Chapter 7:Tests and opportunities.

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Skull won.

Don't worry if you didn't get who you wanted. I've decided to stick with the vote count in order. First is Skull in this arc, Next arc is Fruit Jesus, and finally we will get to see our "God", in the 3rd arc. Hope this is ok with you.

HOWEVER! May I remind you that when this arc is finished my Gunpla story will begin. So when that drops check it out. (I put some kamen rider styled gunpla in it too.) I'm working on both of my stories so far and I'm happy with the progress that I've made. I hope you all like.

3rd. Pov.

Today Y/N was on his usual route to school, but there was one tiny little change today compared to his previous ones.


"So you mean to tell me you want to come with me to school?" Y/N asked. "Yeah. Besides it gets boring here." Hopper replies. "I don't know. What if you get caught?" Y/N asked. "I'll play dead and you can tell them I'm a gift for Aiyami." Hopper said. "*Huff* Fine, but only for today. Got it?" "Suuuuure." Hopper said avoiding eye contact.


Y/N now with Hopper hiding within his body, are walking to the train to get to school. "Hey Hopper what time is it?
Y/N asks. "About 6:37. Why?" "Just curious." Things are going well for the two when suddenly Y/N gets a feeling that he's being followed. As Y/N shifts his eyes to look at the reflection of the window.

No one is there.

He quickly turns around and checks behind him looking frantically.

No one is there.

He tuns back around to continue his way to school.

No one is there.

No one is anywhere.

The animals are gone.

The people are gone.

"Hey Hopper what's going on!?" Y/N asked. A few seconds pass and still no response. Y/N began to panic as he had no idea what was happening. Suddenly the sound of footsteps echoed from all around. Y/N frantically looks around to find the source of the sound, but he has no luck.

As Y/N looks around a man walks out from an alley onto the streets completely unnoticed by Y/N. The man is wearing a suite whith a fedora on his head. Hethen pulls out a strange red device and places it on his waist to which it attaches itself to him.

After it attaches itself to him he pulls out what appears to be a USB with skull design on it and presses a button on the side of it.


After he pressed the button Y/N turns and sees him. "Hey! What's going on!?" As Y/N begins to walk towards the him the man takes of his fedora and places the USB into a slot on the belt.


After the transformation is completed the man points at Y/N and says "Now... it's time to count up your sins." The man then runs towards Y/N and starts to attack him. The stranger throws a combination of punches and kicks as
Y/N tries to block and dodge them.

"What's happening? Why are you doing this!? What sins? I didn't do anything!" Y/N shouted at the man. He however didn't respond and kicked Y/N away and pulled out a strange looking gun and pointed it at Y/N.

"Oh that's not good." The stranger begins to fire the gun at Y/N. In response Y/N begins to run away. As Y/N is sprinting away the stranger jumps on top of a roof and runs along it continuously firing at the poor sucker. He soon stops running and aims at a car. Firing at it the car explodes throwing Y/N at a wall.

The man jumps down and walks towards Y/N. As soon as he's in front of him black smoke slowly makes it's way to the man. The man looks down and sees the smoke, but ignores it and picks up Y/N by his collar.

"Consider this a lesson. You failed. You still have so much to learn. You put a target not only on your back, but that girls' as well. However I'm supposed to be the one that trains you. But I don't see anything worth improving in you. Give up the Build Driver and just focus on being a hero." The man said.

'What? Aiyami is in danger because of me? If I give up being a kamen rider I'm not only giving up my dream, but Hopper as well.' What do I do? Why is he doing this? How is he doing this?'
Y/N thought to himself. While this was happening Y/N was terrified. He was alone with no one to help him and no way to escape.

Y/N struggled to get out of the strangers grip until he kicks the man's chest and falls to the ground. "Who the hell are you to make that decision?" Y/N says as he slowly gets up. "What right do you have to say I should give you Hopper? Without him I can't keep Aiyami safe. If you take him away I'll lose her too. All because of you." Unbeknownst to Y/N the build driver was materializing onto his waist with 2 new full bottles inserted into it.

One was silver and then other was gold.

"I don't give a damn what you have to say!" Y/N shouted as he pointed at the stranger. "I'll become the kamen rider I want to be! And make sure to keep Aiyami, my friends, and family safe! Even if it kills me! Cause that's what a Kamen rider does. They fight to the very end!

Y/N starts turning the crank and begins his transformation.

Are You Ready!?


Best match.

"So you don't even realize the power you possess? Just goes to show how much you don't know." The stranger stated. "SHUT UP!" Y/N said. Y/N then ran towards the stranger and began to throw a flurry of punches and kicks. However they were in vain for the stranger was blocking, dodging, and countering with ease, but that didn't stop or even slow Y/N's assault. For some reason even though Y/N's attacks were being countered he would start to attack more ferociously. Y/N's quirk began to activate and black smoke started to seep from the suit.

Y/N's attacks became so wild that the stranger easily countered and struck
Y/N right in the jaw and then his fist glowed purple and he struck Y/N in the chest causing him to be flung back against a car as it exploded. The flames of the car reflect off of the strangers visor when suddenly a flaming car door is thrown at him from the flames, but dodges it with ease.

(Start music)

Emerging from the flames stands Y/N, but some thing is different. He's hunched over with his arms hanging down. As the camera pans around him and zooms in on his mask he slowly lifts his head and looks at the stranger. All Y/N does is growl as the visor begins to flicker until it goes pitch black.

The stranger takes a fighting stance and suddenly Y/N rushes at him at a blinding speed.

Y/N goes and throws a right hook that is blocked, but it had so much force it pushed the stranger back. Smoke comes off of Y/N's fist and the man's arm. Out of nowhere the stranger appears behind Y/N. "I suppose you've proven your point. However strength alone won't be enough for what's to come. Y/N suddenly turns around only to be flicked in the head as his armor disappears in a puff of smoke. He tries to punch the stranger except he turns around and walks away.

(Stop music)

"Hey! Where are you going!? I'm not done with you!" Y/N shouted. "Congratulations Y/N L/N. You passed." The stranger stated. "This is a test!? What kind of sick joke is this!?" Y/N yelled. "Sorry, but Jugo wasn't exactly "precise" on what to do." The stranger explained "Who?" Y/N asked. "The owner of Kachidoki fruit. Also known as the Victory hero Kachidoki or in simpler terms Kamen rider Gaim. Or as how I call him Dumbass."

"Wait. What!? This was his idea?" Y/N asked. "Yep. However all he told me to do was fight you and test your resolve. Not all Kamen Riders are fit for the job. Sorry by the way." Y/N was dumbstruck. He couldn't believe what just happened. He had to fight for his life against a complete stranger only to find out he was being tested on whether or not he's worthy of being a Kamen Rider. However one question was still on his mind. "Who are you exactly?"

"I'm called alot of things, but you can call me S." He said. "But why fight me? And what's happened to the city!?" Y/N asked.

"To answer your first question it's rather simple. You are an anomaly. The Hazard trigger is an upgrade to the build driver and yet it's the standard form for you. Normally you would go into a berserk like state over time, but it only happens to you when you are in an emotionally unstable state. At least that's what I can think of from what I  saw. I had to make sure you were safe and sane. For your second question that would be my quirk. It's called Bubble dimension. I can create a bubble in reality that looks exactly the same as the original, but in here time flows differently. You can't walk in or out and if someone from out side of the bubble attacks it the bubble will pop destroying it. I can see into the outside world though." S explained.

"But how did you know my route?" Y/N asked. "I'm the kind of man whose job is to know the unknown." S said. "Wait a minute. That outfit. This quirk. What you just said."  "Figured it out?"

"You're Phantom Detective Skull!" Y/N exclaimed. "Not bad kid. Yes I'm the Phantom Detective, but I'm also know as Kamen Rider skull." S announced. "Listen I'll get right to the point. What do you know about the full bottles?" S asked. " They can grant me power similar to the bottle I use along with a different form." Y/N said. "True, but that's only the what they do. Do you know how they were made?" S asked. Y/N shook his head. "The full bottles are in a sense a more advanced version of my gaia memory. They grant abilities and allow you to transform with the proper device, but the full bottles were made with collective data of quirks. In short they're quirks in a bottle."

Y/N was surprised to say the least. "How do you know this?" He asked. "When you first transformed successfully me along with some other riders suddenly glowed and these bottles sort of came out of us. We got together to run some tests and lo and behold when combined they are a combination of our quirks and our transformations." S explained. Suddenly a crack is seen in the air behind Y/N.

"Looks like we're out of time." S said. "What do you mean I still have questions." Y/N said "Look kid we can talk another time, but right now I've got to go." S told him.  Y/N then noticed the cracks in the airnall around them until suddenly a light shined into his eye. It was so strong he had to try to block it out. All that is left is white.

Today Y/N was on his usual route to school today, but there were two tiny little changes today compared to his previous ones.

Y/N now with Hopper hiding within his body, are walking to the train to get to school. "Hey Hopper what time is it?
Y/N asks. "About 6:37. Why?" "Just curious." Things are going well for the two when suddenly Y/N feels something in his pocket. As he pulls out the objects he looks at them and realizes what they are.

"What the hell!?" He exclaims. "When did you get these!? Even I've never seen them before! Hopper yells. "I don't know they were just in my pocket!" "Well store them in here!" Y/N then uses his quirk and they turn into black smoke and enter his body.

"Seriously though, how did they get there?" Y/N questions. "We can think about it later with Aiyami. Right now you need to get to school." "Alright." As Y/N walks away you see S standing in the crowd looking at him. "Be careful today kid." He says. As soon as someone walks in front of him he disappears.

What is to come?

What just happened?

What more does S know?

Find out next time on

Hazardous Hero

A/N: Hey it's me so I decided to add this to the story. It felt right since the vote was an earlier chapter. Still I'm happy that you guys and gals still read this even with my block and additional story. If I had to guess I'd say I have 2 chapters left in this arc then my gunpla story is out. Sorry again for taking so long, but this is just how I do things.

Anyways don't forget to vote and if your new add this book to your reading list and if you want updates on other stories follow me.

Lator gators.

A man in the shadows is seen looking through a strange orb that shows Y/N walking to school with his newly acquired full bottles.

???:So that's how it's going to be. Very well. I can wait a little longer, but know this Y/N when the time come and it will, you better pray that your death is quick and painless. If not...well let's just say I might have a little too much fun breaking you. Hmhmhmhm. HAHAHAHAHA!

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