Mini Episode: When Kara Met Ozzie

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RavenDragon: OK, before we get to the next episode, I need to show you a mini-episode for the next episode to make sense.

Charlie: Why?

RavenDragon: This one is with Kara so it might be a trigger for some of you.

Kara: Oh. That.

Angel: You good?

Kara: This is when I used to work for my boss.

Alastor: Interesting...

Aasha: Don't even think about it, Creepy Smiles.

RavenDragon: Ok! Let's get this episode started.

(The scene opened to about ten years ago when Overlord Tessa had control over the club. Instead of a karaoke club/motel, it was a run-of-the-mill sex club/diner. Inside, it was dark and very dingy. There was a staging area upfront with sex poles for the stars. Sitting in the back with Overlord Nessa, a black canary sinner who's non-binary dressed from the early 1900s.)

Angel: That was your boss?

Kara: Yep. That's Nessa. A real sweetheart. Liked making their souls work to the bone for hardly any pay and never cared if they were harassed.

Angel: I'm surprised Valentino doesn't work with them.

Kara: The two of them are rivals. Always trying to one-up each other.

(The stage was dark but then a slow beat came on as Kara Melody in her short two-piece jewel tone dress took the stage.)


Color me your color, baby

Color me your car

Color me your color, darling

I know who you are

Come up off your color chart

I know where you're comin' from

(The music picks up as she sings and pole dances for the customers.)

Call me (Call me) on the line

Call me, call me any, anytime

Call me (Call me), oh my love

Call me, call me any day or night

Call me

(Demons hooted and cheered for Kara as she danced. In the corner of her eye, she saw Nessa looking very unpleased with her routine.)

Angel: Not bad.

Aasha: I'll say.

Kara: Wait for it.


Cover me with kisses, baby

Cover me with love

Roll me in designer sheets

I'll never get enough

(Kara shook off the glare and continued to dance but this time, without the pole.)

Emotions come, I don't know why

Cover up love's alibi

Call me (Call me) on the line

Call me, call me any, anytime

Call me (Call me), oh my love

(She twirled on the stage but she lost her balance and ended up falling off the stage and crashed into a waitress carrying a tray of drinks that spilled all over her.)

Everyone: Ooh!

Aasha: Yikes.

Husk: That's gotta hurt.

Sir Pentious: Oh my.

Kara: And there it is.

Angel: Oof. The worst part about performing, you always end up doing something wrong, and then...

Kara/Angel: The boss gets angry.

(The music stopped. A few waitresses came over to help Kara who was covered in wine.)

KARA: Guys, I'm ok. Really.

BECCA: You sure? You look like you took a bath in gin.

KARA: Har, har. I can take a tumble.

(Nessa gets out of their seat and walks over towards Kara. Kara looked up at her boss.)

NESSA: Melody. May I speak with you in your dressing room?

(Nervously, Kara follows Tessa up the stairs to her dressing room.)

Victoria: This is where...

Kara: Yeah.

Molly: You ok?

Kara: I'll be fine. I've suffered from this before.

(The scene changed to Kara's dressing room where Tessa and Kara were in. Tessa then grabbed Kara by the arm, roughly.)

NESSA: What was that up there?!

KARA: (stuttered) S-S-Sorry. I was just a little dizzy. I haven't eaten anything today.

NESSA: That is no excuse! I expect perfection with my stars!

KARA: Just let me have a quick bite to eat...

NESSA: What did I say?! No eating on the job! Do you think these people pay to a fat dancer?! No! You get your ass back up there and do that routine right! Unless you want to continue our fun from the other night?

KARA: (scared) No. No. I'll get it right, Tess.

NESSA: Good girl.

Charlie: They starve you guys?

Kara: Sadly yes.

(Kara walked out of her dressing room, fighting back her tears. She walked up to Becca and helped her serve drinks.)

BECCA: I swear, one of these days, Tessa is gonna get a holy bullet in their chest.

KARA: If that were true, then Valentino would have done it already.

BECCA: Hey. Are you good? That was quite the fall you took.

KARA: I haven't eaten anything. I just need something. Besides, it's not like Tessa lets us have at least more than one meal a day.

Arackniss: Only one meal? Yesh.

Kara: Nessa expects perfection as I said.

BECCA: At least you get to go. After my shift, I'm stuck going on a date in the Lust Ring with one of the diners' biggest customers.

KARA: Right. I forgot that imps can leave the Pride Ring since you're hell-born. Who's the guy?

BECCA: Some jerk that I have to put up with who lives in the Lust Ring. He works in the biggest club in the Lust Ring, Ozzies.

Angel spat out his drink.

Angel: What?! Ozzies?!

Victoria: What's Ozzies?

Angel: Have you been living under a rock!? Ozzies is...

Kara: (clears her throat) No spoilers, Angel.

Angel: You kidding?! A few sinners would kill to work at that place.

KARA: Ozzies?

BECCA: It's a huge sex club that's owned by the King of Lust himself, Asmodeus.

KARA: Sounds like you have a lucky night ahead of you.

BECCA: Oh please. The guy is a jerk. Not to mention the only reason Nessa wants me on this date is because of that royal pass.

KARA: Royal pass?

BECCA: According to Nessa, a sinner can get a royal pass from any royal family member in either ring.

Angel: Lucky!

Arackniss: Oh quite complaining Tony.

Husk: Let me guess, different universe, different rules.

Kara: Correct.

BECCA: But I rather be back home with my boyfriend for a quiet night home. Unless... (looks at Kara.)

KARA: No. No way! You know I swore off love after I got backstabbed by my ex.

BECCA: Come on! Please. It's just one date.

KARA: Not happening.

BECCA: Did I mention that Ozzie's doing a one-night-only, Karaoke Event?

KARA: (groans) Bec... I hate when you know my weakness. Ok, I'll go on the date for you.

BECCA: (hugs Kara.) Thank you. You are an afterlife saver.

Cherri: Hang on. If you swore off love, how did you meet with my alternate self?

Kara: It was during my first year as an Overlord.

(The scene changed to late at night in the Lust Ring. Different sex shops, clubs, and plazas with big neon light signs were everywhere. Kara stepped out of the elevator wearing her dark purple dress and black heels.)

KARA: Let's get this night over with.

(Kara walked towards the entrance to Ozzies where the client was waiting, a red In cubus. He eyed her dress.)

INCUBUS: Hey, there gorgeous. You couldn't find something better to wear?

KARA: (groans) Wow. Cliche much?

Angel: Yeez. You sound like Nissy when he got forced onto a date that Molls and I set up for him.

Arackniss: Anthony!

(The two walked into Ozzies which was a dinner theater restaurant with tables for the guests and a stage at the front, showcasing the establishment's name in lights. The interior is lit by a large chandelier of blue flames with a floral design, along with other blue floral lanterns on the walls and at least one chimney out of glass in which blue fire burns. On top of the chimney is Lounge seating. Tied to the room's ceilings are cages that glow blue, which are used to confine performers. The restaurant also hence a pink tone and a blue contrast, and it bears a resemblance to modern-day clubs with the same lighting and types of entertainment.)

Almost everyone gasped.

Victoria: Woah!

Cherri: Oh hell yes!

Aasha: Is it too late to ask for that pass?

Kara: Oh no. The last thing I need is Ozzie getting pissed off at you for wrecking his club.

Aasha: You trash one bar by accident...

(Kara and the Succubus sat down at their table that was closer to the stage. The table already had two glasses of red wine for them.)

KARA: Finally. I'm starving.

INCUBUS: Oh please. You're fine. Besides, you look like you could lose the weight.

KARA: Unbelievable.

VOICE: Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight!

(The lights began to dim in the club. Soon, poles with a small platform attached to them descend from the ceiling and each of them has a dancer on it. Then the platforms on the poles turn into two stages connected to the center stage. Just then, an imp who was dressed like a jester slid down the pole in the middle. The imp had robotic arms and legs that stretched for miles.)

Alastor: Who is this interesting fellow?

Angel: I know that guy. He works for Mammon.

Andy: How do you know that?

Angel: We did a little collab together.

KARA: Who's that?

INCUBUS: Oh, that chump? That's Fizzarolli. He's a broken imp who has robotic limbs. The guy is just a moocher since he lives with Asmodeus, the King of Lust. I wouldn't be surprised if Asmodeus is just using him as a sex toy.

(Fizzarolli's eyes have lime sclera and pink irises, with an Imp tail with black stripes. He also has black dots at the ends of his mouth. His tongue is forked and has a couple of black stripes on it as well. His face is painted white but with the 'nose' area above his mouth painted red. He wears a bright red and blue jester cap with bells, a white ruffle, and a black collar with bells below it. The front side of his outfit is bright red with yellow trim at the bottom with yellow hearts, while the back is bright blue with white trim at the bottom and black hearts. He wears white and purple striped pants and white-striped, purple sleeves with bright red cuffs and yellow trim edging, and yellow balls on his shoulders with light red hearts. He also wears black, heeled shoes with yellow hearts on the front and black gloves with yellow cuffs. He slithers down the pole with his robotic limbs.)

FIZZAROLLI: Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's... (He then stands on the platform and does a little performance on it.) Lust Ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies. Put on display for all you "Sleaze" and "Sleazettes." (He spins on the stage, and faces the audience.) The gem joint of Asmodeus himself! C'mon, give him some LOVE! (He then makes a heart shape with his robotic arms.)

(Soon, everyone begins clapping and cheering, except for Kara's date who was pretending to gag seeing Fizzarolli. Kara actually thought that Fizzarolli was pretty fun, he just knew how to get the audience's attention.)

Niffty: (giggles) He's funny.

Husk: Meh.

Charlie: Oh Fizzarolli. I remember him now. He and Uncle Ozzie are actually...

RavenDragon: Charlie, no spoilers!

Charlie: Sorry!

FIZZAROLLI: I am the one and only Fizzarolli! Some of you may recognize this dashing clown face from my numerous toy-robotic replicas across the rings of Hell. Gloriously designed by the big man himself, (He then rolled up his sleeve to reveal a cybernetic arm while holding a mic in his other hand.) And ribbed for your pleasure tonight.

KARA: This guy is fun.

INCUBUS: Oh please. I've seen better.

FIZZAROLLI: We've had some talented karaoke singers here tonight. Along with Verosika Mayday. We'll be continuing the show with anyone in the audience who would love to come up and sing something, spicy.

(He sprung up to a VIP balcony set next to Asmodeus.)

INCUBUS: (scoffs) Poser.

Angel: Anyone else wants to punch him?

Everyone raised their hand.

(Kara decided to get up and went to the back room.)

KARA: It's official. This is the worst date in my entire afterlife. This could not get any worse.

(Kara suddenly felt dizzy again and she stumbled through the VIP Balcony door. She would have hit the floor face first but Asmodeus caught her.)

Angel: So that's how you met him. I gotta say, Asmodeus is cute.

Vaggie: Angel!

Angel: What?! I would totally bang him.

Charlie looked grossed out.

FIZZAROLLI: Are you alright? I think you had a little too much to drink.

KARA: (stands up) No. No. I didn't drink anything. I'm just having a bad day, that's all. (looks at Asmodeus.) You're... You're Asmodeus. (looks at Fizzarolli) And you're Fizzarolli. I am so sorry. I swear I didn't know. I just needed a place to hide. I am having the worst date in the history of worst dates!

FIZZAROLLI: Not your lustful desire?

KARA: What? No! I'm only on this date to help my friend. I swore off love because of my ex who sold me to my boss.

ASMODEUS: That boss of yours won't happen to be Nessa, would it?

KARA: How did you know?

ASMODEUS: I know their tricks. They've been trying to get a royal pass from me for years. Every time they sent an imp or hellhound on a date with that jerk. They don't even care about their workers, always starving them. So I know the signs.

(Fizzarolli hands Kara a plate that has a burger on it.)

FIZZAROLLI: Here. You look like you haven't eaten all day.

(Kara took the burger and started stuffing her face.)

Kara: Yeah not my proudest moment.

ASMODEUS: Whoa! Whoa! Easy! You'll get a stomach ache.

KARA: Sorry. Tessa's been on my case about being skinny when I already am. Believe it or not, I miss performing, and not like I am doing at the sex club in Pentagram. But being on stage in front of a crowd.

FIZZAROLLI: You were a performer?

KARA: I... Um... I used to be a pop star... In the living world. My name is Kara Melody, I'm a sinner. Look I know I'm not supposed to be here, I'll just go.

ASMODEUS: Now hold on. I'm not kicking you out.

Charlie: This is new.

KARA: What? But I thought...

ASMODEUS: Dear. It's clear you aren't happy with Nessa. Why don't you get up on stage and do a song for us? It'll help.

KARA: Nessa has been making me sing nonstop or forcing me into having sex with them.

FIZZAROLLI: Just leave everything to us. And feel free to sing whatever you want. But no love songs.

(Fizzarolli takes Kara to a spare dressing room where two female imps come in and do her hair and makeup. She followed Fizzarolli out to the stage. Fizzarolli got onto the stage.)

FIZZAROLLI: Alright ladies and gentlemen, we have a new act for you tonight. Coming from the Pride Ring. Give it up performing for the first time at Ozzies, Ms. Kara Melody!

(Everyone clapped as Kara stepped onto the stage. Fizzarolli went up to the VIP Balcony.)

Aasha: This is gonna be great.

(Kara took a deep breath as a piano melody played. A spotlight shines on her.)


They thought they could dispose of me

They tried to make me small

I suffered each indignity

But now rise above it all

Yes, the price I paid was all I had

But at last, I found release

And if something good can come from bad

The past can rest in peace

Oh, if you see someone's hurt

And in need of a hand

Don't forget me

Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand

You don't forget me

When you sing happy birthday to someone you love

Or see diamonds you wish were all free

Please say that you won't

I pray that you don't forget me

(She then remembered Striker's betrayal.)

But forget every man who I ever met

'Cause they only lived to control

For a kiss, they paid a thousand

Yet they paid fifty cents for my soul

They took their piece

The price of fame that no one can repay

Ah, but they didn't buy me when they bought my name

And that is why I pray

(Her terrible date tried to climb onto the stage but someone in the audience called security and kicked him out.)

That when you see someone's hurt

And in need of a hand

You don't forget me

Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand

You don't forget me

When you sing happy birthday to someone you love

Or see diamonds you wish were all free

Please say that you won't

I pray that you don't forget me

(The memories of every mission that she and Striker had gone on hit her as she sang with so much emotion.)

There are some in this world who have strength of their own

Never broken or in need of repair

But there are some born to shine who can't do it alone

So protect them and take special care

Take care

(Everyone cheered when she hit the high notes.)

And don't forget me

Please take care

And don't forget me

When you look to the heavens with someone you love

And a light shining bright from afar

Hope you see my face there

And then offer a prayer

And please let me be

Let me be that star

(The audience clapped and cheered as Kara bowed.)

Cherri: That...

Molly: Was...

Victoria: Beautiful!

Kara: Thanks.

(Fizzarolli stepped onto the stage.)

FIZZAROLLI: Wasn't that a show, folks?! Give it up for Kara Melody!

(Fizzarolli took her to the VIP Balcony where Asmodeus was waiting.)

ASMODEUS: I have to say Kara. I have never seen anything like your performance. (pulled out a wristband that was the royal pass.) I would be honored if you would perform at my club sometime.

KARA: Me? (takes the royal pass.) Thank you. But, there's no way that Nessa is over going to let me come back.

ASMODEUS: From what I understand, you aren't the type of demon to just give up on her afterlife.

KARA: Yeah. You know what? I would love to perform at your club. But first, I need to take care of something.

Angel: No way. You got a royal pass?!

Kara: Yes. And watch.

(The scene changed to Pentagram City at Nessa's club. Only Kara had tied up Nessa to a chair.)

NESSA: You ungrateful little shit!

KARA: You know, I should be thanking you. (pulled out her angelic gun.) You were the last push I needed. To be free.

(Kara shot Nessa twice in the head and then shot them right in the chest for extra measure. Kara suddenly felt more powerful. She now had Nessa's powers, club, and soul contracts.)

KARA: Now then, things are going to change around here.

Cherri: Woah! Nice one.

Angel: You've actually shot up your boss?

Kara: Well, I had to.

RavenDragon: And that's it for the mini-episode.

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