Episode 5: Bad, Bad, Valentino

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Andy: Hey isn't that the one where...?

RavenDragon: Yep.

Andy: Yes!!

Charlie: What was that about?

Andy: You'll see.

(The scene opens up to the hotel in Angel's room the next morning. He starts waking up and then turns to his right side and is shocked to see Alastor in his bed. Alastor even had his arm wrapped on Angel's side.)

ANGEL: Oh fuck.

(Angel hurried out of bed, feeling embarrassed. He put on his robe and then walked downstairs to where everyone was having breakfast in the dining room.)

Alastor and Angel's faces flushed bright red.

Molly squealed.

Molly: (sing-song tone) Tony's got a boyfriend!

Angel: Molly!

KARA: Hey, Angel. Feel better from last night?

ANGEL: (sarcastic) Oh yeah, I feel great.

KARA: Oh drop the sarcasm. And get excited for tonight.

CHARLIE: Hey, what happened last night? You two came back last.

KARA: Oh, just a friendly night out. And, Angel here is going to be working at my club tonight.

CHARLIE: Sounds exciting. Oh before I forget, we have a new resident here at the hotel!

ANGEL: New resident? What kind of sucker would join this ratty hotel?

CHARLIE: Well, he's out by the bar.

(Angel got up from the dining table and went to the lobby. He saw the new demon, a ghostly white sinner that was dressed like a pornstar standing by the bar. Alastor was also in the lobby.)

ALASTOR: Hmm seems like someone Angel can relate with.

Angel: So me and Andy know each other in this universe?

Andy: Yeah. I may or may not have worked under Valentino.

(The second the guy turned around; Angel was taken aback.)

ANDY: No way. Angie?! Ha. Wow, small world.

HUSK: You know this chump?

ANGEL: Guys, meet Andy Grin. He was Val's old plaything before I got chosen. Was the best dancer in the club before he disappeared. Speaking of which, what happened to you?

ANDY: It's complicated. (He just took his drink and walked away to his room.)

Cherri: You left Valentino?

Andy: I did. It wasn't easy.

(Angel tried to follow but Alastor was in his way.)

ALASTOR: Angel, can we talk about last night?

(Angel moved out of the way without saying a word, feeling embarrassed from last night.)

Vaggie: Oh now you're quiet.

Angel: Shut up.

(Kara saw the whole thing.)

KARA: Alastor, can I see you in my office? I want to talk to you.

ALASTOR: My dear, I am far too busy.

CHARLIE: Alastor. Kara's the hotel's therapist, since you'll be staying, it's only fair you see her as well.

ALASTOR: (Sighs) Very well.

(The scene changed to Kara's office which was on the west side of the hotel, she made the office look more friendly, as well as friendly as you can get in Hell. Kara had Alastor sit on the couch so that way they could chat.)

Charlie: That's a nice office.

Kara: Thanks.

KARA: What happened last night with Angel?

ALASTOR: (flushed face.) Nothing happened!

KARA: Alastor, this is a safe space. Now spill.

ALASTOR: There's nothing to tell. I took Angel back to his room and left. It's as simple as that.

Angel: Simple, huh?

Alastor: Not another word from you.

KARA: Uh-huh. Alastor, what really happened?

ALASTOR: Well, I might have, (covered his mouth in shame.) slept with Angel.

KARA: Al, uncover your mouth and say it again,

ALASTOR: (uncovered his mouth) I slept with Angel! There, happy?!

KARA: (smirked) You didn't...

ALASTOR: We did not have sex!

Angel: You never know...

Alastor screeched.

Molly/Arackniss: Anthony!

Angel: What? It's funny.

Aasha: It actually was. I mean, the you that I know bagged the Radio Demon, and you two...

Alastor: Make it stop! (covers his ears)

Kara: I don't remember the Alastor I know being a big baby.

Alastor groans.

KARA: (sing-song tone) You like Angel. You want to kiss him. You want to hug him.

ALASTOR: OK, ok, Will you cut that out?! I already feel bad enough that Angel thinks I used him.

KARA: Alastor, just tell Angel the truth about what happened. And go easy on him, I'm sure he felt just as weird about it as you do.

ALASTOR: Very well.

(Alastor opened the door only to bump into Angel.)

ALASTOR: Angel, where are you off to?

ANGEL: I got a meeting with Val. Not that I have a choice in the matter.

ALASTOR: Angel, before you go, I wanted to talk to you about last night.

ANGEL: Let's just forget about what happened in my room last night.

(Angel leaves.)

Cherri: Ouch.

Vaggie: Oof. That's rough.

(The scene changed to the back of the Porn Studio where Angel was smoking a cigarette. As he was smoking, he saw Andy coming towards him.)

ANGEL: How'd you know I'd be here?

ANDY: This used to be my spot for a good smoke.

ANGEL: The princess knows that you're down here?

ANDY: She doesn't. I came to check up on you. Heard Val made you his new plaything.

ANGEL: So? (blows out some smoke.)

ANDY: Val is a monster, Angel. He fills your head with lies about freeing you, extends your contract without your consent, and worst of all, keeps you under his control from the smoke from those cigarettes he gives you.

Angel: Val put you through the ringer?

Andy: It's not the first time.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Andy: Just keep watching.

ANGEL: Oh don't act like you know him. I spent seventy years under that guy's thumb, being his whore. I have no control over my body or soul. Forget it. You wouldn't understand.

ANDY: Actually I do. And just from Val, from my living life. I was an actor in the early 2000s; he was on a hit TV show with my boyfriend, Ben, who is non-binary and the co-star of the show. The show was a big hit until the producer decided to tell Ben needed to start being an actual guy and not non-binary. The producer even told me that he was going to be getting a female co-star instead and our characters would get together. I ended up finding Ben in our dressing room, cutting his arm with a piece of glass from the shattered mirror. After that, both of us quit the show due to the sexual harassment both of us had to endure.

ANGEL: So that's why you came to the hotel?

ANDY: I died in a car crash just three weeks after Ben's death. I want to see Ben again. I know they are in heaven. I want to be reunited with the one I love. Before his death, I planned to propose to him but I never got the chance to.

Almost everyone was in tears from Andy's story.

Charlie: Oh, that is so beautiful.

Husk: Meh.

Molly: Hey.

Alastor: Oh don't mind Husker. He's not a fan of love.

Husk: I lost that ability years ago.

ANGEL: (Smokes his cigarette.) I guess, there's just times I keep thinkin' 'about what I could say or do. But I don't know if there is anything.

ANDY: Yeah

(Music starts playing as the smoke from Angel's cigarette replays the night Angel met Valentino.)

Molly: So we get to see how you two met Valentino?

Angel: I guess.

Charlie: You ok, Angel?

Angel: Just a little tense.


Sometimes it's like I met him yesterday

Waltzes in with just a smile, down to play

(Angel remembered when he first met Valentino at a bar where he was performing in drag.)

Seems to be the name on everybody's lips

An' I kept sayin' that I wouldn't fall for it

But then...

(He remembered the deal Val had offered him.)

Quicker than a flash, he had me at hello

He took me by the hand, we started dancing slow

I didn't wanna get attached but now, I'm far too close

And he knows just what he's doing

(He remembered how he just agreed to be Val's favorite porn star and his new personal plaything. The smoke danced around Angel in the form of cuffs around his wrists and neck.)

I didn't know, when I met Valentino

I was giving him control over me

Now I'm stuck in his melody

Let me go, let me go Valentino

You're not getting anymore out of me

I don't want your cruel melody

Molly: Angie...

Angel: I'm fine.

Even Arackniss and Pentious were heartbroken.

ANDY: This is what he does. He takes advantage of your state and twists your words.

ANGEL: He tricked you too, huh?

(Andy had sudden flashbacks of when he and Valentino had met.)


He knew what to say to sweep me off my feet (Ah)

I should've never heard a word he said to me

I was comfortable with ignorance is bliss (Ah)

'Cause I told myself I wouldn't fall for it (Fall for it)

But then...

(Valentino had approached Andy with a flirty smile.)

Quicker than a flash, he had me at hello

He took me by the hand, we started dancing slow

(Valentino had used his cigarette smoke to lead Andy to a back room where he forced Andy to have sex with him.)

I didn't wanna get attached but now, I'm far too close

And he knows just what he's doing


(I didn't know)

I didn't know when I met Valentino

I was giving him control over me

Now I'm stuck in his melody

Oh, let me go, let me go Valentino

You're not getting anymore out of me

I don't want your cruel melody (Don't want it, oh)

I don't want your cruel melody, oh, no

Oh no, no, ooh yeah (Don't want it)

Ooh, oh, oh (Don't want it)

Yeah, yeah

Charlie: Wow. Andy, I didn't know you could sing like that.

Andy: It's a gift.

Aasha: Oh brother.

(Angel threw away the cigarette.)


I should have known not to trust Valentino

(Andy snapped out of his trance of flashbacks.)


I should have known not to trust Valentino


Tonight we're saying goodbye Valentino

We know just what you're doing

(The scene changed to Kara's club where Andy and Anngel were performing on the stage.)

I didn't know when I met Valentino

I was giving him control, control over me

Now I'm stuck in his melody

Let me go, let me go Valentino (Let me go Valentino)

You're not getting any more out of me

I don't want your cruel melody (I don't want)

I should have known not to trust Valentino

I should have known not to trust Valentino

Go, let me go, let me go Valentino

You're not getting any more out of me

I don't want your cruel melody

Vaggie: Huh? Not bad.

Angel: (fake gasps) You do care.

Vaggie: Don't make me regret it.

(Angel and Andy joined Kara at the bar.)

KARA: You boys were amazing. Are you enjoying yourself, Angel?

ANGEL: I gotta say, working here is not as bad as I thought. And I can't believe Andy has been working here since he disappeared from the studio.

KARA: Like I said before, you aren't the first of Val's souls to come here.

ANDY: And it was either this or hide out in the Lust District until the next Extermination. (leaves)

Kara: Hey.

Andy: To be fair, most Overlords I've met are cruel.

Kara: Right.

KARA: Let me guess, you found Alastor in your bed this morning.

ANGEL: You know?

KARA: I do.

ANGEL: (groans) I'm double dead.

KARA: You are not. Alastor feels guilty that you think that he used you. Which is a surprise.

Alastor: First of all, ouch! Second, it was already humiliating to watch.

ANGEL: He does? Huh?

KARA: Just talk to him.

ANGEL: And risk getting ripped apart? No thanks.

KARA: Maybe but you never know.

Alastor: I would.

Angel: I'm double dead.

RavenDragon: And that's the end of the episode. And no, ripping guests apart Alastor!

Alastor: Rats.

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