Haven't You Heard?

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I sat down on the couch as my mother climbed up the stairs. I hate my mother. Ever since my father killed himself, she became a drug addict, a drinker and a prostitute. Yeah awesome right? It was night and she thought I wouldn't catch her. Guess what? She thought wrong. 

A man followed her, and so did another. I sneered in disgust. It was dark and not a light was on. My mother was giggling and whispering.

"My daughter is upstairs, so be quiet. " She hissed. The two men with her chuckled.

"I'm down here actually." I spat as I got up from the couch. I flicked on a light next to me and the room lit itself up. 

"Zara! It's late, go to bed!" my mother screamed in her hooker boots. 

"Er . . we're just going to go." One of the guys said. My mother turned around, her blond hair swooshing behind her. "A-are you sure?" She asked trying to be flirtatious. 

She tried to convince them but it wasn't working. 

So this was my life. Dealing with my childish mother bringing home random strangers at random times of the night. Then me, chasing them off - almost as if I'm the parent. I'd get a job but I have to stay home and make sure my mother doesn't get in too bad of trouble. Since my dad, she's done some awful things that cause her eyes to grow heavy with tiredness, and her voice thick and dazed. The drugs take a toll. She took too much heroine once and I had to take her to a hospital. Fun right? It's an 18 year olds dream.

Nights pass and I wonder why dad ever had to do what he did. Why did he have to leave me with this dumb nugget of a mom? Did he hate me as well as he did himself? Too bad he wasn't here to answer these questions.

Today was Monday and I was attending a new school. I always had to move school to school. Mother never told me why though, making everything frustrating. When I asked her about it, it always turned into a fight - which ended in her drinking away her sorrows.

I put on my floral collared shirt with a tie on the bottom, along with some short shorts and combat boots. 

I know I'm sassy in my own house, but at school, I have to keep silent. Mom always tells me to. She tells me to blend in and raise my hand once a week so I don't look suspicious. 

Why you ask?

No mother trucking clue! 

She won't tell me and it's not fair.  

I trudged on to school, walking all by myself. I finally neared Houston Elite Academy. I sighed and made my way to the office. I walked in and there was an old lady on her computer with classes on the bridge of her nose.

"Um, hi I'm Zara and I'm new. Can I have my schedule?" I asked nervously. I didn't like being near new people. I never made friends since my mother told me not to.

"Zara Harper?" She asked. I nodded. She held up a finger and typed a second more. She turned her wheely chair to her printer and grabbed a paper.

"Here you are dear." She said and went back to her computer. I bit my lip and walked out of the office, my Arizona tea printed backpack sloshing behind me.

I walked in and there was a full hallway of shuffling kids. I heard some yelling and screaming. I furrowed my brows. Out of curiosity, and because my class was in that direction, I started to walk in the loud direction.

People were making a small huddle, all yelling and jaunting. I neared the front and saw a fight was taking place. 

There were two guys fighting. Well . . . one trying to at least. He had glasses with a shattered plate. His shirt was collared and plaid. His shorts were kahky and he was wearing running shoes. Many were laughing at the big buff guy for kicking this small ones ass.

What the hell was wrong with these people? Blood was gushing from the nerds eye brows. He was whimpering and squeezing his eyes shut as he got kicked in the gut. 

I hated fighting. I couldn't stand it. My mother and father used to physically fight. I hated it.

I did something that day that I knew I never should have done. Ever. It wasn't like me. I was all about blending in, but it was like my self conscious was like "HAHA Nope!" and made me perform such an action.

The guy who had piercings in his eyebrows and wore vans along with skinny jeans and had blond hair brought the nerd up and was about to punch him. Before I had control over my body, I ran to the bulking blonde and tapped his shoulder.  

He turned to face me, his smirk taking over his face. "Hey there sweety, I'm a little busy but if you want you can wait for me in the janitors closet." He said, acting all cocky and whatnot. Disgust boiled into my stomach and I couldn't help but think of some of the men my mother had dared to bring into our home. I could see this person very much becoming one of those men when he was older. I realized I needed to reply.

"Can you please stop hurting him?" I asked in a barely audible voice. Everyone in the room gasped. At that notion, my stomach did a flip after I noticed everyone watching us.

He dropped the nerd and started to walk towards me, making me step back. 

"Well, I have an idea. How about you take his place?" He asked dangerously. Douchebag! Who did he think he was hurting kids? I couldn't ask, for I took a step back when he faltered towards me.

I was now aware of the room of kids surrounding us. He took a fast step towards me, signaling that I should run. Without one last glance at anyone else, I jostled out of the crowd and immediately ran out of the hallway.

"You can run, but you can't hide from me!" He called after me. My feet shuffled underneath me as I turned a corner. Arms pumping, I ran through kids standing in my way, hoping to lose this guy in the crowd. I didn't want to die! Not yet!

"Go away!" I breathlessly screamed. Really Zara? 'Go away' ? Are you retarded?!

My brain yelled at me. I kept running, and was about to open up some door to a classroom but someone caught my backpack, making me fall back.

"P-please, I just didn't want him to keep getting hurt." I whispered and tried to get out of his grasp.

"You're going to pay for making me leave my fight. Little girl, I have a reputation around here. And you're ruining it." He said and pushed me against a wall, making my back throb.

"The name's Mitch." He whispered. His eyes seemed to scan me carefully. I squinted at him. He had a familiar aura. Perhaps I'd seen him before? Wait, this isn't the time to be recalling old memories with this random stranger who wants to kick my face in!

"Quite frankly I don't care." I muttered against the locker.

"Mhmm." He whispered in my ear. Aw hell no! 

He neared my lips, but without warning, I attacked his cheek and bit down. He hissed and dropped his hold on me. "Bitch!" he screamed and started to run after me. 

I turned the corner and ran into someone with rock hard abs. Flustered and anxious to get away, I lightly stepped back on impulse."S-s-sorry." I whimpered, afraid it was a friend of Mitch's. Oh God, if it was they'd probably kill me, then dump my body into a lake.

"Shh calm down love. What is the matter?" The guy asked. I took a moment to really look up at him and HOLY UNICORN PISS he's hot. Like . . . HOOOOT. Shaking my head, I tried to keep my thoughts straight. One second I'm minding my own business and walking into this new school, and then I'm running from a crazy psychopath!

His chocolate brown eyes made my knees wobbly and staring at him, I'm sure I was drooling.

"This guy is going to kill m-me." I said and still was trying to catch my breath and control my stuttering. I placed my hands on my knees, doubling over and trying to breathe.

"His name?" He asked. I took another deep breath, staring up at him and standing up straight. Why did he care? I stayed skeptical. He let out a small smile, probably trying to show he meant no harm.

"Mitch." I replied.

The guy leaned down and put a perfect finger upon my lips. I just stared up at him as a million shades of red covered my cheeks. Who was this guy?

"You're adorable when you're blushing." He said. Now I felt like I was on fire. No one just says this kind of thing! What do I do? Say thanks? Run away? I had no clue what to say to him.

He neared my face. "I'm Ryder." He said and walked away.

"I'll deal with Mitch. He won't even think about touching you in any way." He said determined as he walked away. I stared at his gorgeous figure as he walked away.

He turned the corner and suddenly I decided to get closer so I could hear. 

Something loud crashed and someone fell to the floor. "You will not touch her." Ryder said in a voice that didn't belong to him. It was deeper, darker and very scary.

Feeling terrified of the mornings events, I scrambled into my first class, my brown hair a mess and my nerves on edge.




IS it  worth writing another chapter?

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