Ch. 31: Faith

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Making it to the Hellivator in record time and becoming extremely out of breath, Vaggie looked around for the Morningstar limo that held her injured girlfriend.

'Where is it?! Where is it?! Where is it?!' Vaggie thought.

She found it easily... I mean... it had gold plating, how hard is that to miss?

Vaggie ran to it and knocked on the door quickly, making Emily open it before she pushed her aside to get in!

"Charlie!" She shouted, looking around.

"She's right here and fine! But you, you look like you need a drink." Lucifer said before summoning a jug of water. "Here. Rehydrate."

Vaggie looked at the jug before she tossed that aside and went into the hidden stash of liquor in the limo.

One that was actually Angel's idea but they never told him about.

"When was that put in?" Emily asked in surprise.

"Don't worry about it!" Vaggie said, quickly grabbing some tequila and chugging it.

'One more thing they both have in common.' Emily thought as she watched as Vaggie downed half the bottle before she stopped.

"Tell me what happened. EVERYTHING from both of you, I want the full story." Vaggie said, sitting down next to the hidden booze stash.

"Are you sure? It's not a pretty story, mostly for the sinners and the Vees but still." Lucifer said.

"EVERYTHING." Vaggie repeated.

"Well, since we have time." Emily said, shrugging. "It all started when I got kidnapped."

Emily and Lucifer began to explain to Vaggie what happened with the V's, making Vaggie a... whole range of emotions.

Amazed by Charlie killing sinners, infuriated by what the Vees did, horrified by Charlie being run through and in awe of Emily's devious hunting of the Vees.

"And then I forced all of them into a contract with me before leaving them with Asmodius." Lucifer said.

"Don't forget that he actually ripped off that moth bitch's dick and nuts." Emily said, giggling.

"Trust me, I won't ever forget that." Lucifer said.

"I don't think Angel is gonna believe this when I tell him." Vaggie said with a grin. "So, what exactly are going to do with the Vees, Lucifer?"

"I'll think of something after we get Charlie to the hospital." Lucifer said before looking out the window. "And we should be in Sloth soon."

Even though he didn't spend much time in the other rings, you'd have to go to the mortal realm to find someone that didn't know who Lucifer was or how he looked. Same could be said for Charlie, so arriving at a hospital in Sloth with the unconscious princess, it made news all over hell.

'I forgot how much I hate the press.' Lucifer thought as he could hear news station vans arriving outside the hospital.

Vaggie and Emily looked at Charlie in the hospital bed.

Clad in a hospital gown and hooked up to a blood transfusion machine, the blood bag was a mix of hellborn demon blood, succubus blood to be exact, and fallen angel blood provided by Lucifer.

"How long do you think she'll be out?" Vaggie asked, holding Charlie's right hand.

"I don't know but I'm just glad she's alive. I already lost one sister, I don't want to lose another." Emily said.

Silently agreeing, Vaggie kept her gaze on Charlie as even on the brink of death, she is the most beautiful woman in Heaven, Earth, and Hell to her.

"That's it. This is a wake up call." Vaggie said, taking a deep breath before exhaling. "When she wakes up, I'm proposing to her."

"Proposing?!" Emily said in shock.

"Glad to see you're taking my advice." Lucifer said with a smile. "Emily, can you stay here while Vaggie and I go talk in the hall?"

"S-SURE!" Emily shouted, nodding quickly.

'I'm going to be a maid of honor!' Emily thought, already imagining Charlie's and Vaggie's wedding.

She was so happy that you could literally hear the girl squeak like she was somehow part chew toy.

Or like a little rubber duck.

'So cute, ducky!' Lucifer thought as he and Vaggie walked into the hallway.

"So, soon to be Daughter in Law... what do you need in order to propose?" Lucifer asked, "And remember, money is no issue. Anything and everything in hell is at your disposal."

"You... you don't have to do that." Vaggie said, waving her hands.

"Oh, I do, anything for the future queen of hell. I have thought about retiring anyway, and I think you and Charlie will make a wonderful royal couple." Lucifer said, smiling happily.

"Well...When you put it like that." Vaggie said, blushing from his praise as she smiled a bit. "There is ring for Charlie I was looking for after fortifying the hotel."

"Excellent. Just tell me what it looks like and I will get it for you." Lucifer said.

"I actually have the magazine with me." Vaggie said, reaching into her skirt pocket.

"Hehehehehehe. Left in a rush, huh?" Lucifer asked as Vaggie hand him the magazine.

Lucifer took one look and smiled.

"Oh she'll love it." Lucifer said, "I'll take care of everything, you go back in the room and wait."

"Even catering, venue, and the guest list?" Vaggie asked.

"Yes. Everything but I'll let you select your wedding dresses or suits." Lucifer said, putting the magazine in his jacket. "Now off you go, Charlie is waiting."

Vaggie went into the room while Lucifer looked at the magazine, his smile slowly fading.

'Please wake up Charlie... please.' He thought.

The doctors told him there was a 50/50 chance that she'll actually make it. He was worried, any father would be, but he had faith.

Faith that his daughter was as strong as he raised her to be.

Faith that she will wake up and greet them all with her usual smile.

Faith that she will take his throne someday, make Hell a better place, and be a proud mother just like he is a proud father.

Faith, it was the one thing Lucifer didn't lose when he fell. And he wasn't going to lose it now.

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