Chapter 21 | Coming out

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Whatever was in the drink I was given was doing strange things to my body. Everything I saw was blur. I should have thought twice before accepting a drink from a kidnapper. I had felt my body being carried, it felt like I was floating in air. I was light as a feather, or so I thought. After some time, I felt my body being shoved somewhere. I wasn't sure where though, because I had dozed off.

Minutes later when I had awoken, everything was still blur and my body felt really heavy. I heard the voice of the strange accent man. "Let's just keep him here Shaggy, I am tired and Boss will be waiting for us." He said and let go of my foot, which landed on the ground.

"Alright." The Shaggy man said and lowered my upper body part down. As soon as my body touched the floor, they were gone, and then there was silence.

I tried to move my body but with the numbness all over, I couldn't do anything, so I just laid down there. Sooner or later, someone will pass by, see me and rescue me. I had no idea how long I had been lying down on the floor, before I heard footsteps approaching. It got closer and then, I felt a presence beside me. Finally, a saviour.


I know that voice.

"Alex, it's me, Damon."

Oh, Damon.

"...come on, it looks like you have been drugged. Why is everyone getting drugged?" I felt my body being lifted and the next thing I know was that Damon was carrying me in his arms. "Let's get you to the hospital and..." I zoned out at that moment.



Not only haven't I heard from Damon for hours, but my best friend was also missing. I still chose to believe that Alex had gone to see a friend and I was trying to ignore the fact that I was his only friend and that Alex wouldn't stay out so late. I didn't want to think of my best friend in pain, or being mishandled by rogues, so I tried so hard to assure myself that he was safe wherever he was.

Even though I felt better now, the doctor still thinks I should be kept here till tomorrow and my parents agreed with him. I wondered who was with the twins at home. Probably Annie, our neighbour.

"They will find him, okay? Nothing bad will happen," Sylvia said, looking at the ceiling as she laid on my bed, while I sat down on the couch which was at the far corner of the room.

"Yeah, it's just that—" Suddenly, someone burst into the room. "Damon?"

"Hey. I—"

"I thought you left. What are you doing here?" I was surprised to see him here by that time.

"It's Alex. I found him by the roadside near the public library. What is going on?"

"You found Alex? Where? Where is he now?" Without waiting for a reply, I ran out of the room with Sylvia and Damon behind me. "Where is he?"

"They took him to a room and gave him something to help remove the drug from his body."

"Remove what? Wait, drug? What is wrong with the world and drugging boys?"

"I would call Mum and Dad." Sylvia was about to phone our parents when they came running in, with Alex's parents behind.

"Where is my son?" She asked no one in particular.

"Damon was the one that brought him in, he found Alex by the road," Sylvia said.

"Hi, I am Damon. I was the one that called you."

"What can you tell us?" Mr Davis, Alex's father asked.

"He is sleeping. I brought him in earlier. He was dropped off by some dudes, I didn't get a good look at their face, maybe Alex can tell us more when he wakes up."

"Oh, who would want to kidnap baby? I am sure he hasn't offended anyone, so why would someone do something like that to him?" She burst into tears again and my mum went to her, putting her arms around her shoulder.

Alex's father walked towards Damon. "Thank you, son, for bringing my boy here safely. I am very grateful."

"No problem, sir. I should get going, it's late already." He announced and looked at me.

I walked over to him. "I will see you out—"

"No, Simon. You are staying right here. He can find his way out." My Dad said in a voice he rarely used.

"Dad? What's wrong—"

"It's okay, Simon. I can find my way out." He gave me a sad smile, and it was at that moment I did the most stupidest thing a human being could ever do—talk without thinking.

"I'm gay!"

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Simon, not now. We—" Damon started but I cut him short.

"I'm gay and Damon is my boyfriend."

"Oh Lord, my tummy, mrmmgh. I am just going to go to the toilet." Sylvia said and ran out of the room. I was wrong earlier, she is such a bad actor.

"We are going to go check on Alex." Sarah, Alex's mum, excused herself, dragging her husband with her. They went to go look for the room where Alex was kept, leaving just me, Damon and my parents.

"How long?"


"How long have the both of you been dating?" Dad asked again, raising his voice a bit.

"F...for a while now." The realization of what I had just done was settling in now. The expression on my dad's face was unreadable and my mum surprisingly didn't look bothered.

"Young man, I would like to talk with you privately. Follow me." Dad said to Damon without waiting for a reply from him, and he walked away. Damon looked at me unsure of what to do, before following my dad.

"Mum? I am sorry. I didn't—"

"You have nothing to be sorry for, honey." She pulled me into a hug. "I am just wondering why you didn't tell us earlier. I mean, I always suspected—"


"Well, yeah. When I started to see those hickeys around your neck everyday and suddenly Damon comes. Also, that day he left our house, I saw fresh love bites on—"

"Okay, okay, I get it now." I pressed my head against her shoulder, hiding my face. If she kept going on, I would die from embarrassment. "Do you think Dad hates me? Now that he knows my gender preference?"

"Oh please, your father can never hate you. I am sure he just wants to give Damon one of those fatherly talk. Come on, go get some rest," she said, pulling back from the hug.

"I want to talk to Damon. Why don't you go help Sylvia with her tummy problem?"

"Okay, take care, honey. Also, that girl sitting over there has been stealing glances at you." She said before walking away.

A girl? Stealing glances at me? This is the problem with life. When you need the girls, they throw Damon. Now that there is Damon, the girls choose to pay attention. Turning around to see the girl my mum was talking about, only to see Caroline staring at me with evil eyes.

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