Enter Lupin Part 1

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3rd. POV

Multiple sounds are heard as the area is pitch black. Suddenly multiple lights turn on revealing a hallway with a door at the end. You turn around only to notice a dead end. You begin to walk down the hallway noticing artifacts and expensive paintings on display on the walls You begin nearing the end of the hall only to notice a red velvet door. You reached out and open it with a light shining from the inside as you step inside.

As the light fades you see a fancy room with red and black furniture all around.

You see Lupin in his kamen rider outfit sitting on a couch reading a book that's fit for a thief.

"Oh. Well hello. I didn't see you there. I was just enjoying myself to a lovely novel as I wait for my next scene in this  story. However I was told that it will be a while till that happens so let me tell you another story to help pass the time." Lupin said. "This is the story of a boy who was born a thief, but raised a gentleman. For he had the potential to be the greatest of all time. However we can not start our story here. No. We must start where all great stories are. At the beginning."

22 years ago

We see a little boy with brown hair and a jacket to big for him sitting in a box in an alleyway.

People are walking by not even noticing  him. As he looks at them pass a wealthy looking man in a big coat and a hat passes by and the boy gets up and starts to follow him. As the boy quickened his pace he bunps into the man and disappeared into the crowd. We change to the inside of an abandoned construction site as the boy pulls out a wallet with with some Jews on it. As he's about to take the money he noticed a shadow towering over him.

"You know it's very rude to take things that don't belong to you." The figure said. The boy was startled. He backed away from the figure, clinging onto the wallet, trying to figure out how to escape, but realized that the only way out of the construction site was behind the man.

The boy began to panic as he always knew what happens to kids that get caught stealing from adults. However the man just stood there. The sunlight hiding his face. The camera zooms in on it and you can see a faint smile. "Hey now. No need to be scared. I'm more impressed that you managed to steal from me." The man said. The boy began to lower his guard as he looked confused. "You've got skill kid. That's a no brainer." Then he pulled his wallet out of his pocket. "But there are some people out there in the world who have even better skills then you." The boy looked at his hands and noticed that the wallet was gone. The stranger kneeled down to the boys level and asked him the question that changed both of their lives forever.

"How would you like to acquire even better skills?" The man asked. The boy was hesitant since he just met the man, but could tell he meant no harm. The boy picked himself up off of the ground and walked towards the man who had his arms open. Once close enough he picked up the boy and walked away.


We are now at a very tall tower and at the top we see an apartment.

*Ding* Suddenly a door opens with the man walking inside while the boy is asleep in his arms. "Cate!? I'm back!" He yelled. "Welcome back boss! Who's that?" A female voice said. "Just a friend I hope to make." He says. The boy then begins to stir in his sleep and eventually wakes up. He looks around in wonder until he realizes that he is being carried by the man. The man walks to his kitchen and sits him down as he goes to the fridge and looks for something to cook.

Timeskip brought to you by Black Hazard vs Unknown white rider

After the boy ate what the man cooked he asked "Who are you mister?" The man stood up and looked out of the window and told the boy "I go by many names, but you may call me Lupin.


"Lupin you're needed on set. I repeat Lupin you're need on set."

"Oh it appears this was cut shorter than intended. Oh well. I'll finish my tale another time. Adieu."

Lupin stands and walks out of the door. You follow and open the door only to see a brick wall behind it.  The light fades as you hear Lupin laugh.

A/N: sorry for a short chapter and lack of uploading. I've been trying to come up with more material for the story and have been hitting roadblocks. It's official.


I still have the next chapter almost done so hang in there. The rest of Lupins story will be told after the USJ incident so don't worry about that. Aside from that my house is finally on the market so this helps alot.

Cause now I have wifi again so no more disconnecting from Wattpad.

Also I've been working on another story. It's not a Kamen Rider one, but it still takes place in My Hero. Let me know if you want a sneak peek for it in the comments since I now have more time to write and come up with material.

As usual don't forget to vote and add this book to keep up to date and follow me for more updates on my other stories as well.

Later Gators.

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