4¦Missing Him

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I don't see him often these days as his duty hours are strange.

Do I miss seeing him?

Earlier I used to. But it was killing me from inside, so I stopped. I always calmed my mind down saying, he's here, here near... I can see him whenever I want.

My heart knows that's not the truth. He'll think of a thousand excuses not to talk.

I got to know he went on a holiday.

I'm in a mood slump since the morning. Surprising, right?

It's one thing having him around and not seeing him. It's another with him out of station. It's a feeling that he has gone. An inexplicable depression.

It's just a four days trip...

What am I going to do when he actually leaves campus for good?

Ugh! Why did he mend my heart again? Why couldn't he leave it broken?

A/N If you feel it... Drop a heart! Oops... Sorry... A star.

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