Episode 1: The Only Thing You Want To Do Is...Mwah

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(The screen turned on and the scene turned on to Pentagram City around the Lust District. The camera then zoomed to a black Hellfox that looked like a pop star, she had dark red eyes and one of her ears had been chipped, Kara Melody. She was walking down the street.)

Alastor: I'm guessing that's you, Ms Melody.

Kara: Yeah. I sometimes walk around the Lust District. Not looking for trouble. I only do it to piss off Valentino.

Angel: Hold on. Do you hate Valentino?

Kara: Hates a strong word. I prefer the word, despise him. I get more porn stars staying at my motel than anywhere else because he abuses them.

(Kara was still walking down the street when she saw a sleazy demon pinning Angel Dust to the side of a building. Angel Dust had fresh bruises littered upon his arms and legs along with messy hair and dark circles under his eyes. Kara hated seeing what the demon was doing to Angel. Kara picked up a crowbar and marched up to the sleazy demon. She then whacked the demon upside the head making him collapse to the ground.)

KARA: Disgusting pigs. Never knowing when enough is enough. (turned to Angel) Are you ok?

(Kara extended her hand to Angel.)

ANGEL: What? What are you...?

KARA: I'm helping you. Come on, I'm not going to hurt you. And I'm not looking for sex. (chuckles.) Sorry. Trying to lighten the mood.

(Angel took Kara's hand and the two of them started walking.)

Charlie: So you met Angel first?

Kara: Actually, I met you and Vaggie first. You two would come into my karaoke bar for date nights. By the way, I support your hotel.

Charlie: Aww. Thanks.

Angel: So I was your second?

Kara: Actually I met Cherri next. And we are a couple in my universe.

Cherri: I'm dating this badass? Awesome!

Sir Pentious: Oh joy. There's two of them.

(Kara took Angel to her karaoke club. There were a few demons in the club having either a date night or just a fun night. They were listening to another sinner singing on the stage area.)

ANGEL: Wow. Nice place. Whoever owns this place has good taste.

KARA: That would be me.

ANGEL: (looked at Kara, confused) You?

KARA: Just sit down.

(Angel sat down by the bar. The bartender showed up with a first aid kit and handed it to Kara.)

KARA: Thanks, Marty. Oh and two glasses of white wine.

MARTY: You got it, boss. (Pulled out two glasses then poured white wine into them.)

(Kara started to tend to Angel's wounds.)

ANGEL: Why did you save me? Most folks just care about having a good time. (Winces in pain.)

KARA: Sorry. But I've dealt with abusive exes before. So, I know the signs when someone is being punished. I take the quiet and broken souls here to my Karaoke Club and Motel. It's a safe place for the broken. Most of them come from Valentino, So I know who you are, Angel Dust.

ANGEL: You sure you aren't supposed to be in Heaven?

Alastor: I would have guessed the same thing.

Angel: I'll say. You act more like a real angel.

Kara: Well, looks can be deceiving.

KARA: (scoffs) I wish. I got sent down here because of my ex-manager. He got me hooked on drugs and signed me up to do cheap concerts while he got all my money. After finding out, I took the shotgun off the wall and fired two warning shots, into his head.

Charlie tensed up.

Angel: You shot up your ex-boss?! Nice! You got guts, kid.

Kara: I just did what I had to do.

Angel: Question, any chance you could kill Valentino for me?

Cherri: Ooh! I want in!

Molly: Me too! I wanna skin Valentino's dick off! No one messes with my brother!

Kara: I'm good but I'm not that good.

KARA: Even since then, I've had a hatred for shitty bosses and people that take advantage of people and their money. (She finished wrapping up Angel's wounds.)

ANGEL: You got a name?

KARA: Melody. Kara Melody.

(Kara took one of the glasses of wine and handed it to Angel. Angel finished the drink in one go.)

KARA: What the...? You just finished the drink in one go.

ANGEL: Yeah. Got anymore?

KARA: Marty, bring the bottle.

(Marty brought the bottle over. Angel poured more wine into his glass.)

KARA: Remind me never to get between you and alcoholic drinks.

Angel: What? Growing up in the 1900s you live off of liquor and gin.

Kara: Yeah. And in my universe, I had to put a limit on how much my customers drank. I didn't want a repeat of the Blitz incident.

Angel: The what?

Kara: Long story.

(The audience clapped for the demon that finished singing.)

KARA: Care to give it a try?

ANGEL: Nah. I'm good. I don't need people criticizing me like Val does.

KARA: Angel. No one here is gonna criticize you. I let any new customers go up on the stage and sing or dance for fun. And I'll show you.

(Kara walked up to the stage as many of her customers clapped and cheered. Kara took the mic.)

KARA: Alright, glad to see everyone is having fun tonight. We have a new guest with us tonight and this song might help get them to join in the fun!

(The music changed to a country tune.)

Charlie: Is this a song?!

Kara: One of my favorites.

Charlie squealed.

Aracknis and Husk put in the earplugs.


Well, I ain't never been the Barbie Doll type

No, I can't swig that sweet Champagne

I'd rather drink beer all night

In a tavern

Or in a honky-tonk

Or on a four-wheel-drive tailgate

I've got posters on my wall

Of Skynyrd, Kid, and Strait

(Kara took the mic off the stand and started to dance.)

Some people look down on me

But I don't give a rip

I'll stand barefooted in my own front yard

With a baby on my hip

'Cause I'm a redneck woman

I ain't no high class broad

I'm just a product of my raisin'

I say "Hey, y'all" and "Yee-haw"

And I keep my Christmas lights on

On my front porch all year long

And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song

So here's to all my sisters

Out there keeping it country

Let me get a big "hell yeah" from the redneck girls like me

Hell yeah (Hell yeah!)

Charlie was squealing with delight while Angel, Alastor, Vaggie, Niffty, Cherri, and Molly were so shocked by Kara's voice.

Angel: Damm girl! You got some pipes.

Alastor: Yes. I can see why you were a popular star in your old life.

Cherri: My counterpart is one lucky gal.

Kara blushed at the compliments.

Kara: Guys. You're making me blush.

(Angel slowly smiled seeing Kara having fun, singing, and dancing. Some of the demons were singing along with her or even dancing to the beat, laughing and smiling. Angel walked over to the stage to get a better view of Kara having fun.)


Victoria's Secret

Well, their stuff's real nice

Oh, but I can buy the same damn thing

On a Walmart shelf half-price

And still look sexy (Sexy)

Just as sexy as those models on TV

No, I don't need no designer tag

To make my man want me

You may think I'm trashy

A little too hardcore

But in my neck of the woods

I'm just the girl next door

(Kara saw Angel smiling and even dancing a little. She turned to face him and then pulled him up onto the stage.)

ANGEL: Oh, I'm not...

KARA: (Holds out a mic for Angel) Just have some fun with it. Come on!

Arackniss removed his earplugs.

Arackniss: Tony? Sing? This outta be good.

Angel: You're one to talk!

Arackniss suddenly pounced on Angel and the two of them started fighting like cats.

Molly covered her face in shame.

Alastor: Now this is entertainment. (munched on some popcorn)

RavenDragon had to step in and break up the fight.

RavenDragon: Seriously?! Can't you two at least get along?!

Arackniss/Angel: No!

RavenDragon: (sighed) I should've brought in Henroin.

The second the Spider Brothers heard that word, they went back to their seats and kept their mouths shut.

(Angel took the mic and he started to sing and dance with Kara.)


Hey, I'm a redneck woman

I ain't no high class broad

I'm just a product of my raising

I say "Hey, y'all" and "Yee-haw"

And I keep my Christmas lights on

On my front porch all year long

And I know all the words to every Tanya Tucker song

Angel: What was it you said about my singing, Nissy?

Arackniss: Shut up!


So here's to all my sisters

Out there keeping it country

Let me get a big "hell yeah" from the redneck girls like me

Hell yeah (Hell yeah!)

(Everyone was cheering and clapping as Kara and Angel finished the song together.)


Hey, I'm a redneck woman

I ain't no high class broad

I'm just a product of my raising

I say "Hey, y'all" and "Yee-haw"

And I keep my Christmas lights on

On my front porch all year long

And I know all the words to every Ol' Bocephus song

So here's to all my sisters

Out there keeping it country

Let me get a big "hell yeah" from the redneck girls

Like me

(Hell yeah!)

I said "hell yeah!"

(Hell yeah!)

I said "hell yeah!"

(Hell yeah!)

I said hell yeah!

(Angel got off the stage with Kara as the audience clapped for their duet. No one looked at Angel as a whore but as a normal person who is just in a bad situation. Kara and Angel were still laughing and smiling from their fun. Kara and Angel sat down at the bar.)

KARA: See? What did I tell you?

ANGEL: OK, that was genuinely fun. And not only that, but I feel lighter and free. Maybe it's just the wine.

KARA: It's not the wine. It's the music. It takes away your pain and fills you up with life. That's how it was with me when I was human forty years ago. Whenever you sing, the pain just disappears. (She takes Angel's hand). Angel, you are more than welcome to come here or to stay anytime you want to get away from Val.

Husk took out the earplugs.

Husk: Didn't think you were into both guys and girls.

Angel: What?! I'm gay!

Kara: And just because I'm bi, doesn't mean I can't have a guy friend. The Angel Dust in my universe is like a little brother to me.

Angel: Aww.

Kara: And here it's no different.

ANGEL: Thanks, totes. But I got a place thanks to the princess and her lady.

KARA: Oh you mean Charlie and Vaggie at the Happy Hotel. I know them. They sometimes come here for date nights. I can take you back to the hotel myself.

ANGEL: Really? Thanks.

KARA: Follow me.

(Kara led Angel to the back of the club where her car was.)

ANGEL: What the hell?! Is that a sports car?!

KARA: A pop star perk.

(Both Angel and Kara piled into the car and they drove off to the hotel.)

Sir Pentious: Oh good lord!

Kara: What? I know my cars.

(The scene changed to outside the Happy Hotel as Kara pulled her car up to the front.)

KARA: We're here.

(Kara and Angel got out of the car and walked into the hotel. Standing in the lobby were Charlie and Vaggie who looked angry.)

VAGGIE: Where?! Have?! You?! Been?!

ANGEL: And hello to you too Vaggs.

CHARLIE: We're just glad that you are ok, Angel. (Sees Kara) Oh, hi Kara.

KARA: Sorry about Angel being back late. He was at my club for a bit.

CHARLIE: You didn't give him any drugs, right?

KARA: Only some white wine. Not that strong. And Char, you know that I don't keep drugs at my club since it was the same thing that brought me into Hell in the first place. Don't worry, he was behaved.

Angel: Aww, you do care!

Vaggie growled at Angel.

CHARLIE: Well, Angel's still our only guest here. We haven't gotten any new clients yet.

KARA: I think I might be able to help. As you know, the next cleanse is in a few weeks, I can get you an interview on the news after the cleanse is over and that might help get people's attention about the hotel.

VAGGIE: You think Katie Killjoy, the most ruthless reporter in hell will agree to the interview?

KARA: Trust me, I know how she works.

ANGEL: This outta be good.

KARA: Oh come now, Angel. It'll work out.

Angel: Why do I get the feeling that you are very optimistic?

Kara: It's part of my personality.

RavenDragon: Alright. That's it for the first episode.

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