The Melancholy, Surprise, and Disappearance of Nagito Komaeda Part 2

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Nagito must've seen that something was wrong because as soon as we left he asked me. "What's wrong?" Hesitantly I replied. "Seiko sorta reminds me of you. She's someone that often needs saving from herself and from the people around her. That's why I want to help her. That Ruruka is horrible...she's using a drug Seiko spent so much time on for her own exam!" I admitted with a frown on my face. 

Before I could register what was happening, Nagito embraced me and blush covered my cheeks. "Nagito...?" I asked. "Don't worry Hayami. Remember, we won't let Ruruka have a chance to use it in the exam." Nagito said as we let go of each other. Nagito and I then split up to finish our preparations.

After we split off. I went rummaging through my bag and found a collection of posters I had made the night before and a roll of tape. I then started walking around the school and hung them up on the walls. Eventually I had reached the last one and headed to the outside of the gym my final location. 

"Ok last one." I said for some reason. But then I actually began to think properly. (Wait what am I doing? This wrong I shouldn't do this. But we have come this far... I have to.) I taped the poster to the wall and read it in my head. Postpone the practical exams. Or bad things will happen. I put the tape away and headed back to my room to sleep it was going to be a big day tomorrow. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Turns out for the most part. Everything, everything could go wrong.

The next day I had woken up to see students and teachers around the campus looking at the posters I had put up. I also saw that Nagito had texted me. So I decided to check it. 

Hey Hayami, it seems like everyone has noticed the posters. I went ahead and made sure everything was set up. We are ready. Also I ran into Seiko, she seemed a lot better. Just wanted you to know. Feel free to go ahead and head over to the gym. I'll meet you there. Luv u sweetie <3 

I read and a smile came across my face. I got dressed and left to the gym. I am sorry everyone I know this is wrong, but this is what I have do.

 Once I reached the gym I saw that Ruruka was carrying what looked like cream puffs to the judges. Looks like I made it just in time to see the fall out of our plan. This will be great, I just prepared as I walked over to Seiko to get a better view. And it appears that she noticed that I had walked over as she said hi. 

"Oh hey Hayami. You are early. I thought your class wasn't going to be here for another hour?" "Yeah, I just wanted to watch your exam." I say which was only partly true, I had other reasons for being there early. I did want to watch Seiko's exam first though. "Really? You came to watch my exam?" Seiko asks as I nod and smile. "Seiko, why are you allowing Ruruka to use your drugs to cheat? If she needs your drugs to make her food taste better. Then isn't she using your talent and not her own?" I ask casually. 

"Well I wouldn't say that but she is my best friend. She needed my help." Seiko says and like yesterday feel like I am going to explode. "Seiko, she guilt tripped you. In my book, if she treats you like that then can you even call her your friend at all?" I ask as I look up and saw the judges eating Ruruka's food. "I never thought about it like that." Seiko says as I noticed something weird going on at the judge's table. 

"Uh, Seiko can we finish this later? Something looks wrong at the judge's table. They look kinda sick." I say pointing to the table as Seiko nods and we run over. Bad decision on my part. My bad how was I supposed to know about the accidental drug switch and bag switch.

"Seiko what is going on?! Did you give me some weird drug?" Ruruka says as I begin to piece the situation together. Nagito had taken the drug Ruruka wanted and Ruruka had taken our laxative. Oh no this is bad! I better tell Nagito to stop with the plan before it is too late. "What I don't know what you are talking about?" Seiko says as I take out my phone and text Nagito. 

STOP WITH THE PLAN YOU HAVE THE WRONG DRUG! Also bad things are happening! 

"You gave me some weird drug. When all I wanted was your help." Ruruka says as she holds up the empty bottle of reactivator. Soon enough Izayoi rushes over to Ruruka's side. "You must have grabbed the wrong one." Seiko says defensively as I hear a ding sound from Seiko's bag. "You did this on purpose Seiko. How dare you lie to Ruruka!" Izayoi says pulling out a knife. "I didn't do this on purpose. Just give me a second to mix up the antidote." Seiko says as she unzips her bag and I see that the plan has gone even more wrong. Seiko and I look into her bag to see the detonator and a cell phone that I know belongs to Nagito. 

I guess that explains the dinging sound. "Is that a detonator?" One of the judges says peering over the table. "No this must be some kind of mistake." Seiko says as I begin panic. "You set me up! You are a traitor Seiko Kimura! How could you do this to me?!" Ruruka yells as I feel like I am going to lose it. "I didn't do anything to you. You are the one who asked for the drug. Hayami was right. You have been taking advantage of me my entire life. You're the traitor!" Seiko says pointing her finger angrily at Ruruka.

 Before anything got any worse I backed away over to the door. Considering what was about to go down I was happy I did. "Oh no. This is going to end badly." I say as I head to open the door. But before I could I saw a giant Pomeranian jump through the wall towards Seiko, Ruruka, and Izayoi. Out of shock and instinct I hit the deck but not before seeing Ruruka and Seiko fall backward onto the detonator. I was not expecting that but I guess our plan worked out after all. 

Once I heard the bombs finish detonating I stood up and saw the ruins of the gym. "Oh my what the heck happened?!" I yelled as I walked away from the wreckage of the plan. Then I saw that no one in the room appeared to be dead. I then ran over to where Seiko was getting on the ground to help her up. "Seiko are you ok?" I ask pulling Seiko to her feet. "Yeah I'm fine. How did that detonator get into my bag?" Seiko asks and despite me setting it kinda sorta setting it up I still decided to tell her. 

"Hey Seiko, Nagito ran into you this morning correct?" I ask. "Uh yeah why do you ask?" Seiko asks with a confused smile. "Did anything happen between you two when you guys met up?" I ask politely. "Well now that I think about it I did run straight into him and our bags did fly into the air." Seiko says as I realize what happened. "Oh I think that I know what happened. Is it possible that you two accidentally swapped bags?" I ask knowing I am correct. 

"Yeah that makes sense but how did you know that happened?" Seiko asks and I answer truthfully. "Well whenever you had opened up the bag I saw a phone. Which I could clearly tell from the case that it was Nagito's phone." I say and pulls Seiko into a hug. "Hayami what are you doing? Why are you hugging me?" Seiko asks as I let go. 

"Well Seiko I want you to know that I care about you. And also I want you to leave the gym's ruins. It isn't safe for us to be around in this area for very long. As it may be a little dangerous you could easily injure yourself." I say as Seiko prepares to leave. "Thank you Hayami, I care about you as well." Seiko says as she heads off. I then headed off myself and walked past the teacher's lounge inside the school building and heard something very interesting.

I look into the lounge and saw Nagito talking with Ms. Yukizome. So being the curious person that I am I eavesdrop on them. I am a great girlfriend! NOT PARANOID OR OVERPROTECTIVE AT ALL! "The worthy and the worthless. At the moment of birth, we're divided into two clear groups. No matter how much a worthless person tries, they can never become worthy. Simply put talent is everything." Nagito says as I feel a burn of anger in my chest. 

That is what was said by Juzo two weeks ago. I don't know what I saw in Nagito. I can't stand people who talk about others like that. "I want those with talent to shine brightly. I want to see the absolute hope, which will be born from that, with my own eyes." Nagito says before stopping to breathe and I continue to see his true colors. 

"When hope and hope collide, I want to be there, to see the moment when these brilliant sparks fly!" Nagito says as I can very clearly hear the excitement in his voice. That is when I then heard Ms. Yukizome speak up. "There's is no such thing as a hope that hurts others." I totally agree one hundred percent. 

"That is fine. No need to get so worked up over a piece of trash like-" Nagito says as I then see Ms. Yukizome slap him in the face. Yes Ms. Yukizome you are awesome! "You are not trash! You are one of my precious students! And I am your teacher!" Ms.Yukizome says as I smile but I don't know why. Do I care about Nagito again? Before they could say anything else I ran off. I would find out the horrible effects of my actions tomorrow.

I woke up tomorrow to see multiple texts on my phone one from Nagito and one from Seiko. Why are they texting me this early in the morning. I first decided to read Seiko's text. 

Hey Hayami, I have some bad news. Due to what happened at the gym yesterday. Ruruka, Izayoi and me have all been expelled, I'm sorry that this all happened. I hope that we can still stay in touch :( 

I finished reading and started bawling my eyes out. This was all my fault. Then I changed before heading to class without even reading the other text. Then at class we found that Nagito has been suspended indefinitely and that Ms. Yukizome was now going to be teaching at the Reserve Course. Of course all of us were very upset and Sonia even had tears running down her face. 

So before Ms. Yukizome said I gave her a hug. And Ms. Yukizome said that she is counting on Chiaki and me to keep everyone out of trouble. We nodded in agreement as she walked out. And I just thought that it was truly time for the us all to realize that no one is going to make it out of this as they are right now. Also peace out Nagito, I love and hate you. And your disappearance will forever affect us all.

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