normal people grow up with loving parents who care about you and value their lives, go to school and don't really get kidnapped by mental killers. But no. Fate had something else in mind for me.

I stopped rolling me and untied my feet slowly. Wrong move pal. I used to swim for 5 years but stopped when I pulled my groin and I had to get surgery. My kick is still strong as ever.

Right as he loosened the knot and reached for my hands, I stood up and backed into, making sure he'd recoil his hand away. As predicted - he did with a painful howl.

"You bitch!" He screamed. I smiled. That was me. 

I ran although it was hard considering a chair was attached to me. I did the first thing I could think of, although I knew it would hurt. I ran to the first wall I saw and with all my force, jumped to the side, making sure the chair would hit the side. 

I cringed in the air, due to the wood digging into my back. I landed on something hard and rugged, only to see it was the wood. I had managed to break it into smaller pieces, with the ropes binding my hands, now on the ground. I stood up and looked around for the man. He was angrily running towards me, a needle in his hand. 

I froze, seeing as he was 1 foot in front of me. I blinked and suddenly thought about my whole life in a flash.

Why was I still going . . .? I mean, I had lost my parents. One ran off, deciding I wasn't good enough. One killed themself.  I was a freak girl at school with still no friends. Sure Ryder's friends seemed nice and had even accepted me, but I don't know them enough to get involved. And . . . Ryder. My heart clenched at the mere image of him in my head.

Something inside of me yearned to be in his arms, feeling his warmth. I had barely known Ryder yet I felt so attached. And the feeling of being away from him made me feel empty - dumb as that sounds. 

Something inside of me clicked after that. I didn't want to be like my mom who just gave up on her life and threw it away with me in the midst. I was going to prove to fate that it had fucked up; messed with the wrong girl. 

I decide my own fate. 

And I'm deciding that I keep fighting, and so, I snapped out of my haze and rolled to the side, my back aching in the process. The man hit the wall with so much force I swore I heard something shatter. I didn't turn around though. This was a small room and I needed to grab something from that scary operations table to use as defense. A grunt emitted from the man's chest as his footsteps got faster. 

I reached for the first thing I saw and it ended up being a small mallet. Wow, ok my luck might just be starting to change for once. I was about to turn around, but instead my leg was pulled out from under me. I fell to the ground with a thump, my hands burning from the impact of the ground in order to stop my face from breaking.

I could see I was now being dragged as I slid across the floor. I thrashed around again, but the man's hold was incredibly tight.

"You won't be getting anywhere dear!!" He screamed. I searched for the mallet from my mess of hair as I struggled to get away. I was pulled another length before my hand reached something hardy. My heart leaped as I pulled the small metal mallet to my chest. 

I harshly turned so I was on my back, now staring at the man who was pulling me. I kicked my foot harshly, gradually hitting him in the face. He stumbled back, grasping his now even more twisted nose.

I immediately scurried back, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I kept the mallet hidden in the pocket of my jeans as I hastily got up. The man's eyes were now blazing with fury and grew a deep shade of brown. How could they do that? They got . . . darker.

I couldn't think much of it for the man got up and pointed something at me. It was a jackknife, kind of like for hunting. I gulped, still scared. My small metal mallet was nothing compared to hunting knife.

"Give up dear!" He said, but it wasn't a question, more of a demand.

"Never in your wildest dreams!" I replied in a low voice. The man became angered, and staggered towards me with me pace. I didn't move or strike. I had to wait for the one chance. He was now running towards me like the mad man he was as he neared me. He lifted the knife a foot away from me, preparing for his strike. 

Close your eyes, I told myself.





In . .


I opened my eyes and dropped to the floor, sliding in between the killer's legs and ended up behind him. He turned, but a second late. I lifted the mallet and brought it down on the curve of his calf muscle, behind his knee with all the force in my body. Immediately, he tumbled down while dropping his knfie.

He groaned in agony, I had hit pretty hard. I reached in between his legs and grasped his knife. He turned, his hands still on the back of his knee. I didn't think twice as I plunged the knife down on his foot, causing a peircing scream to leave his lips. I slowly backed away, seeing as I had basically stuck him down to the ground. How did I do that cool karate move as I slid under his legs?

I couldn't ponder on it. I had to get out of here. I searched for a door and came to one that was behind me. I ran to it and to my complete happiness, it was open. I thrust my body outside into the flowy air filled world as I slammed the door closed. I didn't take a look around the place. All I knew was that I was in the middle of a forest, in my jeans and tank top, alone and desperate to find a hint of civilization.

Ok, so Ryder didn't really come to her rescue

But I wanted to show how she is independent.

No worries tho, Next chapter is gunnnnnna b goooooood!




I read ALL comments (jussaying)

Wink wink

Nudge nudge

Cough cough

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