Episode 3: You're Toxic, I'm Slipping Under

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Just so you all know, this reaction book will have deleted scenes that weren't used in the original plotline I did along with different songs as well.

Angel: Why do I get the feeling that this episode is going to be about me?

RavenDragon: Not just you, Angel. Oh, and it might trigger you.

Kara: I got him.

RavenDragon: Good. Oh and before I forget, you might get some nosebleeds after this episode.

Vaggie: Please tell me we're not going to see Angel having sex with a random demon.

Angel: Hey!

RavenDragon: No. But it'll get some of you drooling.

(The screen opened to the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel with Kara sitting on the couch. Vaggie came in muttering in Spanish as Charlie was trying to calm her down.)

KARA: What's going on?

VAGGIE: Angel! He hasn't come out of his room for any of the activities. At this rate, we might as well kick him out!

CHARLIE: Vaggie, no. We're not kicking Angel out.

KARA: You tried talking to him?

CHARLIE: I tried but he got snappish. Maybe you could coach Angel out of his room for the day.

KARA: Charlie, I don't think that's a good idea. Give him time. He's been through a lot more than you think.

CHARLIE: What do you mean?

Aasha: Let me guess, she doesn't know.

Angel: You think I would tell them?

KARA: Charlie, did Angel even tell you why he needed a room in the hotel?

CHARLIE: I'm not sure. All he said was that he wanted a place to stay from the porn studio. I just thought he wanted a place away from his fans.

(Before Kara could speak, Angel came downstairs.)

ANGEL: I'm heading out. Val needs me.

(Kara walked over to Angel who was almost at the door.)

KARA: Angel, maybe you can skip this one. Valentino is known for going too far.

ANGEL: It's fine, Kara. I've been with Val for seventy years.

KARA: Angel, I've seen a few porn stars come into my club, all bang up by that pimp, some even verbally shut down.

ANGEL: It's part of the deal. So unless you can sweet talk my boss, move. (Walks out the door.)

(Kara groaned then she went over to the bar.)

Victoria: (thought) * What did he mean by that?*

(Alastor suddenly appeared by Kara.)

ALASTOR: Something on your mind, Ms. Melody?

KARA: (sighs) What do you want, Radio Demon?

ALASTOR: Merely curious. Your presence at the hotel is quite interesting. The fight on the news broadcast and that scream of yours. No sinner has that kind of power. Unless of course...

KARA: What are you getting at?

ALASTOR: You, my dear, are the new Overlord of Music. That scream of yours was...

(Kara roughly grabbed Alastor by the collar.)

Everyone gasped.

Vaggie: She's double dead.

KARA: How did you find out?!

ALASTOR: It's quite simple. The last Overlord, Nessa, was one of the Overlords I haven't killed yet. But when I heard that, they were wiped out by a sinner. That scream of yours was all I needed to confirm my suspicions.

KARA: You don't even know the kind of shit demons like me and Angel have to deal with! You dropped into Hell with these powers and toppled Overlords like dominos. But for people like me and Angel, we had to scrap by just to live! I was treated like a money-making slave my whole living life. I was forced on drugs to just do cheaper shows, I was raped by my so-called manager's son. I was a caged bird for the longest time until I snapped. I killed my sleazy manager; I have no regret. I was tricked into making a deal with Nessa by my ex. But I learned that when a sinner kills the Overlord, their power, and possessions all go to their killer. So yeah, I killed them, I got their club and turned it into what it is today, and I was given their sonic shriek. I have had a hatred for demons like that ever since. I may be an Overlord but I won't force sinners into deals. I let them make the choice.

Almost everyone was in tears.

Angel: We're not so different.

Kara: Yeah but it took me a bit to get to the point where I would kill my master.

ALASTOR: I'd let go if I were you.

(Kara released her grip on Alastor.)

KARA: You may like seeing demons struggle and fail, but there's a line between failing and being used or abused. I'm going to go get Angel from the studio. Something is telling me that Valentino is gonna go too far.

(Kara stepped out of the hotel and then drove off to the studio in her car.)

Husk: You're either brave or stupid for going against Alastor.

Kara: Meh. Compared to dealing with Nessa and Vox, Alastor's like dealing with an annoying client.

Alastor: Excuse me?!

Vaggie, Husk, and Angel snickered.

(The scene changed to Kara arriving at the Pron Studio. She parked her car in a hidden alley to avoid being caught. She peeked out from the alley to see the hellhound bodyguards at the entrance.)

KARA: (sighs) I can't believe I'm about to do this. Desperate times, desperate measures.

(Kara closed her eyes then some magic swirled around her. She was now in her female imp form wearing a sexy golden showgirl outfit.)

Angel: Woah! I did not know you could do that!

Kara: Another power I have.

Cherri looked like she was about to faint.

Angel: You good, Cherri?

Kara: She's drooling.

(She walked inside the club part of the porn studio where a few porn stars were dancing in front of thirsty demons. She rolled her eyes at how pathetic those pigs were whistling and being sexist towards those stars. She walked around looking for Angel, but she didn't find him anywhere in the club, she did notice a few familiar porn stars from her club.)

Pentious, Husk, Arackniss, and Alastor put their blindfolds on.

Angel: I see that Nissy is still a virgin!

Arackniss: Go wash the dick taste out of your mouth!

Angel: At least I have a love life!

RavenDragon: (groans) Boys!

(Kara snuck towards the backstage area, but she still couldn't find Angel. Suddenly, she heard loud crashes coming from one of the dressing rooms. She cracked the door open to see Valentino hovering over Angel like a hungry predator.)

VALENTINO: You're gonna get back out there and dance until I get all the money you owe me!

(Valentino then slaps Angel across the face.)

ANGEL: Well, I fuckin' can't now you're fuckin' up my face.


ANGEL: But, you said...

VALENTINO: (grabs Angel roughly by the face.) People pay for your ass, not your face! It's the least you can do after joining that stupid hotel and becoming clean. We'll do a costume change and put a mask on you.

ANGEL: Stop!

VALENTINO: How many times are you going to fuck up before you learn your fucking place?!!

(Angel then punched Val in the face, breaking his glasses.)

Cherri: Nice one, Angie!

Kara: Cherri!

Cherri: What?

Vaggie: At least he stood up for himself.

Angel looked like he was gonna have a full-blown panic attack. He felt someone touch his hand which was to his surprise, Charlie.

Charlie: You alright, Angel?

Angel: Ye-Yeah. I'm ok now.

(Kara immediately shut the door, knowing what Valenino was going to do.)

KARA: That's it. Val wants a show, I'll give him a show.

Angel: What are you up to?

Kara: Just watch.

(Kara made her way to the stage area where the stage manager was. She got close to the manager's ear.)

KARA: (voice echoes) Have Valentino present for my performance.

(The manager obeyed and left.)

KARA: Enjoy the show, ya prick. (Gets up onto the stage.)

(She gripped the dance pole in a sexy way on the darkened stage. She saw the Overlord pimp Valentino sitting in the back of the crowd on the couch. She cued the band to play a slow sexy tune, and then the spotlight shined on her as some of the residents whistled and hooted.)


Ask any of the chickies in my pen

They'll tell you I'm the biggest mutha hen

(She did a few pole dance moves to impress the crowd.)

I love them all and all of them love me

Because the system works, the system called reciprocity

(Kara got off the pole and did a sexy walk down the ramp, demons pushing each other out of the way to catch a glimpse.).

Got a little motto

Always sees me through

(She bends down towards a sinner and strokes his chin, lovingly.)

When you're good to Mama

Mama's good to you

(Her voice turned seductive singing in front of the demon. The demon suddenly looked like he was high. Kara continued to walk on the ramp.)

Pentious took off the blindfold but he immediately regrets it. He started to get a nosebleed.

Aasha: Oh my!

Angel: No way!

Kara: Another power of mine. My voice can hypnotize demons into doing what I said. And sometimes it can make demons act like they are high on drugs.

Alastor: Hmmm. Interesting...

There's a lot of favors

I'm prepared to do

(Kara turned her head to Travis.)

You do one for Mama

(She winked at Travis then he acted drunk.)

She'll do one for you

(She saw a few of the demons in the crowd starting to fall under the spell. Kara made her way to the pole to do a few sexy pole dance moves.)

They say that life is tit for tat

And that's the way I live

So, I deserve a lot of tat

For what I've got to give

Don't you know that this hand?

Washes that one too?

When you're good to Mama

Mama's good to you

Angel: You and I have got to hang out more.

Kara: You and I are from different universes.

Angel: Eh. Details.

Arackniss: (looks at Pentious) You good, Pen?

Pentious: (wiped his bloody nose.) I'm fine. Just a little woozy.

Kara: Yeah. Dancing in my imp form will do that.

Angel: Did you just call him, Pen?

Arackniss: Shut up.

(More and more demons were drooling over Kara in her sexy imp form. She saw Valentino slowly falling into the trance but he was trying to shake off the trance. She decided to kick things up a notch; she pulled out a little scarf from in between her breasts and then walked up to Val sexy-like.)

If you want my gravy

Pepper my ragu

(She wrapped the scarf around Val's neck in then pulled him close.)

Spice it up for Mama

She'll get hot for you

(Kara pulled away from Val, leaving the scarf around his neck. She walked away from him.)

Angel: So... You actually...

Kara: Yep. Mama's got some skills dealing with pimps like Valentino.

Alastor: Any in dealing with an annoying picture box demon?

Kara: Just piss him off enough until he goes into overload.

Vaggie: And that works?

Kara: Sorry, I can't say. Mostly because it would be a spoiler.

(She swayed her hips, making most of the demons pass out onto the floor.)

When they pass that basket

Folks contribute too

You put in for Mama

She'll put out for you

(Kara blew a kiss at Valentino. That pushed the trance to work more on Valentino.)

The folks atop the ladder

Are the ones the world adores

So boost me up my ladder kid

And I'll boost you up your's

Let's all stroke together

Like the Princeton crew

When you're strokin' Mama

Mama's strokin' you

(The spell was working, and Val and all of the demons in the club had passed out completely.)

So what's the one conclusion?

I can bring this number to

When you're good to Mama

Mama's good to you!

(By the time she was done, everyone was passed out and in a trance.)

KARA: Works every time.

(She got off the stage.)

Husk, Arackniss, and Alastor removed their blindfolds.

Husk: At least it's over.

(Kara quickly went back to Angel's dressing room; she picked the lock to the dressing room. The second Kara walked inside; she was horrified to see the state Angel was in. He was on the floor in pain, his face was covered in red bruises, two of his arms were twisted, and his legs were soaked in blood and cum. Kara ran over to the couch near her and quickly grabbed a blanket. She slowly approached Angel who was still in shock.)

Charlie covered her mouth.

Vaggie: Ese monstruo...

Angel almost puked in his bucket.

Molly growled.

(She helped Angel to his feet and then wrapped him in the blanket.)

KARA: Should've gutted Valentino when I had the chance.

(Kara carefully helped Angel out of the dressing room. Thankfully Valentino and the demons in the club were still in her trance. She made sure that no one saw them sneaking out but two hellhound guards who weren't under her trance saw them.)


(Kara turned around)

KARA: Shit!

(Kara helped Angel to his feet then the two of them bolted out of the studio.)

Kara: Right. Forgot.

Husk: What?

Kara: My siren voice doesn't last long on Hellhounds. That's the one drawback.

Andy: Meh. I never liked Hellhounds. Too much fur and don't get me started on the sharp teeth.

Angel: Been there, fucked that.

Molly/Arackniss: Excuse me?

Angel: What? They pay well.

Andy: He's not wrong.

Aasha: Hey. I dated a hellhound. Let me tell ya that guy knew how to treat a lady.

Kara: And the triple-As have struck.

Victoria: (groans) Can we please drop the sex talk?

Aasha: Oh come on. This is Hell. I mean, it's not like you're a virgin.

Victoria: Well...

Angel: No way!

Victoria: Shut up. So I've never played Spin the Bottle or done Seven Minutes of Heaven. Besides, my sister was the one to get all the boys.

Charlie: You have a sister?

Victoria: Twin sister. I swear she has to be the Devil himself!

Molly: You two don't get along?

Victoria: We never got along.

(Kara and Angel ran out of the studio then they made it to the alley but Kara's car was gone.)

KARA: Oh come on!

Kara groans.

Aasha: This is Hell.

HELLHOUND #1: (off-screen) There they are!

(Kara looked around until her eyes fell onto an abandoned apartment building. She quickly rushed inside the building with Angel. Her imp disguise fell and she was back to her normal form. She locked the door then the two of them stayed quiet. They waited until the hellhounds were gone.)

KARA: That was close.

(Kara then searched the cabinets until she found the first-aid kit and started to treat Angel's wounds. Just as she was bandaging up Angel's arms in a cast and thinking of ways to skin Valentino alive, she felt like someone was watching them.)

KARA: Who's there!? (pulled out her blessed knife.) I'm warning you, I'm armed!

(Her eyes narrowed to find who was stalking them. She threw her knife to the left but it was deflected by a single bullet.)

KARA: What the...?!

(Another spider demon, holding a gun stepped out of the shadows. He looked an awful lot like Angel, only his fur was darker, he had red eyes, wore an Italian mobster suit and he was shorter than Angel.)

Angel: Nissy, you got guts.

Arackniss: Hey!

Kara: Honestly, can't you two get along?

Arackniss/Angel: No!

Molly: It's been like this since we were alive. Well, things were different when we were kids.

Arackniss/Angel: Molly!

Kara: How different?

Molly: Anthony used to follow Niss around when we were kids. He even used to go to Niss whenever he had nightmares.

Angel: (blushed) OK, that's enough!

Cherri: No way! Spill everything! Angie never told me anything about his childhood.

Arackniss: Molly...

Molly: Fine. I'll stop. (whispered to Cherri) I'll tell you later.

KARA: Easy there. I didn't know this was your home. I just needed a place to help my friend.

(The second the demon spider saw Angel; his face went pale.)


KARA: Wait, you know Angel Dust?

ARACKNISS: Know him? That's my brother!

KARA: Brother? You're Angel's little brother?

ARACKNISS: Big brother. Names Arackniss.

KARA: Oh. Sorry.

Angel snickered while Arackniss groaned.

Angel: Yeah. Molls and I got the tall genes from our Ma. Arackniss here got the short end of the genes! (laughs).

Arackniss: Seriously?!

Andy: Now, now, don't sell yourself short, Arackniss.

Arackniss glared at Andy as Angel laughed at his joke.

Alastor: Come now Angel, you shouldn't pick on your brother's size.

Angel: You are no fun.

ARACKNISS: (looked at the wounds) Valentino?

KARA: So you know about the deal between them? But Angel never said anything about having a brother. And why did you call him, Anthony?

ARACKNISS: It's his name.

KARA: His living name? I don't understand. Why hasn't Angel talked about you? Or even met you?

ARACKNISS: Our pops didn't want us to see Anthony.


ARACKNISS: Our sister, Molly. Anthony's twin.

KARA: So, he has you, his sister, and his dad here in Hell? What about your mom?

ARACKNISS: She's... She's not here.

KARA: (realized what Arackniss meant.) Oh. I'm so sorry. (sighs) Look, you don't have to tell me everything. But I want to make sure Angel's ok.

Charlie: Aww!

Kara: I told you. Angel's like a brother to me.

(Kara heard Angel groan and woke up.)

KARA: Angel? Easy now. You're gonna pull out your stitches.

ANGEL: Where...? No. No, no, no, no, no!

KARA: Angel, please calm down.

(Angel was going into a full-blown panic attack, and nothing calmed him down.)

ANGEL: I have to go back. I have to go back.

KARA: Angel...

(Angel wasn't calming down. Arackniss wrapped his arms around Angel and started to say some comforting words in Italian. It was working, Angel was calming down enough to break out of his trance. Angel finally noticed who was holding him.)

ANGEL: Ni-Nissy?

ARACKNISS: Facile, fratello. Ti ho preso.

KARA: Aww!

Molly: Told you so.

Arackniss and Angel both blushed.

Charlie: Aww! That is so sweet!

(Angel looked up at Kara.)

ANGEL: How did you even get into the studio?

KARA: Well... Let's just say. Valentino's gonna be having nose bleeds for a while.

ANGEL: (freaked out) You punched him?!

KARA: No. Do you think you're the only one that knows how to get a guy on the prowl? I sneak in disguised as a sexy imp pole dancer. I gave Val the performance of a lifetime. A little trick I picked up. You're welcome.

ANGEL: You lost me.

KARA: (sighs) I... I'm an Overlord. My sonic scream, the imp form, all my powers.

ANGEL: And when were you going to tell me?

KARA: I didn't want to freak you out. Besides, the hotel already has Alastor. And just so we're clear, I'm nothing like Valentino.

ARACKNISS: As charming as this unexpected family visit was, you two better leave. Once Val snaps out of whatever La bella volpe put him under, he's gonna come looking for you.

Kara: Did you just call me beautiful?

Arackniss: Excuse me?

Kara: What? I know a little Italian.

KARA: We would but my car got stolen.

ANGEL: scoffs) Who would be stupid enough to steal from an Overlord?

KARA: You'd be surprised.

ARACKNISS: There's a shortcut you two can take.

KARA: Thank you Arackniss.

(Both Angel and Kara raced out the door. Both were unaware that Alastor's shadow had followed Kara and saw the whole thing and reported it to Alastor.)

Angel: Aww. You worried about little old me, Smiles?

Alastor: Shut up!

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