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Chapter 22

- Mia White -

It's been an hour since the news of Mr. King's escape broke out. Not even ten minutes after we were told, Ace's mom came running through the door with the police. They informed us that there were already people out searching for him. While Mrs. King talked to a police officer in private, I headed to the kitchen to find Ace.

He was frustrated, muttering curses under his breath. Pacing back and forth, he had his phone against his ear, trying to call someone who wouldn't pick up. He was so focused, that he didn't see me enter. I frowned, feeling bad that there was nothing I could offer to help this situation. I felt useless and didn't know what to do other than to comfort Ace and calm him down.

"Of course, in times of crisis, he doesn't fucking answer," Ace growled.

"Who are you trying to call anyways?" I asked.

Upon hearing my voice, Ace placed his phone on the counter, grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I heard him sigh from the crook of my neck. I couldn't help but smile as I felt him kiss the side of my neck. Once I knew he was okay, I repeated my question.

"Just someone who can help us out," he mumbled, holding me tighter.

"And who's that?"

Still in his arms, Ace pulled away. He looked at me for a moment before smiling. "I'm sure he won't mind if I told you."

I gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

Instead of answering, he stepped back and lifted me up, holding me securely in his arms. He grinned down at me before walking out of the kitchen and towards the front door. I asked him where we were going, but the only response I got was "you'll see".

Ace and his stupid secrets.

He headed towards downtown, taking a route that I've noticed before. He drove fast, passing cars that honked at him and making sharp yet swift turns. Ace started to slow down and drove towards one of the many buildings his mother owned. The seventy-three story glass building was built a few years ago. A gift for Mrs. King from her ex-husband to expand her business in jewelry.

Showing the guard his pass, Ace parked his car and quickly got out of the door. Not even a second after I removed my seatbelt, he opened the door for me, extending his hand out for me to take.

"Are you going to tell me why we're here?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Not yet."

Hand in hand, we entered the building, and I couldn't help but gawk. Colours of gold and white and black decorated the room. Big golden pillars stood on each side of the entrance, as it held the corridor roof high in an arch-like structure. Glass chandeliers hung high above, lighting up the room. A red carpet draped across the white marble floor and to the front desk. A huge rectangular painting of a flower field hung behind the desk, one that I knew Mrs. King painted upon seeing her signature at the bottom right corner.

Ace I walked to one of the many elevators before he pressed the button for floor fifty-two.

"Are we going to meet the person you were talking to?"

He hummed in response. "You'll be surprised."

"Do I know them?"

He grinned down at me. "All too well."

Ace was talking to a man. The only guys I'm close to are Ben, Levi and my dad. I had no idea where the twins were, and my dad is at work. Who the hell is he talking about? Was it Jacob? Charles?

Why does this idiot always have to keep me guessing?

"Will you just tell me already?" I groan, frustrated.

"That would ruin the surprise."

I scoffed, removing my hand with his and crossed my arms. "Your surprises are always the worst."

"Are they?" He asked. I felt his arms wrap around my waist before me back was leaning against his chest.

I nodded. "The absolute worst."

His chin rested on my shoulder before letting out a small laugh. I rolled my eyes at his comment and allowed myself to fall deeper into his embrace. A smile made its way across my face as I felt Ace peppering light kisses on my neck. My eyes remained focused on the elevator screen as his arms tightened around mine as he started to gently nip at my skin.

"Ace, you have to stop," I giggled, pushing his head away. "Someone might see."

"I don't care," He grumbled.

In a blink of an eye, Ace swiftly turned me around before covering my mouth with his. Hands gripped my hips and he pulled me in as his tongue brushed against mine. I moaned as he slightly ground against me and deepened the kiss further. He only pulled away to let me catch my breath before kissing me again.

By the time we both realized we had reached our destination, it was when I heard someone clear their throat. I pulled away from Ace and turned to see who had seen us, and I was both surprised and embarrassed to see it was my dad.


He smiled. "Now I understand why Levi hates being a third-wheel."

I cringed before glancing back and forth between my dad and Ace. "What have you two planned? Should I be concerned?"

"Maybe a little," Ace teased as we walked out of the elevator. We both followed behind my dad as he led us closer to an office. Opening the door, he let us go in first before he went in and locked it. The room was fairly medium-sized and decorated as if it were the gothic age which very well contrasted with the building's entrance. This was defiantly my dad's office, but why the fuck does he have an office here at a jewelry corporation when he's an engineer?

Ace and I sat down on one of the couches while dad sat at the one adjacent from us. I noticed that Ace and my dad were looking at each other in a way people would look like if they were having telepathic communication. No words were needed to communicate, but I had no idea what was going on.

"So I'm assuming we're here to discuss something?" I questioned, breaking the sudden tension in the room.

Dad nodded. "It seems so. Ace?"

"I think you should tell her."

"You're the one who brought her here."

"Yeah, but it's about you, so you should do it."


"Guys," I cut off my dad. "just spit it out."

Ace raised a brow at my dad, and he sighed. "Ace has told you that he is a part of an organization, correct?"

"Yeah... but he didn't tell me what kind of organization it is," I answered. "Why? Is it a bad one?"

"Not entirely."

I glanced at Ace while he grinned down at me. "Explain, please."

"It's called Delta Security and Protection Services. It lands on both sides of the spectrum of legal and illegal activities. We tried to stay on the legal side of things, but some jobs would require us to stray from that."

"What do you mean by 'we'?"

"Guess who runs it?" Ace questioned.

I looked at him, a little confused at first before it clicked and I turned to my dad.

"Are you kidding me!? Since when!?"

"Since Fredric abused Mrs. King," Dad answered. "It was initially created for her, but over time, it expanded into something greater."

"Does mom know?" I asked, and he nodded. I sigh in disbelief, my shoulders slumping. "Why the hell am I always the one being left out of things?"

I felt Ace kiss the side of my head as he held my hand. "I'm sorry, baby. We just wanted to let you live a normal life."

I scoffed. "My life stopped being normal the moment I met you."

Ace chuckled, but upon seeing my upset expression, he immediately stopped. His arm around me pulled me to his side and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I realize now that we shouldn't have kept it a secret," my dad speaks. "I hope you can forgive me."

"I can, for the most part, understand. So I forgive you."

No, I couldn't be mad at my dad. I knew why he kept it a secret. I understand why he did it, yet, just like what I experienced with Ace, I felt somewhat betrayed. It seemed as if everyone was keeping secrets from me and that made me question if there were more people I knew who were doing the same. Sarah? Ben? Levi? How many people were lying to me?

It seemed dad didn't notice my discomfort because he gave me a small smile.

"I have one question, though," I ask, pushing my thoughts aside.


"Why do you have an office here?"

"I control the building's security, and as a thank you, Mrs. King offered this to me," He explained. "Speaking of her, I was informed that your father managed to escape from prison a few minutes before your arrival."

"No doubt a friend from inside busted his ass out," Ace muttered. "Cops won't do shit. I got Levi to investigate the situation."

"Anything so far?"

Ace checks his phone before shaking his head. "Nothing, but I'm sure we'll have something by tomorrow."

"I'll have a few men help Levi with that. In the meantime, I want you to stay by Mia's side."

I almost laughed. He already does that, dad.

Before Ace could respond, my dad's phone buzzed. He took it out and quickly read it over before telling us we had to leave due to a meeting he was about to attend. However, before doing so, he asked Ace to stay back and have a little chat with him while I waited outside. When Ace stepped out of the office, I asked what happened.

"He just told me to keep my hands to myself." He shrugged and looked at me with a smirk. "But I don't know how long I'll be able to last."

His hands went around my waist as he pushed my body against his.

"You think we should be doing this in front of my dad's office?" I raised a brow.

"No, but I can't help it. You're too tempting."

My eyes shifted to the door of the office before looking at Ace, only to see he was leaning closer towards me. I was about to do the same when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled back to see who messaged me while Ace cursed out loud and bent down to rest his forehead on my shoulder.

"Who is it?" I heard him ask.

"It's Ben."

"Motherfucker. I swear to fucking God if he keeps doing this I'll—"

I cut him off. "He wants us to go to his place. Says it's important."

"How important?"

"It has to do something with Zoey."


This chapter is dedicated to those who keep threatening me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter & I'm sorry that it's short but I tried my best with my lack of motivation.

Everyone, please stay healthy and safe during this quarantine. I know it's been hitting us hard but we will all get through this together, so please take care of yourselves.

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