Chapter 3 | Lying

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I stood in front of the door wondering what explanation to give to my maths teacher for coming late. My alarm rang at the right time but my brain chose to ignore it and go back to sleep, so, technically, it wasn't my fault, it was my brain's. Taking in a deep breath, I pushed the door open and stepped in, closing the door behind me. I raised my head and my eyes met the disappointed look on my maths teacher's face.

I wasn't the tardy student. Though my parents played around with us most of the time, they always made sure I took my education seriously. So, if I didn't get up on time, my mom would come to wake me. But she had left for work that day early and told my Dad to make sure I stood up at the right time. But my Dad was too tired and his alarm couldn't even wake him up.

"Good afternoon sir," I greeted with a nervous smile, turning to walk to my sit but he stopped me before I could even take a proper step. I hated attention. If there was a reason I always came early to class it was so I could avoid this. Mr. Andrew would question you like it was a court session and you were being prosecuted for being a murderer. I decided to play dumb. "Do you need something, sir? Anything I can get for you?

"Mr. Styles, mind telling me why you are five minutes late for my class?" The deep voice of my maths teacher, Mr. Andrew said sternly. "I thought this was something I made clear when I resumed with you all. I don't tolerate tardiness."

"Yes sir, you made that very clear." He did make it very clear, almost every class. The first day Mr. Andrew stepped his foot into our class, that was one of the first things he said. I disliked him at that time, but one day it got around that a senior was being mistreated by her stepfather and he had called the police to investigate this. Even days after it proved to just be a rumor, he still checked on her. It was really sweet and everyone had applauded him for his good work. But it wasn't that good-hearted man standing before me today, this was the teacher.

"So? Any good explanation?"

"Yes," I said quietly, avoiding his gaze and paying more attention to the board.

"Excuse me, I didn't catch what you said?" He said, his voice raising a tad bit.

God, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I've always seen people in situations like this and had always wondered what I would do if I ever found myself in situations like such. I had only one option though, to lie.

"Well, Mr. Andrew." I started gathering up the courage and staring at him in the eyes. "I was attacked."

He kept quiet looking at me like he wasn't sure he had heard right. "You were what?"

"I was attacked by a mad man on my way to school." That Was the best I could come up with. If he didn't believe me, I'll face my faith.

He let out a little gasp, placing his hands on his chest. "Oh my. Simon, are you okay? What happened?" He asked. The look of anger had disappeared from his face by now and was replaced with a look of concern. I felt so bad for lying to Mr. Andrew but I didn't want to be in detention.

"A policeman saw me being chased and came to the rescue. If that policeman wasn't there, I wondered what would have happened." My voice took that of a young boy in distress.

"Oh dear, how are you feeling? Wanna go back home?"

"No sir, I would manage." He then nodded and told me to go take a seat. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the only empty seat in the class and then my eyes jammed the familiar eyes that have been hunting me throughout the weekend. I avoided his eyes and sat down in my seat, which as fate would have it, was before Damon. I spotted Alex at the front and kept it in mind to apologize for leaving him. Suddenly, I felt a hot breath at my neck, sending a chill down my spine.

"Mad man eh!"

Who did I offend?


The rest of the class didn't go smoothly. I couldn't concentrate at all with Damon Parker behind me. I missed out on almost everything said in maths class. As soon as the bell rang, I bolted from my seat and ran out of the class. I didn't stop or look back till I reached Alex's locker. Luckily, Damon Parker didn't follow me. Minutes later, I saw Alex approaching, a small skip in his step. He didn't look mad like I had expected.

"Hey Alex," I said as he arrived and started putting his book in his locker, bringing out the book for the next class he was having.

"Hey Simon," Alex said, giving me his usual signature smile. "How are you doing?"

"Wait, you are not mad at me?" I asked as we started walking towards my locker so I could take my books. He didn't answer and continued walking, stopping at my locker. "Alex?"

"Stiles kissed me!" He blurted out quickly and then I noticed that he was already blushing, his cheeks turned a pinkish hue and his ears were red. "Stiles kissed me," He repeated.

"What?" I shouted, causing some students nearby to look at us curiously.

"Keep quiet," Alex shushed me quickly and then looked around. I waited till everyone had faced their business.

"Ok, we have class now, but you're telling me everything during the break." Alex nodded and we walked to our next class, which was Biology.


It's been five minutes since Alex said he had to go to the bathroom. Just when I was about to go look for him thinking he was in danger, he entered the cafeteria walking slowly till he reached my side and sat down. I was about to tease him about spending too much time in the bathroom but it was then I noticed the dried tear mark on his face

He looked really happy earlier and could barely walk properly due to excitement, but now this Alex was a shadow of his former self. He moved closer to his friend, but Alex quickly buried his head on the desk. I followed, a strong sense of protection rising. I hated seeing his best friend like this. Alex was such a sweetheart, the nicest person I know, he didn't deserve this. "Alex, what happened? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" I asked softly.

"I don't wanna talk about it," he said quietly, rubbing his eyes, his lips trembling. I moved closer to him, putting his arm around his shoulder.

"What happened, Alex? Tell me, did someone hurt you?" He nodded. "Who was it, did they touch you?" He shook his head. "Alex please tell me who hurt you?"

"Stiles Evans." He sniffed. "I was coming back from the restroom when I ran into Stiles. Before I could utter a word, he dragged him inside an empty classroom. He then said...he said that last Friday when we kissed was a mistake and I took advantage of him being drunk. He then threatened me not to tell anyone about the kiss and that I am a useless faggot." Alex said and ended his talk in tears again. I brought him closer for a hug.

"You're not useless and you would never take advantage of someone. Don't let his words get to you okay? One day, he would regret everything he is done. And as for who you are? You are my best friend. The smartest boy in the whole of Adams High. The only one who can eat a meal meant for ten people and still manage to keep in shape, the only boy who looks hot in those big glasses that always rest on your nose—"

"Hey!" Alex cut in, chuckling. "They are not that big." He scrunched his nose and turned his face away, feigning annoyance.

"Awww, the only thing you just managed to do was to look ten times cuter," I said poking his cheeks.

"Hey, I am not cute. I'm hot and sexy." He said, flipping his hair like a girl.

"Yes, you are, but you're still cute."

"Fine, I'm cute. Hey Simon, guess who has been staring at you since we stepped in here?"

"Who?" I asked in curiosity. If I had an admirer, I wanna know who it was. It wasn't every day I was being checked out. Hopefully, it was someone with big boobs-

"Damon Parker." Immediately those words left his lips, I whipped my head around to indeed see Damon Parker staring at me. Once I looked at him, I couldn't move my eyes away. Lord, did this boy put a charm on me or what? Suddenly, two fingers snapped in front of me. I turned and saw Alex staring at me in confusion.

"I know something when I see something but right now, I don't really understand this 'something' I know. So explain to me." It took me five seconds to figure out what he just said. I was glad Alex had already moved on from what Stiles said to him, but I didn't know how to reply to his question. How do I tell my best friend that I kissed a guy and may have had sex with him but I wasn't gay?

"Hesavedmethenwekissedandmadeout," I said quickly and hoped he wouldn't ask me to repeat.

"What? He saved you and then kissed you and you guys made out?" Alex asked in an unbelievable tone, his eyes wide open like saucers, his eyeballs looked like they were about to pop out.

"How the hell did you get any of that?" I asked in disbelief. For a moment, I was considering signing up for a speed debate. I thought he would ask me to repeat, but instead, he heard what I said. Alex just kept on amazing me.

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I did, that wasn't really fast, but forget that. I want to hear the gist, explain Damon's situation. How is that even possible, I thought he is straight? He looks straight to me."

"Same here. But then..." I then told Alex everything that happened that Friday night, leaving out what happened the following morning. I couldn't tell him that I still stayed back for more.

"Woah! This is hard to take in. At least, your mission was successful?" Alex said and suddenly the bell rang, signaling that the break was over.

"What do you mean?" I asked an eyebrow raised as I packed the rest of my lunch. I barely even ate from it, just had an apple with some orange juice.

"Although in ways we never imagined, we both lost our virgin lips." He cringed. "OK, I'll rather say we both had our first kiss."

I nodded. "We did, didn't we? But me kissing Damon doesn't mean I am gay or anything. It was just uh...two boys messing around? Nothing attached." Alex just shook his head and we walked out together, I had the feeling someone was staring at me and yes, it was Damon but before he could put a spell on me, Alex dragged me out so we could head to the next class.


I walked home alone today because Alex's mum picked him up. They were going to visit an aunt, so they couldn't drop me off first. I walked slowly, kicking stones as I took each step. An engine roared beside me, gaining my attention. I didn't hear it approaching because of the headphones I had on. I looked up to see Damon Parker sitting on the bike.

"Need a ride?" He waved to me, smiling like he was the nicest person in the world. Vivid images of that night flashed across my mind, he wasn't deceiving me with that look.

"No, thanks," I said quickly, avoiding his eyes. They were hypnotic items. It was crazy how much effect it seemed to have on me. I didn't know why, or how I should define it. It wasn't possible to go to bed thinking you were straight, and wake up gay? It didn't help that even though I avoided him here in the real world, he still found a way to visit my dreams.

"Come on, Simon. What are you so scared of?"

"You," I said absent-mindedly, only realizing what I said seconds later and I palmed my face mentally. "I didn't mean that-" I tried to say, but he was already speaking.

"Well, don't be. I would never hurt you." He said, leaning in.

"No, don't kiss me, Damon. I am not gay and you aren't allowed to just kiss me," I said, pushing him back, feeling the abs beneath the black shirt he wore. God, is this guy sexy or what? This was my body goal and I would have had it by now if I wasn't so lazy.

"I'm not gay too...that's a big lie if you couldn't read into the sarcasm," He said and leaned closer, trying to kiss me again.

"That's not funny and no, I won't let you kiss me. If you kiss me, I will bite your neck."

"Princess, if you want to give me a hickey, you can just ask. I would gladly tilt my neck to the side for you." He proceeded to do just that.

Did he just call me princess?

"Did you just call me princess? If you call me princess then you are—"

"What? Sexy? Handsome? I know that already, I see myself every day in the mirror. But I wouldn't mind you saying those words to me every day."

I couldn't help but laugh at his words, shaking my head I told him, "That isn't going to happen Damon. You are crazy and I have to go."

"Fine, I won't kiss you...yet. Now, come on, let me give you a ride home." He told me, getting on his bike. I had no other choice but to get behind him. I mean, he just said that he wasn't going to kiss me and I was tired of walking.

"Please be careful, I love my life," I whispered in his ears as I tightened my arms around him.

"Sure, but hold on tight, very tight." I had a feeling he just wanted to feel my arms on his chest and seriously, I didn't mind. When I was comfortable, he started his bike and sped off.

Damon drove like a crazy human, and I told him this when he dropped me at my house. "No, I didn't, you were just scared. That was the slowest I have ever gone and it's because of you." I didn't say anything, just got down. "Don't I get a little kiss for thank you?"

"No, and goodbye." I ran to my house, not looking back. I was grateful though and will thank him later, but not with the kiss he wanted.

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