Chapter 8: USJ part 1

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Finally got to school and what do I see? A bunch of reporters swarming the front gate. I know it's U.A. and all, but is it too much to ask for at least one normal day. As I'm getting closer trying to sneak by they spotted me.

The reporters see me and rush at me like a horde of wild animals. "Excuse me! Are you Y/N L/N? The boy who was raised by heroes?" One of the reporters asked me. "Uh...Yeaaaaah?" I responded. "Wonderful! We would like to ask you a few questions about All Might teaching here at U.A." That asked while getting closer. "Um...I mean...I have classes soon." I said. However my words fell upon deaf ears. They kept getting in my face.Luckily uncle Aizawa was there to tell the reporters to quit harassing the students and that All Might is busy.

After that they began to walk away. "Thanks for the help uncle." I said with a tired look on my face. "Just get to class." he told me and I walked away. The day went by as it usually does. I go to class, I learn something, my aunt sexually harasses me every now and then, yada yada. It's pretty boring to be honest. Thankfully the hero course is my saving grace from said boredom.

Class was starting and of course uncle Aizawa was the only one teaching us today. "Listen up. Today you are going to be choosing a class representative." That is a surprisingly normal thing to do for class. Everyone soon started to shout saying that they should be the class rep. Eventually it was Iida who said that a vote should be put in order to decide who should be the class rep and deputy. After some time passed the voting came to a close.

I won. Oh yeah and Yaoyorozu became the deputy. I'm still processing how this happened. "Why me?" I asked. Everyone. "Well You do have the most experience so it makes sense." Kaminari said. " Yeah. We could also learn some super cool hero techniques from you as well." Hagakure told me. Everyone else gave reasons why which made me start to blush a little bit.

Soon after that lunch came around and everything is as normal as it can be. I see Aiyami waving at me so I get my food and head over to her. "Hey! How've you been?" She asked. "Pretty good I guess. I got voted for class rep." I said nonchalantly as I started to eat. "Really!? That's great, but why do sound uninterested?" She asked me. "Well I didn't really want to be the class rep." I told her while avoiding eye contact. "What!? Why!? You would be great at it." She asked. "I know, but that's just the problem. They only voted for me because of my experience. If I accept this position then it'll make things easier for them which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but they need to understand the hardships of being a hero. They need to know that it isn't as easy or simple as it seems." I explained. "I guess, but if you don't want to be the class rep then who would be a better candidate?" She asked me. "I don't know. They all have their own ideas on how to improve, but those ideas apply only to themselves and not the class. It's a hard choice." I explained.

3rd. pov.

As those two were discussing their predicament Hachimaru was having problems of his own. We see him sitting by himself with a look of distraught on his face while looking at his food. As this is going on Daito walks over to his table and sits with him. "Hey Hachi . Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asks. "No." Hachi responds not even looking at Daito.  Daito notices this and starts messing with him. "Also I want to make a bomb , but I need a target you got any ideas?" He asked with a slight smile on his face. "No." Hachi responds with the same reaction. Daito watches Hachi  with a blank stare. "Hachi!" Daito Yelled. "Huh? Do you need something?" Hachi asked.

"Hey man, are you alright?" Daito asked with worry. "Yeah. I'm fine." Hachi replied with a fake smile. "Come on man. You can tell me anything. What's wrong?" Daito asked with a genuine smile. "It's just... How are you so strong. I mean I know that both you and Y/N have more experience than everyone else in our class, maybe even the whole school, but how were you guys so strong together. I mean you both have incredible quirks and all I can do is increase the tension of my muscles. I'm nothing special. I sometimes even wonder why I even wanted to be a hero. My quirk is just mediocre." He explained with a sad look on his face. Daito knew that Hachi doubted himself, but he didn't know that he thought so lowly of himself. It made Daito worried about his friend. "Have I told you about the time Y/N and I first met?" Daito asked with a smile on his face. "What does that have to do with any of this?" Hachi asked. "Have or have I not told you?" Daito demanded. "No! You never told me." Hachi replied with a bit of fear in his voice.

"We met when we were kids. When I first met him he was practically scared of his own shadow. He couldn't control his quirk at all. Because of this he had to not only wear a device that reduces the effect of it he also had to take a drug that also helped suppress his quirk. He never really had am actual childhood. it was really rough for him." Daito explained. " I didn't know about his past." Hachi said sadly. "Y/N is the kind of guy who doesn't like to talk about his past. I don't know why, but he's just like that. Anyway, When I first met him he was practically in a box because of how dangerous his quirk was. They introduced me to him to help him get used to people  and hopefully make friends his age. My mother is a popular hero in Europe so I was aloud to visit him on occasion." Daito explained. "Wait, but your name is Japanese isn't it.." Hachi questioned. "Nice catch. Technically I'm only half Japanese. the other half is of European decent. Anyways, over the course of time he became less socially awkward, but his quirk was still uncontrolled, but since I discovered my quirk I decided to help him control his. It was sheer luck that our quirks were so similar. it took some time to figure it out, but all that time paid off. He learned how to do some amazing things with his quirk." Daito said while looking at Y/N with proud smile.

"Wait. You mean to tell me that you taught Y/N everything about his quirk!?" Hachi asked. "Not all of it, but a good portion." Daito said looking back at Hachi. "Wow even someone as amazing as Y/N was like that." Hachi said in disbelief. " Yep. You see no one is born strong Hachi. These kind of things take time and effort. However for you it's a lot easier." Daito said. "It is? How? I don't see any way that you guys could help me with my quirk." Hachi said looking back down. "Yeah about that. It's not your quirk that needs improvement. It's actually your self confidence. Daito says with a pained expression on his face. "Huh?" Hachi exclaims. "See that. That right there. Not only do you doubt yourself constantly and you seem really socially awkward. I don't want to sound mean, but it's true." Daito explained.

Hachi looked down with sorrow on his face. As Daito opened his mouth to say something an alarm went off. "Security Level 3 has been breached. Students please promptly evacuate." As soon as the  announcement ended everyone began to panic and rush for the exit. Hachi began to panic, but Daito assured him that everything was alright. Meanwhile Aiyami was freaking out and latching on to Y/N like a koala bear latches onto a tree. "Y/N! C'mon we have to get out of hear!" she yelled with fear in her heart. "We're fine. As long as we stay calm we'll be just fine. Besides we have lots of pro heroes in the building. They'll keep us safe." Y/N says in a calm voice as he gets up and walks towards the exit along with the other students. "Oh. I guess you're right about that. Sorry." Aiyami said as she let go of Y/N and stands on her own holding onto Y/N's arm.

As They all got to the rest of the students who were so panicked that they all got clustered together, pushing and shoving each other while screaming and yelling. Suddenly They see a familiar friend floating in the air. As he was in the air Iida used his quirk to propel himself to the top of the exit door. He slammed into it and shouted to everyone that it was just the media and told them to calm down and return to their classes. Y/N looked at Iida with a proud look on his face see how Iida handled the situation.

As everyone returns to their classes Y/N and Yaoyarozu were standing in the front. "Before we continue I have an announcement to make. I know that you all voted for me to be class rep, but I'd like to actually pass that position to Iida." Y/N said with a straight face. Everyone was surprised that he was passing the position to Iida. Even Aizawa had one eye open. "But Y/N you won the vote fairly. Why would you give ithe position to me?" Iida said with confusion. "Iida, when the alarms went off and everyone started to panick, what did you do? You saw the problem and made a plan to resolve it with the people around you to help you and it helped calm everyone down with no one getting hurt. You see a hero can never take the easy way to solve a problem. There will always be roadblocks for becoming a hero, but if you take the easy route you won't learn as much as you would if you stuggled through the task. You wouldn't grow as much. Trial and error. It is with that principle that we each can grow and improve in our own way and become the hero we want to be. Not for only ourselves, but for the people as well. With that being said, Iida this class needs you to guide them more than they need me. Will you help them?" Y/N explained as he stuck his hand out for Iida to shake.

Iida stared at Y/N in wonder, but then smiled understanding what he was saying. He stands up and shakes his hand with confidence. "I understand Y/N. Thank for this opritunity. I will do my best to guide this class." Iida said. Some of the other students started to agree that it was good idea to give Iida the position. YN smiled as everyone was cheering Iida on the position. "Alright now with that settled, for todays Hero basic Training, It's going to be a class with three instructors. All Might, myself, and one other person." Aizawa explained to everyone. "What are we going to be doing?" Sero asked. Aizawa shows a card that has the word "Rescue" on it. "Disaster, Shipwrecks, and everything in between. Today is going to be focused on rescue training. While everyone was excited, /N had a look of despair on his face. "Hey Daito. What's wrong with Y/N?" Hachi asked as Daito smirked. "Well you see his quirk is primarily for combat since it absorbs nutrients from the surrounding environment so he has trouble if people are stuck in debris so this is going to be very difficult for him." Daito said while holding back a laugh. 

"Hey! I'm not finished yet. You can choose to wear your costumes or not." Aizawa says. He pushes a button and suitcases with numbers on them come out from an opening from the wall. "Because there's a possibility that your costumes might limit the use of your quirks." Aizawa continues as he leaves the room. everyone get's up and goes to their designated suitcase and walks out to the locker rooms to get changed.


Y/N Pov.

Me along with the others were all standing outside with their costumes on. I know I've seen them before, but the nostalgia was still there. I noticed that Midoriya was in the schools gym clothes. I was wondering why he wasn't wearing his hero costume, but then I remembered it got ruined after his combat training against Bakugo. I then heard a whistle and saw Iida telling everyone to sit in an certain order, but nobody listened to his dismay. After we left from the stop it was a straight drive to where we're going to be training. Everyone was talking about their quirks. As this was happening I wasn't paying attention to the conversation so I decided to get some rest and take a nap. I mean let's be honest. 

What's the worst that could happen?

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