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"CRAIGIFER! Get your ass down here and get the camera! Tricia's taking her first steps!" Laura yelled to her four-year-old son. He hurried down the stairs, grabbing the video camera on his way. He quickly handed it to his mom, afraid of getting yelled at again.

Craig let his mind wander as his proud mother video taped his baby sister. Craig has always had sensitive ears, causing him to despise yelling and loud noises. He was also going to start kindergarten next year.

Let's get one thing straight, Craig loves Ruby, more than he loves his own mother. His sister is cute and she smiles at him and laughs at his jokes and faces, unlike his mother, who only gives him cold-hearted glares and looks of fear or disgust. Even though he loves Ruby so much, he still wishes back to the days when she wasn't born. His mom never gives him any attention anymore. She only speaks- or more like yells to him when she needs him to do something for her or his sister. Craig is just neglected and treated like a freak.

At Craig's preschool, a few kids talk to him. Their names are Token, his dark-skinned and protective friend, Jimmy, his crippled and funny friend, Tweek, his twitchy and paranoid friend, and his bestest friend, Clyde, who is a crybaby, but very trustworthy and true. Well at least to Craig. Every kid belongs in a friend group and no one has noticed his 'unique ability' yet, so he hopes that they never find out.

"Craigifer! What are you doing standing there being useless? Go to your room and be a disappointment there instead!" Laura the stupid head said. Wow. That was awfully aggressive. Craig flipped her the bird, a gesture he had learned from both his parents at a young age. He caught sight of her returning the gesture as he stormed up the wooden stairs.

"Stupid mom, stupid sister, stupid house, stupid Craig... Why can't I just make her proud of me..?" Craig murmured to himself as he stomped into his room filled to the brink with rage, frustration, and sadness. What will it take for him to make her happy? When he tries to be good, she only gets mad at him. When he tries to get out of the way, SHE ONLY GETS MAD AT HIM! He quickly shuts his curtains and glances around his room, just to be sure that no one sees him. Once the coast is in the clear, he lets his built up tears pour from his eyes and he releases a sob from his frowning mouth. He buries his small head into his soft pillow and frees his emotions that he has been keeping locked up all day.

The saddest part though, is that this has become his daily ritual. Keeping his negative emotions inside so he can keep up his emotionless facade so he can act like none of his mother's words and actions get to him. All of these pent up feelings cause him to explode with tears at the end of each day. He hates his sad life. He doesn't want to be sorrowful. He never asked for his mother to hate and neglect him. He never asked for his stupid powers. He didn't care how 'unique' he was. That was just a fancy word for weird.

All the sudden, his sobbing was interrupted by a vision creeping into his sight. His eyes started glowing a bright blue as his conscious was taken into his vision-land as he liked to call it.

"Huh," Mommy spoke, "we're out of diapers. Time for a trip to the store." She placed my sleeping baby sister in her pink and white crib as she left the house, cautious not to wake Ruby up. She opened the door to her car before closing it. "No need to waste the gas." she hummed as she started walking to her destination. She was almost to the store, before her high heels got caught on a stray rock, causing her to trip and fall into the road. Mommy screamed as the wheels of a truck ran over her torso, crushing her lungs and other internal organs. Her blood painted the concrete a scary shade of red.

Craig let out a terrified, ear piercing scream. He sobbed harder and sprinted out of his room, determined to save his mother. He may be scared of her and have many negative feelings directed towards her, but he still loved her and wanted her to live.

His sprinting was stopped by a loud and furious shout, "CRAIG!" He heard his mom, "You woke up your sister! What is the meaning of this!" Even though his ears were ringing and he was terrified, he still felt an outrageous amount of relief to hear his mother alive and well.

He continued sprinting down the stairs to meet his mother and hug her, tears still streaming down his face. "Mom!" Craig sobbed. She seemed shocked. "I-I just sa-saw you die! You were o-out of diapers and y-you wanted to buy some more, but when you went to buy th-them, you got hit by a car and you died! Please mommy! Please don't walk to the store! Take your car please! And don't wear your high heels"

She looked at him, stunned. She pushed him off of her. Most mothers would see their child sobbing and breaking down right in front of them, and they would embrace their child and comfort them. Sadly, Laura was not your average mother, and Craig was not your average child. She backed away from her son, terrified and shocked. She never asked for a son like this. She always thought that she'd have a normal son that would be raised in a normal, happy household with two loving parents and multiple sources of love and support. No. That's not what happened. Craig told her what happened while Thomas was out late at night. In her eyes, it was all Craig's fault that Thomas was gone. Craig was strange and had unnatural visions. Now he's predicted her death? She was petrified.

Craig was on his knees, sobbing. He was scarred. He was only four, but he just saw his mother die right before his eyes. He looked up to see his mother backing away from him with a scared face. Mom, he thought, why won't you help me? Why won't you comfort me? I just saved your life! Mom please.

Laura quickly checked the diaper drawer, seeing that there were no more diapers. She glanced at her son. He was still sobbing, now covering his eyes. She walked towards him, still keeping her guard up like he might attack her or something. She reached him, picking him up. He cuddled into her warmth, his sobbing calming into sniffles. "Momma..." She walked up the stairs, and to Craig's room. She entered his room and glanced down at him once more before tossing on his bed like dirty rubbish. He watched her as she ran out and locked him in his room.

He suddenly felt a rush of negativity within him. He tried to do something helpful by saving his mother's life. Now he was stuck in his room. He got up and tried opening it. The door refused to budge. He felt hatred and anger surge throughout his body. He screamed at the top of his lungs. He screamed for half an hour. He let out all of his fury. His throat burned and his voice was hoarse. His face was marked by tear streaks and his eyes were burning. His anger caused his eyes to spark a blue colour, awakening something dangerous inside him. He let out one last rough, furious scream as the sparks in his eyes was released upon the door. the handle fell off and there were black ashes marking the wood. The door slowly creaked open and his face fell.

"No.." he murmured to himself, "Please no. Now I'm even more of a freak. Now she'll hate me even more.."

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