Chapter 4: Results and First Impressions

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A/N: So I want to give a quick shout out to Hana_Senju for the oc ideas. I'll make the next page a bio for their oc. I picked the villain idea since it could work for a certain someone in my story who will appear in the USJ attack. Other than that I'll put in cross-z with my own oc.

I appreciate the support you all have been giving me and I can't thank you enough.

3rd. Pov.

It has been a week or so since the exam. Y/N is seen lying in bed with his eyes open staring at the ceiling. he looks to his left to see a sleeping Aiyami cuddled up next to him with a smile on her face. Y/N looks back at the ceiling now with a worried look on his face. I mean why wouldn't he be. During the entrance exam he destroyed a robot that he was told not to destroy causing not only himself, but also Iida to lose points.

Y/N starts to slither his way out of his girlfriends' grasp only to wake her up. "Where are you going?" she asked. "Just gonna go out for a run. I'll be back in a few." he said as he got dressed. He gave her a kiss on her head, grabbed his phone, and headed out. As he was running he was thinking about his future. What would he do if he wasn't accepted into U.A.? What was next for him?

*buzz* *buzz*

Y/N came to stop as he felt a vibration in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and noticed it was his aunt calling him. He answered it. "Hey aunt Nemuri." he said "Hi sweetie. How are you?" she asked. "Eh. You know. Just waiting for the results to come in." he said with a sad smile. On the other end Midnight had frown on her face. " I'm sorry, but you know I can't tell you the results of your exam." she said . "I know it's just... *huff* I know I failed so why would they even bother evaluating my score?" he asked. "Well there was also the written exam. Plus there are other courses that you can enter." she said trying to lift his spirits. "Yeah. I guess." he said nonchalantly. "Sweetie, we can't always get what we want. Instead of being upset with what we we don't have be happy with what you do have." she said. "Alright. I will." he replied. "Well i just wanted to check up on you." she said. "Thanks auntie i appreciate it." he told her. " I know I've said this before but, I love you sweetie. Even though we aren't related I will always think of you as my own son." she said with a smile on her face. "Thanks auntie. I love you too." he replied. I've got to go now but, I'll probably be able to stop by tonight and visit." she said. "I'd like that." "Ok love you. Bye." "Bye." and the call ends.

Timeskip brought to you by Fantasy Y/N

Y/N was walking through the market trying to clear his head. He figured his aunt was right. It's best not to worry about not getting in. While Y/N was running through the streets he noticed he was now in the market and decided to get some fresh fruit. As he was walking he noticed a stand with a weird flag.

(A/N: Let me know if you want me to make gaim official for the story in the comments.)

There was some hip hop music playing and a crowd surrounded the stand with them cheering and clapping. Curiosity gets the best of Y/N and he goes to see what is going on. He squeezes through the crowd and see someone dancing to the music. His skill was something you would see in competitions. Y/N was in awe and watched as the man was moving so fluently to the beat of the music. When the song ended the man bowed towards the crowd and went back behind the fruit stand. Y/N now has a better look at him.

He seems to be in his mid 20's and radiates this weird sense of leadership from him. As he puts an apron with the stands' logo on it he starts helping people at his stand. Lines were formed and every one was smiling talking about this guy being a legend.


As the line was getting shorter I kept hearing people talking about him like he was some kind of celebrity. "Thank you for the purchase. Please come again. Next please!" As I walked up he looked at me with a smile on his face. "Welcome to Kachidoki Fruits. What can I get for you?" He asked me. "Well I'm out for a run and I'm about to head back home but, I'm feeling a bit peckish. What would you recommend?" I asked him. "Well you are working out pretty early and you've already got a pretty sturdy build. So I would recommend this!" He yells as he dramatically points at a banana. "A banana?" I said while confused. "Yep. They're full of potassium and vitamin C so it'll help keep you healthy and fill up your belly." he tells me. " Alright so how much do I owe you?" I asked. He then grabs my hand and pulls me close to him as he's still smiling. "Consider it a gift from one kamen rider to another." he whispers. My eyes widen.

He's a kamen rider? How did he know that I was one. He doesn't seem like one. How do I know if he's telling the truth. No point in wondering about it now. I smile at him as he then looks surprised. "Thanks for the food." I tell him as I begin to walk away. He then has a face of pure joy on his face. "No problem. Come back anytime!" He shouts as he waves at me.

Another Timeskip brought to you by Y/N holding a familiar looking lock with a red design on it.

3rd. POV.

It's gotten to about late morning and we see Y/N make it back to his house. As he walks towards the door he begins to think about his eventful morning. The talk with his aunt, understanding that he can still achieve his goal, and even meeting another kamen rider. He truly feels blessed to have such a crazy life. Because without it he wouldn't have fallen in love. He wouldn't have gotten so strong. He most certainly wouldn't have felt so alive. Knowing that he has the power to protect the innocent. All that's left is to hone his skills until they become second nature to him.

"Hey. I'm home!" He yelled. There was no response. Just silence. "Aiyami!? Hopper!? Anyone home!?" He shouted, but there was still no response. He walks inside and goes into the living room only to see Aiyami and Hopper sitting on the couch looking at an envelope on the coffee table with serious faces. "Hey are you two alright?" Y/N asked. "It's here." Aiyami stated. "What? What's here?" He asked her. "The... test results. Your results are here." Hopper said. Y/N was shocked at those words and slowly looked at the envelope on the table. He picks it up and looks at it in awe. Aiyami and Hoppers' eyes follow it and everyone remains silent. Y/N goes to open it, but hesitates. Suddenly, The front door bursts open as Hopper suddenly turns into black smoke and goes into Y/N. "Guess who came by to visit!?" Shouted a familiar female voice. As the three misfits looked at the door they saw, you guessed it, Midnight. She looked at the two of them in confusion. "Hey. What's up?" she asked. Then Y/N showed her the envelope that had the U.A. logo stamped on it to seal it.

Nemuri had a look of shock on her face. Now everyone was silent in the living room. You can't even hear the ticking of the clocks or even the sound outside. Everything just seems...


After a few minutes Y/N finally opens the envelope. As he does everyone flinches to the sight of the paper tearing open. Y/n looks inside to see a strange disk like object inside. He takes it out and observes it. "That's a holographic video recording that'll tell you if you passed or not." His Aunt tells him. "Do you already know the results?" Aiyami asked Nemuri. "Sadly no. See since I'm his legal guardian I wasn't allowed to participate in the grading. Something about picking favorites or something." Nemuri explained to them.

Y/N then placed the disk on the table and hesitated to press the button on it. "No matter what the results are we'll figure out another way to help you achieve your dream. Together." Aiyami said. Y/N looked at her and nodded then looked back at the disk. He may have lots of support from his friends and family, but when in a high pressure situation such as this he may seem calm on the outside, but he tends to have a panic attack internally. He keeps thinking about the negative and never the positive possibilities. 'Did I fail?' 'What'll I do then?' 'Where do I go from there?' These are only a few of the many questions that go through his mind in these kind of events. Since he was given a great responsibility as a kamen rider. "Hey kid. Just because you didn't get into the hero course doesn't mean you failed as a kamen rider. It just means there's another hurdle that you need to get past. And we'll get past it together." Hopper said inside of Y/N's head. And Hopper was right. He was never alone. His aunt, his girlfriend, and Hopper were all with him. Y/N knew he had the capabilities to be a kamen rider. So what if he doesn't get into the hero course. That won't stop him from being the best kamen rider he can be.

With this new found self confidence Y/N presses the button on the disk and a holographic video starts. "I AM HERE ON A HOLOGRAM!" a familiar voice shouts. "All Might!" Y/N and Aiyami shout in surprise. "Greetings young Y/N. As you may have guessed I am here to tell you about your results of your exam." he said. Y/N, Hopper,Aiyami, and Nemuri were all huddled close to the video listening. carefully. "As you're aware you would gain points depending on how many of what robots you destroyed during the given time and you accumulated 183 points." he explained. The girls were happy to hear this, but Y/N knew what was next. "However due to you and one other participant destroying the minus pointer you lost all of the points you collected from the destroyed robots." Y/N looked down in disappointment as Aiyami and Nemuri hugged him in comfort from behind. "I would say I'm sorry, but those weren't the only points you could acquire from the exam." Y/N and the girls looked up surprised to hear this news that was new to all of them. "We decided to add two different types of points as well. The first was rescue points. These are obtained by assisting other participants in the exam. An few examples would be healing their wounds, safely guiding them to the exit to avoid further harm, and protecting them from other robots. From the data we collected you have acquired 87 rescue points."

Y/N was in disbelief. He did it. He got enough points to enroll into U.A. The girls were smiling with glee. "Now I know that you're already happy about that, but that's not all. Like I said earlier we decided to add two different ways to earn points. The second is called team points. In the field heroes have to work together to take down villains that are too much for one hero alone so they have to team up in order to come out on top. You along with the boy you assisted against the minus pointer worked so well with each other you both earned 100 points. You both knew you were weaker, but you worked together and overcame impossible odds. Myself along with the staff were surprised that you two destroyed the minus pointer. Military weapons had trouble defeating it. As a matter of fact you two were the only participants that acquired team points. With that out of the way you came in first place with a total of 187 points. Young Y/N I welcome you to U.A. You will be placed in hero course 1-A. Welcome to the beginning of a bright future." And with that said the video ended.

Aiyami and Nemuri were jumping up and down shouting in glee while Hopper was smiling. While everyone was celebrating Y/N was still in shock. He did it. He passed and got into the hero course. He still had a look of disbelief on his face. Aiyami stopped jumping and looked at her boyfriend with a bit of worry. "Y/N? Hey you passed so what's wrong?" Y/N didn't say anything as he lunged at Aiyami surprising her. He was just sitting there hugging her as if his life depended on it. He cried silently as he just kept repeating the same thing. "I did it" Aiyami smiled softly as she held him as a mother would hold her son. "Yes you did." she said. Nemuri smiled at this and clapped her hands together. "While I hate to break up this beautiful moment we need to celebrate this occasion. Aiyami? Would you be a dear and help me cook?" "Sure. I'll be right there." She responded. She let go of Y/N as he nodded letting her know that he'll be ok.

As she left Y/n heard Hoppers voice in his head. "Kid no matter what happens next I'm with you till the very end." "Thanks Hopper." Y/N said with a smile.

A man can achieve great things by himself, but can achieve even greater things with his friends. Don't let the negative results keep you down because you're real friends will bring you back up into the light.

As Y/N is seen getting up and going into the kitchen the camera zooms out from the window and across the street. You see a strange man on a motorcycle with a familiar red scarf wrapped around his neck. "So you made it into U.A. huh? Don't let it get to your head. You're good, but you have much to learn." After saying that the stranger rode off into the sunset as the wind blew.

Who was that stranger?

What was he talking about?

What challenges will Y/N have to face at U.A.

Find out next time on

Hazardous Hero

A/N: Hey again. I want to apologize again for my lack of uploads. I say one thing and the opposite happens. there are no excuses and I hope you can forgive me. This one was a bit difficult with my writers block and the inexcusable fact that this wasn't in the show or the anime. I will try my best to come up with better material for the future. Once again I am very sorry for my lack of uploads.

Until next time.

Later Gators.

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