Chapter 20 | Missing

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I looked at the man in front of me and took a loud gulp. "Y-you want to talk to m-me?" I heard myself stuttering. The look the man gave me made me feel smaller than I actually was. I tried to look away, but then my eyes landed on the man named Mike and I didn't like the look he was giving me, so I faced the man in suit again.

"Well, it is a good thing you aren't deaf. I can't believe my son went for someone like you." He said, giving me a look over.

"Your son? Okay, remember what I told you about the wrong guy..." But then, I finally saw it. That was why he looked so familiar. The eyes, the nose, the hair, this man looks like an older version of Stiles. "You are S-Stiles-"

He grinned. "Looks like you are smart after all. I was thinking I would have to ask my boys to rough you up a bit. But just looking at you," He stood up and walked over to me, "I think I might just have to talk."

Although, this man looks like Stiles and this was the man that brought the only person I had ever had true feelings for to this world, his eyes looked evil, wicked. It lacked that shine that Stiles' eyes possessed. The smirk he was sending my way now looked wicked, and not sexy like Stiles' own.

"Now, here is the deal," he said, crouching down to my level. "I don't want to see you near my son again. In fact, I don't want you to think of him again. From today, Stiles doesn't exist to you. People like you don't deserve to be near him." He said, his face really close to mine. We were looking eyeballs to eyeballs. God! His breath is really bad, urggh!

"Now, if you don't listen to me and go near my son, then I guess I will have to go near your family and trust me boy, you wouldn't like what I would do when that happens. Is that clear?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

My parents came to my head immediately. I would never do anything to bring harm their way. This man looked capable of doing many evil things and the hate and disgust in his eyes when he looked at me was proof. I had never seen anybody look at me that way before "Y...Yes, it is."

"Good." He got up from his crouched position, straightened his suit and started walking out. Just when I thought he was going to leave the room, he turned around again. "Oh, and Alex, don't tell Stiles about this meeting between us. You wouldn't want to find out what will happen if you do." With that, he shut the door behind him and walked away.

Meeting? This psycho just called this a meeting. Who knew good beings like Stiles could come out from wicked creatures like this?



I had just woken up from sleep to see Sylvia in front of me with a worried look on her face. She has been having that worried line on her face recently, which wasn't like Sylvia who acted like she didn't care about most things. I knew I couldn't be the reason behind that, because I was better now. So something else had to be bothering her.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep away, I also wiped my mouth incase I had been drooling. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

She sighed. "It's Alex."

"What is wrong with Alex?" I asked, sitting up. "Did he finish my chips again or—"

She gave me a 'Really?' kinda look. "Alex is missing, Simon." She cut in. "We were—"

"Wait, what do you mean by missing? Do you mean he is missing or he is...What do you mean?"

"He is missing, Simon. Missing, like we don't know where he is. Missing, like we are afraid that he might have been kidnapped. Do you understand the kind of missing now?"

"Wait, what? Alex can't be missing. Who would want to kidnap Alex? He hasn't offended anyone, why would he be kidnapped? He probably went to Stiles' house. Yes, remember he said—"

"That was about four hours ago. Stiles called about one hour ago and was asking for Alex but I told him Alex wasn't here. Alex's parents came here, they had been trying Alex's line to no avail and they thought he would be here but he left earlier. They have checked the Library, Mj Pop's, they even went to school, but they couldn't find him there." Tears were filling her eyes now.

I have never seen Sylvia looking so distressed, she looked really troubled. But then I thought about it again, it was impossible to imagine my best friend has been kidnapped. Sylvia did take acting class when she was little and she had also fancied becoming an actress.

"Sylvia, what is your problem? Do you think this is a topic you should bring up to practise your acting skills? But I really have to say." I got up from my bed and headed towards the door. "You are pretty good at this acting stuff. For a moment, I almost believed you. Now, where is Mom, isn't it time to leave this hospital?" I ignored the bewildered expression on her face and walked out of the room they kept me in. I was still dressed in the hospital gown, the doctor said I would be discharged tomorrow, but I really wanted to leave now. I couldn't wait to go home and lay on my much more comfortable bed.

I sighted my Mum and Dad talking to two other couple whose face I couldn't see because their backs were facing me. They looked worried and mum looked like she was about to cry. Then, Dad sighted me. "Simon!" He called, causing the two couples they were with to turn around. It was Alex's parents. Sylvia wasn't lying, Alex was really missing.



"Can you let me go now? I have agreed to all that you've said!" If I stayed here any longer, I could die. My hands were in pain and they felt numb because the rope they had used to tie them was stopping the blood flow. I was dying from thirst and the room they kept me in was very hot. To make it worse, every now and then, a rat would come near my feet and I hated rats. I hate them so much. For the past thirty minutes, I have been calling out for them to let me go and my throat was sore already from all that.

"Fine, you can keep me here. But can I at least get water? My throat—" I was interrupted by the opening of the door. A man stepped in, it was the huge man that had captured me. He was holding a stainless cup in his hand and a knife with the other. He walked towards me with the knife and cup.

This is it, Alex. They said they will let you go, but no, they want to cut you open and drink your blood.

I closed my eyes tight and said a silent prayer. I felt a presence behind me and soon, I heard a snap. I opened my eyes and looked at my hands.

Oh, that was what the knife was for. Then what was the cup for?

"Here," he said, "drink." He pushed the cup in my hands and I saw that it was filled with water. "You will be let out soon. Now shut up." He walked out quickly, slamming the door behind him.


I looked at the water in the cup, it looked clean enough but I didn't care if it was clean or not. I gulped it down, savouring the feeling of it on my taste buds. Water was life after all. Now that I wasn't thinking about water again, I started to think about Stiles. How will I ever stay away from him? I couldn't. But I also didn't want to put my family in danger. I didn't want to ever bring my parents pain. They must be in pain now, worrying about me. I needed to get out of here, but it was easier said than done.


Third person

"Is it done?" Michael asked as he watched Shaggy coming out from the room Alex was held in.

"Yes boss. The pill works very fast. Give it two minutes and he should be out," Shaggy said, going to sit beside Mike who was lighting a cigarette.

"Good. When he is out you know what to do to him. Take my car. Come meet me at the usual place, I will be waiting." Without waiting for an answer, he turned around and walked away.



So, being the stubborn person that I am, I have decided to go see Simon. One of the nurses with really big breasts seemed interested in me and if I could just flirt with her and flex some muscles, maybe she would let me in. The street was really quiet. I had decided to go on foot, and now I was regretting it. The road to the hospital was long. I quickened my pace and looked at my watch. It was 10:43pm. Suddenly, a car drove by with speed, splashing rain water which was on the floor on my jean trousers. The stupid driver didn't even realize what he had done and kept on driving.

Bastard! I really should have taken my car.

As I neared the public library, I noticed two figures dressed in hoodie, carrying an object. They dropped the object by the roadside and rushed back to their car that was parked at the other side of the road. They got in quickly and drove away. It was then I realized that this must be the same car that passed me few minutes ago. Bastards!

Saint John hospital was just about a hundred feet from the library. As I approached the library, I noticed the object that was dropped beside the Library earlier, moved. Probably a rat, I thought. But as I got nearer, my eyes started to see things well. It wasn't an object of any sort, it was a human being.

Oh God, I really should have taken my car.

"Hello!" I called, walking towards it. "Are you alive?"

"Mmh!" Was all that came from the small figure on the floor.

I walked towards the person quickly and knelt down on the floor. "Okay, let me call—"

Alex? It was Alex.


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