Break #1: Get To Know One Another

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RavenDragon: Alright, everyone! We're going to take a little break before the next episode. I have a buffet outside the theater with different foods worldwide, including some desserts.

Angel: Any liquor?

Vaggie: (groans) Are you serious right now?

RavenDragon: There's an assortment of wine, gin, booze, and liquor. And Vaggie, it's only a few drinks.

Charlie: So, this a way for all of us to get to know each other?

RavenDragon: Yep.

Charlie squeals as sparkles form around her.

Vaggie: Hon, ease up on the sparkles.

RavenDragon: Go on and mingle.

Everyone stepped out of the theater and in the lobby were food booths that have different food and drinks worldwide. Everyone muttered in awe.

Vaggie: This girl went all out.

Aasha: I'll say. Ooh, and even a stage! Mama's got dancing fever.

Molly: (mumbles) Oh brother.

Angel: (sniffing the air.) Is that pasta and meatballs? Dibs! (runs towards the booth.)

Molly: Anthony! Don't hog it all! (runs after her brother.)

Everyone headed over to whatever booth they wished and filled up their plates with food. Husk made sure to grab a bottle of booze. Everyone then sat down at different tables.

Charlie: (to Andy and Victoria) So, you two are new patrons of the hotel?

Andy: Yep.

Victoria: I think I'm the only new sinner who's willing to join the hotel.

Charlie: Aww.

Kara: And I help out too. As the healer and therapist.

Husk: Oh great.

Kara: But I also annoy Alastor about his crush.

Alastor: (radio screech, eating his venison.) Pardon me?

Kara: Your crush on Angel.

Alastor: Ha! Never going to happen!

Kara: Tell that to the bet I made with Husker. I told him that you two would fall for each other and I won.

Husk: (spat out his booze) Are you fucking for real? I lost to another Overlord.

Victoria: Another?

Husk: I don't want to talk about it.

Angel: (noticed Arackniss and Pentious at a separate table.) Hey Molls, what's with Nissy and Edgelord?

Molly: Oh. Um...

(Angel then saw Arackniss blushing like a schoolgirl as Pentious and he held hands.)

Angel: I don't believe it... That backstabbing....

RavenDragon: Alright everyone, three minutes left.

Angel: Good. Gives me time to deal with a certain someone...

Molly: Tony... Maybe deal with it later. I'm sure Niss has a good explanation.

Angel: (pouted) Fine.

Vaggie: How? How did you get Angel...?

Molly: I'm his sister. I can keep him and Arackniss in check.

Aasha: Plus this gal is one hell of a dancer at the club. She's the only dancer I know that can keep sinners from touching us.

Cherri: Ooh! Now that would be a sight to see.

RavenDragon: Time's up.

Everyone returned to the theater.

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