Ch. 30: Enchained

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In the main foyer, Emily threw Valentino down where Velvette and Vox laid on the floor.

"And that makes three." Emily said, looking towards her father and the unconscious Charlie. "How is she, dad?"

"I've done what I can." Lucifer said, looking at the stab hole turned faded scar on his oldest daughter's stomach. "... She'll live. But she'll have to be in a Sloth hospital for a while."

Emily glared at the unconscious Vees, growling like an animal before she transformed back to normal.

"Wake them up." Emily said.

Nodding Lucifer stood up and walked to the Vees before he slapped all three of them in their faces!

All three Vees jolted up, screaming a bit before they felt gravity pull them back to the floor.

"Hello, Vees. So glad to meet you face to face." Lucifer said, holding a small pentagram in hand. "Don't get up, this will only take a moment."

'Oh shit!' They thought, they thought all of this was just a bad dream but it wasn't.

It was a living nightmare.

"You see, I allow a lot of freedom in this world." Lucifer said, pacing around them. "I allow you horrible people to do whatever the fuck you please... and you repay me by kidnapping one of my daughters, and nearly killing the other."

Lucifer looked at the Vees before coming to a stop right in front of them. His six wings popping out of his back as his horns grew, flames coming from his mouth as he glared at the Vees.

"Do you think just because you made deals with countless souls, it gives you the right to try and usurp my family?!" Lucifer shouted, making all three of them shiver in fear.

Even more fear than what Emily put into them along with their injured. The fury of acprincess was one thing but the wrath of king was another.

"Now, it's my turn." Lucifer said, smiling widely, "Death is too good for you... it's time to reap what you sow."

With a snap of his fingers, white chains came out of the pentagram and formed collars around the Vees necks.

"From now on, each of you are under a contract to ME... and I WILL be watching you from now on." Lucifer said, before looking at Valentino, "And for you, I made a very special call. Someone I know REALLY wants to speak with you."

The pentagram vanished and the Vees could stand again, before Val felt a burning sensation near his back, like someone set a fire behind him. He turned and looked up... way up. He went pale.

"H-h-hello, Mr. A-" Valentino was grabbed and lifted off the ground, coming face to face with the embodiment of Lust himself, Asmodeus... and he didn't look happy.

"So what is this that I hear about "forced lust?"" Asmodeus asked, clearly angry.

"W-w-well, you see-" Val stutters, nervous and fearing the sin/master/king of Lust in all of Hell.

Asmodeus slammed Valentino into the wall, putting a moth shaped hole in it.

"You are a mockery to everything I stand for!" Asmodeus said, "Lust is NOT about force, it is an art, and YOU are no artist!"

Asmodeus slammed Valentino onto the ground and slammed his foot onto Valentino's chest, making all the air leave his lungs.

"We're going to be having a LONG talk about how things should be. But first, I will be putting a stop to your actions starting with this!" Asmodeus said, before reaching down and grabbing Valentino by the genitals.

'What is he-'


Asmodeus RIPPED Valentino's cock and balls off, making the moth demon scream in pain. A pain he had nerve felt before in his human and sinner life combined!

Emily winced as she watched and had to admit... that was VERY entertaining to watch Valentino suffer.

"Come along, Emily, we need to take Charlie to a hospital." Lucifer said, changing back to normal.

Emily nodded as she pulled out her phone and texted the somewhat good news to Vaggie and the others at the hotel.

They left Asmodeus to handle the V's, and they rushed Charlie into the limo.

"We're heading to the Hellivator, right? Heading down to Sloth?" Emily asked.

"Yes, we are. You can tell Vagetha to meet us there since she's not a sinner, she can travel to other rings too." Lucifer said, gently setting Charlie on the long seat.

Emily quickly texted Vaggie.

Back at the hotel, Vaggie was nearly crushing her phone after getting the text about Charlie before getting a new text from Emily.

'Since you're a fallen angel, dad says that you can take the hellivator with us. Hurry.' -Emily.

"HUSK! YOU'RE IN CHARGE!" Vaggie shouted before running out of the hotel!

Angel looked at Husk.

"What was that about?" He asked.

"Hell if I know. Maybe she wants to go kill the Vees for what the did to Charlie." Husk said, looking at his phone with his tail.

"Good luck with that." Angel said, being truthfully since it would talk a miracle to kill Valentino.

Little did he know, Val got a punishment worse than death.

'Hmm, curious.' Alastor thought before deciding to step out for a while.

He wanted to follow Vaggie and go see if Charlie was still alive... but was pulled back by something. A dark red collar and chains soon became visible on his neck as Alastor quickly grew annoyed.

He growled at this as a voice rang in his head.

'No, you aren't going to go see anything.' A female voice said.

'YOU.' Alastor thought, his eyes becoming radio dials for a moment.

'Leave the little angel alone. She and the other two are all Charlie needs right now.' The voice said.

Alastor growled again as he began to turn more demonic.

'Oh, is someone actually starting to make connections?' The voice said, sounding like she was smiling. 'The plan is set and you are nothing more than a pawn. So make sure the hotel stays running so the plan can be fulfilled and if you don't... well you won't need to worry about your leash anymore.'

The chains disappeared, but Alastor felt it was still wrapped around his neck.

'One day I will get this chain off... and that will be the day you die.' Alastor thought, before looking at the direction of Pentagram city. 'Stay safe, Princesses...For all our sake.'

And with that, Alastor went back inside the hotel.

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