Episode 4: I Can Treat You Better Than He Can

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(The scene opens up to the hotel lobby where Kara is, pacing back and forth. Muttering to herself. Alastor saw this.)

ALASTOR: My dear, what's got you in a tizzy?

KARA: Not in the mood, Alastor.

ALASTOR: Oh really? Is it because you told Angel Dust you're an Overlord and now want to help him?

KARA: It's scary how you know what I'm planning.

ALASTOR: Unfortunately, Angel's soul belongs to Valentino, and as you know...

KARA: Every Overlord has to respect their territory and souls unless we risk a turf war.

Victoria: Wow. Even Overlords are strict.

Alastor: It's the rules, my dear.

Andy: And there's always a loophole.

ALASTOR: Correct.

KARA: OK, ok. But where there's a will, there's a way. And I believe I know just the thing.

(Kara ran upstairs.)

Angel: You're going to kill Val?!

Kara: Not yet. But soon...

(Kara had arrived at Angel's room then she knocked on the door. Angel opened the door.)

ANGEL: What do I owe the pleasure of seeing, Ms. Melody?

KARA: Ok, Angel. I get it. You're still mad that I snuck into the studio and dragged you out.

ANGEL: And the fact that you kept your Overlord status from us.

KARA: OK, I deserve that. But Angel, I was going to tell you about my power, one day. I just don't like to abuse my powers. (sighs) Look, Angel, what Valentino is doing to you... It's inhuman. He treats you like a plaything and drains you dry because of money.

ANGEL: So? I can handle it.

KARA: Angel. I want to help you.

ANGEL: And how can you do that? In case you forgot, my contract with Val is set and done.

KARA: How about this? Join me for a drink tonight and I'll show you. But not here in the hotel.

Vaggie: What are you planning?

Kara: Just keep watching.

ANGEL: Alright, just give me a few minutes. (closes the door.)

KARA: Meet me in the lobby!

(Kara went back down to the lobby where Alastor was sitting on the couch.)

KARA: Feeling bored?

ALASTOR: Ha! Never! I assume you found a way to deal with our feminine fellow.

KARA: Why do you care?

ALASTOR: What? I can't do something nice for Angel.

Angel: You doing anything nice for me? Now that's a load of...

Kara: We get it, Angel.

KARA: You doing anyone a favor out of the goodness of your heart is a stretch. You always want something in return. Unless.... (smirks)


KARA: (sing-song tone) You like Angel!

ALASTOR: (blushed) Shut up!

KARA: You do! You're blushing!

Alastor hid his face as Angel smirked.

Angel: Other you has a thing for spiders?

Alastor: Shut up!

ALASTOR: Will you stop that?!

KARA: Who would have thought the big bad Radio Demon would have a heart?

ALASTOR: Cut that out or I will cut off your tongue and feed it to my shadows!

KARA: Alright, alright. No need to get testy.

(Angel came down just then.)

ANGEL: Everything ok here?

KARA: Yeah. Just a little disagreement. Come on.

(The two headed out of the hotel.)

Alastor: Must you tease me?

Kara: It's one of my many talents. That and knowing when people are in love. Just asked the now-married Blitz and Stolas.

Victoria: Who?

Kara: We'll talk later.

(The scene changed to a bar that Kara visited. She and Angel were sitting at the bar enjoying their drinks.)

KARA: Look, I'm sorry for lying about my status as an Overlord. Charlie already has the Radio Demon and I'm not exactly popular with the other Overlords. Mostly from the Vees.

ANGEL: Someone Vox hates more than the Radio Demon? That's a first.

KARA: I thought you didn't know about Alastor.

ANGEL: I didn't. But I sometimes hear Vox rant to Val about how he was more powerful than the Radio Demon.

KARA: He's always had an obsession with making sure he gets the most out of any partnership. I should know.

ANGEL: He tried to partner with you?

KARA: Yeah, but I saw through his little games. He only wanted me just so I could sign myself to Val. (scoffs) Idiot.

Alastor: Impressive. Not many people can outsmart Vox.

Kara: I've had my fair share of idiots.

ANGEL: So why'd you bring me here?

KARA: Well, like any Overlord, I have the power to make deals with sinners, but I don't force them into a deal.

ANGEL: So? (finishes his drink.)

KARA: So, I'm offering you a deal. Come work at my club and in exchange I can protect you from Valentino and I can pay you more than that asshole can.

ANGEL: (scoffs) Hate to break your plan apart, but Val owns my soul already.

KARA: Not true. Every porn star I've met in my club says that Val only owns them in the studio. It's in every contract with that moth. He can own your soul in the studio but outside, you're free to do what you want. Plus most sinners will sign themselves over to two Overlords. It's called a joint contract.

(The bartender refilled their drinks.)

ANGEL: Won't you need Val to sign it?

KARA: Nope. His signature I'll already be on the contract from yours.

Vaggie: Is that even possible?

Alastor: I've never heard of that rule before.

RavenDragon: Again, different universe, different sets of rules.

ANGEL: Are you serious?

KARA: Mm-hmm. No strings attached.

(Both of them finished their drinks in one gulp.)

ANGEL: Sorry, doll. I can't just run off and join your club.

KARA: Why not? Sounds better than sucking that pompous moth's dick the whole time.

Molly: I would agree to the deal.

Angel: Molls!

Molly: What? I would. Besides, you rather be stuck with that asshole?

Angel: Touche.

ANGEL: You do understand that Val doesn't like giving up his favorite plaything. It'll cost me my life. (pushes his glass to the side.)

KARA: You're right it might cost you everything. (pushes the glass back to Angel) But on the other hand, you just might find yourself a free man.

(Music started to play as the two of them sipped their drinks and then clinked the cup on the table with the beat.)


Right here, right now, I put the offer out

I don't wanna chase you down, but I know you see it

(Kara pulled out the joint contract for Angel to sign.)

You sign with me, and I can cut you free

Out of the slavery and walls you keep in

Husk: Eh, not bad.

Kara: Was that a compliment from the great Husker?

Husk: Don't push your luck.

(Kara tapped on the bar table to get the bartender to pass down the bottle of booze for her to pour more into their cups.)


So, trade that typical for something' colorful

And if it's crazy, live a little crazy

You can play it sensible, a king of conventional

Or you can risk it all and see

(Kara turned Angel's stool around.)

Don't you wanna get away

From that same old deal, you gotta pay

'Cause I got what you need so come with me and take the ride

It'll take you to the other side

(Kara got onto one of the tables and started dancing on top of it.)

'Cause you can do like you do or you can do like me

Stay in the cage or you'll finally take the key

(She got off the table and went to Angel who was smirking.)

Oh, damn, suddenly you're free to fly

It'll take you to the other side

Alastor: Catchy.

Charlie: Is that how you get sinners to sign deals?

Kara: Not always. Sometimes the stubborn ones or the ones that work with another Overlord and need an escape. I break into songs to get my message across.

(Angel decided to cut in.)


Okay, my friend, you think I'm just a toy?

I hate to tell you but it just ain't that way

(Angel got up from his seat.)

So thanks, but no, I think I'm good to go

'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say makes me pay

Charlie: Angel...

Angel: I'm fine where I am.

(Angel drank his booze and then looked at Kara.)


And now you're offering to end my suffering

You're onto somethin', really, it's somethin'

But even if I'd want, help me? No, you won't

I'm right here where I wanna stay

(Angel walks around Kara, dancing.)

Don't you know that I'm okay?

With the sinful sex and all this play,

'Cause I got what I need and I don't wanna take the ride

I don't need to see the other side

Cherri: I don't know mate. I still think you should take the offer.

Angel: Really Cherri?

(Angel climbs up the bar table and dances across it.)


So go and do like you do, I'm good to do like me

Ain't in a cage so I don't need to take the key

Oh, damn, can't you see I'm doin' fine?

(He gets off the table and then sits down, grabbing a cigarette.)

I don't need to see the other side

(Kara sat down beside Angel.)


Now is this really how you like to spend your days?

Used and abused at all the parties and plays?

(Angel smoked his cigarette and then turned to Kara.)


If I were mixed up with you, he'd have no mercy on me,

I just end up worse why can't you just leave me be?

Angel: You are never gonna give up?

Kara: Not even close.

(Kara took the cigarette out of Angel's hand and then put it out.)


But you would finally live a little, finally, laugh a little

Just let me give you the freedom to dream

And I can bring you up, you'll be no plaything

Take your walls and start 'em breakin'

Now that's a deal that seems worth taking

But I guess I'll leave that up to you

Everyone waited to see what Angel was going to do.

Charlie: (whispers) Come on Angel.

(Angel watched as Kara got up from her chair. He thought about her deal then he shook his head and then faced Kara to talk about the conditions of the deal.)


Well, it's intriguing, but I feel like I'd be exposed,

So what protection from that asshole do you propose?


Fair enough, you'd want a safe house and a cover,

Why not just run away, it's not like he's your lover

(Angel scoffed at Kara's little jest.)


If it was just that easy, don't you think I'd be gone?


Oh, I'm just messing with you, join me and you're free by dawn!


Prove it


Don't test me







Charlie gasps.

Husk: You're taking the deal?

Angel: That's the other me!

ANGEL: All right, give me that.

KARA: Perfect.

(Kara handed the contract over to Angel which stated that he would be under her protection from Valentino and any other threats. Angel signed the contract and then handed it back to Kara.)

KARA: You won't regret it, Angel. (She held out her hand for Angel to shake.)

ANGEL: You kidding me?

KARA: You want the deal or not?

(Angel sighed then he shook Kara's hand. A music note appeared on his hand.)

ANGEL: What is that?

KARA: That marks you as one of my souls. Instead of chains, I use that. Less painful.

Aasha: It's true.

Andy: I got the same mark.

Niffty: Pretty.

(Angel and Kara were having the time of their life. Drinking, dancing, and just having fun.)


Don't you wanna get away?

To a whole new part, you're gonna play?

'Cause I got what you need so come with me and take the ride

To the other side

So we can do like I do, so if you do like me

Forget the cage 'cause we know how to make the key

Oh, damn, suddenly we're free to fly

We're goin' to the other side


So if you do like I do (To the other side)

So if you do like me (We're goin' to the other side)


'Cause if we do, we're goin' to the other side

We're goin' to the other side

Charlie: Now that was amazing!

Kara: Told ya! Sometimes you just gotta put on a show. Even Rosie enjoys my theatrical personality.

(The scene changed to the hotel with Kara carrying a very drunk Angel into the hotel.)

Arackniss: You always were a lightweight when it came to drinks.

Angel: Jokes on you, Nissy. My drink intake has improved.

Arackniss: Oh really?

Angel: Yeah. I can drink you under the table!

RavenDragon: Ladies, can the chitchat. You're both pretty but deal with it next break.

Arackniss/Angel: Hey!

(Kara helped Angel up the stairs, but they were only halfway up the stairs when Angel collapsed onto the steps.)

KARA: Next time, I'm lightening up on the booze for you, Angel.

ANGEL: (whines) No....

(She managed to get Angel up the stairs. She was dragging Angel's body across the floor, trying to get him back to his room when Alastor appeared in front of them from the shadows.)

KARA: (screams) Alastor! We have got to get you a bell if you're going to pop out of nowhere like that.

Victoria: Do you always lurk in the shadows?

Alastor: Yes.

Victoria: So you're the Shadow Man?

Alastor: The what?

RavenDragon: I'll explain it to you later, Alastor.

ALASTOR: Apologies for the intrusion, I saw you struggling with Angel, and I figured I could help you out there.

KARA: (Smirked) Oh really? Alright then.

(Kara let Alastor hold Angel by the side. She coughed at Alastor and gestured to him that he needed to carry Angel to his room and not drag him. Alastor shot a glare at her as he picked Angel up in his arms, bridal style.)

ALASTOR: (annoyed) Satisfied?

KARA: (giggles) Very. Have a nice night, boys. (She walks away.)

Charlie, Molly, Pentious, Victoria, Cherri, and Niffty: Awww!

Angel: Alright, alright. I get it. Al and I would make a cute couple.

Alastor: Not a couple!

(Angel who was still drunk looked up at Alastor.)

ANGEL: (drunk) Smiles... Hi.

ALASTOR: (rolled his eyes) Let's get this over with.

(Alastor brought Angel back to his room. When Alastor opened the door to Angel's room, he made sure that no one was watching. He did not want demons to think that he had gone soft. He put Angel onto the bed and then he snapped his fingers and changed Angel into silky pink and white pajamas. Angel groaned in his sleep as Alastor started to walk out of the room. Suddenly, he felt someone grab his arm, he turned around to see Angel holding his arm and looking at him with pleading eyes. Alator's eyes twitched; he hated being touched by anyone.)

ANGEL: (sleepy) Stay with me, Al?

(Before Alastor could even get a word out, Angel pulled him onto the bed, and then he snuggled up close to Alastor. Alastor tried to move but Angel was clinging onto him like a koala cub. Alastor was taken by the sound of sleep and he stayed in the bed side by side with Angel.)

Angel and Alastor were both blushing.

Aasha: So cute!

RavenDragon: And that's it for now.

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