Season 1 Episode 6: Welcome To Heaven

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Narrator: Previously on Hazbin Hotel

Micheal: Okay what the fuck was that?!

Lucifer: I won't be able to go up with you, will you be okay?

Micheal: I'm coming Amanda don't you worry

The intro starts to Play

Singer: Jump up.


Singer: Kick back


Singer: Whip around


Singer: and spin!

(Angel Dust)

Singer: Jump up (Jump up)


Singer: Kick back (Kick back)


Singer: Whip around (Whip around)

(Sir Pentious)

Singer: And Spin! (And spin!)

(Alastor and Lucifer)

Singer: Jump up
Kick back
Whip around
And Spin!

We then see Micheal as his eyes glow Purple before he jumps into the air and slams the ground as the title card was shown

Narrator (Husk): Episode 6: Welcome to Heaven

We start off in Charlie and Vaggie's room as we see Charlie packing her clothes

Charlie: Okay I have my warm weather clothes, my cold weather clothes, my rain jacket and- does it rain in heaven?

Vaggie: Charlie you and Micheal are gonna go up there for only a few hours

Charlie: Vaggie we are going to heaven for a day! I want to be prepared. It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed.

Vaggie: Yeah i wish I could come but I have to stay back and watch the hotel

Charlie: Vaggie you're my partner, I need you with me.

Vaggie: But what about the others?

Charlie: They'll be fine! Our dad will be with them.

Meanwhile in the lobby we see Angel Dust enter the hotel as he was exhausted

Nifty: *pops out of a plant pot* Oh Hey Angel! What's up?

Angel Dust: Nothing Nifty, I'm just tired out, Valentino had to make me work for 16 fucking hours straight! *stretches his back* and I need to relax. *sits down on the couch next to Lucifer*

Lucifer: Jesus you look like you went through hell

Angel Dust: I just got here short king~

Husk: *smells something* Say you guys smell that-

Suddenly the wall explodes as red smoke was shown which shocked everyone

Angel Dust: Oh what the fuck?! Why is that wall the one being broken!

Cherri Bomb: *offscreen* What up hoes! *laughs to herself*

Angel Dust: Holy shit Cherri Bomb?! Long time no see Baby!

Cherri Bomb: Hey Angie you bitch! You've been texting me depressing shit all day! Figured we could tear up shit like old times and- *notices Lucifer* Oh no fucking way! Is that Lucifer himself?!

Lucifer: The one and only!

Angel Dust: Yeah he's here to live with his son and daughter.

Micheal: *comes downstairs with Vaggie and Charlie* What the fuck was that?! *notices the wall destroyed* Oh fuck me! Come on!! *to Cherri Bomb* Hey you must be Cherri, Angel's friend I'm assuming?

Cherri Bomb: The one and only!

Angel Dust: Oh by the way Cherri, love catching up with you but I gotta rest after today

Cherri Bomb: Oh come on you can rest when you're double dead fuckhead!

Micheal: You know miss Bomb, everyone here is stressed out so im gonna ask if you can take the others with you if you're taking Angel.

Cherri Bomb: Wait wait I'm just here for angel-

Micheal: *grabs a 50 dollars pile of cash and hands it to Her*

Cherri Bomb: *instantly gets the money logo on her eye*

Cherri Bomb: Never mind let's go!!

Micheal: Make sure they have the best time tonight and I'll make sure to pay you more money. Anyways the portal to heaven should be opening- *notices the portal to heaven open* There it is!

Micheal grabs Charlie and Vaggie as he throws them into the portal

Micheal: Bye! *steps into the portal as it closes*

Sir Pentious: *shows up drinking wine until noticing Cherri Bomb as he Spits out his drink* Cherri Bomb?!

Cherri Bomb: *notices Sir Pentious* You!? Where the fuck have you been all this time?!

Sir Pentious: I've been mostly here at the hotel as a guest. What have you been doing?

Cherri Bomb: Well I got to take you all out along with Angel to have some fun tonight.

Sir Pentious: Oh so it's gonna be you and me? Having fun? What do I do when I'm supposed to hang out with someone? *puts his hand on Cherri's shoulder*

Cherri Bomb: don't touch me. *takes his hand off of her shoulder*

Sir Pentious: *blushes heavily as his face was red*

Everybody when they saw Sir Pentious Blush:

Meanwhile we see the gates of heaven as we see Micheal, Charlie and Vaggie

Micheal: Holy shit. Why does Heaven look better then hell?!

Charlie: I know right?!

Micheal: I know! We're gonna be in heaven! For a day.

Vaggie: Cool.

St. Peter: *shows up* Hi! Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your names?

Micheal: *to St. Peter* Yeah, Micheal and Charlie Morningstar.

St. Peter: Okay got it. *looks through a list of names* strange I can't find your names

Micheal: try Lucifer Morningstar.

St. Peter: Oh! Are you sure you're in the right place?

Micheal: Yes. And we're here to meet Adam's manager,

St. Peter: You know Adam?

Micheal: Yes. Now let us in so we can talk like gentlemen.

St. Peter: I'm not sure-

Micheal: *grabs St. Peter by the collar* don't start telling me about not sure. *let's go of St Peter*

Sera: *offscreen* Saint Peter, we can take it from here.

We then see two angels who land

Sera: Greetings children of the Morningstar, I'm am Sera, the high seraphim of heaven

Emily: and I'm Emily! E or Emmy, whatever you want to call me! It's so nice to meet you! *shakes Micheal's hand*

Micheal: Cool.

Music Starts to play

St. Peter: Dearly beloved its my pleasure to say unto thee
Welcome to Heaven, Oh!
Where the Virtuous reside
24/7, oh-oh!
People are happy that they died
Cause we got no burglaries no worries and no strife
It's the perfect afterlife
Welcome to Heaven!
Check out our sick decor!
The spirits leaven!
Please keep your brimstone off the floor
We've got the best and brightest
The politest of the lot!
And everyone is hot!

Micheal: Wait what?

Emily: Gosh I'm so pleased to show some outsiders around
After you see our realm, you'll never want to go back down

Sera: Of course it is just temporary
I'm sorry you can't stay.

St. Peter and Emily: Cause every single day in heaven is a happy day!
Welcome to Heaven!

Micheal: Damm. That's awesome.

We then cut to Adam and Lute who are having drinks as Micheal, Charlie, Vaggie, and Emily pass them

Adam and Lute: *both spit out their drinks*

Adam: Holy fucking shit balls! That's Micheal Morningstar and his slut sister!

Lute: How did they get up here?

Adam: who cares, I'm wanting to deal with him one way or another!

Lute: Wait, You want to fight on the promenade in front of everyone?

Adam: Who cares, plus The extermination is coming soon so they'll be dead-

Lute: Shush! Don't talk about the extermination in public

Adam: Oh wow, don't shush me bitch.

Sera: *offscreen* you should listen to your lieutenant Adam.

Adam: Ah shit! Sera! Don't fucking- I mean don't sneak up on me like that!

Lute: Your highness forgive me but what are the hell spawns doing here?

Sera: Well you failed to control the demons unrest and now Lucifer is involved. Setting up a audience for his misguided son and daughter, I would have never agreed to your... yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping heaven safe was the only reason I allowed it.

Adam: Oh yeah, plus I might have pissed off Micheal by kidnapping his family.

Sera: What?

Adam: Yeah its true. I told him about this drummer chick who was his wife Amanda and then sent angels down to his house and take them away from hell so they don't have to live in that Ungrateful asshole's house of torment

Sera: Adam, there was one rule I said, never kidnap a demon's family or else he'll be coming after you.

Adam: He's just one dude, I can handle him!

Sera: Well I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse.

Adam: Oh I get that. And I know who to intimate.

We later cut to a room where we see Charlie, vaggie and Micheal

Charlie: I love heaven so much right now! Vaggie did you see the ice cream shop? They had rainbow sprinkles! Oh by the way Micheal you want to come along?

Micheal: No I just got here, let me relax.

Charlie: Okay well suit yourself. Come on Vaggie!

Charlie and Vaggie then leave as Micheal lays down on a bed but then hears the door gets knocked on as he opens it to reveal Adam and Lute

Adam: Hey Micheal loserstar!

Micheal: You?! The fuck do you want?

Adam: Nothing Nothing, listen you should know dude, That girl Vaggie? I know her dude.

Micheal: how so?

Adam: Well. Vaggie was one of my top angels, during one of the exterminations she helped a demon, so she lost her eye and she lost her wings, which means that makes her a Former angel.

Micheal: Why are you telling me this?

Adam: For one, if you want your family back, you're gonna help me or if not, I'll simply off them. Got it?

Micheal: You'd better not.

Adam: Well that makes us equals, deal? *offers his hand*

Micheal: Fine. *shakes Adam's hand* don't do something out of the blue or you'll be dead.

Adam: Screw you.

Micheal: and fuck you too.

Later We cut to a court room in heaven where we see Charlie, Micheal and Vaggie as Adam walks by them

Charlie: Oh no not him again

Adam: what up losers! I heard you went to my manager! Low blow.

Sera: We are gathered here to see whether or not a soul in hell can be redeemed into heaven from this hazbin hotel, Prince Morningstar?

Micheal: *notices Amanda, Jimmy and Tracey in the stands* Charlie look its my family!

Charlie: They're okay!

Micheal: Sorry i had to clear my throat but anyways, my sister wants to redeem sinners and all of you know that. Or not, firstly we have guests of our own. Angel Dust

Adam: The famous porn star? Yeah he's worth being redeemed!

Micheal: Well maybe I can make you watch.

Adam: Well let's see it then.

Adam snaps his fingers to make a sort of glass ball that shows us to a club

Micheal: First off this is Exhibit A!

We zoom into the glass ball to see Cherri and the others hanging out

Cherri Bomb: Woo isn't this place the fucking best?

Lucifer: I'll admit, Consent is a good name for a sex club.

Sir Pentious: *notices Nifty sweeping the floor* Nifty what are you doing?

Nifty: Cleaning the floor! It's icky in here!

Sir Pentious: that's because we are at a club

Nifty: Oh I thought the hotel looked different!

Sir Pentious: *to Cherri Bomb* Miss Cherri, I'd like to buy you a drink.

Cherri Bomb: Why?

Sir Pentious: To make sure you are a worthy opponent the next time we meet.

Cherri Bomb: Oh thanks I guess.

Angel Dust: You know, Val is into this waterboarding shit now and I don't know it's a kink

Cherri Bomb: Calm down Angel. I know Val ruined your day. But hey we can have fun here, right?

Angel Dust: I mean yeah. Plus we have Lucifer here with us so that's great

Cherri Bomb: I mean yeah but hey let's see where the night takes us huh?

Angel Dust: I mean... Fine let's do it!

Sir Pentious: *hands a drink to Cherri* Here you go Miss Bomb!

Cherri Bomb: Oh thanks. Old man.

Sir Pentious: I knew you were gonna say that

The camera pans over to Aiden surfing the crowd on a surf board as he drinks some wine

Aiden: Don't mind me! I'm just chilling with the flow!

We then cut back to the court room

Adam: Look at that he chose a night of debauchery!

Micheal: Hey when your friend had a hard day it's always nice to have a drink at the end of a hard day.

Lute: Well we don't do that.

Micheal: Well firstly Angel will make good decisions! Come on we have to keep watching!

Emily: *to Sera* come on Sera let's give him a chance.

Sera: Very well, the court will allow it.

Micheal: Fuck yeah!!!! I mean Yes!

We zoom back into the glass ball to see Angel Dust and the others at a booth

Lucifer: *shows up with more drinks* round 12 motherfuckers! No offense but I am wasted! *places the drinks on the table* not actually but I am! Kinda.

Sir Pentious: *takes a drink*

Husk: Damm this is gonna be fun.

Cherri Bomb: Oh yeah! *takes a drink and drinks it* Woo!!!

Lucifer: *takes a drink and drinks it* Yeah!! Best night ever!!

Sir Pentious: So..... Cherri I noticed there was a sex room. So I was thinking maybe you and I could do a sex?

Cherri Bomb: I'm sorry why would we have sex?

Sir Pentious: Uh...... Because we're rivals?

Cherri Bomb: Checks out I guess. Come on then~

Cherri Bomb leads sir Pentious into the sex room as she closes the door and locks it

Angel Dust: Damm! Cherri is gonna get laid by the snake!

Lucifer: Don't snakes have two dicks?

Angel Dust: Something like that. *notices Nifty is gone* Wait where's Nifty?

Husk: I don't know- *notices Valentino* Angel?

Angel Dust: What? *notices Valentino* Oh fuck sake.

The camera pans over to Valentino who is talking to a girl

Valentino: Yeah I'm here all the time. They know me, say you want a job? How many dicks can you suck?

It then pans back to Angel Dust and the others except sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb

Lucifer: *notices Nifty running to Valentino* Oh shit, there she is!

Angel Dust: Fuck!

Angel Dust chases after Nifty and catches her but then....

Valentino: Holy shit, Angel Dust? What are you doing here? Didn't get enough dick today?

Angel Dust: No I'm totally fine.

Valentino: Who's the Chiquita? You bringing me fresh meat?

Nifty: I want a bad boy~

Valentino: Oh she's likeable.

Angel Dust: Fuck off Val

Valentino: What did you say?

Angel Dust: I said fuck off Val. I may have to put up with all of your bullshit but one you can do whatever to me in the studio. But when I'm out here, I get to do what I get to do. Someday I wish you would stop using me, cause you're like a poison spreading through my mind and firstly I should have never started working for you!

Valentino: What makes you think you can talk back to your boss like that?

Angel Dust: Well it's my friends. They're the reason I'm still living, plus I'm friends with Lucifer himself.

Valentino: Oh but he won't do anything about you being owned by me, I have a contract on you. Angel Dust or should I call you Anthony?

Angel Dust: Fuck. You. Val.

Valentino then slaps Angel Dust in the face knocking him down

Valentino: you think you can be disrespectful?! To me?! *kicks Angel Dust in the guts* Well I own you motherfucker! *grabs Angel Dust* and plus I may act crude and rude but remember I still own you.

Angel Dust: Like I said. Fuck off.

Valentino: Oh still trying to be rude huh?

Angel Dust; No I was saying that just to do this!

Angel Dust punches Valentino straight in the face as his golden tooth got knocked out and blood was on the floor as everyone gasped in shock

Angel Dust: Fuck you!

Valentino: *growls in anger* You got me good Angel, I'll give you that. If Micheal was here he would be saving your ass.

Angel Dust: And mostly don't fuck with my friends.

Angel Dust grabs Nifty and walks away

Lucifer: Damm. Nice work dude.

Husk: You did alright Angel.

Angel Dust: I did.

Sir Pentious: *comes out of the sex room with Cherri Bomb* Woo!! Best Sex ever!! I'm tired out! What did we miss?

We then cut back to the court room

Adam: wow. Never believed he was gonna punch this moth guy in the face.

Micheal: See he did everything on your checklist.

Charlie: He did!

Adam: Oh.... well... how come he isn't here then?

The angels look at each other with confused looks

Micheal: Wow, great, I'm in a room with angels who don't know how someone gets into heaven.

Sera: This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, it is our job to make sure these souls are safe.

Emily: But he was right Sera
They showed us a soul can improve
He saw the light Sera
Checked all the boxes that you said would
Prove a person deserves a second chance
Now we turn our backs, no second glance?

Sera: It's not as simple as you think
Not everything is spelled in ink

Charlie: It's not fair Sera.

Vaggie: Careful Charlie keep a cool head

Charlie: No! Don't you care Sera?
That just because someone is dead
It doesn't mean they can resolve to change their ways
Change the page, escape Infernal Blaze

Sera: I'm sure you wish it could be so
But there's a lot you don't know

Lute: what are we even talking about?
Some Crack whore who fucked up already
He blew his shot like the cocks in his mouth
This discussion is senseless and Petty

Adam/Aiden/Lute: There's no question to be posed
He's unholy, case closed!
Did you forget that Hell is forever?

Adam: A Man only lives once
We'll see you in one month
Gotta say I can't wait to....

Sera: Adam...

Adam: Come down and exterminate you!

Emily: Wait!

Adam: Shit.

Emily: what are you saying?
Let me get this straight
You go down there and kill those poor souls?

Lute: You didn't know?

Adam: Whoops!

Aiden: Guess the cat is out of the bag

Adam: What's the big deal?

Emily: Sera tell me you didn't know

Sera: I thought since I'm older
It's my load to shoulder

Emily: No.

Sera: You have to listen it was such a hard decision
I wanted to save you the anguish it takes to
Do what was required!

Emily: To think that I admired you well
I don't need your condescension
I'm not a child to protect
Was talk of Virtue just pretension?
Was I too naive to expect you
To heed the morals you're purveying?

Micheal: That's what the fuck We've been saying!

Charlie/Emily/Micheal: If hell is forever then heaven must be a lie

Sera: Emily...

Charlie/Emily/Micheal: if angels can do whatever and remain in the sky
The rules are shades of Grey when you don't do as you say
When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again

Charlie: I was told not to trust in angels

Adam: By her?

Aiden: Ha! She should know!

Vaggie: We should go.

Charlie: No! Don't you see?
We've come so close!
Look at them fighting!
They're at each other's throat

Adam: *glares at Micheal*

Micheal: *sighs* Don't you act all high and mighty
Did you ever think your girlfriend might be a liar?

Charlie: Micheal what are you doing?

Micheal: Adam told me the truth and I've found out why Vaggie didn't want to be here.

Vaggie: Micheal don't please!

Micheal: What's the fuss?

Adam/Aiden/Micheal/Lute: Why hide a fact that you're a angel just like us/them!!!!!

Charlie: *gasps in shock* Vaggie....

Vaggie: Charlie look I'm sorry! I didn't want to tell you!

Sera: *takes a deep breath* Well. I'm sorry but the court finds that there is no evidence souls in hell can be redeemed.

Adam: Oh fuck yes! I win! Suck it bitches! Oh and before you go, I wanted Micheal to take up a offer. Aiden?

Aiden (who's gonna dissappear after this scene) then snaps his fingers as suddenly a door opens to reveal a younger Micheal

Micheal: Holy shit. A younger me?

Younger Micheal: Angel's all win, there is no losers for anything Micheal. *walks towards Micheal* allow me to carry your legacy for you and turn into the man you once were.

Micheal: *thinks about the offer* Nah.

Micheal rips off Younger Micheal's head killing him

Micheal: there's only one Micheal Morningstar! And thats me.

Adam: I knew you were gonna say that. *teleports Amanda, Jimmy and Tracey as he holds them in the air* This is my world, and in my world there are rules, one such rule is never decline a offer.

Micheal: No. Don't.

Adam laughs evilly as he grabs his sword and aims it at Amanda

Amanda: Wait Adam Wait!-

Adam swipes the sword towards Amanda as suddenly Amanda, Tracey, and Jimmy's head all fall to the ground as Adam drops their corpses

Micheal: Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie: *gasps in shock*

Vaggie: No...........

Adam: See?! That's what happens! Anyways, you three better save the date, cause we're coming to your hotel first. And Charlie, thank Micheal for his coordination with us.

Adam snaps his fingers as he makes a portal which sucks in Charlie, Vaggie and Micheal and sends them back to hell

Emily: Don't give up Charlie!

Sera: That was uncalled for Adam.

Adam: Yeah but did you see their fucking faces?! Yes!!!! Sorry.

All of the angels including Adam and Lute leave

Emily: Extermination of human souls. Demon or not there is no reason to be doing this.

Sera: They were uprising Emily! It is my position as the head seraphim to protect our people and its yours to keep them safe and happy.

Emily: How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?

Sera: Heaven needs us Emily, everyone looks to us and we can't doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of demons when we have our souls to protect, if you question, you can end up like Lucifer, fallen, I'll figure something out.

Sera leaves as Emily sighs as we cut back to the hotel to see Angel Dust and the others enter the hotel

Angel Dust: Best night of our lives!

Husk: Yeah, you can say that.

A portal opens as Charlie, Vaggie and Micheal were shot out of it as the portal closes

Charlie; Thanks a fucking lot Micheal!! Now they're gonna be at our doorstep!

Micheal: I had to! Vaggie was a fucking traitor! She killed your people before! She's a former exorcist!

Charlie: Yeah but thanks to you! Adam will be coming after my hotel! You're fucking it up and instead of helping me! We were supposed to be brothers and sister!


Charlie: Cause of me?! *slaps Micheal* You caused it first Asshole!

Micheal slaps Charlie in the face sending her to the ground


Lucifer: Charlie! *runs to her*

Husk: What the fuck just happened?!

Vaggie: Listen it's hard to explain-

Charlie: Vaggie is a angel! *gets up* She's been a angel this whole time! And now Micheal is starting to act more crazy! What was I thinking bringing him into this?!

Sir Pentious: Wait Vaggie is a angel?

Cherri Bomb: Oh damm. Didn't know that.

Lucifer: Where's Micheal's family?

Charlie: They're dead. Adam killed them.

Lucifer: No....

Charlie: Micheal..... Why?

The end

Cast List

Ned Luke (Singing Voice: Himself)

Monica Franco

Elsie Lovelock (Singing Voice: Herself)

Micheal Kovach

Nolan North

Dennis Bateman as St. Peter

Leigh Allyn-Baker as Sera

Bridget Mendler as Emily

Keith David

Michelle Marie

Alex Brightman

Jessica Vostk

Krystal LaPorte as Cherri Bomb

Jeremy Jordan

Danny Tamberelli as Jimmy Morningstar

Vicki Van Tassel as Amanda Morningstar

Jill Harris as Tracey Morningstar

End of Episode 6! Episode 7! Let's go!

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