Hello Again, Hope's Peak Academy Part 2

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And we are back!

Next thing I knew we were at animal shed to get I believe Gundham. Who is currently asking us to call him "Tanaka the Forbidden One". Yeah he's a bit weird to say the least. "Hi, 'Tanaka the Forbidden One' Sonia says as she for some weird reason runs over and gives him a hug. I think they look adorable together. And honestly I think that they really like each other as friends.

But Kazuichi seems to get annoyed at that quite often. "Ok Gundham, Sonia get back down here and let's go." Ms. Yukizome says as she happily holds Kazuichi back from attempting to yell at Gundham. And off we went to go find someone else. Well this will be fun for me. Ready for your ears to burn everyone.

Once we left the animal shed we headed off to music room and everyone except for me and Ms. Yukizome covered their ears. As inside was Ibuki, playing rather loudly on her guitar. And as usual no one could stand the noise.

"Ah turn it down. Why is it so loud?" Hiyoko yelled as I realized for some reason Ibuki was grilling horumonyaki...with fire that was coming out of the end of her instrument.

Once Ibuki stopped I gave her a standing ovation and saw Ms. Yukizome head up to the stage with her own bass guitar. "Nice job but it is time to go. Also it appears Hayami really likes your music." Ms. Yukizome said as she walked off the stage and Ibuki skipped behind her.

Other than me everyone else was still covering their ears trying to recover from Ibuki's song. That had made their ears ring like crazy. To them I have one thing to say rock out losers.

After exiting the music room we headed to the far side of campus and went inside of a dojo where we saw... a meditating Peko. "Hi Peko" Ms. Yukizome says as she walks behind Peko. This causes Peko to almost slice Ms. Yukizome with her shinai (bamboo sword).

"Please don't do that. I just came to get you because. It is time for class." Ms. Yukizome says as Peko quietly puts her sword back in its bag. "I'm so sorry." Peko says in a very calm yet apologetic fashion.

"It is okay. Normally working on your main job is fine." Ms. Yukizome says much to Fuyuhiko surprise and confusion. "Uhh how do you k..." Fuyuhiko asks before being cut off by Ibuki jumping on top of him and attempting to shove her horumonyaki down his throat.

"Uhh Ibuki you are going to choke him. You should stop." I say as Ibuki refuses to listen to me."Don't think just eat it!" Ibuki says as Fuyuhiko tries to push the meat away from his mouth. "Ok, only three students left to get." Ms. Yukizome said as most of us especially Hiyoko began to complain.

Specifically about their legs beginning to hurt from having to run around campus. Ohh suck it up we haven't even gone anywhere yet. But I am excited for what is yet to come.

So we then decided to go look for Nagito. This will most likely end badly for Kazuichi it is always him. But maybe Nagito will finally notice how I feel about him.
Ok time to go off on a tangent here but ever since the first day of school. I have felt funny around Nagito. I think that I love him. I want to tell him how I feel I just don't know how.

"Umm this is probably not go well. Things only go badly when Nagito is around." Kazuichi says before I spotted Nagito trying to get a soda from a vending machine across the street. "Oh there he is. I am so happy to see him. " I said as I pointed over to Nagito.

And the magic of karma came for Kazuichi when do to the power of Nagito's crazy weird luck cycles cause a car to go flying and hit Kazuichi and sent him flying onto the vending machine and sending lots of cans of soda falling out.

I tried not to laugh at it so instead I followed Ms. Yukizome to help Nagito with the numerous sodas. "Oh my I have some of the weirdest luck ever. But it was in my favor this time." Nagito says as Ms. Yukizome hands him a soda and I do the same.

"Hi Hayami, who's the ginger lady?" Nagito asked as he takes the soda cans from us and stuffs them in his bag. "I am Chisa Yukizome your new replacement homeroom teacher. And I am here to take you back to class." Ms. Yukizome said as I thought that Chisa was really good at acting and that she most likely won't be blowing our cover anytime soon.

"Ok, I'm coming by the way is Kazuichi ok?" Nagito asks as we cross the street. We never answered that question because we didn't know how too.

Now that we were only missing only two of our classmates. We went back to our classroom 1-B and sat down.  "Ok we only have two more students to find before we have everyone." Ms. Yukizome says as Hiyoko raises her hand.

"Yes Hiyoko what is it?" Ms. Yukizome asks. "I can't walk any more I think that my legs are broken." Hiyoko says with an exaggerated pout on her face. "Oh is that so. Then I guess I'll go find the last two students by myself. While I'm gone I would like the rest of you to clean up the classroom." Ms. Yukizome says in a tone that is very much different than her normal tone.

"Uhh Ms. Yukizome if it is ok with you. Can I come along to find our last two classmates?" I ask in a pleasant tone hoping that she would say yes. "Well of course you can come along with me. I think that these two might be a bit difficult convince to come along." Ms. Yukizome says as Kazuichi interrupts that.

"She is really crazy sometimes." "Well actually she is a really good teacher. At least she pays attention to us and isn't constantly drunk." Mahiru says as Ms. Yukizome and I walk out of the classroom. This is when the story is going to begin to get interesting. I promise...probably.

We decided that we were going to go find Ryota first. So we headed to the student dorm that Ryota stays in. But before we got there Ms. Yukizome asked me a question.

"So did you find anything else out about what is going on around campus?" I thought for a moment then responded. "Well he wouldn't want me to tell you this but... I can trust you right Ms. Yukizome?"  Before she could answer Ms. Yukizome pulled me into a tight hug.

"Of course you can trust me Hayami. If you don't want to tell me you don't have to." Ms. Yukizome said before letting go of me. "I'll tell you later, but it appears that we are here." I said pointing to the door of Ryota's dorm room.

"Ok let's go in." Ms. Yukizome said opening the door. "Hi Ryota, how are you today?" I asked in a happy tone as Ryota turned, saw me and started to freak out a lot. "Uhh hi Hayami. What are you doing here and who is that lady behind you?" Ryota asked as he turns back towards his computer continuing to work on his anime.

"I am Ms. Chisa Yukizome your new homeroom teacher and we are here to take you back to class." Ms. Yukizome says as Ryota attempts to escape by jumping out the window but somehow Ms. Yukizome beats him out there.

Ms. Yukizome grabs Ryota and starts to carry him over her right  shoulder. "Ms. Yukizome you are a lot stronger than you look. Remind never to get on your bad side." I say as I follow Ms. Yukizome to the fountain to find my final classmate. Chiaki Nanami the Ultimate Gamer.

"Ms. Yukizome is it ok if I go ahead because I see Chiaki over there?" I ask as I see Chiaki talking to a boy in a Reserve Course uniform while playing on her little hand held game device. Though I could not tell from the distance the boy she was talking to looked very familiar.

"Sure, we'll catch up in a second." Ms. Yukizome says as Ryota continuously asks her to put him down. I run ahead and accidentally run a little bit out of control falling over and falling on top of the boy that Chiaki was talking to. Why was I so clumsy?!

"Woah, Hayami you need to watch where you are going. Eventually you are going to injure yourself." Says the unknown boy as he helps me up and then I realize who I had fallen on top of.

No wonder he looked familiar.  "Wait Hajime, is that you? I'm sorry I fell on you. But wait what were you and Chiaki doing?" I ask as I wrap my arms around Hajime and begin to hug him.

Which was kinda hard considering how much taller he is than me. Despite us being twins he was at least half a foot taller than me. Before Hajime could answer Ms. Yukizome had caught up with me still carrying Ryota on her right shoulder.

"There you are Chiaki, I'm here to come and get you." Ms. Yukizome says as she instantly becomes confused who Hajime is and begins to question him. "That uniform are you in the Reserve Course? And another thing why were you and Hayami hugging each other?" Ms. Yukizome asked as I felt thing were getting pretty awkward.

"Yes I am and the reason we were hugging is because Hayami is my twin sister." Hajime replied as I let go and nodded. "Oh that makes more sense than Hayami just having a problem with hugging random strangers." Ms. Yukizome said as I went red with embarrassment.

"Umm Ms. Yukizome, Ryota is running away. You might want to go and get him." I said as I pointed to Ryota who was trying to sneak away from Ms. Yukizome. "Ohh you come back here right now." Ms. Yukizome said as she ran after Ryota like I said I do not want to get on her bad side.

"So Hajime you never answered my question. Will you please just answer it before Ms. Yukizome gets back over here." I asked as Chiaki went back to playing her game

"Yeah sorry about that. I was just standing at the fountain and I guess Chiaki didn't see me and she was still gaming then we just started talking." Hajime said as Chiaki looks up from her game.

"Hajime you know that having talent isn't the goal. You can do whatever you want in life all I can do is play games." Chiaki says as I realized why I liked Chiaki. She is right we never really chose to become ultimates. I personally would be happy if I didn't have my ultimate talent at all.

"That is what I am always telling you Hajime. You need to have confidence in yourself. This is why I love you and I think that you should just be yourself. Lets go Chiaki, see you later Hajime. " I say giving him one more hug and then grabbing Chiaki's hand to take her to class as Ms. Yukizome catches up with us after having finally getting Ryota to come back.

"Ok that's everyone lets go and see if the classroom looks better now." Ms. Yukizome says as she takes Chiaki from me and pulls her onto her other shoulder. Well that was great but stop it Hayami you have to focus.

So we went back to the classroom to see it spotless and Ms. Yukizome looked very happy about it. "Good job on cleaning up and restoring your youth. Now one more thing before you all go. From now on every day you guys will come to class." Ms. Yukizome says as she puts Ryota and Chiaki down.

Almost everyone started to groan and complain about that. I was honestly ok with it I could still do my art in the classroom. " Oh come on don't complain. Because there is more to life than just your talents, building friendships are important too. Well I will see you guys tomorrow. If you don't come to class I will find you and take you back." Ms. Yukizome says as Sonia and me wave to her as she walks out the door.

I was going to go meet her in her office to face time Kyosuke and report our progress. "I am going to go too. I have something that I need to do." I say as I leave the room much to everyone's confusion.

I walked into Ms. Yukizome's office and saw she was already on facetime with Kyosuke. "Sorry I'm late guys. What did I miss?" I asked as I sat down at the desk and waved to them.

"We were just discussing how the overseas branch of Hope's Peak that Kyosuke is building." Ms. Yukizome said as I prepared to speak about the project. "Ok so you know that thing I wanted to talk to you earlier Ms. Yukizome I going to tell you now that we have Kyosuke on the phone." I say as I reach into my bag and I pull out a file that I stole from Hajime about the project.

"What is that file? Where did you get that?" Kyosuke asks me as Ms. Yukizome reaches for the file and I open it up. "I took this file from my brother. You know that guy you met earlier. It is about some project." I say as I hand it to Ms. Yukizome.

"Ahh I remember him the Reserve Course student correct?" Ms. Yukizome says and I nod. "Yeah apparently it is called the Hope Cultivation Plan. And I think that it is an act of human experimentation to create true hope. From what I read it seems that the board of trustees is hiding something. And I am worried because why do you think Hajime had this file? Most likely because he is the wanted subject of this project." I say as Kyosuke gasps most likely at the human experimentation part.

"I know but it's true. I have to continue my investigation to find out more but I will try and stop it at all costs. Bye I have to go to my dorm before anyone gets suspicious." I say as we end the conversation and I walk out of the room taking the file back.

I am really beginning to worry about this mission. I shouldn't let myself lose focus on it. But I have to say if what that file said is true then I don't think that Hajime is safe any more.

I have one thing to say hello again to you all. Hello Hope's Peak Academy. You truly are an academy of true hope and in the dark lessons on the truest despair. That you will ever know. See you soon because our lives will never be the same.

That is the end of the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Byeanara!

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