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Chapter 20

- Mia White -

When we arrived at the mansion, Ben and Sarah practically raced out of the car and to the front door. Jacob and Charles were still at awe with how big the house was, making me chuckle.

This was where Ace or Ben would have all their parties, what would you expect? Also, the fact that Ace's is a billionaire, I feel like you'd expect this from him. Or, at least Ben.

"Hurry the fuck up, Ace!" Ben yelled.

I looked back at Ace to see glare at Ben before locking his car. Although I was ahead of him, I didn't take him long to catch up with me. One thing I always hated about being small was that whenever he took one step, I took two.

When he was beside me, I noticed his change in pace. A small smile made its way across my face, and I looked up at him. He smiled back before slowly wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

He was hesitant at first since I could feel the waves of tensions he was emitting. But he relaxed the moment I didn't push him away.

"Walk faster man!"

Before Ben could complain any further, Ace threw his keys towards Ben. Catching it with ease, Ben unlocked the door, grabbed Sarah, and dragged her inside. Levi took the keys and handed them back to Ace before following the two inside.

Jacob and Charles asked Levi were one of the arcade rooms was; so while they were gone, Ace and I sat down at the bar.

"He's gonna make us some drinks," Sarah said. "His own creations."

"Are you sure you want to trust him with that?" Ace asked.

Sarah shrugged. "If it kills me, at least I won't have to go to school."

"Ew!" Ben exclaimed. "Don't even talk about school! Uni is gonna fucking kill me."

"That's what you said about high school," Sarah chuckled.

Speaking of school though, Levi, Ben, and Ace all applied for the same university. They were all accepted in, and Ben was surprised that they actually considered him.

He made sure everyone read his acceptance letter just to be sure he wasn't being delusional.

When Ben was finished, I was reluctant to taste it while Sarah drank it in one go. At first, it tasted sweet but had a little spice. However, it held a bit of an after taste.


"Not bad," Sarah said. "What is it?"

"Yours is vanilla vodka, pineapple juice, and Grenadine. Mia's is just Fireball and Arizona Mucho Mango."

"It's good, but not for me," I shrugged, handing the drink to Ace. He grinned, taking the drink form my hands.

After our time at the bar, all of us separated to do what we could do at the house. I was with Sarah for most hours, and sometimes Ben would join us. We had gone outside to the pool, and while Ben and I were splashing water at each other, and him trying to drown me again, Sarah was tanning.

I had to hold back my laughter when I saw Ben stare at Sarah from time to time when he thought I wasn't looking.

"She's a good friend," Ben answered when I asked what he thought of Sarah. "Nothing more, nothing less."

"Yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes.

Ben glared. "You know why. I can't risk it again."


"End of discussion!" Ben exclaimed as he swam away.

When the sun set, everyone gathered in the theatre room, and we watched The Office followed by The Dark Night. No one wanted to go home, and since we didn't get a call from any of our parents, we stayed.

Just as the movie ended, Sarah asked me to go to the bathroom with her. Of course, I didn't even have a chance to say anything before she grabbed my hand and took me out of the room. She continued to drag me as we walked towards the bathroom.

However, she didn't stop to open the door, she walked passed it.

"Are you planning on killing me?"

Sarah laughed. "Nah. That's another day. I just wanna talk."

"What did I do now?"

She didn't answer, but let go of my hand when we reached a room. She opened the door and walked inside telling me to follow her. I did so, and she pushed open the balcony doors.

The stars were easier to see form out here, and much brighter. I remembered the days when Sarah and I would go up here when the party was getting a little too wild. Either drunk or sober, Sarah would stay up here with me to keep me company.

When she was drunk, I'd often have to keep an eye on her to make sure she didn't jump off the balcony thinking she was skydiving.

Sarah and I walked close to the wood railings, neither of us saying a word as we looked across the distance. Luckily, there was a light breeze in the air, helping us cool off from the humidity at least a little.

"So? What's up?" I asked after a few moments.

"You and Ace. How's that going?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

Why did I have a feeling she'd ask?

"Everything's fine," I answered. "Really, it is."

She raised a brow but didn't say anything, signalling me to continue. "He told me everything, and I forgive him. I'm willing to give him another chance. I'm just scared he won't learn and do it again."

Ace was independent and didn't ask for help much. Whenever there was a problem, he would much rather try and fix it on his own. Only when he was desperate he'd ask for help.

Everyone knew Ace liked having things done his way. He would often forget to take people's thoughts or opinions into account, thinking he knew what was best.

That was the problem. He wasn't afraid to lie to me about what he had done, thinking it was best for me not to know. He thought it would keep me safe, and he definitely thought I wouldn't find out.

If I'm going to be with Ace again, he has to understand that he can't keep secrets as those form me. He can't tell me a bunch of lies and expect me to forgive him off the bat the moment I find out.

He has to learn that if he wants our relationship to prosper, he has to communicate with me. He has to talk to me about these things instead of keeping it all to himself.

He had to trust me. I can't be the only one communicating.

"I'm sure he won't do it again," Sarah spoke softly. "He lost you because of this. I'm pretty sure he won't make the same mistake again."

"How do you know?"

Sarah smiled. "Because losing you, is Ace's greatest fear."

I could feel my cheeks go warm before turning away. Sarah chuckled. "I'll be right back," she said before walking away.

I didn't turn back to follow her, assuming she'd return. I stayed looking up at the millions of stars shining above me. Back in middle school, I used to only paint different night sky landscapes during art.

Either that or sunrises. I remember the teacher always getting annoyed, telling me to paint something brighter, but I never did.

The night was the best time to appreciate the silence after a long and loud day. The quietness has me time to think, and it was an intimate time without interruptions.

Although I preferred to stay at home, going out at night was also fun. When you went into the city, all the lights were on, and sometimes there would be possible entertainments. Nights also brought promises, whatever it may be.

The sound of the door opening caused me to look back, but instead of seeing Sarah, it was Ace.

I should've known.

"Sorry, am I disturbing you?" Ace asked.


"Mind if I join you?"

I shook my head, and he walked forwards before stopping beside me. His eyes never leaving mine.

"Did Sarah call you?"

"No, you guys were talking too long in the bathroom, so I decided to check up on you. I saw Sarah leave the room and she told me you were here."

"How long were you standing behind the door?"

"A few minutes. You looked peaceful, I didn't want to ruin your moment."

Then we fell into silence. He didn't once avert his eyes from mine, even when at times I did. Nothing came to mind of what I should say, even when I did have a lot to say.

"Sarah said you're willing to take me back," he suddenly spoke. "Will you?"

He took a step forward, my heart beating faster as he leaned in. His eyes glanced down to my lips before looking straight into my eyes.

"Will you stop making promises you can't keep?" I whispered.

He nodded. "I'll stop. You have my word."

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Accepting my embrace, his hands grabbed my hips before pulling me in close, resting his forehead on my own.

"Hey Mia," he said lowly. "Can I kiss you? Or am I still under punishment?"

I laughed before pressing my lips against his.

••• - ••• - •••

There, you guys happy? I fucking updated! Let's celebrate 🥳🥳

I'm writing multiple chapters for this story and other drafts so please bare with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this garbage, but I hoped you liked it!! Also thank you guys so much for 20M! It's because of you I was able to reach this milestone, and I will be forever grateful! I love you guys so much 💖💞

Shout out to @whattasight & @dory0409 for these amazing covers!! ❤️

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