19. Ruse

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I spent a couple more hours with Kai. Thankfully, due to whatever reason, he seemed to perk up. Rambling on as I mumbled along half heartedly to the one-sided conversations. The image of his dark expression burnt into my brain. His words, returning to me, sending shudders through my body. 

Around afternoon, I decided to leave. Not only was being around him getting unbearable, I also couldn't wait to tell Zeph that I had seen Zelos. How would he react? When he had seen his brother, he had been really upset. But wasn't it some relief that atleast Zelos looked healthy? And maybe outside training, happy? Moreover, I could get some information from Kai about Zelos. If I was smart enough about it, it shouldn't be a problem. Kai didn't know about my relation to Zelos. He would think my questions were simply borne out of curiosity.

Much to my dismay, Kai escorted me to the main entrance. I turned to look at him. How could I comfort him? I hadn't expected him to tell me so much in such a little time. 

"Thanks for everything," he said, glancing at the car waiting on the road. 

"I...I had fun," I lied again, but he didn't seem to be listening, his gaze distant. "Er...bye then."

Just as I turned to leave however, a vice-like grip on my wrist made me yelp. I turned around, my heart racing in terror before realizing the shocking force was coming from Kai. He let my wrist go immediately, his eyes wide. As if he had realized his actions too late. 

"I freaked you out didn't I?" he said, his shoulders slumping. Some semblance of his real self, or maybe, his fake self, seemed to be returning to him as he pouted, his lower lip jutting out slightly. 

"Er...I was a bit surprised, that's all," I shrugged. "I don't really know how to react in certain situations." 

"I probably wouldn't know that either," he said. "I...I do really appreciate you...a lot, Aster." 

"Thanks, Kai," I said, taking a tentative step backwards. 

"We can meet before the weekend too," he said in a single breath. "I'm...I'm free," he said. 

"Er...I don't think I am," I lied. "I j-"

He reached for my hands, clasping them in his as he spoke, his eyes shining. "Please? I...I really like being with you."

I struggled to keep my face straight. His touch was making my skin crawl. What the fuck had gotten into this guy? Or had he always been this way and the mask of sanity had simply slipped off? 

"No, Kai," I said, gently pushing him back. "I have plans. I'm unsure about the weekend as well," I said. Previously, I wouldn't have minded to go out with him to grab some lunch, but with recent developments, the thought of being with him made my stomach turn. 

"Like...with someone...else?" he asked slowly. 

"That's not really any of your business," I said, jerking my hand away from  him as he staggered back. 

"We could watch a movie or something if you'd like," he said. "I'll treat."

His audacity was slowly getting on my nerves. I had earlier found his crush endearing, but he was quickly making his way into frustratingly persistent and downright creepy. 

"No," I said. "Bye."

I turned and left, extremely aware of his gaze burning into the back of my head. Maybe he would be back to his usual self  next time I had the misfortune to meet him. Or atleast, I could hope.  

I asked the driver to leave me at the main mark, telling him there were a couple of things I needed to buy and made my way towards the Nest. I had to go and see Zeph, to hopefully take my mind over whatever the fuck had taken hold of Kai. 

 Once inside, it was easy to find Zeph in his room, lying on the floor with his legs propped against the wall, gazing upwards. It was odd to find him so listless during the day time. Was everything okay?

He turned when he saw me, supporting himself on his elbows as he lay on the floor. "What the fuck is that?"

"Rude as fuck," I rolled my eyes, walking over to him. He rose to his feet quickly, narrowing his eyes as he stared at me. My neck heated up under his intense gaze and I took a step back. 

"That's not yours," he said softly. 

"Oh," I looked down, realizing what he was referring to. My t-shirt. I had forgotten to change back and was still wearing Kai's. I would have to return it to him, a horrifying prospect indeed. 

"Er...I went to the academy and needed to change into something that would help me fit in better. So Kai let me borrow his t-shirt." 

"Oh. What an angel," he said in a flat tone, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  

"Er..." Why wasn't he asking me about the academy. "I also-"

"Why were you with him?" he asked in a voice that was oddly emotionless. 

"My dad. He wants me to make up to him for leaving him that day at the arcade. Also, because of the carnival he wants me to get acquainted with him."

He didn't say anything, his jaw set. 

"Er...so what I wanted to tell you was that-" I cleared  my throat, my heart beating somewhere near my throat. "I saw Zelos. At the academy. They were doing some sort of training."

"It doesn't suit you," he said. "You don't ever even wear shades of blue. Always blue black or burgundy. Its fucking awful." 

I blinked. What the fuck was he on about? Did he not hear what I had said?

"I...I said I saw Zelos. Your brother. Training," I repeated, slowly this time. 

"I know," he said. "I saw him too." 

"I tried to find out what exactly they do to them there, the shadowcaster orphans is what they are called. And well...Kai  knows something. But apparently has some sort of oath or something in which he's not supposed to tell me what goes on behind the academy walls." 

His eyes flashed. Did he finally realize what I was trying to tell him?

"But I can find out. I reckon...I can coax him a bit. I...I thought you'd like to know," I finished lamely, shrugging. "Also...he looked fine. Healthy. He...seems a lot like you."

This seemed to catch him off guard as his jaw finally loosened and he lowered his arms. "Wait...really? How...do you know?"

"He had the same serious expressing," I said, pointing to his furrowed eyebrows. "He looks a lot like you. And he also seems to be their leader or something. I didn't get to talk to him or hear his voice though." 

He seemed to be chewing on his bottom lip, "That's weird," he sighed. "He...he was the complete opposite. I mean...I guess I haven't seen him in a decade so he changed..."

He silently strode over to the wall again, slumping on the floor. "It's...weird."

"What is?" I sat down beside him. 

"When...it happened-" he shut his eyes as if in pain as he recalled what he had tried so hard to forget. "How I remember him was...this really noisy, loud kid. He would constantly injure himself...jumping off multiple stairs, climbing on top of furniture, breaking mom's precious show pieces...he was relay boisterous."

"Oh," I placed a hand on his to comfort him. "He was a child then. Of course he was immature."

"I just..." he sighed, his eyes dark. "I really missed it. Him growing up. It's...not really him anymore is it? It's not the Zelos I knew."

"Deep down he is. He always will be your brother," I said, gently patting his shoulder. "I don't even know how he is in person, you know? But...I can find out. Once I know what the academy does to the children." 

"How would you ask him though?" he asked. "Kai," he answered himself abruptly, his eyes glinting. 

"I was thinking I could er..." I could feel my neck heating up. "Sweet talk him a little."

Only if he was behaving normally next time. 

He raised an eyebrow. "You're going to flirt with him?"

I sighed. Of course he would get to it directly. "Er...yeah. He...he admitted he has a crush on me. You were right. He even told me that he lied to me about a bunch of stuff so I thought he was cool and all."

"What a loser," he scoffed. 

My stomach turned in guilt. "Don't call him that," I sighed. "Look...he's...he's just very lonely. I would've been the same if I didn't find you guys."

"No you wouldn't," he said. "He's a fucking loser because he deserves to be," he spat with his characteristic ruthlessness. 

"You don't even know him," I said. 

"I don't need to know him," he said. "I'm allowed to dislike him."

"Yes you are," I said. "But don't talk about him like that. It's not nice. Not to me."

He grit his teeth and turned away from me. 

"Anyway. I'm going to try to see if I can maybe talk to Zelos." 

"And then what? Convince him to come here?" he scoffed. 

"Maybe. I don't know what he wants. For all you know he could be looking for you," I shrugged. "You haven't exactly made it easy to be found."

"Isn't he like a fucking midget?" he snapped suddenly. "How the fuck did his t-shirt fit you?"

I clicked my tongue. "I don't fucking know. He had a large one."

"He just fucking happened to have a large t-shirt lying about perfectly washed?" he said. "He obviously fucking wanted you to wear it."

I blinked rapidly as I considered the possibility. Could it be? Perhaps. But even if it was, was it so bad? Normally, I would think it was considerate of him. But now, it was just worrying. 

"I...I don't know," I sighed in frustration. "I don't know. How is it important to the conversation?"

"He's trying to...to...take you...away like..." he spluttered incoherently for a few seconds before he bit his lip and looked away. "Sorry. I...I'm a bit messed up."

"Yes. You always  have bene," I agreed. 

"Thanks, Goldie," he said. "You're so fucking sweet." 

"Not sweeter than you, asshole," I retorted. 

He leaned back against the wall, his eyes distant. "It's hard to look at you sometimes," he spoke softly. I turned to look at him, trying to gauge his expression and finding nothing. 

"Because I'm that ugly?" I said, nudging him. "That's not very nice."

"You're literally the most beautiful soul I've ever fucking seen," he said. "And I fucking hate you for that."

I gaped at him, my neck on fire. "Are you high?"

"I wish," he sighed before he turned to look at me. "Why do you...have to be this way?"

"W-what way?" I asked, making a conscious effort to not look at his lips. 

He placed a hand on my thigh, grazing the inside of my leg as I shuddered slightly, my breath hitching at his action. "Z-Zeph?"

He leaned into me and I shut my eyes in anticipation, my heart leaping as our mouths met. He didn't hesitate this time, or wait for me, his tongue taking charge. I let him lead, opening my mouth in a gasp. His hands reached my waist, tugging at my t-shirt, whispering against my mouth, "Take this fucking thing off."

He took it off me, discarding it to the floor as he pushed me gently so I was lying on my back. His fingers knotted in my hair, pushing my legs apart with his other hand as he hooked my legs around his waist. The lusty haze removing all my rational thoughts as his mouth trailed hungrily to my neck, and lower down to my collar bone.

I let him ravish me, his mouth sucking eagerly on my skin as tiny sparks of agony materialized into lust. He trailed his tongue lower down my body, to my chest and even lower to my stomach, pausing when he reached my waist. My heart was thundering, my body giving in to his intoxicating touch. He kissed my lower abdomen gently, trailing his mouth back up to mine before his tongue entangled with mine. 

I broke the kiss, breathless, leaning back to look at him. His lips were parted slightly, his eyes dark, fiery pits. His breathing ragged as he gazed back at me. He leaned into my ear, his voice husky. "Is this...something you want as well, Aster?"

The way he spoke my name, the soft breathiness was almost enough to make my back arch in ecstasy. "Yes," I whispered. 

"What do you want?" he asked again, taking my earlobe between his teeth as I shuddered. 

"You, Zeph," I admitted. 

"Yeah?" he kissed my temple, then my face, the tip of my nose. Deliberately leaving my lips yearning for his. 

I framed his face and kissed him, letting my body guide my actions, my brain paralyzed from the lust. I reached for his t-shirt, struggling to take it off him as he chuckled softly. Mortified, I quickly placed my hands on his shoulders instead. 

"You're pouting", he said, smirking. 

"Huh?" Was I really? 

"Mhm," he leaned down and much to my surprise, nuzzled his nose against mine. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the action.

"Was this all...an elaborate ruse for me to take off that t-shirt?" I asked, only half-joking.

"Yeah. And hopefully your pants in due course," he said. 

I felt my face burning and looked away from him. He spoke into my ear. "I talked to Zia." 

"Oh..." My heart raced hopefully as he continued. "She agreed to...keep up the ruse. We're not going to tell anyone. Just...let it sink."

"So...you're not with her anymore?" I asked, weightless with euphoria of the possibilities. 

"No," he said, and although he was smiling, I couldn't ignore the darkness that seemed to overcome him as he admitted. 

"Are you...okay?" He may not feel the same way about her as he did before, but he still loved her. How much ever the thought felt like an ice pick in my heart I couldn't just ignore the fact that he had known and loved her for almost a decade. He couldn't just throw all of that away. 

He bit his lip and looked away, his eyes suddenly distant. The moment of passion disappearing in an instant as he sat up straight. I followed suit and we lapsed into a thick silence. 

"I'm sorry, Zeph," I said, unsure how else to comfort him. I was also very aware of being shirtless. Would he get mad if I wore the t-shirt again? Perhaps. But I would feel much better if I wasn't half naked. "But you did the right thing."

"I'm not so sure," he sighed, leaning against the wall. 

My heart wrenched. Of course it would be hard for him to move on from Zia. Considering that they still lived together. Twenty four seven. While I was miles away. Did he regret breaking it off with her? Even if he did, he would never admit it. How could he? In front of me especially?

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. His eyes were shut. But he remained silent. 

"Um, I guess I'll go then," I said finally, reaching for the crumpled t-shirt and pulling it on. I would have to take my t-shirt  back from him next time I visited. The thought made me shudder. Maybe it would be fine if I let him keep it? Although that idea as well made me extremely uneasy. 

"Back home?" he asked, chewing on his bottom lip. 

"Yeah," I responded. 

"Let me drop you off," he said, rising to his feet. 

"No it's fine," I said. "It's not safe for you to go the city anyway. Kai told me they had started preparing for the carnival. They're probably going to clean out roads and stuff."

"The carnival," he said. "When is it?" 

"A couple of weeks," I said. 

"What's the path of the rally?" he asked. "Where will they be passing through?"

"From East Emerald Street to the Main market," I responded. The carnival path usually changed every year. 

He pursed his lips, thinking hard. "Right. Come on then, I'll drop you off." 

And without waiting for a response, he started leading me outside. I followed him, my lips still tingling from Zeph's kiss. 

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