~Broken toy~

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Sir Pentious being a nice boi to his minions

Things weren't going well for Sir Pentious. He had already failed three times to make an invention that pleased him and it was starting to get late. The snake demon was in the middle of trying to think when he heard a small shuffling noise behind him.

He whipped around with a slight hiss, only to realize that it was one of his minions. The poor egg minion was clutching a broken toy in its hands, tears of sadness welling up in its eyes. Sir Pentious stared for a second before he sighed, letting his hood deflate along with his anger. "What happened?" He asked, his tongue flicking out of his mouth several times.

The minion sniffed and wiped the tears from its eyes. "It got taken from me and the others broke it." It whimpered sadly, though there was a hint of fear in its eyes. "C-Can you fix it, boss.....?"

Normally, Sir Pentious would just blow the egg minion off and ignore it, but the fact that it's first instinct was to come to him for help warmed his dead heart up a bit. "Yes. Now, sit here and watch so you'll know what to do if it happens again." He mumbled, pulling up a stool for the minion to climb onto.

For the next hour or so, the snake demon showed the minion how to fix the toy. His hands moved expertly with every tool and soon enough, the toy was fixed. After he was done, he gave it back to the egg minion and felt his heart warm up again when it smiled and hugged the toy.

"Thanks, boss! You're the best, boss!" The minion grinned, going to hug Sir Pentious before realizing what it was doing and backing off. "S-Sorry..."

Sir Pentious couldn't take it anymore. He held out his arms and beckoned for the minion to go ahead and hug him. He hugged the little egg minion carefully so it wouldn't crack before letting it go, watching it run happily out of the room with the toy.

That put him in a better mood and he was finally able to get on track with his latest invention. Maybe he should start being nicer to his egg minions more often....

386 words

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