Episode 6: Dream A Little Dream

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This episode is gonna be a little different than in the book.

(The scene opened to everyone all gathered in the lobby.)

CHARLIE: So, our previous plans were a little disappointing.

VAGGIE: A little?! We've been getting so much backlash from the last two ideas! And Angel's idea was even worse!

ANGEL: Hey! You said no bad ideas! And I would have gotten us at least one new client if Smiles hadn't cut in with me and the fellas.

ALASTOR: I was doing them a favor.

ANGEL: (growls) You little....

KARA: OK then!

Victoria: Oof. No luck?

Kara: It was a bit of an... experimental phase.

Vaggie: (sighs) Of course, Angel's idea would involve sex.

Angel: Hey!

KARA: So flyers, social media, and seduction didn't work, but I might have an idea that could work.

CHARLIE: What kind of idea?

KARA: Well, this idea involves Charlie's passion and Alastor's power plus his dramatic radio flair.

ANGEL: So it's another video broadcast.

ALASTOR: Never going to happen. Radio is the better use.

KARA: Easy Al. I'm not suggesting that. What I'm saying is that maybe we need to reach out to a smaller group of sinners. So, why don't try promoting the hotel at my place? I know a few customers who love good gossip. Show them what the hotel is all about and they'll be spreading it around. And I have a radio too for you, Alastor.

VAGGIE: Think it'll work?

HUSK: Long as I'm not a part of this disaster.

KARA: Husk. It'll work, trust me on this. So, Alastor and Charlie will promote the hotel together.

CHARLIE (excitedly)/ALASTOR(annoyed): Seriously?!

Andy: Oh this is gonna be fun.

Aasha: Drama. (munches on popcorn)

KARA: Yep. You two are the face and the host of the hotel. It makes sense.

ANGEL: Oh like the two of them will survive each other.

ANDY: Perhaps we can get the club ready for their arrival.

KARA: Saves me fewer errands to run. Vaggie, you take Husk and Niffty with you to my club, Andy will tell you what you need to do. Angel, you're with me. Al, Charlie, I want two in my office so we can talk.

CHARLIE: Yes! I've got so many ideas. (runs off)

ALASTOR: Is it too late to go with Husker?

KARA: Alastor, go.

(Alastor walks off.)

Vaggie: I'm starting to like this girl.

Kara: Aww. Thanks.

KARA: Wait here, Angel.

(The scene changed to Kara's office with her, Alastor, and Charlie.)

KARA: Alright then. Now I know you two have very different perspectives on how to get the Happy Hotel up and running...

ALASTOR: You mean the Hazbin Hotel?

KARA: Right. The Hazbin Hotel. I know Charlie's better at setting her expressions through song. I was thinking, you two could do a duet.

Charlie/Alastor: What?!

Angel: This outta be good.

CHARLIE: (sing-song tone) Perfect!

KARA: But for this to work, you two have to work together.

ALASTOR: How can I work with someone too much of a wuss to do what needs to be necessary?

CHARLIE: I look on the positive side of things!

KARA: (sighs) You two figure it out. I'm gonna go run my errands and meet up at the club in a few hours.

(Kara walked away and ended up in the lobby.)

ANGEL: So how did it go with Smiles and the Princess?

KARA: Let's just say, they have some differences to work out.

Aasha: (mutters) More than some.

(The scene changed to a little thrift store that Kara goes to. Angel and Kara walked inside.)

ANGEL: You like these kinds of places?

KARA: Yes. These stores give me inspiration for new outfits. Plus, it's better to have things handmade than paying for pricy designer stuff. I always find hidden gems here that I can fix up.

ANGEL: You sew?

KARA: I dabble. Having a mother for a seamstress, you pick up a thing or two.

Molly: Remind me to ask you to make some of my showgirl outfits.

Kara: I'd be happy to.

Alastor: Now I know who to call when I need my suit fixed.

Kara: I'm from a different multiverse.

Alastor: A man can dream.

Angel: Wait, what? I thought you were up in Heaven with ma.

Molly: Maybe in your universe, but in mine, I may have landed in Hell.

Angel: What?! Why?!

Molly: So, I kind of, sort of, maybe, (fast-spoken) drowned some of the men that used you in our time in the living world after you overdosed.

Angel: You did what?!

ANGEL: Should've asked you to make my performing outfits. Val makes me wear the most ridiculous clothes.

KARA: I've seen your videos. I believe it. You can pick something out too.

ANGEL: Oh. Are you sure?

KARA: Yeah. I can always make a few changes to whatever you find.

(Angel and Kara went into separate parts of the store. Kara was looking around when she bumped into someone.)

KARA: Sorry about... (Sees who it was, Vox. She growled.) You!

Alastor: Now this just got interesting.

VOX: Funny bumping into my friend.

KARA: We are not friends. You used me and nearly took everything I had Vox. (scoffs) Figures, you only need someone just to earn more power.

VOX: As I recall, I helped you get that club reopened under your name. I showed you how to be an Overlord.

KARA: More like trying to weasel your way in just to make a pretty penny off my club. You may run Voxtex, but there are some Overlords that will never bow to you.

VOX: You could have been something if you...

KARA: If I what? Joined your little V Club? Read my lips! Forget it.

Vaggie: Hold on, Vox offered you a place with the Vees?

Kara: yeah. And I turned him down.

Angel: You do realize that turning down an offer from Vox ends in a disaster, right?

Kara: Oh please, Vox is just a cocky showoff.

Angel: (snickered) Cocky.

Kara: Ok, I walked into that one.

VOX: Watch it! Or...

KARA: Or what, Vox? You gonna get your boy toy down here and...

VOX/KARA: Trick me/you into making a deal with him, and now, you/me work with him harassing pornstars with your/my dirty tricks.

VOX: (glitches) Goddam-m-m-mit, you will not l-l-let that g-o-o!

KARA: Go suck Val's c*** for all I care. (Flips him off and walks away)

Husk: Now I like her.

Arackniss: Same here.

(Kara found Angel trying on a long Barbie pink dress. Angel turned to Kara.)

KARA: That's pretty cute.

ANGEL: Yeah. I was wondering if I could get it. I know it's long, but I love this dress.

KARA: Angel, you don't have to ask for my permission to buy the dress. It makes you happy.

ANGEL: I know. It's just... Val never liked it when I showed up to work in anything that wasn't meant for a whore. The last time, I showed up to work in a cute dress, he laughed at me, saying that it was a lady dress, not a whore dress. And then he, well, you can guess the rest.

KARA: Angel. Val had no right to tell you what you can and can't wear. If wearing dresses makes you feel cute and good about yourself, then you can. I'll tell you what, we can get you that dress, and if you want, I can make a few alterations, so you aren't tripping all the time.

ANGEL: Thanks.

Molly: You do look cute Angie.

Angel: Thanks, Molls.

(The scene changed to Kara's Club. Everyone including Alastor and Charlie were already inside. Kara and Angel came inside.)

VAGGIE: Finally!

ANGEL: Relax, Vagina.

VAGGIE: (Growls) Angel!

KARA: Okay! Break it up!

HUSK: Alastor and Charlie are ready.

KARA: I'm on it.

(Kara got up on the stage which got every demon's attention.)

Charlie squirms in her seat.

Vaggie: Babe, calm down.

Charlie: Right. Sorry.

KARA: (mic) OK, everyone. We have two special guests this evening. Give it up for the musical stylings of Princess Charlie Morningstar and Alastor, the Radio Demon!

(Kara got off the stage just as Charlie and Alastor appeared on stage. Alastor used his powers to change their clothes and give Charlie a cute cane and hat. The music kicks in.)

ALASTOR: Attention all sinners, Alastor here.

CHARLIE: And Charlie!

ALASTOR: And we're pleased as punch to tell you about the new Hazbin Hotel.

CHARLIE: Actually, it's the Happy Hot—

ALASTOR: Wonderful, now listen up.

(The audience listens in.)


What would you do if I said there's a place for you?

A place completely free of shame and doubt (Well, just about)

What would you do if you could start it all anew?

Well, come to our hotel and you'll find out

(Alastor gets off the stage and puts his arm around a sinner.)

You will not want for anything; we'll take it all away

(Charlie joined in, interrupting Alastor.)


No, actually we'll give you things 'cause stealing's not okay


Like beds of nails and swarms of bugs


Or cupcakes and a bunch of hugs

(Alastor and Charlie rejoined on the stage.)


We'll make them pay


They'll want to stay


Don't scare them all away

(The two of them started dancing together.)

We may not agree on everything as far as we can tell

But we both want this new venture to do well

So, with her passion and his power and this rinky-dink hotel

We might just bring some heaven to Hell

Vaggie: I'll admit. This isn't as bad as I thought.


It's clear to me that you're just looking for control

It's definitely getting out of hand


I agree.


So, before we go and tell another tired, tortured soul

I think we need to come up with a plan


Good idea!

We'll ship them in and dress them up and make them look the part


Well, actually, we probably should help them change their heart


By teasing them and baiting them


Or rehabilitating them


Boil them, baste them, slice them up, and serve them à la carte

Everyone: Alastor!

Alastor: Oh come on. It was funny.

CHARLIE: (gasps) That's horrible!

ALASTOR: Don't be such a princess.

CHARLIE: Go to Hell.

ALASTOR: Already there, darling.

Angel: (snickered) OK that was funny.

Victoria: That wasn't funny.

Arackniss: Don't bother.


We may not agree on everything as far as we can tell

But we both want this new venture to do well

So with her passion and his power and this rinky-dink hotel

We might just bring some heaven to Hell

(One more time for the demons in the back)

With our passion and our power and this rinky-dink hotel

We might just bring some heaven to Hell

Want some hors d'oeuvres? (I'll pass)


(The audience cheered as Alastor and Charlie took a bow.)

Husk: I'll admit. That wasn't bad.

Kara: See?

(The scene changed to late at night in the hotel. Alastor was the only one up or so he thought. He heard a lovely jazz tune coming from Angel's room.)

Alastor: What? What is this?

RavenDragon: Oh, Just a little, something that brings out a new side of you.

(He peaked inside to find Angel humming and dancing to a familiar tune. Alastor walked into the room tuning with the music then when Angel came close to Alastor, he was startled. Alastor started to sing the lyrics.)


Now that my bridges all are burned

(Alastor slowly grabbed Angel's hand and then put his hand around Angel's waist. Angel's face turned bright pink being so close to Alastor. He felt enchanted by Alastor's voice. It was different from moments ago, this time it was soft and gentle.)

You're careless

Careless in things where I'm concerned

(He started to slow dance with Angel around the room.)

Are you just careless, as you seem to be

Or do you just care less for me?

(The two of them were laughing, dancing, and having a good time. Alastor even dipped Angel for a little extra fun. Alastor looked up at Angel who was still smiling and laughing. It was the first time he saw Angel smile; not the fake smile he sometimes saw, a real genuine smile.)

Girls: Aww!

Angel and Alastor looked away from each other.

Pentious: That was sweet.

Angel: Ok, I know me and Al are a couple in that universe but did you really have to show that?

RavenDragon: It's romantic. And that's it for today.

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