Chapter 2.

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I recieved stares all first and second period. People murmered and whispered as if I couldn't hear them. I was going to be in big trouble if my mom found out. I wasn't supposed to attract attention. She wouldn't tell me why, of course. 

"Hey, you're that girl who talked to Mitch right?" A girl asked me from behind. I rolled my eyes and scowled. I didn't need to be making a name for myself, I just got here!

"That's me." I huffed and turned my head so most of my hair would cover my face. "I'm Talia." The girl said. She had blond hair and soft blue eyes. They had a cat-like look to them, making her super pretty.

"Zara." I replied and turned away. I'd never made a friend before. I always wondered what it might be like but mother used to shout at me about being friends with anyone. She says they could get hurt and so can I.

"That's a really cool name. You know, you're really pretty." The girl went on. I sighed annoyingly and kept to myself the rest of the class.

The bell rung and it was time for lunch. I left my seat, eager to get away from the strangely nice girl.

I walked into the hallway where there were a bunch of students walking around. People watched me walk by, making me feel like a freak. I hated attention. And this wasn't boosting that hatred into any sort of enjoyment.

I walked into the lunchroom and made my way to the lunch line where two bozos decided to cut me. I was about to yell, but decided I didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Hey angel." Someone whispered in my ear, making it tickle and send tingles through my body. I turned around and felt my legs nearly buckle. What was this guy doing to me?

"Ryder," I said, mostly to myself. He smirked, making my face heat up.

"Again, you're adorable when you blush." He said lowly. My blush only deepened, making me look like a tomato.

"Don't say stuff like that, " I snapped, "What did you do to Mitch?" I asked, trying to get this conversation away from my blushing face.

"Only what he deserved," He said, his eyes turning a strange shade of a darker brown, making me ponder on how they did that. I was going to bring it up, but I didn't need to sound like a retard in front of him.

"Oh . . . You didn't have to. I mean, I could . . I er . . I just." I stopped talking and just sighed in annoyance.

"I did have to. No one else is allowed to touch you. Ever." He said in a deeper voice than before.

"Um." I muttered. I mean what else was I supposed to say?

He neared my face. "So cute." He whispered. I was about to say something then my mothers words came to haunt me.

"Don't stand out, no matter what and make NO friends." My logical side finally kicked in. Turning my blush off with a lot of might, I turned away from him.

"Okay, see you later I guess." I tried to sound like I didn't care.

I could feel the hurt emanating off him.

"Come sit with me." He urged in my ear.

"Er . . . I'm going somewhere so I'll talk to you later." I insisted once more. If he got close to me . . . I don't even know what would happen. 

He neared me then glanced over my shoulder at the food line. 

He suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the very front. "Hey! Stop I'm not going to cut anyone!" I hissed through the warmth spreading from where his hand touched mine. I glanced at our hands which were entwined. A blush crept onto my face once more.

"You deserve to eat. You're  skinny." He growled out. I narrowed my eyes. I knew I wasn't good enough. 

"Uh-huh, sorry I'm not like those curvy girls that drool all over you. News flash, I prefer loner life so if you would please," I paused and jerked my hand out of his although it fit perfectly in his grasp, "I'll be going. WITHOUT eating," I hissed and walked away from him. People were staring. 

I made my way out of the lunchroom and turned the corner, but I ran into someone hard. I glanced up to see a guy with blond hair. 

"M-Mitch!" I stuttered. He had a bruise on his eye.

"Bitch." He muttered under his breath before he walked away. I sighed in annoyance and kept going. I'm leaving this dumb school and I'm going home to lay in bed and eat food without being pulled or talked to. My mom was probably hung over so it was fine.

I ran out of school corridors and started to walk home. I grabbed my white iphone out of my pocket. It had the picture of a moon as it's case.

I started to blast some Avril Lavigne to the song "Alice" It was my favorite song in the whole world.

"Cuz IIIIIII, I'll get byyyy.

I-IIIII I'll survive!" It came to the chorus and I started to rock my head back and forth with the beat. 

I decided to take the shortcut to my house through this little woodsy area. 

I walked more but stopped once a twig behind me snapped. I paused the new Avril song called Smile, and turned around.

I scowled, trying my hardest to look menacing, but ended up looking like an angry kitten. I sighed once more and kept walking. As I walked I felt something hovering over me. My heart froze. I just stood there as panting took place from behind me. Slowly, ever so slowly, I turned my head.

In front of me was a large grey wolf with a giant scar on it's muzzle. This wasn't a normal wolf. It was large. Picture a normal wolf, but 3x larger. It wasn't fat, but its teeth were bared. A scream couldn't make it's way out of my lips so I slowly backed up, knowing if I ran, I'd get eaten.

"P-please don't eat me Mr Wolf." I whispered and backed up near a tree. His eyes were nearly yellow and he was growling down low in his throat. 

I slowly took my backpack off and it fell to the floor. The wolf snarled and pounced, but I sidestepped left and took off running like a bat out of hell. I heard leaved crunching behind me and snarls erupting from the creatures throat. 

My legs were on fire as were my lungs. I kept my arms pumping as I ran through the forest.

The wolf was now a hair away from me. I didn't look back but I suspect it opened its jaws to eat me up.

I stopped, too scared to do anything, but another snarl, much scarier than the other reached my ears. In front of me jumped a large black wolf, way bigger than this one.  It jumped over my head and landed on the grey wolf. 

I stared at them, too petrified to move or scream. Just watch as this horror movie took place in front of me.

I saw them fighting on the ground. The black one was way stronger and was pinning the grey wolf to the ground and had his teeth bared at his neck. The grey one stopped fighting, and turned his head sideways. What the hell?!

The huge black wolf got up and let the grey wolf run off in another direction. He stopped growling and glanced at me with brown eyes. I squinted my eyes and rubbed my temples to make sure I wasn't asleep in class and dreaming.

"Ugh, this is real." I groaned to myself. 

The hulking black wolf neared me but he wasn't snarling. He was friendly looking with his ears splayed back. I neared him, ever so slightly.

I reached out to touch him, where he leaned down so I could have better access. I didn't know why, but his fur looked so silky smooth and I felt this immense need to run my fingers through it.

He let out a low growl and sat on the ground. I slumped against a tree and felt my feet give under me. I now sat in front of my large black beast of a savior. He laid down and put his head on his giant furry paws. 

"You don't want to eat me?" I asked it. It's eyes seemed doubtful but it did nothing.

"I'm glad you don't talk. Cuz I talk to you, without you thinking I'm stupid." I said to the wolf. His ears perked up, as if telling me to keep talking. I studied him, not believing this wolf wasn't going to kill me.

"I just went to a new school today. My mother tells me not to stand out. I have no idea why but it's so damn frustrating talking to that hooker!" I hissed and crossed my arms. The wolf stared at me and nodded his head, just barely. I took it as my imagination and kept telling this wolf about my day.

"Well I just had to do the exact opposite today. I got in the middle of a large fight between a guy named Mitch and a nerd. He was going to pummel me, so I ran and then as if that wasn't enough attention, I ran into this guy, Ryder." I spoke.

The wolf's head rose slightly and stared at me as it crossed his paw over the other. I smiled, still praying it wouldn't come and attack me.

"He's nice and really charming and all, but he needs to stay away from me so my mother doesn't find out. I can't talk to him or be seen with him because it attracts attention." I added. The wolf let out a whimper, as if he understood my pain. 

"Yeah it sucks. And he makes it so fucking hard to ignore him. You know, he tried to get me to eat food today in lunch. Like who do you think you are!? I don't cut people because it's rude and I don't like when it happens to me. Besides, I wasn't hungry anyways." I shouted in anger. The wolf let out a small growl. I rolled my eyes at it.

"Oh what, you think I should've let him freaking get me food?!" I spat at it. It growled and dipped it's head as if saying "yes". I looked at the time.

"I need to get home." I whispered, mostly to myself. The wolf got up as if it had heard me. I sighed and got up as well, making sure to make any movements to scare this huge wolf. It started to follow me. I turned my back, keeping an eye on the huge thing.

We started walking, and he followed me every step of the way. Throughout the whole way, I kept my fingers locked in his silky black fur.  I reached the ends of the woods and glanced at him.

"Thank you for listening to my problems and not eating me." I said with a smile. It lowly growled before taking off and running with crazy speed. I ran into my house, still digesting all that happened today. 

This is definitely not laying low . . . .




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