My Impurest Heart for You

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Hi am I back everyone

It was about a month after Ms. Yukizome started teaching our class and now everyone is coming to class every day. But today was different to say the least. So the day started and we were all in the classroom waiting for Ms. Yukizome to show up. And for some poorly thought out reason a fight between Akane and Nekomaru broke out and the wall was destroyed.

"Guys please stop just stop. You guys are going to destroy the building." I say despite knowing they weren't in any way going to listen to me. So not wanting this fight to get any more out of hand I picked up my cell phone out of a pocket in my apron, walked out of the classroom, and dialed Ms. Yukizome. Hope she is not to busy to help us out.

"Uhh hi Hayami, why are you calling me? What is going on in there?" Ms. Yukizome says as more of the wall get destroyed in the room behind me. "I think that you should get down to the classroom right away! Things are getting rather crazy and ok the substitute has fainted! Get here quickly! Please, I don't know how much longer I can keep this from killing us." I yelled into the phone as Mikan puts an ice pack on the substitute's forehead.

"Ok I am on my way. Don't let it get too out of hand." Ms. Yukizome says as she hangs up on me and I walk back in the room. "Should I intervene?" I hear Peko ask Fuyuhiko and he says no.

I also notice Chiaki and Ryota are completely unfazed by the fight going on still on their electronic devices. I decided to kneel down with Mikan and try to see if the substitute teacher is dead. Yeah she wasn't dead. That's good.

About two minutes later Ms. Yukizome reached the classroom and I opened the door as soon as she did. "You were not kidding when you said it was getting crazy." Ms. Yukizome says as I notice that Chiaki and Ryota were leaving the room to avoid getting injured. I could not honestly blame them.

"How the heck am I supposed to beat Nekomaru? I have no chance whatsoever." Akane says as she is hit backwards into one of the still standing walls. "I think I can be of assistance. Here is something I cooked up with one of our upperclassmen. The Ultimate Pharmacist, it will help." Teruteru says as he hands a jar with some green liquid in it to Akane. I became worried, mainly because Seiko's medicine isn't meant to be used for stuff like this. And that is putting it lightly.

"Uh Ms. Yukizome I am going to check on Chiaki and Ryota outside." I said heading for the door as I could hear Akane slurping down the liquid Teruteru gave her and throwing the jar onto the ground.

"Ok, Hayami, just come back in a little bit. And maybe bring them with you." Ms. Yukizome says as I left the room and could see Ryota and Chiaki talking to each other.

I walk out of the room and heard probably the worst thing I have ever heard in my life. "Honestly there is no reason to make friends here in the first place." Ryota says. Next I hear what Chiaki replies and that breaks my heart even more. "Well it's not like I can make friends with games anyway." I gasp and plant myself next to them.

"You shouldn't talk about yourself like that Chiaki. And I know for a fact that as long as you enjoy games someone else will also be enjoying it." I say as I grip Chiaki's shoulders and pull her to her feat. "What do you mean by that?" Chiaki asks me as Ryota stands up as well.

"What I mean is that other people will enjoy playing your games just as much as you do. I promise that. Now we should go back into the room it appears the fight is calming down." I say with a big smile on my face much like Ms. Yukizome's. Head back into to the room with Chiaki and Ryota quietly following behind me.

The next day I was walking with Mahiru to go and take lunch to her friend Sato who is in Hajime's class in the Reserve Course. And while we were walking out of the room we were stopped by Ms. Yukizome. "Oh hi, Ms. Yukizome the rest of the class is waiting for you." Mahiru says.

"Hayami, Mahiru? Hi I am happy to hear that. But what are you guys doing? What is in that bag you are carrying Hayami?" Ms. Yukizome asks us. "Ohh this, this is lunch. Hayami and me are going to go eat lunch with a friend of mine." Mahiru says.

"That is right I remember you have a friend in the Reserve Course from middle school. She is in your brother's class, am I correct Hayami?" Ms. Yukizome says as we both nod. "Well then go enjoy lunch." Ms. Yukizome says with her oh too familiar smile.

"Ok see you later then." I say as Mahiru and I walk off to the Reserve Course building. "Hey Mahiru you can go ahead I have to do something to do. And tell Sato hello for me." I say knowing that I needed to talk to Hajime about something important. "Ok Hayami. I will enjoy this, bye." Mahiru says as I walk to the fountain knowing that Hajime would be there.

Once I reached the fountain I saw that Hajime was in fact there but he was talking to some weird old man. One that I didn't recognize and so that neither of them would notice I hid behind a tree and heard some rather suspicious things. So I did what any rational person would do I wrote it down in my journal and drew a picture of the man.

"Do not fear normalcy. You shouldn't change who you are just to please others. You shouldn't partake in the project." I hear the old man say but this was setting off a whole bunch of red flags but I snuck away before I could hear Hajime's response. I hope he doesn't do anything dumb.

Once I reached the classroom I opened the door and saw Chiaki and Kazuichi setting up what appeared to be a tv and game console. "Hey guys what are you doing?" I ask Chiaki and she responds with.

"Well you convinced me that we should all play my games together so we're setting this up to play some of them. And I also am having Teruteru and Hiyoko make us some food since we haven't eaten lunch yet." I was in awe Chiaki had done the smart thing and taken my advice.

Once Chiaki put the tv down I pulled her into a hug. Much to her confusion. "What are you doing Hayami? Why are you hugging me?" Chiaki asks as I let her go. "I'm proud of you for trying to share your passion with everyone." I say then realizing that Hiyoko and Teruteru were cooking food.

Those two do not make a good combination. But I then decided I was just being paranoid. And we began the fun times of games and aphrodisiacs. Yeah ignore that last part for now. It was really hard to explain. I don't think that I should bring that up at the moment.

Once Mahiru and Ms. Yukizome got back we were already sitting and playing games together. I was playing "Super Smash Bros" with Chiaki, Gundham, and Nekomaru when Ms. Yukizome walked in. "Huh what is going in here?" Ms. Yukizome asks.

"We are just playing some games that Chiaki brought and it really fun." Sonia replies as Chiaki starts to smile. But i couldn't tell if it was from the comment or that she was destroying me in "Smash Bros". Probably the second one.

Yeah definitely the second one. "Ugh why do you have to be so good Chiaki?" I ask despite now knowing why she is known as the Ultimate Gamer. "Hayami, thank you." Chiaki says causing her to almost lose her focus on the game for a split second. "What why are you thanking me?" I ask Chiaki despite the fact I was being a complete baka .

"You are the one who convinced me to want to play my games with everyone. You were right. I can and have now been able to find friends through gaming." Chiaki says to me causing me to smile and also cry tears of joy. Joy for a future full of friendship and hope. Oh how wrong I was.

Eventually Teruteru and Hiyoko came into the room rolling a big pot full of soup. This is the first and most likely only time I will ever eat any thing made by that little perverted weirdo.

This is where the aphrodisiacs I mentioned earlier comes in. "This is perfection on a plate. I want seconds and most likely thirds." Akane says as she pushes her plate in Teruteru's face.

"This is strangely delicious. Teruteru for once I'm weirdly impressed." I say, swallow a small bite and realize that everyone was starting to sweat. Including me but at a lot slower rate and Chiaki seems to be the only other person that doesn't appear to be affected as much.

"Uh what is going on? What is going on with everyone?" I ask mainly rhetorically not expecting an answer. "I may have slipped a bottle of aphrodisiac into the soup when Teruteru wasn't looking and this is the turn out. I thought it would be really funny. I was right." Hiyoko says as I begin to remember why I dislike this girl so much.

"You did what Hiyoko?! Is that where one of my soups went?" Teruteru says holding up a case with a jar in it similar to the one he gave Akane yesterday. I turn away from Hiyoko and Teruteru and saw everyone being crazy.

It appeared as is Akane and Nekomaru were being drawn to each other, Mahiru was snapping some crazy horny selfies of herself, Nagito was trying to obsess over Ryota the way he obsessed about hope, and Fuyuhiko was trying to stop Kazuichi from having weird relations with Sonia.

This was leading Peko to try and help out Fuyuhiko but Mikan grabs onto her and asks to play with the tip of her sword. It was really really weird to say the very least. Thanks a million Hiyoko.

"Hiyoko you seriously shouldn't have done that look at what you have created." I said and the only other non affected person Chiaki nodded agreement.

"Yeah Hiyoko what you did was wrong. And now some of our classmates are falling unconscious." Chiaki says as she very clearly looks like she wants to yell but holds herself back. "Haha. That doesn't matter at least no one is coming after me." Hiyoko says as she laughs and it disgusts me.

Then is appears that Teruteru has also now been affected by the soup when he starts to move towards Hiyoko and says."Ohh I want you now you did this and now I will have you pay." I turned and saw Chiaki faint and so is everyone else until almost everyone is down including Hiyoko herself.

All except for Ms. Yukizome, Teruteru and me. "I will not let you do this to me. Or any of our classmates you pervert." I yell at Teruteru as I sucker punch him sending him flying into the air. "I am one of your classmates too you know." Teruteru says being his lasts words before he falls out of it.

"Well that was crazy. Wasn't it Hayami?" Ms. Yukizome says to me. "Yes, yes it was we should probably get all of these guys to the infirmary." I say. "Yeah lets do that." Ms. Yukizome says and we headed to the infirmary with all of my unconscious classmates.

Eventually we got everyone to the nurse's office and had lied them all down on the beds and then waited for them to regain consciousness. Once everyone was up we all agreed never to speak of that again.

"Ok all in favor of pretending like that never happened raise your hand." I said as everyone including Hiyoko raised a hand. Once we went back to the classroom we sat down and Ms. Yukizome went to her desk and pulled out a form.

"Ok, before we do anything else. I need to choose two class representatives for the Hope's Peak Academy student council." Ms. Yukizome says. "Does anyone have any nominations? Or should I just suggest them?" Ms. Yukizome says as I raise my hand.

"Yes Hayami. Who do you nominate?" Ms. Yukizome asked me as it took no time for me to know my answer. "I nominate Chiaki Nanami. She is someone who will be able to hold us together and she is a beacon of hope for us all." I say as I immediately regret saying the word hope.

I had pulled a Nagito. "I second her nomination. In the name of hope." Nagito says as I realize what I had done. "Ok our first representative is Chiaki and I nominate Hayami as our other one. Does anyone have any objections to my nominees? " Ms. Yukizome says and no one objects.

"Ok Chiaki, and Hayami you are now our class representatives congratulations to you both." Ms. Yukizome says as Chiaki and me got really nervous. But I will prevail as a class rep and I will find out the truth.

The last thing I did that day was I went with Chiaki to go play games at a local arcade. With us we brought Hajime he didn't really have much of a choice in the matter. I was still wondering who that man was talking to Hajime earlier was.

He was probably one of the people involved with the Hope Cultivation Plan. Which is the name of the project named in that file that I took to Ms. Yukizome. I think it is better just not to think about it. This was truly a moment of everyone's hearts and purity. As it was my impurest heart's desire for you.

Well I hope that you guys enjoyed that chapter. I will update soon enough. So Byeanara!

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