Chapter 4 | Out my window

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"So, Simon, when are we going to meet her?" My mum asked while we sat down around our dining table, asides from the twins who were eating at the kiddies' table. They were to eat at the kiddies' table till they reached the age of six. Sylvia and I never had a kiddies' table when we were little, though we told the twins we did whenever they asked why they couldn't sit with us at the main dining.

"Meet who?" I said, turning my head to look at my mum. I wasn't really paying attention till I noticed one familiar look on her face.

Oh no!

It was that look of interrogation. Her head was tilted slightly to the left and the right eyebrow was raised, her lips in a crooked smile, that was her interrogation look. I turned to notice that my Dad and Sylvia had the same look on their faces too. It was kind of creepy honestly. I have told them several times how scary they all looked like that, but their stubborn selves wouldn't stop it.

"You know, the girl," Sylvia said, resting her cheeks on one hand. "Do I know her?'" She used a finger to brush back the single strand of her which she let out. "Tell us!" she snapped when she saw I wasn't going to talk.

"I'm used to your Banshee voice at the moment Sylvia."

She groaned rolling her eyes. "Come on, don't keep us waiting."

"I don't know who you are talking about. There is no 'girl'," I said, gulping and looking away to avoid their curious gaze. I played with the food on my plate like it was the most interesting thing in the world, but then she reached out and hit my hand with her fork.

"Don't play dumb, Simon. The girl who gave you all those hickeys I saw on your body the other day," Dad said, wiggling his eyebrows, which only made the situation weirder. "Remember I told you I wouldn't forget to ask."

"Those were not hickeys Dad. I was attacked by an octopus." They were quiet, waiting for me to go on...So, l went ahead and told them what they wanted to hear.

I told my parents about my adventure at the party but in reverse. In this reverse story, I was Damon and Damon was me but not the actual me, me in a girl's form. Of course, I left out the bedroom part. I didn't actually remember what really happened that night, and the funny thing was I wasn't that drunk that I wouldn't remember what happened the day before. "And that's what happened, nothing else. We uh...parted way the next day and I can't remember what she looks like."

Sylvia scoffed. "I find that hard to believe," she told my parents, ignoring the daggers I was shooting at her. "He is lying."

"Come on. Tell us, Simon, when are we going to meet her?" Mum asked again. I wondered how she would feel when I told her the 'her' was a 'he'.

I'm not gay, not even bisexual. I have never felt any attraction to any boy in my school. I was straight. At least that was what I thought before I met Damon. I don't know what I am anymore, some books which I have read would say I am Damonsexual, but I am not. I mean I don't even know.

"Fine, I'm lying. I do remember her." Sylvia snapped her fingers with a proud smile. "But, you see...we haven't really gotten into a relationship, so you can't meet her—yet."

"Well, when are you gonna ask her out? What are you waiting for? If you don't ask her out, know you might lose her to another dude forever," Sylvia said, while mum and dad nodded their heads as though Sylvia just said something wise. "There are many fishes in the seat, much tastier."

I rolled my eyes, going back to my food. "You say it as though she is my soulmate or the only woman I'll see ever meet. Well, I asked her out and she accepted. Are you guys happy now?"

"Yes, yes we are." They all chorused.

"I was being rhetoric," I said, shaking my head.


The next day at noon, I found myself sitting beside my elder sister. The twins dragged us to the sitting room so we could be their audience as they practiced for the talent hunt which would be held at their school on Monday. Though weeks ago they promised themselves that they wouldn't get involved, one of the girls who had registered had twisted her ankle while playing catch and she had to be replaced. Her name was Elena, the twins' best friend and they had stepped in for her.

"Aren't you guys too young to have talents?" Sylvia asked, yawning as she typed away at her phone.

"Hey!" Adrian snapped. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Sorry, I don't think well when I am tired." Sylvia apologized, rubbing her eyes.

"Don't mind Sylvia, guys. Talents don't require age. Wow us."

They stood in front of us in their comedian costumes, which was just Adrian in a simple suit and Adrianna in a princess dress.

"Hey, Adrian." Adrianna started in her tiny voice. "Why are fishes smart?"

"Because they travel in schools," Adrian replied, and everywhere went silent. Then, Adrianna turned towards us and whispered. "You're meant to laugh."


It was then Sylvia and I burst into laughter till Adrian clapped his hands, motioning for us to stop. "That was really funny," I added, but instead they glared at me, saying it was time to keep quiet.

"Adrianna, did you know what Eve gave as her reply when Adam asked if she loved him?"

"Who else?" Adrianna said and looked at us. Immediately, we started laughing till Adrian clapped his hands again and we stopped instantly.

"Adrian, where can you find a man-eating fish?"

"A seafood restaurant." Immediately Adrian replied, we burst into laughter.

"Well, what do you guys think? Will they laugh at our jokes?" Adrian asked and they looked at us hopefully.

"Of course, they will." I mean kids their age should find things like this funny, and the parents will laugh because they think it's adorable. "And if they don't, then they have no sense of humor," I assured them and Sylvia nodded in support. I could tell they didn't know what I meant by 'sense of humor' but were satisfied with what we said to support them.

I was interrupted by the familiar tune of my phone ringing. I picked it up to see who was calling and frowned when I saw the unknown number. I let it ring, it should be a wrong number, I thought. I stood up and began to walk upstairs to my bedroom. I entered soon, closing the door behind me. I walked lazily to my bed and laid down on it, sighing from the comfort of my bed. I was about to close my eyes and invite sleep when my phone rang again.

"Who the hell is this?" I picked up the phone to see who was calling and it was the same number as before. Sighing, I answered the call and placed the phone close to my ear. "Hello?" I answered.

"Have I ever told you how sexy your voice sounds, even when you're annoyed?" I didn't need to ask who was talking. Damon had become like an annoying fly, I saw him wherever I went or turned and now he had gotten my number.

"Damon?" I asked, sitting up. I knew it was him but I couldn't remember giving him my number.

"Yes, princess." He said, then I heard him yawn over the phone, making my breath quicken. I can't believe the effect this dude has over me. It was crazy to think just his voice could have me shivering. I didn't think he was normal and I still found myself questioning if he was human. He must have a spell on me, that night at his house, that was probably when the action was done. He was a wizard, even his eyes agreed with my suspicions.

" did you get my number?" I inquired. He had asked me earlier, but I refused.

"I got it from your friend with the glasses." How was that even possible, Alex was still at his aunt's house. He must have collected it while we were still in school- "Now, come out of your house," he said interrupting my thoughts.

"Alex gave you my number? Wow. And why should I come out of my house? I want to sleep, now shoo!" I told him, although sleep was the last thing my brain was thinking of or planning on doing right now, especially after this call.

"Well, I wanted to come up your front door and knock, but I thought you might not want me to meet your parents yet." As soon as the words left the phone, I jumped up and ran to the window. I pulled my curtains aside and looked out. There he was outside, in front of my house, looking handsome as usual. He looked up at me, his green eyes meeting mine.

"You promised me a date, princess," he said through the phone, sending me his signature smirk which always made my knees weak.

"Now? I was joking when I said that Damon. I didn't  mean it."

"I think you did." He winked at me, then started crossing the road to head to the front door.

"Wait!" I cried. "Stop, I'll come to meet you, just don't come up," I begged, ending the call immediately. I ran to the bathroom to freshen up, promising myself not to kill Damon when I met him.

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