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Husk x Reader

You weren't supposed to be here. You were supposed to be trying to get clean at Charlie's hotel.

And yet here you were.

In the middle of a damn casino.

The heavy scent of alcohol and cigar smoke filled the air as you strolled around, your gaze wandering. A variety of comments were thrown at you, ranging from complimentary to downright derogatory. You ignored them, though. You weren't here to make a scene.

You decided to head over to the bar for a drink since you were planning on having an uneventful night. You looked up from twiddling your thumbs when the bartender came over and your heart nearly jumped into your throat.

"What'll it be, sweetheart?" The catbird demon drawled in a husky voice, wiping down a glass with a rag.

You stared for what seemed like an eternity before you finally got ahold of yourself. "W-Whiskey. On the rocks." You stuttered a bit, mentally cursing yourself afterwards. He had only spoken to you once and you were already falling head over heels for him.

He nodded and grabbed a bottle from the shelf, pouring the golden liquid into a glass with some ice. He slid the glass down the counter to you, which you graciously took and downed within three seconds. "Holy shit. Wasn't expecting that." He chuckled, fluttering his bright red wings a bit as he leaned forwards.

"What were you expecting?" You inquired rather sassily, sliding the glass back to him. "Another one, please."

He only shrugged and poured you another glass. "I dunno. I usually see dolls like you take ages to even get close to finishing their drink and then just leave it on the bar. It gets annoying." He muttered, picking at his claws a bit. "What's your name?"

You had already finished the glass and were wiping your mouth. "Pour yourself a drink and I might tell you." You replied, sliding over a few dollars to pay for both your drinks and his.

The catbird demon chuckled and pocketed the cash eagerly, a toothy grin appearing on his face. "Feisty. I like it." He poured himself a drink of something that you didn't recognize.

You expected him to drink it in one gulp, but all he did was take a sip. "Aw, are you a light drinker?" You teased.

"Hell no. I've already downed an entire bottle by myself, hun. This is nothin'."

You laughed and kept up a good conversation with him, occasionally pausing when he had to serve other customers. During that time, you wondered how in the world he was still sober after all the alcohol he had beforehand. Soon enough, he was asking for your name again.

"I still didn't get your name, doll." He casually said, leaning towards on the counter.

You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your chair. "It's Y/N. What about you?"


"Husk.... hm.. I'll remember that the next time I come here." You grinned, leaving him a large tip before leaving the casino. You definitely planned on going back there to see him, no matter what Charlie or Vaggie said.

525 words

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