A Farewell to All Futures Part 2

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And we are back. This is fun!

Once we reached the classroom I opened the door and saw that Sonia, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Ibuki, Peko, and Fuyuhiko already there. Things got a little awkward after that, specifically for me and Nagito.

"Hi guys how are you today?" I ask letting go of Nagito's hand and giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to sit down. Mostly everyone in the room looked like they were going to throw up. Well except for Ibuki who had on her headphones and wasn't paying attention whatsoever.

"Ew why are you two doing that? It is very gross!" Hiyoko yells as it appears that Mahiru was going to shut Hiyoko up but I decided to answer first. "Well interesting story actually we are kinda going out now. Yeah isn't that good." I said as I hear a gasp come from behind us.

"I would've never expected you too to be that intimate with each other." I turn to see that it was Chiaki who had said that. So after that we didn't do much else that day except for whenever I went to report my findings to Kyosuke and Yukizome.

"Oh hi Hayami, good to see your here now we can begin. Did you find anything else out?" Ms. Yukizome asks as I sit down next to her and pull out a journal. "Well I have been seeing some suspicious stuff happening when I was going to eat lunch with Mahiru. I left to use the bathroom and I passed the fountain and my brother Hajime was talking with an old man about what I assume was the Hope Cultivation Plan. I couldn't find out who the was man though." I as I turn to a page in my journal with a picture of the man that I drew.

"Do either of you guys know who this is?" I ask hoping for an answer. And an answer was what I got. "Kazuo Tengan, former headmaster. Likes to come check in on the school every now and again. Most likely heard about the project from Jin Kirigiri. What did you hear them saying about the project?" Kyosuke says as I write down the info in my journal.

"If I remember right Tengan was saying something about not wanting Hajime to accept the project and that he shouldn't fear normalcy. From what I have read this sounds an awful lot like reverse psychology." I say as Ms. Yukizome speaks up and tells me something bad, I think.

"Well that does sound like he is trying to either convince Hajime not to partake in the project or if it is reverse psychology...this is a trap in order to make Hajime think down on himself in order make him want to do the project. And if I had to guess it was the second one." Ms. Yukizome says and I nod.

"Also this may be irrelevant but I do know that the Reserve Course students seem to already dislike the way that they are treated and if the project succeeds. Then someone might try and use that info to turn them against the Main Course. As the Hope Cultivation Plan is being funded by the fees from the Reserve Course." I say before standing up and putting my journal into my bag.

"I have a lead to go follow. I hope she is ok with a little visit." I say as I leave the room and walk to the Reserve Course building to look for Hajime.

Once I reached the Reserve Course building I started walking through a corridor and saw Hajime talking to Natsumi. Time to eavesdrop again I have to know what is going here and if that means invading my brother's privacy so be it.

"Natsumi you have to stop threatening Sato because if you don't you'll get kicked out of the school." Hajime says as I try to hold back my gasp when Natsumi starts crying. "I have to get into the Main Course one way or another. I thought of all people you would understand." Natsumi says as she looks up with tears still running down her face.

"What do you mean I would understand? Why is getting into the Main Course so important to you?" Hajime asks and I remember what Fuyuhiko told me about Natsumi. "Because my brother is the Ultimate Yakuza, and if I can't be an Ultimate Little Sister than I'll end up being left behind. Don't you sometimes feel that way with your sister?" Natsumi says and I want to come give her a hug I feel bad for her.

"Natsumi, I have felt that way before to but a friend has told me that. There is more to life than just talent. If your brother truly loves you than it shouldn't matter whether you are an ultimate or not. You should just try to stand by his side and make memories with him as you two are family. He loves you and that is the truth." Hajime says and I know that I have to focus on the conversation not my feelings.

"I know that but my brother deserves the very best including the people around him. I just want him to be proud of me. I will become the Ultimate Little Sister so that I with him again without any obstacles." Natsumi says as I walk away to my dorm. I can't believe Natsumi feels that way should I tell Fuyuhiko or not I just don't know.

Ok so it is the next day I woke up late and saw something going weird on in front of the Reserve Course building when I was running to my class. It appeared as if all of the students were crowded in front of the entrance and I could see police tape. Oh no I think something happened with Natsumi. And later that day I was sitting on a bench at the fountain and I could hear Sato having a conversation with Mahiru. It was very suspicious I think from the wording Natsumi was murdered by Sato.

So I decided to listen and take some notes to show Ms.Yukizome. "Sato,tell me the truth! What happened yesterday?" Mahiru asks gripping Sato's hand. "Don't tell me did you...please tell me you didn't." Mahiru says. "Sure, it is true that I wanted to kill her..." Sato says as I feel a chill go down my spine as I see a dark and murderous look in Sato's eyes.

"She was going to something terrible to you. Maybe...no, she was definitely going to kill you. Remember what she did to me the last time we upset her." Sato says as she lets go of Mahiru's hand and rolls down her sleeve to reveal a long scar going from her wrist to her elbow.

Jeez what did they to her to upset her last time. That is what I thought as Sato pulled her sleeve back down. "That day back Photography club when you two got into an argument, I stopped the two of you, and then that night it happened." Sato says as I begin to get curious about what happened between them that night.

"Listen Sato I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suspected you. It must've been that person who intruded onto campus." Mahiru says as Sato grips Mahiru's shoulders. "Then it was just as I thought. Someone did sneak onto campus and killed her. I never would've killed her. I couldn't have killed someone. Please believe me Mahiru." Sato pleads letting go of Mahiru's shoulders.

"Don't worry Sato. I believe you. But I have to go now." Mahiru says giving Sato a hug and walking away. I came out from the bench I was sitting on and walked over to Sato with a lot of thoughts on my mind.

How can Mahiru be that naive? That had to have been Natsumi they were talking about but why would Sato kill Natsumi? Was it to protect Mahiru, but from that conversation with Hajime it sounded like Natsumi was willing to change? Natsumi just wanted talent, that is not something to kill her over.Why die just for having a possibly unachievable dream?

"Sato what was that about, did you do something to Natsumi?" I ask as I can very clearly see the nervousness in her eyes. She did kill Natsumi, I know that look. "W-What are you talking about Hayami? D-Don't be stupid, I didn't do anything wrong." Sato yells as I just stare at this liar.

"Oh come on, I know that you are hiding something." I say pointing my index finger in Sato's direction. "Natsumi was killed by a suspicious intruder or maybe it was suicide. Maybe she gave up on life after realizing she truly had no talent! That is right! That has to be it!" Sato started yelling as her face turned to a desperate one.

"I know that isn't true Sato. Natsumi hadn't given up. She may not had a talent, but-" I said before being cut off. "You're wrong!" Sato said as she began to have a sadistically tormented look on her face. Next thing I knew Sato had started to shake her head frantically.

"You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong. You're WRONG!" Sato yells as she runs away from me leaving me knowing that she had done something. "Are you ok Hayami? What is wrong with Sato?" A familiar voice says as I turn around and see Hajime staring at me.

"Oh I'm fine, yeah totally fine." I say as I wonder if I should tell Hajime the truth of what Sato said. "Um Hayami I know when something is wrong with you? What did Sato say to you? You can tell me it is ok." Hajime says pulling me to a bench to talk. "Well do you want to know the truth about what happened to Natsumi? If so I can tell you." I ask as I pull out my journal from my bag.

"Well of course I want to know but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Hajime says as I open the journal. "I believe that Sato killed Natsumi, from the conversation I had with her that was very much proven. From which when I asked about it she seemed to get all nervous." I say as I draw a picture of Natsumi and Sato in the journal.

"So that is what I thought happened as well but might I ask why you are writing all of this down? Is there something you aren't telling me Hayami?" Hajime asks as I finish my drawing and close the journal. "I was writing it down in case more deaths happen and I need to look back on this one. And also I kinda just wanted to have it on me for future reference." I say as I put the journal back into my bag.

"Ok, well I appreciate you telling me. I love you sis." Hajime says hugging me. I hug back, "I love you to Hajime, I have to go I have a date tonight." I say standing up from the bench. "Bye Hayami, have fun." Hajime says as I walk off.

I didn't have a date but I needed to push the emergency exit button on this conversation. And now spoiler alert Sato was found dead about a week later. That is kinda sorta what caused the world to begin to go downhill from here.

So about a week later bad things started happening I blame Juzo. I was outside of the Main Course building about to go inside, when I could hear noise at the gate and then I saw it. What I saw was my brother underneath Juzo and he was spitting out some of the worst sentences I have ever heard from a human being ever.

"If you don't have a talent, just pay money to compensate for it. It's a pain when someone gets killed. Don't sully the name of Hope's Peak, scum." Juzo said as he spit on Hajime. Ok time to punch the Ultimate Boxer in the face.

"Yeah, they may not have had a talent. So what...all lives are equal." Hajime yelled as Juzo stepped on him in order to shut him up. "No they aren't. Give up. You can't make diamonds out of scrap metal. Act like a normal high school student, and hang out with other normal students, and enjoy yourselves, thinking you're all great. Got it?" Juzo says as I start do something very stupid.

"Mr. Sakakura you are wrong. Talent isn't everything, you better get off of Hajime right now or you will regret it." I say as I walk out from behind the gate. "Ms.Hinata, stay out of this. You should not be getting involved." Juzo says as I walk closer. "You know that I am right. You know that talent isn't as important as making friends and being a good person." I say as I kneel down next to Hajime.

"Well said, Ms.Hinata you are right. But the talentless should act as benefits them. If they have the time to envy the talented, use that time to live like a gear in a machine. For people like him, that have no talent, he doesn't have to think. If you can live your life idly, grovelling before your betters, nothing can make them happier." Juzo says as I lose it pulling Hajime to his feet and start throwing punches at Juzo as I graze his cheek.

But despite that I kept punching fueled with the anger that he would talk to Hajime like that. "If you love him so much how about you both have a nice nap in the infirmary?" Juzo growled before throwing a punch at me but then stopping last minute. As it happened. I saw Ms.Yukizome run in front of Hajime and me blocking the punch from hitting us. Much to the surprise of Juzo, me and Hajime.

"Yukizome...." Juzo says as Ms.Yukizome walks over to me and Hajime. "Hayami, Hajime are you too ok?" Ms. Yukizome says as Juzo walks to her side. "We're fine thanks." I say as Ms.Yukizome holds out a handkerchief to Hajime. And for some reason Hajime slapped the handkerchief away and stormed off.

This is bad real bad. I was going to follow him until I decided to let out my last bit of rage. "Ms.Yukizome I am sorry about this but. I am done with my investigation. I already know that this is going to end badly so I am done. Oh and Juzo, I don't like how you were talking to Hajime like that. Goodbye..." I say as I leave before they could say anything. And I start running to catch up with Hajime.

Then eventually I reach the fountain and break down into tears as I see Chiaki there. Having appeared to have just said goodbye. "Hayami are you ok, what happened? Hajime said that if you showed up to give you a hug. So here." Chiaki said as she sits down and gives me a hug. I don't know why but that just made me feel a bit happier.

"Thanks Chiaki, I should really thank you. You truly are what holds our class together. Without you we truly wouldn't be able to keep sane." I say as I decide that I am going to take a break from the investigation. I need some time to let myself get over losing Hajime. But I guess I should say farewell Hajime and farewell to the future.

Well that is all for now. Also one more thing to mention about Hayami is that like Junko and Izuru. She has an ability to see many steps in ahead, so that is why she is always breaking the forth wall with her information about the future. But I guess that I should stop with my rambling so...byeanara! :D

Word Count- 2649

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