Hello Again, Hope's Peak Academy Part 1

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First thing you need to know about Hope's Peak Academy is that you don't actually have to attend class. Most of the time I do. Emphasis on MOST.

I don't attend class on Tuesdays because that is when I go and paint by the fountain. And today I was attending class because it was a Wednesday and I also wanted to see if our teacher Mr. Kizakura was hungover, drunk and vomiting again. Mainly because that happens a lot these days.

So once I arrived at class and took a seat next to my friend Mikan's desk, I wave to my friend Mahiru and try my best to ignore Hiyoko, the girl that was talking to Mahiru.

Once I sat down in my chair Sonia and Fuyuhiko came in and took their seats. I waited around five minutes then I could tell that most likely none of our other classmates would be showing up.

Soon enough it is time for class to start and a tall redhead woman in her most likely in her early twenties walks into our classroom. This confused me a lot and it appeared to have basically the exact same effect on my other five classmates in the room.

"Umm hello, who are you?" I asked as she turned to Mahiru and Hiyoko. Obviously I was acting as I am working with this woman to discover the secrets of this academy.

The woman then put a very confused expression on her face. "I'm Ms. Chisa Yukizome, and I'm going to be your new homeroom teacher." Ms. Yukizome said as she put on a nice smile.

"Nice to meet you Miss Yukizome, I feel like we are going to get along wonderfully." I said attempting to not sound suspicious.

And so Ms. Yukizome continued after Fuyuhiko angrily said "Mr. Kizakura is our teacher!" "Oh, sorry about that Mr. Kizakura is hungover and vomiting." Ms. Yukizome said sounding quite concerned and I kinda figured that had happened...again.

And Hiyoko being her same self that she was on the first day of class said the following. "Oh this one will be fun to break her spirit, her sanity, her social status, her organs, and more."

Then Ms. Yukizome gave her the best comeback ever. "Well you probably won't be able to do that. I have lots of life insurance."

It was at that very moment I figured, I was going to like this lady even more than when I first met her. Sonia then happily stated "It is very nice that you are planning ahead."

Next thing I knew the door to our classroom swung open and Mikan came running inside. "I'm so sorry that I'm late" Then in her normal clumsy manner trips over something and then I go to help her up.

"Oh my! Mikan are you ok?" Hiyoko then proceeded to yell at us and that made me want to punch her. But thankfully for her I have restartaints.

"Umm so let me ask you all a question where are all of the other kids?" Ms. Yukizome asks.

Mahiru then stated that."Oh, you don't know we don't actually have to come to class. Attendance isn't mandatory, as long as we pass the practical exams and are developing our talents we don't have to come to class." Sonia says and I casually nod.

Mikan then said that she was trying to come to class and then Fuyuhiko told her to stop being such a goody two shoes.

"Oh that is such a crisis for not attending class is quite bad. Me and my classmates were quite the opposite." Ms. Yukizome said as she pulled a white apron out, put it on and confused the hell out of all of us.

"Wait a second you went to this school." Mahiru asked as everyone else except me just stood there in complete and utter confusion. I didn't know why they were confused all of the main course teachers went to Hope's Peak.

Ms. Yukizome nodded and replied. "Correct, back in the day when I was attending Hope's Peak I was known as the Ultimate Housekeeper. But we can put that aside for now as we have to go find the rest of your classmates you rotten oranges."

Everyone was very offended except for Sonia who was questioning what an orange is. Oh Sonia how adorably dumb you are.

"There is no way I am going on a fetch quest to go find the rest of the bastards who are out doing their own thing. And there ain't nothing you can do to make me want to." Fuyuhiko said as Ms. Yukizome pulls out a wakizashi and stabbing Fuyuhiko desk almost hitting his hand.

"Ok, ok I'll help just stop it with the wakizashi. And don't you dare hurt me or threaten me." Fuyuhiko said pulling his hand away and standing up.

Switching back to her more chipper attitude Ms. Yukizome pulls the blade out of his desk and leads us out the door to go find our fellow students. I then thought to myself.

This is going to be a long three years for me. I wonder what my brother is up to. He always lived a more normal life than me.

Well except for recently but we need to avoid spoilers so I'll wait to tell you about that later. Haha silly me I forgot that no one else including you can see this wall. But I'll stop for now, for now.

And we headed off to our first destination. The men's restroom. Oh no, I have a feeling something bad was about to go down.

Because I didn't want to stand around Hiyoko. I decided to go inside the bathroom with Ms. Yukizome, Mikan, Fuyuhiko, and Sonia. That was not a good decision.

"Wow is this what a Japanese men's room looks like" Sonia said in amazement much to my confusion.

"Uhh, I don't mean to sound rude but why are we in the men's bathroom?" I casually asked though I think I might know the answer.

"Oh he should be in here. And for your safety kids get behind me." Ms. Yukizome said as we ran behind her.

"Jurassic Park" Mikan says as I realize what is about to happen. "It's sh*t!!!!!!!!!" A really masculine voice yells as the door flies off of it's hinges smacking Hiyoko in the face. Haha that is what she gets.

"Haha that was a hard one to push out." We looked up to see who I was guessing was in this bathroom, Nekomaru.

We walked out from behind Ms. Yukizome and she said. "Good to see you Nekomaru, but what did you do to the building? Does this happen a lot?" I am the first to speak up.

"Yeah it happens at least weekly" I respond ready to leave the men's room. And so we did. To the canteen also known as cafeteria. This will not end well for a certain pervy boy we are going to go see.

We walked across campus to the canteen and I was ready to punch a certain pervert in the face.

Once we got there I held myself back long enough for Sonia to pull out and ring a bell. Teruteru rushes in almost knocking me over.

"You rang, what do you desire from me?" Teruteru asks Sonia while I just roll my eyes at his perverted nature. Sonia replies "I would like a meat dish please." 

Before Teruteru could spew innuendos at Sonia. Ms. Yukizome ties him to the ceiling much to my happiness, and relief.

This stops when Ms. Yukizome for some reason says. "You have a rather vibrant personality. Much worthy of an ultimate like you'll."

Teruteru moans but not in pain but in happiness. "Being tied up by a woman in an apron. My dream is coming true". 

I decide to speak up. "Remind me to never wear my painter's apron around him." Mahiru, Mikan, and Sonia nod in agreement. 

"You are never going to change" Mahiru says as Hiyoko just shakes her head. "Ok, can we can go now. Off to find our next student." Ms. Yukizome says as she unties Teruteru from the ceiling and we began to walk to the school yard. I have a feeling this is going to be a weird one.

"So what are doing exactly are we with this bonfire and...lots of meat?" Fuyuhiko asks. "I think that the reason has to do with the giant wooden cross over there." I say pointing to it.

Ms. Yukizome speaks up as she points to roof. "That is the reason. The meat is to get her down here." I look up and see my only classmate who is crazy athletic and has a little fetish for meat.

"I smell meat!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard as I saw Akane jumping down from the roof. After seeing the meat Ms. Yukizome sends Nekomaru to grab her. And with help of Mikan and me we attached her to the cross

"Either let me go, or just give me the meat" Akane yelled. After grabbing Akane, I joined Sonia and Ms.Yukizome to grab someone who just happens to really like Sonia.

We then headed to go grab Kazuichi. I am worried about what he is going to do around Sonia. Because he seems to have a really big crush on her. Sonia and me entered the garage where Kazuichi was working on some kind of machine.

And because Sonia probably wouldn't do it I decided to tap on his shoulder. "Hi Kazuichi?" Sonia asked as Kazuichi. "Why hello there Ms. Sonia, did you come to see me." I currently see their dynamic as kinda cute but mostly awkward...for Kazuichi.

"Why hello to you too Kazuichi." I say as I quickly smell something...something like death. I began to back away slowly and I'm guessing that Sonia smelt it too.

"Where are you going Ms. Sonia?" Kazuichi asks. "Um, it's just something smells really bad." Sonia says as I walk closer to grab Kazuichi.

He says "Is it the oil?" Sonia shakes her head "Uh no it is something else." Kazuichi gasps "Is it me?!" I finally got to Kazuichi. "Yes Kazuichi that smell is you. And also you'll get her some day." I say as Ms. Yukizome reached where we were standing and Sonia had backed all the way back to where everyone else is.

"It is nice that you are trying to find love. But we need you to come with us and maybe take a shower." Ms. Yukizome says. "I don't know who you are but ok." Kazuichi says as I hand him some deodorant.

I walked away before I could see if he had put it on but he better had. Oh well he is not worth it.

That is the first proper chapter I hope that you enjoyed. Bye! :)

Word Count-1822 (warning all of the chapters may be around this length)

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