A Farewell to All Futures Part 1

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Today I actually decided to go to lunch with Mahiru today and not get distracted by creepy old men talking to my brother. "You ready to go Mahiru? And don't worry I'm actually coming this time." I said as I handed the bag with our lunches in it hamburger steaks I believe. "Ok I have everything ready. Lets go." Mahiru says as I continued to think about what I saw yesterday. 

I could always ask Hajime about it but that might blow my cover. "So how was Sato yesterday?" I ask Mahiru as we headed to the Reserve Course building. "She is good. She seems sorta on edge though and she refused to tell me why." Mahiru said to me as it struck a nerve within me. "Ohh I hope she is better today." I say as we reach Sato's classroom. 

And then I saw her at Hajime's desk and supposedly yelling at some blonde chick. Hajime did not look like he wanted the random girls at his desk. He most likely just wanted to eat his sandwich in peace.

What I think that I heard when me and Mahiru were walking in was I think. "Natsumi the reason that the Main Course didn't scout you is because you don't have a talent. You aren't special!" Sato yells in Natsumi's face and Hajime is clearly wanting to be anywhere but at his desk at the moment. 

Me and Mahiru went over to the back corner where Sato were yelling to try and calm the conversation down. We only made things worse, I regret it so much. "Ok Sato please stop yelling. Tell me what's wrong." I say knowing that I shouldn't have because the only voice of reason Sato listens to is Mahiru. 

"Yeah Sato are you ok?" Mahiru says as Natsumi turns away from Sato and towards us. "What do we have here? Mahiru Koizumi and one of her Main Course friends. Did you come here to mock those of us without special talents?" Natsumi says to us as the entire class glares at us and Sato looks ready to punch Natsumi in the face but Hajime interjects.

 "Natsumi you need to stop it. Because Natsumi, I don't know what you are talking about but I know for a fact that Hayami and Mahiru would never do something like that." Hajime says and my jaw just drops. He stands up for me but never in front of so many people. 

"Why the frick are you defending her? How do you know that they wouldn't do something like that?" Natsumi yells at Hajime as Mahiru begins to think this was getting very awkward. "Hajime is defending us because I..I...I'm his twin sister. And he knows me better than anyone. And definitely more than you." I say still trying not to yell at the top of my lungs. "Oh so that is the reason. I was just kidding you know." Natsumi says I did not in anyway believe her. 

"You better be because your brother is the Main Course with Mahiru and Hayami. And we have the right to tell him how you've been treating them." Sato says as she points her index finger at Natsumi. "You three better not go snitch on me or I can have you killed." Natsumi says and I do remember that technically she is a member of the yakuza. 

"I thought that you would change. You will never change." Mahiru says which is something I think would never come out of her mouth. "Well you're still the same goody two shoes you were back in photography club. Just like you have always been." Natsumi snaps at Mahiru and then I decided I had enough of this nonsense and sent Mahiru the, 'Let's get out of here right now.' face. Thankfully Mahiru got the message so she grabbed Sato's hand and we left.

Once we left the classroom Mahiru let go of Sato's hand and started to slow down and lecture her about what just happened in there. "Sato you know that I think it is a bad idea to argue with Natsumi. You know what she is capable of." Mahiru says as I let them catch up with me. 

"I know but it just felt so good to take her down a peg. I don't want her to hurt you." Sato says as I give Mahiru the lunch and let them talk things out. "You guys enjoy the lunch the food. I have to go reflect on what just happened." I say as I walk to the courtyard where I find the rest of my classmates hanging out. 

But before I joined them I could hear Fuyuhiko and Peko talking and for some reason I wanted to eavesdrop on them. And their conversation intrigued me it was about Natsumi. "I can't believe Natsumi convinced dad to pay for her to get into the Reserve Course. She is always doing things like that." Fuyuhiko says. 

"Do you want me too see why she is there?" Peko asks as I decided to walk into the light and answer her question. "I think that I can I answer your question Peko." I say as I walk over to Fuyuhiko and Peko much to their confusion and anger. "Hayami, were you eavesdropping on us?" Fuyuhiko asks me and I become afraid to answer his question. 

"Yes I was but I know why your sister joined the Reserve Course. According what my brother who is in her class told me. She joined because she feels that people of no talent have no right to be around you. And if she doesn't have a talent... that you will leave her behind." I say as I am starting to wonder if that is how Hajime feels and is why he is considering the project

"I am upset to hear that. I don't normally say this to many people but Hayami thanks for telling me that. Because even if she doesn't have a talent she is still my little sister and I care a lot about her. I wouldn't want her to get hurt or worse." Fuyuhiko says as we have to cut our conversation short as we are interrupted by Ibuki. "Hayami, Peko and Fuyuhiko what are you guys talking about in this dark, and private alley?" Ibuki asks and before things get even more awkward I just walk away and sits down with Nagito.

"Ohh hi Hayami, how are you today?" Nagito asks me handing me a bagel because of course he did. "Meh it is normal as ever. I am just a bit nervous." I say taking the bagel and spreading cream cheese on it. "Why are you nervous? I hope you are going to feel better." Nagito asks me and I just sigh. "I am not nervous for myself but I am nervous for my brother. I think he is going to do something stupid." I say despite not thinking that Nagito was going to listen. 

"I do remember you mentioning having a brother once. So what is up with him, what stupid thing is going to do?" Nagito asks me and I am actually starting to worry for Hajime's life as from what I read on the project...of he accepts it who he is now is going to change completely. "This is very personal so, I'll tell you what. Meet me in my dorm after school, bring donuts. I'll tell you everything there." I say handing him one hundred yen and a coupon to the local donut shop. "Ok I'll see you there." Nagito says putting the yen in his pocket as we head back to class.

The school day ended and I was heading over to meet with Nagito when I passed the fountain. And saw Hajime and Chiaki playing games together and appearing to be having a pretty good time. And then I decided to eavesdrop on them boy is this becoming a rude new hobby of mine. 

"Hey Chiaki would you still play games even if you weren't good at them" Hajime asks looking up from the game device that I think that Chiaki gave him. "Yeah I think that I would because, there is more to life than just talent. Ms. Yukizome says that the memories they make are way more important than the talent they have." Chiaki says as I realize that I am about to be late for my meeting with Nagito. I sprint off to go and set up. I can't wait for the donuts and to spill my guts.

Once I reached my dorm it appeared Nagito wasn't there yet which was good so now I had time to set up a table and chairs. That was so that we could eat our donuts without getting sprinkles on my bed or desk. *ding dong* I hear my doorbell ring. Ohh Nagito is here I think and go to open the door. "Hi Hayami, I brought the donuts. What did you want to tell me?" Nagito asks as he hands the box of a dozen donuts. 

"I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things first about this." I say pulling out the Hope Cultivation Plan file which I got back from Ms. Yukizome. "Um Hayami what is that?" Nagito asks me as I open up the file. "This is a file on a project called the Hope Cultivation Plan. AKA human experimentation to create an artificial hope for the future of mankind. I am worried about my brother because I took this file from him." I say as I hand Nagito the file so that he can read it and I take a glazed donut from the box. 

"Hmm I wonder why Hope's Peak would have a file like this? By the way Hayami your brother that you took this from he is in the Reserve Course am I correct?" Nagito asks me setting the file down in front of me. "That is correct. And I think the reason the school is doing this is so that they can I believe create the perfect genius. A being who is talent himself, and from reading the last page I found out that the Hope Cultivation Plan has another name. It is also referred to as the Izuru Kamukura Project." I said as I clean off my lips with a napkin and I tried hard to hold back my tears but it was ultimately pointless as they had already began dripping down my face. 

"Hayami are you crying? Because I don't want you to cry, because I think that things will turn out ok. You can do anything you put your mind too. But if that doesn't make you feel better here." Nagito says and before I can respond he stands up from his chair sits down next to me and locks his lips onto mine. And for some reason I didn't pull away. But then I decided to stop kissing him I thought at the time we would work out but oh how wrong I was. 

"Umm Nagito we should stop sucking face. I have something else to tell you about the project. The reason I don't want Hajime to accept it is that...if he does he will forget everything from before including me." I continue to have tears flowing down my face. "Hayami I am so sorry about what is happening. I'm sure that in some way I can help." Nagito says and I immediately know what would make me feel better. 

"Uh I would feel better if you would go out with me so will you go out with?" I ask knowing he will say no. "Wait you seriously want to go out with trash like me?" Nagito asks me and I know my answer. "Yes I do, and don't call yourself trash. You shouldn't put yourself down like that." I say pulling Nagito into a hug. 

"Yes I will go out with you Hayami. Here I was going to give this to you anyway. But now I have a reason too." Nagito says as he hands me a little silver ring with a H engraved into it. "Thank you Nagito and here is my return." I say putting the ring on my finger and pull Nagito to my lips we kiss and then I guess I fell asleep.

So I woke up the next morning and found that Nagito was still sleeping on my bed and so I decided to let him sleep after I looked at the clock and saw it was only 7:13 am. Which was leaving us over an hour before classes started. I went to my bathroom then changed out of my dirty uniform as I was still wearing the same one from yesterday. I left the bathroom, moved the donuts from last night to my refrigerator, folded up the table and chairs, and sat them down on the floor of my balcony. 

(Oh and I only have a balcony because the students with second floor dorms get them. Kinda to make up for having to deal with all of the noise below them). Once I walked back into the room I saw that Nagito was awake and for some reason resetting my alarm clock. "Well this is very awkward. Let's pretend that you didn't accidentally sleep over last night." I say as I sit down next to him on my bed. "Agreed so you want to make out?" Nagito asks me as I pull him over and we fall over and make contact. 

As I sit back up I hand him a spare male uniform that I found in his bag whenever I was putting away the chairs."Well this is a great way to start the morning. I think that you should go get dressed. We wouldn't want to be late for class." I say handing him the uniform. "Ok is it ok if I use your bathroom?" Nagito asks me as I nod and he heads to the bathroom. About two minutes later Nagito comes out carrying his dirty uniform. 

"Ok I'm done. Let's go, I think we can stop by the canteen for breakfast before class starts." Nagito says as he grabs his bag and slides the uniform into it. "Or we could eat some of the extra donuts from last night." I suggest, handing Nagito a maple log from the box and grabbing a pink sprinkled one for myself. "That is a way better idea. Now we can go to class." Nagito says handing me my bag off of my desk chair and stuffing part of his donut into his mouth. And then we head off to class.

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