Music Video Addict (feat, Angel Dust and Kara Melody)

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RavenDragon: All right, who's ready to see the Hazbin Hotel?! And Charlie...

Charlie: (Excited) Yes?

RavenDragon: Your song is in here.

Charlie squealed.

Vaggie: Oh no.

Husk: I swear this is just torture. (puts earplugs in his ears.)

RavenDragon: Oh stop being a drama queen Husky. I like musicals and Charlie's song is one of my favorites. After Addict.

Angel: Addict? Do you mean that music video I did with Cherri? What about it?

Kara: Actually, me and the Angel Dust in my universe did the same music video.

Angel almost choked on his drink.

Angel: Seriously?! (turns to RavenDragon) Can we watch it?!

Alastor: I rather bow down to Vox than watch something so juvenile.

Arackniss: Same.

RavenDragon: Alright, everyone settle down, please.

Cherri: At least we would get to know more about our new friend here.

Kara: My afterlife isn't a happy story.

Charlie: Aww.

Vaggie: You're an Overlord.

Kara: Correction, I wasn't an Overlord when I landed in Hell. I was a sinner. And like Angel, I ended up with an abusive Overlord.

Angel: You were one of Val's sluts?

Kara: What?! Gross! No! I was tricked into a contract with the old Overlord of Music, Nessa. They're like Valentino but they aren't a moth demon. They were a black canary demon.

Alastor: I've never heard of this Overlord Nessa.

Kara: That's because they exist in my universe and you didn't kill them, I did.

The room went silent after Kara said that.

Pentious: You... You killed an Overlord?

Arackniss: That's impossible. To kill a sinner, you'd need an angelic weapon. And those are hard to come by.

Kara looked up at RavenDragon with puppy eyes.

RavenDragon: Go ahead, Kara.

Kara: I... I have some.

Molly: How?

Kara: Long story, I used to be a bounty hunter with my partner who was my ex-boyfriend. Until my ex double-crossed me and sold my soul to Nessa.

Angel: Yeez. Who's the chump that dumped you?

Kara: I... Can't say.

Charlie: I guess we can see the music video.

RavenDragon: OK, ok, we can watch the Addict music video. But this will be the only time I am taking suggestions.

Pentious: But what if...?

RavenDragon went full dragon rage.

RavenDragon: (Rage) No more audience requests!

Niffty squeaked in fear and ducked under her chair. RavenDragon snapped out of her rage.

RavenDragon: Sorry. I go full dragon if I'm annoyed or angry.

Angel: Just like Nissy.

Arackniss: Hey!

RavenDragon: OK then, without further ado, Addict!

(The screen turned on with the warning. Warning: This video contains graphic language, adult content, flashing lights, and depictions of sexual assault, abuse, and addiction.)

RavenDragon: Angel, if it gets too much, let me know.

Angel: I'll be fine. I know what Val's done to me before.

(The scene then opens to the porn studio, in the club part of the studio, demons are having a good time drooling over the workers for paying to have some fun with them. Valentino, the Overlord pimp was there too, sitting on a sofa with two other girls, smoking his cigarette and flashing a creepy smile.)

Kara: Wow, so in every universe, Valentino is still a creep bastard that toys with his workers.

Alastor: Let me guess, he's your rival?

Kara: You could say that.

(The curtains drew back on the stage where Val's favorite worker was on a pole ready to perform, Angel Dust. The light on the stage ramp and backdrop flash getting the demon's attention. The music starts as Angel takes a deep breath and starts to dance on the pole.)


Till death do us part

But we're already past that phase

(Angel circled the pole dancing while Valentino watched him on stage with lust in his eyes.)

Angel merely looked away from the screen when Valentino appeared.

Arackniss looked like he wanted to murder Valentino.

This is a brand-new start

And I think I deserve some praise

(Valentino puffs out the red smoke from his mouth and blows it in Angel's direction as he spins on the pole.)

For the way that I am

Despite having overdosed

And ending up comatose

Charlie: Was that how..?

Angel: I don't want to talk about it.

Charlie started to feel bad for Angel.

(The smoke formed a finger and gestured Angel to face Valentino with a smile.)

I don't give a damn

I've let my emotions go

Fuck being a sober hoe

(Angel stopped dancing and then started walking down the ramp.)

This is the mantra, this is my life

you're playing with now till the end of the night

(The red smoke circles around Angel and then acts as a collar and cuffs on his wrists and neck. Angel shook off the smoke until the smoke went up his nose then he landed down on the ramp all sexy like.)

Surrounded by fire, the passion ignites,

a hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva high

(Flashes of all the night Angel was crying in his bed from the abuse and assault Valentino put him through.)

Molly gasped and covered her mouth seeing her little brother in pain.

Charlie: Angel...

Angel: I'm fine. I'm fine.

(Kara's voice joins in with Angel's).


I'm addicted to the madness

This hotel is my Atlantis

We're forever gonna have a fucking reason to sin

Let me leave my soul to burn and I'll be breathing it in

(Angel knocked a bottle off the ramp with his hand; the scene transformed into a bar where that same bottle was broken with a sinner lying dead and bleeding out. The camera rolled to where there were more bodies of other sinners lying on the floor. Standing in the bloody mess was Kara Melody holding a blessed knife and blessed pistol.)

Alastor: Oh my.

Vaggie: All that was you?

Kara: Surprise?

(The bodies that Kara killed were some of Valentino's worst of the worst clients that hurt pornstars like Angel. More of Valentino's worst clients circled Kara. She smirked and brandished her weapons.)

Pentious: Oh my.

Cherri: Total badass.

I'm addicted to the feeling

Getting higher than the ceiling

And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end

Just concede and give in to your inner demons again

(Kara charged at the clients and killed them one by one with a smile on her face.)

Husk: And I think Alastor might have some competition.

Molly: Arackniss too.

Arackniss: You sure you weren't in the mafia?

Kara: I'm sure. I was a bounty hunter.

(The scene changed to Angel who was still dancing at the club, earning money to pay off his debt to Valentino.)

Angel looked a little tense. He gripped the chair's arm like his life depended on it. Cherri could tell that her best friend was uncomfortable.

Cherri: Angie? Are you ok?

Angel: I'm fine, Cherri. Just fine.

(The scene cuts to Angel in the limo with Valentino after the show. Valentino tried to kiss Angel but Angel pulled away. Only he wasn't strong enough and Valentino forcefully kissed him.)

Cherri: Screw Val! I'm blowing up his club!

Arackniss: Let me gut that bastardo! I'll show him that you don't fuck with the family!

Molly: I'm gonna skin him alive!

(The scene then cuts to Angel in his room, throwing and breaking things until he collapses to the floor, broken down in tears.)

Angel then jumped from his seat and ran out of the theater in tears.

Molly/Arackniss: Anthony!

Kara: I'll get him.

Kara ran out of the theater and went to look for Angel. She heard someone crying in the men's room, Angel. She knocked on the door to get Angel's attention.

Kara: Angel? It's me, Kara. Can we talk?

Angel: (sobbed) Go away!

Kara: Angel. Please. It's ok. Would it make you feel better if I sat next to you and Alastor?

Angel came out of the bathroom with makeup streaks and tears streaming down his face. Kara pulled out some tissues from her pocket and handed them to Angel.

Kara: Come on.

Kara and Angel returned to the theater then Kara sat on the other side of Angel to make him feel better.

(The scene then went to Kara who was walking back to her club in the rain. In the reflection of a puddle was the face of her dirty, lying ex, Striker, a half-imp and half-snake hellborn demon.)

Kara let out a low growl.

Vaggie: Hold up. That guy was your ex?

Kara: That's Striker. A two-face, backstabbing, lying, son of a...!

Angel: This guy?! But he's so... so...

Kara: Cunning? Conniving?

Angel: I was gonna say sexy.

Kara: (stammers) He isn't... He just... (Gives in) Ok, yes. He is.


Yeah, you fell in love

But you fell deeper in this pit

(Some sinner grabs her wrist, looking at her with lust in their eyes. Kara gave them a look of disgust.)

While death rains from above

So count your blessings cause this is it

You're not letting it go

(Kara kicked the guy in the shins then she shot a bullet in the head, killing him.)

So what if I misbehave

It's what everybody craves

You already know

(A few more mobster sinners then circled Kara but she pulled out her blessed knife.)

Everyone minus Kara's jaws were dropped wide up.

Angel: It's official. She's my new sibling!

Molly/Arackniss: What?!

So come if you're feeling brave

And fancy yourself a mate

(The mobsters charged at Kara but she kicked their butts. She turned them into sushi.

You want it, I got it, see what you like?

We could have it all by the end of the night

Your money and power, my sinful delight,

A hit of that heaven and hell, a helluva high

(Kara remembered Striker's betrayal when he sold her to the Overlord, Nessa for extra cash. That only fueled her rage as she sliced the last mobster's head clean off.)

Alastor: What entertainment!

Angel: I'll say. You just chopped the guy's head off!

Kara: Well, when you have enough rage from your shitty ex building up, you need a way to release it.

(The scene changed to both Kara and Angel backstage at one of Val's nightclubs, ready to destroy it and the clients in it.)


I'm addicted to the madness

This hotel is my Atlantis


We're forever gonna have a fucking reason to sin


Let me leave my soul to burn and I'll be breathing it in

(Kara handed Angel an angelic gun from her bag while she kept her knife.)


I'm addicted to the feeling

Getting higher than the ceiling

And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end

Just concede and give in to your inner demons again

(The two of them changed into new clothes then they stepped out onto the stage, dressed to kill. Angel wore all black from the gloves to the dress to the heel boots. Kara wore blood-red heel boots, a grey skirt, and a dark grey shirt.)

Cherri almost fainted. Pentious started to get a nosebleed. Alastor and Husk covered their eyes with the blindfolds.

Kara: All I'm missing is my sexy black cowgirl hat.

Angel: Meow.

(Kara and Angel looked at each other for a second then they smirked at each other.)

Just concede and give in to your inner demons again

(Kara and Angel suddenly broke into dance fighting, slaying each of the thirsty demons with Kara's blessed weapons. Kara even pulled out some mini bombs from her pockets that Cherri Bomb gave her. She twirled around rapidly and threw them all around the floor, creating fires.)

I'm addicted to the feeling

Getting higher than the ceiling

(After they were done, Angel grabbed Kara's arm and the two of them ran out of the club with blood on their clothes and big smiles on their faces.)

And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end

Just concede and give in to your inner demons again

KARA: Now that was fun.

Alastor and Husk removed their blindfolds.

Alastor: Oh good, it's over.

Angel: Now I know who to call when I need a bodyguard. Or as backup for the turf wars with Cherri Bomb.

Pentious: Oh good lord. Now there's three whores I have to deal with.

Kara: Watch who you're calling a whore, Edgelord!

Pentious: You little...

RavenDragon: Ok then! That's all for today!

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