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Thomas was moaning a woman's name and she was moaning his. After they finished he spoke softly "I gotta go. My wife can't know about this." She nodded and kissed him goodbye he snuck out and headed home.

A three-year-old Craig ran over to the railing, seeing his daddy sneak through the front door. He sprinted down the stairs and went to him. "Daddy," Craig spoke, monotone, "where were you?"

Thomas was caught off guard and he nervously fidgeted with his coat zipper. "Daddy was just running some late night errands. Don't worry Craig. You should be in bed anyways, it's late." He spoke in a strict tone.

Craig's eyes darkened and his voice was on the verge of terrifying as he accused, "No. Thomas, why did you lie to me. Why did you cheat on mother." Craig glared. "I know what you did."

Thomas backed away, fear shown on his face. "W-w-what's wrong with you, Craig? How do you- why do you know this? I- did you follow me?"

Craig's eyes softly glowed as he spoke once more, "I never left home, Thomas. I've been here the whole time. But I saw you. How could you"

Thomas held his head, terrified of his own child. "G-get away from me y-you freak!" He pushed Craig to the ground and he sprinted up the stairs. He entered his room, only to be interrogated by his wife.

"Bye daddy." Craig waved goodbye to his father as he left. Thomas just glared at the young boy. Laura glared at the orange haired man. He drove off, leaving his ex-wife and son behind.

"Oh Craigy, what'd I do wrong?" Laura hugged her son.

"No mommy." Craig's voice turned dark, "Thomas is just a dirty, lying sinner. It's not your fault that he cheated on you." Laura flinched, her expression filled with fear.

Laura Tucker fell to the ground, clutching her stomach. A strange liquid pooled underneath her. She started grunting and screaming in pain. Mommy's in pain.

Craig raised his hand. "Yes Craig?" Mr. Garrison asked.

"I need to go home. My mom is hurt." Mr. Garrison gave Craig a weird look. Craig just stood up and ran out of the classroom. He made his way through the halls and left the school. He sprinted all the way home.

When he arrived, he saw his mom making herself a grilled cheese sandwich. "Craig?! What are you doing here? School's not over yet. And did you run all the way here? That's dangerous!" She inquired.

Before she could say anything else, she groaned in pain, gripping her stomach tightly. She screamed out as a strange liquid pooled underneath her. "Craig," she struggled to speak, "mommy's water broke. Tell the police that. 911" she stopped talking and screamed again.

Craig nodded and reached on his tippy toes to grab the phone he dialed 9-1-1 and it rung.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"My mommy's water broke."
"Okay we're sending an ambulance to your location as we speak."
"Thank you."

He placed the phone in its holder and turned to his mother, who was writhing in pain on the floor. Soon, the ambulance people pulled her on a stretcher, taking her into the wailing ambulance. One person picked up Craig and carried him into the ambulance as well.

"Your mommy's going to be okay. She's just having your little sibling." A red headed woman spoke. Craig nodded.

I was let into the room. I walked over to my tired mommy. She was holding a small human. "This is your new little sister, Craig." Mommy said. She handed the baby to me and I held the small human. The baby sneezed on me and my face scrunched up in disgust. "Take it back mommy! That thing sneezed on me!" I yelled while holding the thing away from me. "Craigifer Thomas Tucker! Don't call your little sister a 'thing'! And sneezing is a natural bodily function. She doesn't know any better!" Mommy yelled at me. It was scary. I shamefully looked at the ground and mumbled, "okay.."

Craig blinked, his eyes stopping glowing. The red headed nurse looked at him, alarmed. "W-what? Your eyes! They were glowing!" Craig shrugged.

He spoke, "At least my little sister is going to be born healthy."

"Well I'm glad you have high hopes! I bet you know that they're gonna do their best to make sure that your hopes will come true!" The nurse cheered.

Craig just nodded, letting his mind wander to all his favourite constellations. He smiled when he thought of his all-time favourite, and his star sign, Aquarius.

They finally reached the hospital and Laura was rushed into the large ominous building. The aura of the building made Craig feel uneasy. He was ushered in, following behind his mother. The nurses lead Laura into the hospital room, but right as Craig was about to follow, a hand that was grasping his hand, tugged him back, and the door was shut in his face. He gave the nurse a questioning look. She seemed to understand the look, for she answered the unasked question. "Your mommy is going to give birth to your little sibling. I'm sorry, but when the doctors are helping her, you can't be in the room."

Craig nodded in understanding and sat down on a nearby bench. After a little bit of time, he was let into the room. He walked over to his tired mother, who was holding a small human. "This is your new little sister, Craig." Laura said. She handed the baby to the curious boy and he held the tiny thing. The baby opened her mouth and inhaled, preparing to sneeze, but Craig had already held her away from him, knowing what was about to happen. The baby instead, sneezed on a nearby nurse, who just 'awed' at the tiny sneeze. Craig held the small girl near him once more. Her teeny features smiled at him, almost causing Craig to smile back, but he kept his stoic expression.

"What's her name?" Craig asked, almost saying 'it's', but knowing better.

His mother smiled warmly and replied, "Tricia, Tricia Ruby Tucker."

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