The Melancholy, Surprise, and Disappearance of Nagito Komaeda Part 1

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About two weeks after my confrontation with Juzo, I had basically never forgotten  about Hajime, and my investigation. Ms.Yukizome never asked me about it anymore, and I have been spending a lot more time with Nagito. Honestly I'm just happy that I didn't get kicked out of school for it. Also I have realized that the great hope that I am showing to the people around me is affecting them a great deal. 

And I also know that it will eventually get boring to me. We can ignore that for now. But this was the time of year none of any of the Hope's Peak students liked, like at all. The midterms also known as the practical exams. To put it simply the practical exams are tests in which we all show off our talents to a panel of judges. How we do on these tests determine whether or not we get to stay at the school. 

But I was nervous as everyone seemed down, most likely from the fact Natsumi and Sato only died about two weeks ago. And so when Ms.Yukizome announced we would be taking the exam people were clearly not wanting to. And after class Nagito came to me and asked me to come with him to see Ms.Yukizome. Oh course being the loyal girlfriend I was I couldn't say no. But I oh so wished that I did.

"Hi Nagito, Hi Hayami. What brings you two here today?" Ms.Yukizome asks and I decide to say something. "Honestly Nagito kinda asked me to come here. Didn't exactly tell me why though. So Nagito why are we here?" I ask. "I know this is a lot to ask Ms.Yukizome but can you postpone the exam?" Nagito asked and I was confused, shocked and happy all at the same time. "You want me to postpone the exam?" Ms.Yukizome asks in confusion. 

"Yes, I do." Nagito says nodding. "After everything that happened..." Ms.Yukizome said beginning to trail off before Nagito spoke up again. "Everyone except for me can easily ace any exam. They are all so full of talent." Nagito says and I begin to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "But...I want everyone to take the exams when they're at their best.What I want to see is the moment when all of their talents can shine most brightly!" Nagito says. 

"Nagito, I'd also like to make that possible, but I just can't. Sorry, supposedly there'll be media covering the event. They would be hard to cancel." Ms.Yukizome said in a very clearly apologetic tone. I sadly nodded as Nagito replied. "Is that so? I understand."Nagito says and I get confused. Normally he is so persistent. "Huh? You're giving up already?" Ms.Yukizome says. "Yes I am,thank you Ms.Yukizome."Nagito says as he leaves the room and I follow. 

Once we were out of the room I decided to ask Nagito a question. "Nagito are you really giving up like that?" I get an immediate response. "Well of course not. I guess it was to much to ask. So in that case...I guess that we'll have to something about it ourselves. You in?" Nagito asks and I immediately know the answer. "Yeah, I'm in."

So the next day we put the plan in motion. Starting by going to see Seiko Kimura, also known as the Ultimate Pharmacist. I already knew where Seiko's lab was as we were childhood friends and she gave me advice on a lot of things. So the plan was for Nagito and me to go and see Seiko to get some laxatives. I was just worried about one thing. 

And that being Ruruka Andoh showing up. I despise Ruruka, she loves to use Seiko to get what she wants. How does she do it exactly? Two words, Ultimate Confectioner. Or in other words she makes candy and other sweets. Which Seiko can't eat, this is due to the medicine she takes not reacting well with suger. But enough of that let's get back to the meeting.

Once we reached Seiko's lab, I grabbed Nagito to tell him something before we went in. "Nagito there is something I need to tell you before we go in." I said still holding onto his arm. "Yes Hayami, what is it?" Nagito asks me. "Once we are inside please be quiet." I say as I let go of his arm and open the door before he can reply. 

Once we are inside I see Seiko leaned over one of the tables looking very focused on mixing two chemicals into a test tube. Despite my warning Nagito didn't listen. "Excuse me..." Nagito said as it appeared that Seiko had lost her focus as the chemicals in the test tube exploded. This then led Seiko to turn to Nagito and me as she pulled down the medical mask that she wears, which covers her braces. 

"Get back! Do you have a death wish?!"Seiko yells clearly with panic in her voice. "Sorry about him Seiko. I tried to warn him, we didn't mean to startle you." I reply as Seiko pulls her mask back up. "Oh hi Hayami. Who is that person with you?" Seiko asks as she stands up from the chair she was in. "Hi I'm Nagito. Sorry about that." Nagito says before I can reply. "Well it is nice to meet you Nagito. What brought you guys here?" Seiko asks us and I reply. 

"Well is it ok if we can borrow a laxative, to be precise it is the reactivator I believe. Nagito has been having some problems that neither of us want to talk about." Seiko nodded. "You are correct the reactivator does sound like it would help. The reactivator is a drug that increases the activity of the intestine." Seiko replies. "Thanks Seiko you are a great person you know. Yo..." Nagito says before being interrupted by a voice from outside which made me realize this was going to end badly. 

"Hey, hey...I know you're in there! It's a pain to do, so you open the door." The high pitched voice said and that caused Seiko to start acting weird. "But it is already unlocked..." Seiko said as the girl outside said something I couldn't hear. Despite what Seiko just said she walked over to open the door anyway. And my realization was proven correct. Ruruka Andoh she is a gigantic harlot and the reason I don't like candy as much as I used to. I feel so bad for her boyfriend, Izayoi deserves a better girlfriend.

As Ruruka and Izayoi stepped into the lab things got awkward. Ok awkward is an understatement. More like suctaculaur. "Umm Seiko..." I say as Seiko turns to me. Thank goodness I want to leave as peacefully as possible if I had time to spare I would've gone and punched Ruruka in the face. But I didn't because I know what would happen if I did. 

"It's already finished." Seiko says pointing at the small storage room in the corner before continuing. "It's on the shelf, at the very back of the storage room. The drug is on the right side of the upper shelf. Go ahead and take it. The one on the right!" Seiko finished before turning back to Ruruka. 

I walk to Nagito and whisper to him. "Nagito can you go get the drug. I want to make sure nothing happens in here." "Sure Hayami. I'll be right back." Nagito said as he turned and headed into the storage room. I decided to stay in order to keep thing under control. Big mistake! And I mean BIG MISTAKE!!!!

Like I said before Ruruka Andoh. I despised her with a passion. Ok JK I still despise her! All she does is manipulate people and use them for her own selfish purposes. She treats Seiko so cruelly, forcing her to do things that she wouldn't want to do. Seiko was one of the kindest people I have ever met. I don't know her as well as Ruruka probably does. But I know her well enough to know she wouldn't want to do half of the things that Ruruka wants her to do. Seiko doesn't deserve the kind of treatment Ruruka gives her. Ruruka may be the Ultimate Confectioner, but she is anything but sweet. 

As she sat down on the room's sofa with Izayoi(don't know why a science lab has a sofa), I couldn't help but want to send a glare at her. One more thing I need to say. I know Ruruka good enough to know that, she only comes when she wanted Seiko to do something. That wasn't friendship, not even close. Every word that she said made me even angrier. Sorry about that just had to get that out of my system.

As Ruruka continued to speak I began have my anger grow. "That's why I want your performance-enhancing drug!" Ruruka said as I rolled my eyes and as she fed Sonosuke one of her sweets. Man oh man that boy loves those treats. Ruruka gave Seiko an innocent smile and my rage only continued to grow. 

Especially at the fact that Seiko was getting really conflicted on whether or not she should help or not. "To be precise, it's a reanimator that I'm studying. The physical performance boost is a side-effect, and-" Seiko said before being interrupted by Ruruka. "That means it's effective, right? Okay, okay! No need to sweat the details!" Ruruka says. "I'm was going to unveil it during my exam..." Seiko said as her voice started to become more strained. 

"Huh?!" Ruruka said before puffing out her cheeks in a way that she thought it was cute. Before asking Seiko. "You won't give me what I'm asking for?" "At times like this, you always come to me..." Seiko said as she seemed to begin to sweat and gain a sense of bitterness in her voice. "I do feel bad that I'm always counting on you." Ruruka said as I finally let my fury take over. 

"THEN WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO IT?!" I shouted as Seiko stared at me in shock while Ruruka just had a both angry and surprised expression on her face. That moment ruined any chance of Ruruka and Izayoi ever liking me. Not that I care but I still feel bad about it.

After I had yelled I realized what I had done and then heard a voice. "Huh? Oh Hayami Hinata, why are you here?" Ruruka says as I walk over to her with regret and anger in my eyes. "I don't have to tell you that Ruruka. And you don't have the right to talk to Seiko like that. You are always using Seiko to get what you want and I hate when you do it. You may know Seiko better than me but I know her enough to know she doesn't like being treated like that." I say as I put my hands on my hips and look Ruruka in the eyes. 

"Hayami you may not understand this but, Seiko is my childhood friend. She is the only one I can count on at times like this." Ruruka said, feigning innocence. Then she turned to Seiko, holding a macaron towards her cheek. I then saw the macaron and turned from angry to nervous real quick. Because Seiko will die if she eats anything sweet doesn't Ruruka know that. "Please! You're the only one I can turn to! I mean we are best friends right?" Ruruka said as I realized Seiko was about to concede. "Very well. I'll give you the drug." Seiko said as Ruruka cheered and I just stared in shock.

"Seiko..." I said and Seiko just responded by looking at me with a sad expression. She felt that she could never escape from being a slave to Ruruka and that was what I wanted to change. But I just couldn't do anything to help. This feeling inside me was solidified when Ruruka sent me a victorious smirk. At that moment the tension was interrupted when Nagito suddenly walked out of the closet with the laxative. He looked at Ruruka. 

"Excuse me." Nagito said as Sonosuke put a knife to his neck and I began to kinda sorta panic a little... ok a lot. "Who are you?" Izayoi asked as I quickly intervened. "I brought him with me, we just came for a drug. Leave Nagito alone!" I say clearly showing my desperation. "He is one of the first years. Hayami and him just came for a laxative." Seiko said sensing my discomfort. Nagito laughed and held up the bottle to Izayoi as he lowered the blade. 

"Shall we go Hayami?" Nagito asked me and I felt rather hesitant to. I didn't want to leave Seiko alone right now. I want to support her and help her become strong enough to beat Ruruka. But at the same time, I could see Ruruka looking at me deviously. She had realized how much I cared about Nagito and I feared that if I left him alone, she would do something to him to shut me up and get Seiko's total obedience. So, filled with irritation I left with Nagito.

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